Exemplo n.º 1
    def read(self, file_or_filename):
        """ Parses a PSAT data file and returns a case object

            file_or_filename: File object or path to PSAT data file
            return: Case object
        self.file_or_filename = file_or_filename

        logger.info("Parsing PSAT case file [%s]." % file_or_filename)

        t0 = time.time()

        self.case = Case()

        # Name the case
        if isinstance(file_or_filename, basestring):
            name, _ = splitext(basename(file_or_filename))
            name, _ = splitext(file_or_filename.name)

        self.case.name = name

        bus_array = self._get_bus_array_construct()
        line_array = self._get_line_array_construct()
        # TODO: Lines.con - Alternative line data format
        slack_array = self._get_slack_array_construct()
        pv_array = self._get_pv_array_construct()
        pq_array = self._get_pq_array_construct()
        demand_array = self._get_demand_array_construct()
        supply_array = self._get_supply_array_construct()
        # TODO: Varname.bus (Bus names)

        # Pyparsing case:
        case = \
            ZeroOrMore(matlab_comment) + bus_array + \
            ZeroOrMore(matlab_comment) + line_array + \
            ZeroOrMore(matlab_comment) + slack_array + \
            ZeroOrMore(matlab_comment) + pv_array + \
            ZeroOrMore(matlab_comment) + pq_array + \
            ZeroOrMore(matlab_comment) + demand_array + \
            ZeroOrMore(matlab_comment) + supply_array


        elapsed = time.time() - t0
        logger.info("PSAT case file parsed in %.3fs." % elapsed)

        return self.case
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_cp2k_warnings(file_name, package_warnings):
    Parse All the warnings found in an output file
    p = ZeroOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo("*** WARNING")) + SkipTo('\n\n'))

    # Return dict of Warnings
    messages = p.parseFile(file_name).asList()

    # Search for warnings that match the ones provided by the user
    warnings = {m: assign_warning(package_warnings, m) for m in messages}

    if not warnings:
        return None
        return warnings
Exemplo n.º 3
def parse_cp2k_warnings(file_name, package_warnings):
    Parse All the warnings found in an output file
    p = ZeroOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo("*** WARNING")) + SkipTo('\n\n'))

    # Return dict of Warnings
    messages = p.parseFile(file_name).asList()

    # Search for warnings that match the ones provided by the user
    warnings = {m: assign_warning(package_warnings, m) for m in messages}

    if not warnings:
        return None
        return warnings
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_cp2k_thermo(file_name: PathLike, quantity: Quantity = 'G',
                    unit: str = 'kcal/mol') -> float:
    """Return thermochemical properties as extracted from a CP2K .out file.

    Note that CP2K can under certain circumstances report entropies and, by extension,
    Gibbs free energies as :data:`~math.nan`.

    file_name : :class:`str`, :class:`bytes` or :class:`os.PathLike`
        A path-like object pointing to the CP2K .out file.

    quantity : :class:`str`
        The to-be returned quantity.
        Accepted values are ``"E"``, ``"ZPE"``, ``"H"``, ``"S"`` and ``"G"``.

    unit : :class:`str`
        The unit of the to-be returned *quantity*.
        See :class:`plams.Units<scm.plams.tools.units.Units>` for more details.

        A user-specified *quantity* expressed in *unit* as extracted from *file_name*.

    quantity = quantity.upper()
    if quantity not in QUANTITY_SET:
        raise ValueError(f"'quantity' has an invalid value ({quantity!r}); "
                         f"expected values: {tuple(QUANTITY_SET)!r}")

    parser = ZeroOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(" VIB|              Temperature ")) + SkipTo('\n\n\n\n'))

    energy = next(iter(parser.parseFile(file_name)))
    energy_iter = (i.rsplit(maxsplit=1) for i in energy.splitlines() if i)
    energy_dict = {QUANTITY_MAPPING.get(k): float(v) for k, v in energy_iter}

    energy_dict['H'] += energy_dict['E']
    energy_dict['ZPE'] += energy_dict['E']
    energy_dict['G'] = energy_dict['H'] - energy_dict['T'] * energy_dict['S']

    return energy_dict[quantity] * Units.conversion_ratio('kj/mol', unit)
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse(path):
    # Comments
    cmt = Suppress(Optional("," + CharsNotIn(",") + ","))

    # Graph characters and construction
    graphchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    graph = Word(graphchars)

    # Input and output text
    text = QuotedString("(", endQuoteChar=")", multiline=True)
    inout = Optional(text, None)

    # Command
    cmd = cmt + inout + cmt + graph + cmt + inout + cmt + graph + cmt
    cmd.setParseAction(lambda x, y, z: Command(*z))

    # Program
    prog = ZeroOrMore(cmd) + stringEnd
    prog.setParseAction(lambda x, y, z: Program(z))

    # Run parser
    return prog.parseFile(path)[0]
Exemplo n.º 6
def guess_language(string=None, filename=None):
    Attempt to guess the language

