Exemplo n.º 1
def organize_js(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER):
    parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
    parsed = parser.parse(js)  # js to esprima syntax tree
    # Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems:
    # parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict()
    translating_nodes.trans(parsed)  # syntax tree to python code
    return translating_nodes.root_scope
Exemplo n.º 2
def translate_js(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER, use_compilation_plan=False):
    """js has to be a javascript source code.
       returns equivalent python code."""
    if use_compilation_plan and not '//' in js and not '/*' in js:
        return translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=HEADER)
    parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
    parsed = parser.parse(js) # js to esprima syntax tree
    # Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems:
    # parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict()
    return HEADER + translating_nodes.trans(parsed)  # syntax tree to python code
Exemplo n.º 3
def translate_js(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER, use_compilation_plan=False):
    """js has to be a javascript source code.
       returns equivalent python code."""
    if use_compilation_plan and not '//' in js and not '/*' in js:
        return translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=HEADER)
    parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
    parsed = parser.parse(js) # js to esprima syntax tree
    # Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems:
    # parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict()
    return HEADER + translating_nodes.trans(parsed)  # syntax tree to python code
def translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER):
    """js has to be a javascript source code.
       returns equivalent python code.

       compile plans only work with the following restrictions:
       - only enabled for oneliner expressions
       - when there are comments in the js code string substitution is disabled
       - when there nested escaped quotes string substitution is disabled, so

       Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry'

       not cacheable:
       Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry' // some comment

       not cacheable:
       Q1 == 1 && name == 'o\'Reilly'

       not cacheable:
       Q1 == 1 && name /* some comment */ == 'o\'Reilly'

    match_increaser_str, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan = get_compilation_plan(

    cp_hash = hashlib.md5(compilation_plan.encode('utf-8')).digest()
        python_code = cache[cp_hash]['proto_python_code']
        parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
        parsed = parser.parse(compilation_plan)  # js to esprima syntax tree
        # Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems:
        # parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict()
        python_code = translating_nodes.trans(
            parsed)  # syntax tree to python code
        cache[cp_hash] = {
            'compilation_plan': compilation_plan,
            'proto_python_code': python_code,

    python_code = match_increaser_str.wrap_up(python_code)
    python_code = match_increaser_num.wrap_up(python_code)

    return HEADER + python_code
Exemplo n.º 5
def translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER):
    """js has to be a javascript source code.
       returns equivalent python code.

       compile plans only work with the following restrictions:
       - only enabled for oneliner expressions
       - when there are comments in the js code string substitution is disabled
       - when there nested escaped quotes string substitution is disabled, so

       Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry'

       not cacheable:
       Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry' // some comment

       not cacheable:
       Q1 == 1 && name == 'o\'Reilly'

       not cacheable:
       Q1 == 1 && name /* some comment */ == 'o\'Reilly'

    match_increaser_str, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan = get_compilation_plan(

    cp_hash = hashlib.md5(compilation_plan.encode('utf-8')).digest()
        python_code = cache[cp_hash]['proto_python_code']
        parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
        parsed = parser.parse(compilation_plan)  # js to esprima syntax tree
        # Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems:
        # parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict()
        python_code = translating_nodes.trans(
            parsed)  # syntax tree to python code
        cache[cp_hash] = {
            'compilation_plan': compilation_plan,
            'proto_python_code': python_code,

    python_code = match_increaser_str.wrap_up(python_code)
    python_code = match_increaser_num.wrap_up(python_code)

    return HEADER + python_code
Exemplo n.º 6
def pyjsparser_parse_fn(code):
    parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
    return parser.parse(code)