Exemplo n.º 1
    def discrete(self, points, fraction=None):
        '''Compute the C{forward, discrete Fréchet} distance.

           @param points: Second set of points (C{LatLon}[], C{Numpy2LatLon}[],
                          C{Tuple2LatLon}[] or C{other}[]).
           @keyword fraction: Index fraction (C{float} in L{EPS}..L{EPS1}) to
                              interpolate intermediate B{C{points}} or C{None}
                              or C{1} for no intermediate B{C{points}} and no
                              I{fractional} indices.

           @return: A L{Frechet6Tuple}C{(fd, fi1, fi2, r, n, units)}.

           @raise FrechetError: Insufficient number of B{C{points}} or
                                invalid B{C{fraction}}.

           @raise RecursionError: Recursion depth exceeded, see U{sys.getrecursionlimit()
        n2, ps2 = _points2(points, closed=False, Error=FrechetError)

        f2 = _fraction(fraction, n2)
        p2 = self.points_fraction if f2 < EPS1 else self.points_  # PYCHOK expected

        f1 = self.fraction
        p1 = self.points_fraction if f1 < EPS1 else self.points_  # PYCHOK expected

        def dF(fi1, fi2):
            return self.distance(p1(self._ps1, fi1), p2(ps2, fi2))

        return _frechet_(self._n1, f1, n2, f2, dF, self.units)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, points, fraction=None, name='', units='', **wrap_adjust):
        '''New C{Frechet...} calculator/interpolator.

           @arg points: First set of points (C{LatLon}[], L{Numpy2LatLon}[],
                        L{Tuple2LatLon}[] or C{other}[]).
           @kwarg fraction: Index fraction (C{float} in L{EPS}..L{EPS1}) to
                            interpolate intermediate B{C{points}} or use
                            C{None}, C{0} or C{1} for no intermediate
                            B{C{points}} and no I{fractional} indices.
           @kwarg name: Optional calculator/interpolator name (C{str}).
           @kwarg units: Optional distance units (C{str}).
           @kwarg wrap_adjust: Optionally, C{wrap} and unroll longitudes, iff
                               applicable (C{bool}) and C{adjust} wrapped,
                               unrolled longitudinal delta by the cosine
                               of the mean latitude, iff applicable.

           @raise FrechetError: Insufficient number of B{C{points}} or
                                invalid B{C{fraction}} or B{{wrap}} or
                                B{C{ajust}} not applicable.

        self._n1, self._ps1 = _points2(points, closed=False, Error=FrechetError)
        if fraction:
            self.fraction = fraction
        if name:
            self.name = name
        if units and not self.units:
            self.units = units
        if wrap_adjust:
            _bkwds(self, Error=FrechetError, **wrap_adjust)
Exemplo n.º 3
def frechet_(points1, points2, distance=None, units=''):
    '''Compute the I{discrete} U{Fréchet<https://WikiPedia.org/wiki/Frechet_distance>}
       distance between two paths given as sets of points.

       @param points1: First set of points (C{LatLon}[], C{Numpy2LatLon}[],
                       C{Tuple2LatLon}[] or C{other}[]).
       @param points2: Second set of points (C{LatLon}[], C{Numpy2LatLon}[],
                       C{Tuple2LatLon}[] or C{other}[]).
       @keyword distance: Callable returning the distance between a B{C{points1}}
                          and a B{C{points2}} point (signature C{(point1, point2)}).
       @keyword units: Optional, name of the distance units (C{str}).

       @return: A L{Frechet6Tuple}C{(fd, fi1, fi2, r, n, units)} where C{fi1} and
                C{fi2} are type C{int} indices into B{C{points1}} respectively

       @raise FrechetError: Insufficient number of B{C{points1}} or B{C{points2}}.

       @raise RecursionError: Recursion depth exceeded, see U{sys.getrecursionlimit()

       @raise TypeError: If B{C{distance}} is not a callable.

       @note: Keyword C{fraction}, intermediate B{C{points1}} and B{C{points2}}
              and I{fractional} indices are I{not} supported in this L{frechet_}
    if not callable(distance):
        raise _IsNotError(callable.__name__, distance=distance)

    n1, ps1 = _points2(points1, closed=False, Error=FrechetError)
    n2, ps2 = _points2(points2, closed=False, Error=FrechetError)

    def dF(i1, i2):
        return distance(ps1[i1], ps2[i2])

    return _frechet_(n1, 1, n2, 1, dF, units)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, points, fraction=None, name='', units=''):
        '''New L{Frechet} calculator/interpolator.

           @param points: First set of points (C{LatLon}[], C{Numpy2LatLon}[],
                          C{Tuple2LatLon}[] or C{other}[]).
           @keyword fraction: Index fraction (C{float} in L{EPS}..L{EPS1}) to
                              interpolate intermediate B{C{points}} or C{None}
                              or C{1} for no intermediate B{C{points}} and no
                              I{fractional} indices.
           @keyword name: Optional calculator/interpolator name (C{str}).
           @keyword units: Optional, distance units (C{str}).

           @raise FrechetError: Insufficient number of B{C{points}} or
                                invalid B{C{fraction}}.
        self._n1, self._ps1 = _points2(points, closed=False, Error=FrechetError)
        if fraction:
            self.fraction = fraction
        if name:
            self.name = name
        if units:
            self.units = units
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _points2(self, points):
     '''(INTERNAL) Check a set of points.
     return _points2(points, closed=False, Error=FrechetError)