    Do this by parsing the comments at the top of the file for the

        # language: fr


    LANG_PARSER = ZeroOrMore(
        Suppress('#') + (
            ((Suppress(Keyword('language')) + Suppress(':') +
              Word(unicodePrintables)('language')) |

        if string:
            tokens = LANG_PARSER.parseString(string)
        elif filename:
            with open(filename, 'r', 'utf-8') as fp:
                tokens = LANG_PARSER.parseFile(fp)
            raise RuntimeError("Must pass string or filename")

        code = tokens.language

        if code != '':
            return languages.Language(code=code)

    except ParseException as e:
        # try English

    return languages.English()
    'datetime': 'time_point',
    'timestamp': 'time_point',
    'enum': 'text',  # MYSQL
    'set': 'text',  # MYSQL,
    'tinyint unsigned': 'tinyint_unsigned',  #MYSQL
    'smallint unsigned': 'smallint_unsigned',  #MYSQL
    'integer unsigned': 'integer_unsigned',  #MYSQL
    'int unsigned': 'integer_unsigned',  #MYSQL
    'bigint unsigned': 'bigint_unsigned',  #MYSQL

if failOnParse:
    ddl = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(createTable, False)) + createTable)
        tableCreations = ddl.parseFile(pathToDdl)
    except ParseException as e:
        print(parseError + '. Exiting [-no-fail-on-parse]')
    ddl = ZeroOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(createTable, False)) + createTable)
    tableCreations = ddl.parseFile(pathToDdl)

if warnOnParse:
    print(parseError + '. Continuing [-no-warn-on-parse]')

nsList = namespace.split('::')

def escape_if_reserved(name):
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, fragment_file, sdkconfig):
            fragment_file = open(fragment_file, "r")
        except TypeError:

        path = os.path.realpath(fragment_file.name)

        indent_stack = [1]

        class parse_ctx:
            fragment = None  # current fragment
            key = ""  # current key
            keys = list()  # list of keys parsed
            key_grammar = None  # current key grammar

            def reset():
                parse_ctx.fragment_instance = None
                parse_ctx.key = ""
                parse_ctx.keys = list()
                parse_ctx.key_grammar = None

        def fragment_type_parse_action(toks):
            parse_ctx.fragment = FRAGMENT_TYPES[
                toks[0]]()  # create instance of the fragment
            return None

        def expand_conditionals(toks, stmts):
                stmt = toks["value"]
            except KeyError:
                    conditions = toks["conditional"]
                    for condition in conditions:
                            _toks = condition[1]
                            _cond = condition[0]
                            if sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(_cond):
                                expand_conditionals(_toks, stmts)
                        except IndexError:
                            expand_conditionals(condition[0], stmts)
                except KeyError:
                    for tok in toks:
                        expand_conditionals(tok, stmts)

        def key_body_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
            stmts = list()
            expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)

            if parse_ctx.key_grammar.min and len(
                    stmts) < parse_ctx.key_grammar.min:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "fragment requires at least %d values for key '%s'" %
                    (parse_ctx.key_grammar.min, parse_ctx.key))

            if parse_ctx.key_grammar.max and len(
                    stmts) > parse_ctx.key_grammar.max:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "fragment requires at most %d values for key '%s'" %
                    (parse_ctx.key_grammar.max, parse_ctx.key))

                parse_ctx.fragment.set_key_value(parse_ctx.key, stmts)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "unable to add key '%s'; %s" % (parse_ctx.key, e.message))
            return None

        key = Word(alphanums + "_") + Suppress(":")
        key_stmt = Forward()

        condition_block = indentedBlock(key_stmt, indent_stack)
        key_stmts = OneOrMore(condition_block)
        key_body = Suppress(key) + key_stmts

        condition = originalTextFor(
        if_condition = Group(
            Suppress("if") + condition + Suppress(":") + condition_block)
        elif_condition = Group(
            Suppress("elif") + condition + Suppress(":") + condition_block)
        else_condition = Group(
            Suppress("else") + Suppress(":") + condition_block)
        conditional = (if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(elif_condition)) +

        def key_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
            key = toks[0]

            if key in parse_ctx.keys:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "duplicate key '%s' value definition" % parse_ctx.key)

            parse_ctx.key = key

                parse_ctx.key_grammar = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars(
                key_grammar = parse_ctx.key_grammar.grammar
            except KeyError:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc, "key '%s' is not supported by fragment" % key)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "unable to parse key '%s'; %s" % (key, e.message))

            key_stmt << (conditional
                         | Group(key_grammar).setResultsName("value"))

            return None

        def name_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
            parse_ctx.fragment.name = toks[0]


        ftype = Word(alphas).setParseAction(fragment_type_parse_action)
        fid = Suppress(":") + Word(alphanums + "_.").setResultsName("name")
        header = Suppress("[") + ftype + fid + Suppress("]")

        def fragment_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
            key_grammars = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars()
            required_keys = set(
                [k for (k, v) in key_grammars.items() if v.required])
            present_keys = required_keys.intersection(set(parse_ctx.keys))
            if present_keys != required_keys:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc, "required keys %s for fragment not found" %
                    list(required_keys - present_keys))
            return parse_ctx.fragment

