Exemplo n.º 1
    def _test_single_endpoint(self):
        Tests a single Facebook Ads endpoint, params are set as class attrs in order to play nice with caliendo

        :param FacebookModel model: The model returned by this endpoint
        :param str connection: The name of the connection, if we are testing one.

        model_name = None
        this_model_ids = []
        pyfb = PyFacebook(app_id=self.app_id, app_secret=self.app_secret, token_text=self.test_token_text)
        test_method = getattr(pyfb, self.HTTP_METHOD.lower())
        results = test_method(model=self.MODEL, id=self.ID, connection=self.CONNECTION, return_json=self.RETURN_JSON, **self.KWARGS)

        if self.RETURN_JSON and not isinstance(results['data'][0], dict):
            results['data'] = json_to_objects(results['data'], self.MODEL)
            first_obj = first_item(results['data'])
            if first_obj and hasattr(first_obj, 'id'):
                model_name = type(first_obj).__name__
                this_model_ids = [first_obj.id]
            results = first_obj
        if hasattr(results, 'to_json'):
            results = results.to_json(return_dict=True)
        return results, (model_name, this_model_ids)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _test_single_endpoint(self):
        Tests a single Facebook Ads endpoint, params are set as class attrs in order to play nice with caliendo

        :param FacebookModel model: The model returned by this endpoint
        :param str connection: The name of the connection, if we are testing one.

        model_name = None
        this_model_ids = []
        pyfb = PyFacebook(app_id=self.app_id,
        test_method = getattr(pyfb, self.HTTP_METHOD.lower())
        results = test_method(model=self.MODEL,

        if self.RETURN_JSON and not isinstance(results['data'][0], dict):
            results['data'] = json_to_objects(results['data'], self.MODEL)
            first_obj = first_item(results['data'])
            if first_obj and hasattr(first_obj, 'id'):
                model_name = type(first_obj).__name__
                this_model_ids = [first_obj.id]
            results = first_obj
        if hasattr(results, 'to_json'):
            results = results.to_json(return_dict=True)
        return results, (model_name, this_model_ids)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call_endpoint(self, model, id, connection, http_method, params,
        Creates a properly-formatted Facebook Graph API endpoint from id and connection parameters.
        Performs an endpoint call and returns the result.

        :param tinymodel.TinyModel model: The class associated with the objects we're getting.
        :param str id: The id of the parent object
        :param str connection: The name of connection to call
        :param str http_method: The type of call to make
        :param dict params: The params to send in the call
        :param bool return_json: If True, the call returns a dict instead of TinyModel objects

        endpoint = str(id or model.endpoint or model.__name__.lower())

        if connection:
            endpoint += ('/' + connection)

        fb_response = self.call_graph_api(endpoint=endpoint,
        if not return_json:
            fb_response['data'] = json_to_objects(fb_response['data'], model)

        return fb_response
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call_endpoint(self, model, id, connection, http_method, params, return_json):
        Creates a properly-formatted Facebook Graph API endpoint from id and connection parameters.
        Performs an endpoint call and returns the result.

        :param tinymodel.TinyModel model: The class associated with the objects we're getting.
        :param str id: The id of the parent object
        :param str connection: The name of connection to call
        :param str http_method: The type of call to make
        :param dict params: The params to send in the call
        :param bool return_json: If True, the call returns a dict instead of TinyModel objects

        endpoint = str(id or model.endpoint or model.__name__.lower())

        if connection:
            endpoint += ('/' + connection)

        fb_response = self.call_graph_api(endpoint=endpoint, http_method=http_method, params=params)
        if not return_json:
            fb_response['data'] = json_to_objects(fb_response['data'], model)

        return fb_response