Exemplo n.º 1
def test_build_git_scm(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    job_name = "test_build_git_scm"
    jb = jk.create_job(job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        expected_url = "https://github.com/TheFriendlyCoder/pyjen.git"
        test_scm = GitSCM.create(expected_url)
        jb.scm = test_scm

        async_assert(lambda: isinstance(jb.scm, GitSCM))

        # If the Git SCM was set up correctly, the job should check out the
        # source code for pyjen into the workspace when building. That being
        # the case there should be a setup.py script in the root folder. We
        # can therefore check to see if the SCM operation completed successfully
        # by looking for that file and setting a non-zero error code as part
        # of a shell builder operation
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create("[ -f setup.py ]")

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(job_name).builders)

        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_good_build or jb.last_failed_build)

        assert jb.last_good_build is not None
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_build_blocker_functionality(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    job_name1 = "test_build_blocker_functionality1"
    jb1 = jk.create_job(job_name1, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb1):
        job_name2 = "test_build_blocker_functionality2"
        jb2 = jk.create_job(job_name2, FreestyleJob)
        with clean_job(jb2):
            expected_jobs = job_name2
            build_blocker = BuildBlockerProperty.create(expected_jobs)
            jb1.quiet_period = 0

            # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
            # copy of the config.xml for the job
            async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(job_name1).properties)

            build_step = ShellBuilder.create("sleep 10")
            jb2.quiet_period = 0
            async_assert(lambda: jb2.builders)
            queue2 = jb2.start_build()

            async_assert(lambda: not queue2.waiting)

            queue1 = jb1.start_build()
            assert job_name2 in queue1.reason

            assert queue1.waiting is False
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_never_run_condition(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    expected_job_name = "test_never_run_condition"
    jb = jk.create_job(expected_job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        expected_output = "Here is my sample output..."
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create("echo " + expected_output)
        condition = NeverRun.create()
        conditional_builder = ConditionalBuilder.create(condition, shell_builder)

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders)

        builders = jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders

        # Make sure the builder was correctly configured
        assert builders[0].condition is not None
        assert isinstance(builders[0].condition, NeverRun)
        assert builders[0].condition.get_friendly_name() == "never"

        # Finally, just to be sure our build actually did something relevant
        # we make sure the output from our shell command appears in the
        # build output for a build (ie: to ensure the conditional build step
        # actually ran)
        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_build)

        assert expected_output not in jb.last_build.console_output
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_add_conditional_builder(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    expected_job_name = "test_add_conditional_builder"
    jb = jk.create_job(expected_job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        expected_output = "Here is my sample output..."
        expected_cmd = "echo " + expected_output
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create(expected_cmd)
        condition = AlwaysRun.create()
        conditional_builder = ConditionalBuilder.create(condition, shell_builder)

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders)

        builders = jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders

        # Make sure the builder was successfully added and it's response
        # data can be parsed correctly
        assert isinstance(builders, list)
        assert len(builders) == 1
        assert isinstance(builders[0], ConditionalBuilder)
        assert builders[0].builder is not None
        assert isinstance(builders[0].builder, ShellBuilder)
        assert builders[0].builder.script == expected_cmd
        assert_elements_equal(builders[0].builder.node, shell_builder.node)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_always_run_condition(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    expected_job_name = "test_always_run_condition"
    jb = jk.create_job(expected_job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        expected_output = "Here is my sample output..."
        expected_cmd = "echo " + expected_output
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create(expected_cmd)
        condition = AlwaysRun.create()
        conditional_builder = ConditionalBuilder.create(condition, shell_builder)

        # Wait until our job config has been applied successfully
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders)

        # Make sure the condition is loaded correctly
        builders = jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders
        assert isinstance(builders[0].condition, AlwaysRun)
        assert  builders[0].condition.get_friendly_name() == "always"

        # Run a build and make sure the build operation actually executed
        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_build)

        assert expected_output in jb.last_build.console_output
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_artifacts_archived(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    job_name = "test_artifacts_archived_job"
    jb = jk.create_job(job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        publisher = ArtifactArchiverPublisher.create("*.txt")

        # Wait until our publisher config get's applied
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(job_name).publishers)

        expected_file = "test_artifacts_archived_job.txt"
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create("echo hello > " + expected_file)

        # Wait until our builder get's applied
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(job_name).builders)

        # Next, trigger a build
        async_assert(lambda: len(jb.all_builds) == 1)

        # finally, make sure the list or archived artifacts looks correct
        bld = jb.all_builds[0]
        results = bld.artifact_urls

        assert isinstance(results, list)
        assert len(results) == 1
        assert expected_file in results[0]
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_add_then_edit_unstable_return_code(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    job_name = "test_add_then_edit_unstable_return_code"
    jb = jk.create_job(job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        rcode = 12
        failing_step = ShellBuilder.create("exit " + str(rcode))
        failing_step.unstable_return_code = 1

        # Edit the build step using the original failed_step object -
        # these changes should still get applied to the job the step is
        # associated with
        failing_step.unstable_return_code = rcode

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(job_name).builders)
        jb2 = jk.find_job(job_name)

        # run a build to see if the changes were auto applied
        async_assert(lambda: jb2.last_build)
        bld = jb2.last_build