        fragment_stmt = Forward()
        fragment_block = indentedBlock(fragment_stmt, indent_stack)

        fragment_if_condition = Group(
            Suppress("if") + condition + Suppress(":") + fragment_block)
        fragment_elif_condition = Group(
            Suppress("elif") + condition + Suppress(":") + fragment_block)
        fragment_else_condition = Group(
            Suppress("else") + Suppress(":") + fragment_block)
        fragment_conditional = (
            fragment_if_condition +
            Optional(OneOrMore(fragment_elif_condition)) +

        fragment = (header +
                    OneOrMore(indentedBlock(key_body, indent_stack,
        fragment.ignore("#" + restOfLine)

        deprecated_mapping = DeprecatedMapping.get_fragment_grammar(
            sdkconfig, fragment_file.name).setResultsName("value")

        fragment_stmt << (Group(deprecated_mapping) | Group(fragment)
                          | Group(fragment_conditional))

        def fragment_stmt_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
            stmts = list()
            expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)
            return stmts

        parser = ZeroOrMore(fragment_stmt)

        self.fragments = parser.parseFile(fragment_file, parseAll=True)

        for fragment in self.fragments:
            fragment.path = path
Exemplo n.º 9
class pppCompiler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.symbols = SymbolTable()

    def initBNF(self):
        indentStack = [1]
        encoding = Literal("<").suppress() + identifier("encoding") + Literal(
        constdecl = Group((const + identifier + assign + value).setParseAction(
        vardecl = Group(
            (type_("type_") + Optional(encoding) + identifier("name") +
             Optional(assign + value("value") + Optional(identifier)("unit"))
        insertdecl = Group(
            (insert + dblQuotedString + LineEnd().suppress()).setParseAction(
        procedurecall = Group((identifier + Literal("(").suppress() + Optional(
                (identifier + Optional(assign + identifier)).setParseAction(
                    self.named_param_action))) +
        condition = Group(
            (identifier("leftidentifier") + comparison("comparison") +
              | value.setParseAction(self.value_action))).setParseAction(
        pointer = Literal("*") + identifier

        rExp = Forward()
        #numexpression = Forward()

        opexpression = (identifier("operand") +
                        (Literal(">>") | Literal("<<") | Literal("+")
                         | Literal("*") | Literal("/") | Literal("-"))("op") +
        rExp << (
            procedurecall | opexpression | identifier("identifier")
            | value.setParseAction(self.value_action) |
            #Group( Suppress("(") + rExp + Suppress(")") ) |
            #Group( "+" + rExp) |
            #Group( "-" + rExp) |
            Group(Literal("not") + rExp))
        rExpCondition = Group(
            (Optional(not_)("not_") + rExp("rExp"))).setParseAction(

        assignment = ((identifier | pointer)("lval") + assign +
        addassignment = ((identifier | pointer)("lval") +
                         (Literal("+=") | Literal("-=") | Literal("*=")
                          | Literal("&=") | Literal("|=") | Literal(">>=")
                          | Literal("/=") | Literal("<<="))("op") +

        statement = Forward()
        statementBlock = indentedBlock(statement, indentStack).setParseAction(
        procedure_statement = Group(
            (Keyword("def").suppress() + identifier("funcname") +
             Literal("(").suppress() + Literal(")").suppress() +
             colon.suppress() + statementBlock).setParseAction(
        while_statement = Group(
            (Keyword("while").suppress() +
             (condition | rExpCondition)("condition") + colon.suppress() +
        if_statement = (Keyword("if") + condition + colon +
                        statementBlock("ifblock") + Optional(
                            Keyword("else").suppress() + colon +
        statement << (procedure_statement | while_statement | if_statement
                      | procedurecall | assignment | addassignment)

        decl = constdecl | vardecl | insertdecl | Group(statement)

        self.program = ZeroOrMore(decl)

