Exemplo n.º 1
def get_mask(samples, backgrounds=None, xoff=None, yoff=None, cfg=None):
    """ Returns a thresholded mask where an imaged object is suspected to be.
    It could be useful in high contrast images where object borders are
    sufficiently well determined.

        samples: the acquired samples as a dictionary with angles as keys.
        backgrounds: the acquired background as a dictionary with angles as
                     keys. They must be acquired right after or before taking
                     the samples.
        xoff: offset in the 'x' direction of this sample's center.
        yoff: offset in the 'y' direction of this sample's center.
        cfg: configuration (named tuple)
        (ndarray) mask containing the object to be reconstructed.
    corr_ims = list()
    iterator = fpmm.set_iterator(cfg)
    for index, theta, shift in iterator:
        image = samples[(theta, shift)]
        image = fpmm.crop_image(image, cfg.patch_size, xoff, yoff)
        # image, image_size = image_rescaling(image, cfg)
        background = backgrounds[(theta, shift)]
        background = fpmm.crop_image(background, cfg.patch_size, xoff, yoff)
        # background, image_size = image_rescaling(background, cfg)
        corr_ims.append(image_correction(image, background, mode='background'))
    mask = np.mean(corr_ims, axis=0)
    thres = 140 # hardcoded
    mask[mask < thres] = 1
    mask[mask > thres] = 0
    # print(Et[np.abs(Et) > .1])
    return mask
Exemplo n.º 2
def initialize(hrsize=None,
    """ Initializes the algorithm using one of various modalities.

        samples: the acquired samples as a dictionary with angles as keys.
        backgrounds: the acquired background as a dictionary with angles as
                     keys. They must be acquired right after or before taking
                     the samples.
        xoff: offset in the 'x' direction of this sample's center.
        yoff: offset in the 'y' direction of this sample's center.
        cfg: configuration (named tuple)
        mode: the modality according to which the algorithm is going to be
        initilized. Can be one of the following options:
            * zero: constant phase and zero amplitude.
            * transmission: the transmitted image at (0, 0) angles.
            * mean: takes all the samples and substracts the (measured)
                    backround. Then takes the mean of all of them.

        (ndarray) a complex image with the same size of the samples.
    # image = fpmm.crop_image(samples[(0, 0)], cfg.patch_size, xoff, yoff)
    # image, image_size = image_rescaling(image, cfg)
    if mode == 'zero':
        Ih_sq = 0.5 * np.ones(hrsize)  # Homogeneous amplitude
        Ph = np.zeros(hrsize)  # and null phase
        Et = Ih_sq * np.exp(1j * Ph)
    elif mode == 'transmission':
        background = fpmm.crop_image(backgrounds[(0, 0)], cfg.patch_size, xoff,
        background, image_size = image_rescaling(background, cfg)
        image = image_correction(image, background, mode='background')
        Ih_sq = np.sqrt(image)
        Ph = np.zeros_like(Ih_sq)  # and null phase
        Et = Ih_sq * np.exp(1j * Ph)
    elif mode == 'mean':
        corr_ims = list()
        iterator = fpmm.set_iterator(cfg)
        for index, theta, shift in iterator:
            # Final step: squared inverse fft for visualization
            image = fpmm.crop_image(samples[(theta, shift)], cfg.patch_size,
                                    xoff, yoff)
            background = fpmm.crop_image(backgrounds[(theta, shift)],
                                         cfg.patch_size, xoff, yoff)
            image, image_size = image_rescaling(image, cfg)
            background, image_size = image_rescaling(background, cfg)
                image_correction(image, background, mode='background'))
        Ih = np.mean(corr_ims, axis=0)
        # Ph = 0.5+np.pi*np.abs(Et)/np.max(Et)
        Et = np.sqrt(Ih) * np.exp(1j * 0)
    return Et
Exemplo n.º 3
# from pyfpm.data import json_savemeta, json_loadmeta
import pyfpm.data as dt
from pyfpm.coordinates import PlatformCoordinates
from pyfpm import implot
import pyfpm.local as local
# Simulation parameters
CONFIG_FILE = './etc/config.yaml'
cfg = dt.load_config(CONFIG_FILE)
simclient = local.SimClient(cfg=cfg)
pc = PlatformCoordinates(theta=0, phi=0, height=cfg.sample_height, cfg=cfg)

in_file = os.path.join(cfg.output_sample, '2017-04-12_182910.npy')
ss_dict = np.load(cfg.output_sample+'2017-04-12_182910ss_dict.npy')[()]
power_dict = np.load(cfg.output_sample+'2017-04-12_182910power_dict.npy')[()]

iterator = fpm.set_iterator(cfg)

image_dict = np.load(in_file)[()]
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(25, 15))
cum_diff = 0

for index, theta, phi in iterator:
    # Coordinates math
    # time.sleep(0.5)
    pc.heigth = 88
    pc.platform_tilt = [0, 2]
    pc.source_center = [0, 2] #[xcoord, ycoord] of the calibrated center
    pc.set_coordinates(theta=theta, phi=phi, units='degrees')
    t_corr, p_corr = pc.source_coordinates(mode='angular')
Exemplo n.º 4
from pyfpm import web
from pyfpm.reconstruct import fpm_reconstruct
from pyfpm.fpmmath import set_iterator
from pyfpm.data import save_yaml_metadata
import pyfpm.data as dt
from pyfpm.coordinates import PlatformCoordinates

# Simulation parameters
cfg = dt.load_config()
samples, comp_cfg = dt.open_sampled('2017-05-26_152307.npy')
background, comp_cfg = dt.open_sampled('2017-05-26_145449_blank.npy')

# Connect to a web client running serve_microscope.py
pc = PlatformCoordinates(theta=0, phi=0, height=cfg.sample_height, cfg=cfg)
iterator = set_iterator(cfg)

# reconstruction
dx = cfg.patch_size[0]
x_range = range(0, cfg.video_size[1], dx)[:-1]
y_range = range(0, cfg.video_size[0], dx)[:-1]
# for i, point in enumerate(it.product(x_range, y_range)):
#     init_point = [point[0], point[1]]
#     rec, phase = fpm_reconstruct(samples, background, iterator, init_point,
#                           cfg=cfg, debug=False)
#     misc.imsave('./misc/ph'+str(i)+'.png', phase)
#     misc.imsave('./misc/im'+str(i)+'.png', rec)
rec, phase = fpm_reconstruct(samples, background, iterator, [90, 80],
                            cfg=comp_cfg, debug=True)