        # Because of our changes to the configuration, the returned error code
        # should have resulted in an unstable build instead of a failed build
        assert bld.result == "UNSTABLE"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_clone_job(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    jb = jk.create_job("test_clone_job", FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        # add a builder to our source job so we can check to make sure the
        # configuration has been properly cloned
        expected_script = "echo Hello From TestCloneJob"
        failing_step = ShellBuilder.create(expected_script)
        async_assert(lambda: jb.builders)

        # now, clone our job configuration and make sure the entire config
        # has been cloned correctly
        expected_name = "test_clone_job2"
        jb_clone = jb.clone(expected_name)
        with clean_job(jb_clone):
            assert jb_clone is not None
            assert jb_clone.name == expected_name
            assert jb_clone.is_disabled
            results = jb_clone.builders
            assert results is not None
            assert isinstance(results, list)
            assert len(results) == 1
            assert isinstance(results[0], ShellBuilder)
            assert results[0].script == expected_script
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_wait_for_idle(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    node = jk.nodes[0]
    expected_job_name = "test_wait_for_idle_job"
    jb = jk.create_job(expected_job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create("sleep 2")

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders)

        # Trigger a build

        # The 'last_build' reference becomes available as soon as the previously
        # triggered build exits the queue and starts running. So we wait for the
        # last build to become valid before checking the node activity
        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_build)

        assert node.is_idle is False
        assert node.wait_for_idle()
        assert node.is_idle
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_quiet_period(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    jb = jk.create_job("test_quiet_period", FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        # first set our quiet period
        expected_duration = 10
        jb.quiet_period = expected_duration

        expected_output = "Testing my quiet period"
        failing_step = ShellBuilder.create("echo " + expected_output)
        async_assert(lambda: jb.builders)

        assert jb.quiet_period == expected_duration

        # Launch a build and time how long it takes to complete
        start = timeit.default_timer()
        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_build, expected_duration + 5)
        duration = timeit.default_timer() - start
        assert duration >= expected_duration

        bld = jb.last_build
        assert expected_output in bld.console_output
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_is_unstable(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    jb = jk.create_job("test_is_unstable_job", FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        rcode = 12
        failing_step = ShellBuilder.create("exit " + str(rcode))
        failing_step.unstable_return_code = rcode
        async_assert(lambda: jb.builders)

        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_unsuccessful_build)

        assert jb.is_unstable
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_get_last_failed_build(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    jb = jk.create_job("test_get_last_failed_build", FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        failing_step = ShellBuilder.create("exit -1")
        async_assert(lambda: jb.builders)

        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_build)
        bld = jb.last_failed_build

        assert bld is not None
        assert isinstance(bld, Build)
        assert bld.number == 1
        assert bld.result == "FAILURE"
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_console_text(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    expected_job_name = "test_console_text_job"
    jb = jk.create_job(expected_job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        expected_output = "Here is my sample output..."
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create("echo " + expected_output)

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders)

        # Trigger a build and wait for it to complete
        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_build)

        assert expected_output in jb.last_build.console_output
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_add_simple_shell_builder(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    job_name = "test_add_simple_shell_builder"
    jb = jk.create_job(job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        expected_script = "echo hello"
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create(expected_script)

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(job_name).builders)
        builders = jk.find_job(job_name).builders

        assert isinstance(builders, list)
        assert len(builders) == 1
        assert isinstance(builders[0], ShellBuilder)
        assert builders[0].script == expected_script
        assert builders[0].unstable_return_code is None
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_unstable_return_code(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    job_name = "test_unstable_return_code"
    jb = jk.create_job(job_name, FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        rcode = 12
        failing_step = ShellBuilder.create("exit " + str(rcode))
        failing_step.unstable_return_code = rcode
        async_assert(lambda: jb.builders)

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(job_name).builders)
        builders = jk.find_job(job_name).builders

        assert isinstance(builders, list)
        assert len(builders) == 1
        assert builders[0].unstable_return_code == rcode
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_get_last_unsuccessful_build(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"],
                 (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    jb = jk.create_job("test_get_last_unsuccessful_build", FreestyleJob)
    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        rcode = 12
        failing_step = ShellBuilder.create("exit " + str(rcode))
        failing_step.unstable_return_code = rcode
        async_assert(lambda: jb.builders)

        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_unsuccessful_build)
        bld = jb.last_unsuccessful_build

        assert bld is not None
        assert isinstance(bld, Build)
        assert bld.number == 1
        assert bld.result == "UNSTABLE"
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_abort(jenkins_env):
    jk = Jenkins(jenkins_env["url"], (jenkins_env["admin_user"], jenkins_env["admin_token"]))
    expected_job_name = "test_abort"
    jb = jk.create_job(expected_job_name, FreestyleJob)

    with clean_job(jb):
        jb.quiet_period = 0
        shell_builder = ShellBuilder.create("echo 'waiting for sleep' && sleep 40")

        # Get a fresh copy of our job to ensure we have an up to date
        # copy of the config.xml for the job
        async_assert(lambda: jk.find_job(expected_job_name).builders)

        # Trigger a build and wait for it to complete
        async_assert(lambda: jb.last_build)

        async_assert(lambda: "waiting for sleep" in jb.last_build.console_output)


        assert jb.last_build.is_building is False
        assert jb.last_build.result == "ABORTED"