    def assignment_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("assignment_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0} assignment {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                   line(loc, text))
            rval_code = find_and_get(arg.rval, 'code')
            if rval_code is not None:
                code += arg.rval.code
            elif arg.rval == "*P":
                code.append("  LDWI")
            elif 'identifier' in arg:
                code.append("  LDWR {0}".format(arg.identifier))
            if arg.lval == "*P":
                code.append("  STWI")
            elif arg.lval != "W":
                symbol = self.symbols.getVar(arg.lval)
                code.append("  STWR {0}".format(symbol.name))
            if 'code' in arg:
                arg['code'] = code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def addassignement_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "addassignement_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0}: add_assignment: {1}".format(
                    lineno(loc, text), line(loc, text))
            if arg.rval[0] == '1' and arg.op in ['+=', '-=']:
                if arg.op == "+=":
                    code.append("  INC {0}".format(arg.lval))
                    code.append("  DEC {0}".format(arg.lval))
                if 'code' in arg.rval:
                    code += arg.rval.code
                    if arg.op == "-=":
                        raise CompileException(
                            "-= with expression needs to be fixed in the compiler"
                    code.append("  {0} {1}".format(opassignmentLookup[arg.op],
                elif 'identifier' in arg.rval:
                    code.append("  LDWR {0}".format(arg.lval))
                    code.append("  {0} {1}".format(opassignmentLookup[arg.op],
            code.append("  STWR {0}".format(arg.lval))
            arg['code'] = code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def condition_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("condition_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0} condition {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                  line(loc, text))
            if arg.leftidentifier != "W":
                code.append('  LDWR {0}'.format(arg.leftidentifier))
            if arg.identifier == 'NULL' and arg.comparison in jmpNullCommands:
                arg['jmpcmd'] = jmpNullCommands[arg.comparison]
                code.append('  {0} {1}'.format(
                    comparisonCommands[arg.comparison], arg.identifier))
            arg["code"] = code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def rExp_condition_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "rExp_condition_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0} rExp_condition {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                       line(loc, text))
            condition_code = arg.condition.rExp['code']
            if isinstance(condition_code, str):
                if 'not_' in arg['condition']:
                    code += ["  CMPEQUAL NULL"]
                    code += ["  CMPNOTEQUAL NULL"]
                arg['code'] = code
                if 'not_' in arg['condition']:
                    arg['code'] = {
                        False: condition_code[True],
                        True: condition_code[False]
                    arg['code'] = condition_code
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def named_param_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        if len(arg) == 2:
            arg[arg[0]] = arg[1]
        return arg

    def value_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        if arg[0][0:2] == '0x':
            value = int(arg[0], 16)
            value = int(arg[0])
        arg["identifier"] = self.symbols.getInlineParameter("inlinevar", value)
        return arg

    def opexpression_action(self, text, loc, arg):
                "opexpression_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            code = [
                "# line {0}: shiftexpression {1}".format(
                    lineno(loc, text),
                    line(loc, text)), "  LDWR {0}".format(arg.operand),
                "  {0} {1}".format(shiftLookup[arg.op],
            arg['code'] = code
                "shiftexpression generated code {0}".format(code))
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def procedurecall_action(self, text, loc, arg):
                "procedurecall_action {0} {1}".format(lineno(loc, text), arg))
            procedure = self.symbols.getProcedure(arg[0])
            code = [
                "# line {0}: procedurecall {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                       line(loc, text))
            opcode = procedure.codegen(self.symbols,
            if isinstance(opcode, list):
                code += opcode
                code = opcode
            arg['code'] = code
                "procedurecall generated code {0}".format(code))
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def rExp_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("rExp_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))

    def if_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("if_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            block0 = [
                "# line {0} if statement {1}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                     line(loc, text))
            if isinstance(arg.condition.code, list):
                block0 += arg.condition.code
                JMPCMD = arg.condition.get('jmpcmd', {False: "JMPNCMP"})[False]
                JMPCMD = arg.condition.code[True]

            if 'elseblock' in arg:
                block1 = arg.ifblock.ifblock.code
                block2 = arg.elseblock.elseblock[
                    'code'] if 'elseblock' in arg.elseblock else arg.elseblock[
                block1 = arg.ifblock.ifblock['code']
                block2 = None
            arg['code'] = [
                IfGenerator(self.symbols, JMPCMD, block0, block1, block2)
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def while_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("while_action {0} {1}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg))
            block0 = [
                "# line {0} while_statement {1}".format(
                    lineno(loc, text), line(loc, text))
            if 'code' in arg.condition:
                if isinstance(arg.condition.code, list):
                    block1 = arg.condition.code
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.get('jmpcmd',
                                               {False: "JMPNCMP"})[False]
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.code[True]
                    block1 = []
            elif 'rExp' in arg.condition and 'code' in arg.condition.rExp:
                if isinstance(arg.condition.rExp.code, list):
                    block1 = arg.condition.rExp.code
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.rExp.get('jmpcmd', "JMPNCMP")
                    JMPCMD = arg.condition.rExp.code[True]
                    block1 = []
            block2 = arg.statementBlock.statementBlock['code']

            arg['code'] = [
                WhileGenerator(self.symbols, JMPCMD, block0, block1, block2)
            logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("while_action generated code ")
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def statementBlock_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "statementBlock_action {0} {1} {2}".format(lineno(loc, text),
                                                       arg.funcname, arg))
            code = list()
            for command in arg[0]:
                if 'code' in command:
                    code += command['code']
                elif 'code' in command[0]:
                    code += command[0]['code']
            arg[0]['code'] = code
                "statementBlock generated code {0}".format(code))
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return arg

    def def_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("def_action {0} {1} {2}".format(
            lineno(loc, text), arg.funcname, arg))
            name = arg[0]
            self.symbols[name] = FunctionSymbol(name, arg[1]['code'])
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)

    def const_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            name, value = arg
                "const_action {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(self.currentFile,
                                                      lineno(loc, text), name,
            self.symbols[name] = ConstSymbol(name, value)
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)

    def var_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            "var_action {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}".format(
                self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg["type_"],
                arg.get("encoding"), arg["name"], arg.get("value"),
            type_ = arg["type_"] if arg["type_"] != "var" else None
            self.symbols[arg["name"]] = VarSymbol(type_=type_,
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)

