Exemplo n.º 1
def test_symbolic_twoport():
    circuit.default_toolkit = symbolic
    cir = SubCircuit()

    k = symbolic.kboltzmann
    var('R1 R0 C1 w T', real=True, positive=True)
    s = 1j*w

    cir['R0'] = R(1, gnd, r=R0)
    cir['R1'] = R(1, 2, r=R1)
#    cir['C1'] = C(2, gnd, c=C1)

    ## Add an AC source to verify that the source will not affect results
#    cir['IS'] = IS(1, gnd, iac=1) 

    ## Run symbolic 2-port analysis
    twoport_ana = TwoPortAnalysis(cir, Node('1'), gnd, Node('2'), gnd,
                                  noise = True, toolkit=symbolic,
                                  noise_outquantity = 'v')
    result = twoport_ana.solve(freqs=s, complexfreq=True)
    ABCD = Matrix(result['twoport'].A)

    assert_array_equal(ABCD, np.array([[1 + 0*R1*C1*s, R1],
                                    [(1 + 0*R0*C1*s + 0*R1*C1*s) / R0,  (R0 + R1)/R0]]))

    assert_array_equal(simplify(result['Sin'] - (4*k*T/R0 + 4*R1*k*T/R0**2)), 0)
    assert_array_equal(simplify(result['Svn']), 4*k*T*R1)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_symbolic_twoport():
    circuit.default_toolkit = symbolic
    cir = SubCircuit()

    var('R1 R0 C1 w k T', real=True, positive=True)
    s = 1j*w

    cir['R0'] = R(1, gnd, r=R0)
    cir['R1'] = R(1, 2, r=R1)
#    cir['C1'] = C(2, gnd, c=C1)

    ## Add an AC source to verify that the source will not affect results
#    cir['IS'] = IS(1, gnd, iac=1) 

    ## Run symbolic 2-port analysis
    twoport_ana = TwoPortAnalysis(cir, Node('1'), gnd, Node('2'), gnd,
                                  noise = True, toolkit=symbolic,
                                  noise_outquantity = 'v')
    result = twoport_ana.solve(freqs=s, complexfreq=True)

    ABCD = Matrix(result['twoport'].A)

    assert_array_equal(ABCD, np.array([[1 + 0*R1*C1*s, R1],
                                    [(1 + 0*R0*C1*s + 0*R1*C1*s) / R0,  (R0 + R1)/R0]]))

    assert_array_equal(simplify(result['Sin'] - (4*k*T/R0 + 4*R1*k*T/R0**2)), 0)
    assert_array_equal(simplify(result['Svn']), 4*k*T*R1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_twoportanalysis_sparam():
    ana = TwoPortAnalysis(cir, nin, gnd, nout, gnd, method = 'sparam')
    ana.epar.T = T

    result = ana.solve(freqs = 0)

    assert isinstance(result['twoport'], NPortS)
    assert_array_almost_equal(result['twoport'].A.astype(float), Aref)

                              CAref, decimal=25)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_twoportanalysis_sparam():
    ana = TwoPortAnalysis(cir, nin, gnd, nout, gnd, method = 'sparam')
    ana.epar.T = T

    result = ana.solve(freqs = 0)

    assert isinstance(result['twoport'], NPortS)
    assert_array_almost_equal(result['twoport'].A.astype(float), Aref)

                              CAref, decimal=25)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_noise2():
    cir = SubCircuit(toolkit=symbolic)

    var('R1 R2 w k T', real=True, positive=True)

    cir['Rp'] = R(1, gnd, r=R1 / 2, toolkit=symbolic)
    cir['Rn'] = R(2, gnd, r=R1 / 2, toolkit=symbolic)

    twoport_ana = TwoPortAnalysis(
        cir, 1, 2, 2, 1, noise=True, toolkit=symbolic, noise_outquantity='v')
    result = twoport_ana.solve(freqs=1j * w, complexfreq=True)

    assert_equal(result['Sin'], 4 * k * T / R1)
    assert_equal(result['Svn'], 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_noise2():
    cir = SubCircuit(toolkit=symbolic)

    var('R1 R2 w k T', real=True, positive=True)

    cir['Rp'] = R(1, gnd, r=R1/2, toolkit=symbolic)
    cir['Rn'] = R(2, gnd, r=R1/2, toolkit=symbolic)
    twoport_ana = TwoPortAnalysis(cir, 1,2, 2, 1,
                                  noise = True, toolkit=symbolic,
                                  noise_outquantity = 'v')
    result = twoport_ana.solve(freqs=1j*w, complexfreq=True)

    assert_equal(result['Sin'], 4*k*T/R1)
    assert_equal(result['Svn'], 0)