    def insert_action(self, text, loc, arg):
            oldfile = self.currentFile
            myprogram = self.program.copy()
            self.currentFile = arg[0][1:-1]
            result = myprogram.parseFile(self.currentFile)
            self.currentFile = oldfile
        except Exception as e:
            raise CompileException(text, loc, str(e), self)
        return result

    def compileFile(self, filename):
        self.currentFile = filename
        result = self.program.parseFile(self.currentFile, parseAll=True)

        allcode = list()
        for element in result:
            if not isinstance(element, str) and 'code' in element:
                allcode += element['code']
            elif not isinstance(element[0], str) and 'code' in element[0]:
                allcode += element[0]['code']
        header = self.createHeader()

        codetext = "\n".join(header + allcode)
        return codetext

    def compileString(self, programText):
        self.programText = programText
        self.currentFile = "Memory"
        result = self.program.parseString(self.programText, parseAll=True)

        allcode = list()
        for element in result:
            if not isinstance(element, str) and 'code' in element:
                allcode += element['code']
            elif not isinstance(element[0], str) and 'code' in element[0]:
                allcode += element[0]['code']
        header = self.createHeader()
        codetext = """# autogenerated 
# The file will be overwritten by the compiler
        codetext += "\n".join(header + list(generate(allcode)))
        self.reverseLineLookup = self.generateReverseLineLookup(codetext)
        return codetext

    def generateReverseLineLookup(self, codetext):
        lookup = dict()
        sourceline = None
        for codeline, line in enumerate(codetext.splitlines()):
            m = re.search('^\# line (\d+).*$', line)
            if m:
                sourceline = int(m.group(1))
                lookup[codeline + 1] = sourceline
        return lookup

    def createHeader(self):
        header = ["# const values"]
        for constval in self.symbols.getAllConst():
            header.append("const {0} {1}".format(constval.name,
        header.append("# variables ")
        for var in self.symbols.getAllVar():
            if var.type_ == "masked_shutter":
                header.append("var {0} {1}, {2}".format(
                    var.name + "_mask",
                    var.value if var.value is not None else 0, "mask"))
                header.append("var {0} {1}, {2}".format(
                    var.name, var.value if var.value is not None else 0,
                    "shutter {0}_mask".format(var.name)))
                optionals = [
                    s if s is not None else ""
                    for s in list_rtrim([var.type_, var.unit, var.encoding])
                varline = "var {0} {1}".format(
                    var.name, var.value if var.value is not None else 0)
                if len(optionals) > 0:
                    varline += ", " + ", ".join(optionals)
        header.append("# inline variables")
        #         for value, name in self.symbols.inlineParameterValues.items():
        #             header.append("var {0} {1}".format(name, value))
        header.append("# end header")
        return header
Exemplo n.º 10
pathToHeader = sys.argv[2] + '.h'
namespace = sys.argv[3]
ddlFile = open(pathToDdl, 'r')
header = open(pathToHeader, 'w')

print('#ifndef '+get_include_guard_name(namespace, pathToHeader), file=header)
print('#define '+get_include_guard_name(namespace, pathToHeader), file=header)
print('', file=header)
print('#include <' + INCLUDE + '/table.h>', file=header)
print('#include <' + INCLUDE + '/column_types.h>', file=header)
print('#include <' + INCLUDE + '/char_sequence.h>', file=header)
print('', file=header)
print('namespace ' + namespace, file=header)
print('{', file=header)

tableCreations = ddl.parseFile(pathToDdl)

for tableCreation in tableCreations:
    sqlTableName = tableCreation.create.tableName
    tableClass = toClassName(sqlTableName)
    tableMember = toMemberName(sqlTableName)
    tableNamespace = tableClass + '_'
    tableTemplateParameters = tableClass
    print('  namespace ' + tableNamespace, file=header)
    print('  {', file=header)
    for column in tableCreation.create.columns:
        if column.isConstraint:
        sqlColumnName = column[0]
        columnClass = toClassName(sqlColumnName)
        tableTemplateParameters += ',\n               ' + tableNamespace + '::' + columnClass
Exemplo n.º 11
record = (recordA_ ^
          recordSOA_ ^
          recordNS_ ^
          recordMX_ ^
          recordCNAME_ ^
          recordTXT_ ^
          recordSRV_ ^
          recordPTR_ ^
          recordRP_ ^
          recordLOC_ ^

lines = (Group(origin | ttl)('DIRECTIVE') |
         comment |

zoneParser = ZeroOrMore(lines)('zone') + stringEnd

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print "Usage: {} <zone_file>".format(sys.argv[0])

    zone_file = sys.argv[1]

        tokens = zoneParser.parseFile(zone_file)
        print tokens.asXML()
    except ParseException:
Exemplo n.º 12
class PulseProgram:
    """ Encapsulates a PulseProgrammer Program
    loadSource( filename ) loads the contents of the file
    The code is compiled in the following steps
        parse()         generates self.code
        toBytecode()    generates self.bytecode
        toBinary()      generates self.binarycode
    the procedure updateVariables( dictionary )  updates variable values in the bytecode
    def __init__(self):
        self.variabledict = collections.OrderedDict(
        )  # keeps information on all variables to easily change them later
        self.labeldict = dict()  # keep information on all labels
        self.source = collections.OrderedDict(
        )  # dictionary of source code files (stored as strings)
        self.code = []  # this is a list of lines
        self.bytecode = []  # list of op, argument tuples
        self.binarycode = bytearray()  # binarycode to be uploaded
        self._exitcodes = dict(
        )  # generate a reverse dictionary of variables of type exitcode
        self.constDict = dict()

        class Board:
            channelLimit = 1
            halfClockLimit = 500000000

        self.adIndexList = [(x, 0) for x in range(6)]
        self.adBoards = [Board()] * 6

        self.timestep = Q(20.0, 'ns')

    def initBNF(self):
        constdecl = (CONST + NAME + VALUE).setParseAction(self.const_action)
        vardecl = (VAR + NAME + VALUE +
                   Optional(COMMA + Regex("[^#\n]*"))).setParseAction(
        insertdecl = (INSERT + dblQuotedString +

        COMMANDEXP = (IDENTIFIER.setWhitespaceChars(" \t") +
                      Regex("[^#\n]*").setWhitespaceChars(" \t") +
        COMMAND = COMMANDEXP.setParseAction(self.command_action)

        decl = constdecl | vardecl | insertdecl | LABELEDCOMMAND | COMMAND

        self.program = ZeroOrMore(decl)

    def const_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        """ add the const to the self.constDict dictionary
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("{0}:{1} const {2}".format(self.currentFile,
                                                lineno(loc, text), arg))
        label, value = arg
        if label in self.constDict:
                "Error parsing const in file '{0}': attempted to redefine'{1}' to '{2}' from '{3}'"
                .format(self.currentFile, label, value, self.constDict[label]))
            raise ppexception("Redefining variable", self.currentFile, lineno,
            self.constDict[label] = int(value)

    def var_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        print("var_action", self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg[0:2],
              arg[2].split(",") if len(arg) > 2 else "")
        """ add a variable to the self.variablesdict
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("{0}:{1} Variable {2}".format(self.currentFile,
                                                   lineno(loc, text), arg))
        var = Variable()
        label, data = arg[:2]
        fields = arg[2].split(",") if len(arg) > 2 else [None] * 3
        fields += [None] * (3 - len(fields))
        var.type, unit, var.encoding = [
            x if x is None or '' else x.strip() for x in fields
        var.name = label
        var.origin = self.currentFile
        var.enabled = True

        if var.encoding not in encodings:
            raise ppexception(
                "unknown encoding {0} in file '{1}':{2}".format(
                    var.encoding, self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text)),
                self.currentFile, lineno, var.encoding)

            data = str(eval(data, globals(), self.defines))
        except Exception:
                "Evaluation error in file '{0}' on line: '{1}'".format(
                    self.currentFile, data))

        if unit is not None:
            var.value = Q(float(data), unit)
            data = self.convertParameter(var.value, var.encoding)
            var.value = Q(float(data))
            data = int(round(float(data)))

        if label in self.defines:
                "Error in file '%s': attempted to reassign '%s' to '%s' (from prev. value of '%s') in a var statement."
                % (self.currentFile, label, data, self.defines[label]))
            raise ppexception("variable redifinition", self.currentFile,
                              lineno, label)
                label] = label  # add the variable to the dictionary of definitions to prevent identifiers and variables from having the same name
            # however, we do not want it replaced with a number but keep the name for the last stage of compilation
        var.data = data
        self.variabledict.update({label: var})
        if var.type == "exitcode":
            self._exitcodes[data & 0x0000ffff] = var

    def command_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        print("command_action", self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg[0:1],
              arg[1].split(",") if len(arg) > 1 else "")

    def label_command_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        print("label_command_action", self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text),
              arg[0:2], arg[2].split(",") if len(arg) > 2 else "")

    def addLabel(self, label, address, sourcename, lineno):
        if label is not None:
            self.labeldict[label] = address

    def insert_action(self, text, loc, arg):
        oldfile = self.currentFile
        print("insert_action", lineno(loc, text), arg)
        myprogram = self.program.copy()
        self.currentFile = arg[0][1:-1]
        result = myprogram.parseFile(self.currentFile)
        self.currentFile = oldfile
        return result

    def assembleFile(self, filename):
        self.currentFile = filename
        result = self.program.parseFile(self.currentFile)
        return result

    def setHardware(self, adIndexList, adBoards, timestep):
        self.adIndexList = adIndexList
        self.adBoards = adBoards
        self.timestep = timestep
        assert self.timestep.has_dimension('s')

    def saveSource(self):
        for name, text in self.source.items():
            with open(os.path.join(self.pp_dir, name), 'w') as f:

    def loadSource(self, pp_file):
        """ Load the source pp_file
        #include files are loaded recursively
        all code lines are added to self.sourcelines
        for each source file the contents are added to the dictionary self.source
        self.pp_dir, self.pp_filename = os.path.split(pp_file)
        self.sourcelines = []

    def updateVariables(self, variables):
        """ update the variable values in the bytecode
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        for name, value in variables.items():
            if name in self.variabledict:
                var = self.variabledict[name]
                address = var.address
                var.value = value
                    "updateVariables {0} at address 0x{2:x} value {1}, 0x{3:x}"
                    .format(name, value, address, int(var.data)))
                var.data = self.convertParameter(value, var.encoding)
                self.bytecode[address] = (self.bytecode[address][0], var.data)
                self.variabledict[name] = var
                    "variable {0} not found in dictionary.".format(name))
        return self.bytecode

    def variables(self):
        mydict = dict()
        for name, var in self.variabledict.items():
            mydict.update({name: var.value})
        return mydict

    def variable(self, variablename):
        return self.variabledict.get(variablename).value

    def variableUpdateCode(self, variablename, value):
        """returns the code to update the variable directly on the fpga
        consists of variablelocation and variablevalue
        var = self.variabledict[variablename]
        data = self.convertParameter(value, var.encoding)
        return bytearray(struct.pack('II', (var.address, data)))

    def flattenList(self, l):
        return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]

    def variableScanCode(self, variablename, values):
        var = self.variabledict[variablename]
        # [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] idiom for flattening of list
        return self.flattenList([(var.address,
                                  self.convertParameter(x, var.encoding))
                                 for x in values])

    def loadFromMemory(self):
        """Similar to loadSource
        only this routine loads from self.source
        self.sourcelines = []
        self._exitcodes = dict()

    def toBinary(self):
        """ convert bytecode to binary
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.binarycode = bytearray()
        for wordno, (op, arg) in enumerate(self.bytecode):
            logger.debug("{0} {1} {2} {3}".format(
                hex(wordno), hex(int(op)), hex(int(arg)),
                hex(int((int(op) << 24) + int(arg)))))
            self.binarycode += struct.pack('I', int((op << 24) + arg))
        return self.binarycode

    def currentVariablesText(self):
        lines = list()
        for name, var in iter(sorted(self.variabledict.items())):
            lines.append("{0} {1}".format(name, var.value))
        return '\n'.join(lines)

# routines below here should not be needed by the user

    insertPattern = re.compile('#insert\s+([\w.-_]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
    codelinePattern = re.compile('(#define|\s*[^#\s]+)', re.IGNORECASE)

    def insertSource(self, pp_file):
        """ read a source file pp_file
        calls itself recursively to for #insert
        adds the contents of this file to the dictionary self.source
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        if pp_file not in self.source:
            with open(os.path.join(self.pp_dir, pp_file)) as f:
                self.source[pp_file] = ''.join(f.readlines())
        sourcecode = self.source[pp_file]
        for line, text in enumerate(sourcecode.splitlines()):
            m = self.insertPattern.match(text)
            if m:
                filename = m.group(1)
                logger.info("inserting code from {0}".format(filename))
                if self.codelinePattern.match(text):
                    self.sourcelines.append((text, line + 1, pp_file))

    labelPattern = re.compile('(\w+):\s+([^#\n\r]*)')
    opPattern = re.compile('\s*(\w+)(?:\s+([^#\n\r]*)){0,1}', re.IGNORECASE)
    varPattern = re.compile(
    )  #

    def parse(self):
        """ parse the code
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.code = []
        self.variabledict = collections.OrderedDict()
        self.defines = dict()
        addr_offset = 0

        for text, lineno, sourcename in self.sourcelines:
            m = self.varPattern.match(text)
            if m:
                self.addVariable(m, lineno, sourcename)
                m = self.definePattern.match(text)
                if m:
                    self.addDefine(m, lineno, sourcename)
                    # extract any JMP label, if present
                    m = self.labelPattern.match(text)
                    if m:
                        label, text = m.groups(
                        )  #so the operation after ":" still gets parsed CWC 08162012
                        label = None  #The label for non-jump label line is NONE CWC 08172012

                    # search OPS list for a match to the current line
                    m = self.opPattern.match(text)
                    if m:
                        op, args = m.groups()
                        op = op.upper()
                        # split and remove whitespace
                        arglist = [0] if args is None else [
                            0 if x is None else x.strip()
                            for x in args.split(',')
                        #substitute the defined variable directly with the corresponding value CWC 08172012
                        arglist = [
                            self.defines[x] if x in self.defines else x
                            for x in arglist
                        #check for dds commands so CHAN commands can be inserted
                        if (op[:3] == 'DDS'):
                                board = self.adIndexList[int(arglist[0])][0]
                            except ValueError:
                                raise ppexception(
                                    "DDS argument does not resolve to integer",
                                    sourcename, lineno, arglist[0])
                            chan = self.adIndexList[int(arglist[0])][1]
                            if (self.adBoards[board].channelLimit != 1):
                                #boards with more than one channel require an extra channel selection command
                                chanData = self.adBoards[board].addCMD(chan)
                                chanData += (int(board) << 16)
                                    (len(self.code) + addr_offset, 'DDSCHN',
                                     chanData, label, sourcename, lineno))
                        data = arglist if len(arglist) > 1 else arglist[0]

                        self.addLabel(label, len(self.code), sourcename,
                        self.code.append((len(self.code) + addr_offset, op,
                                          data, label, sourcename, lineno))
                            "Error processing line {2}: '{0}' in file '{1}' (unknown opcode?)"
                            .format(text, sourcename, lineno))
                        raise ppexception(
                            "Error processing line {2}: '{0}' in file '{1}' (unknown opcode?)"
                            .format(text, sourcename,
                                    lineno), sourcename, lineno, text)
        return self.code

    def appendVariableCode(self):
        """ append all variables to the instruction part of the code
        for var in list(self.variabledict.values()):
            address = len(self.code)
            self.code.append((address, 'NOP', var.data if var.enabled else 0,
                              None, var.origin, 0))
            var.address = address

    def addVariable(self, m, lineno, sourcename):
        """ add a variable to the self.variablesdict
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("Variable {0} {1} {2}".format(m.groups(), lineno,
        var = Variable()
        label, data, var.type, unit, var.encoding, var.comment = [
            x if x is None else x.strip() for x in m.groups()
        var.name = label
        var.origin = sourcename
        var.enabled = True

        if var.encoding not in encodings:
            raise ppexception(
                "unknown encoding {0} in file '{1}':{2}".format(
                    var.encoding, sourcename, lineno), sourcename, lineno,

            data = str(eval(data, globals(), self.defines))
        except Exception:
                "Evaluation error in file '{0}' on line: '{1}'".format(
                    sourcename, data))

        if unit is not None:
            var.value = Q(float(data), unit)
            data = self.convertParameter(var.value, var.encoding)
            var.value = Q(float(data))
            # var.value.output_prec(0)   # without dimension the parameter has to be int. Thus, we do not want decimal places :)
            data = int(round(float(data)))

        if label in self.defines:
                "Error in file '%s': attempted to reassign '%s' to '%s' (from prev. value of '%s') in a var statement."
                % (sourcename, label, data, self.defines[label]))
            raise ppexception("variable redifinition", sourcename, lineno,
                label] = label  # add the variable to the dictionary of definitions to prevent identifiers and variables from having the same name
            # however, we do not want it replaced with a number but keep the name for the last stage of compilation
        var.data = data
        self.variabledict.update({label: var})
        if var.type == "exitcode":
            self._exitcodes[data & 0x0000ffff] = var

    # code is (address, operation, data, label or variablename, currentfile)
    def toBytecode(self):
        """ generate bytecode from code
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("\nCode ---> ByteCode:")
        self.bytecode = []
        for line in self.code:
            logger.debug("{0}: {1}".format(hex(line[0]), line[1:]))
            bytedata = 0
            if line[1] not in OPS:
                raise ppexception("Unknown command {0}".format(line[1]),
                                  line[4], line[5], line[1])
            byteop = OPS[line[1]]
                data = line[2]
                #attempt to locate commands with constant data
                if (data == ''):
                    #found empty data
                    bytedata = 0
                elif isinstance(data, (int, int)):
                    bytedata = data
                elif isinstance(data, float):
                    bytedata = int(data)
                elif isinstance(
                        data, str
                ):  # now we are dealing with a variable and need its address
                    bytedata = self.variabledict[line[2]].address if line[
                        2] in self.variabledict else self.labeldict[line[2]]
                elif isinstance(
                        data, list
                ):  # list is what we have for DDS, will have 8bit channel and 16bit address
                    channel, data = line[2]
                    if isinstance(data, str):
                        data = self.variabledict[data].address
                    bytedata = (
                        (int(channel) & 0xf) << 16) | (int(data) & 0x0fff)
            except KeyError:
                    "Error assembling bytecode from file '{0}': Unknown variable: '{1}'. \n"
                    .format(line[4], data))
                raise ppexception(
                    "{0}: Unknown variable {1}".format(line[4], data), line[4],
                    line[5], data)
            self.bytecode.append((byteop, bytedata))
            logger.debug("---> {0} {1}".format(hex(byteop), hex(bytedata)))

        return self.bytecode

    def convertParameter(self, mag, encoding=None):
        """ convert a dimensioned parameter to the binary value
        expected by the hardware. The conversion is determined by the variable encoding
        if is_Q(mag):
            if mag.dimensionality == Dimensions.time:
                result = int(round(mag / self.timestep))
                step, unit, _, mask = encodings[encoding]
                result = int(round(mag.m_as(unit) / step)) & mask
            if encoding:
                step, unit, _, mask = encodings[encoding]
                result = int(round(mag / step)) & mask
                result = mag
        return result

    def compileCode(self):

    def exitcode(self, code):
        if code in self._exitcodes:
            var = self._exitcodes[code]
            if var.comment:
                return var.comment
                return var.name
            return "Exitcode {0} Not found".format(code)
Exemplo n.º 13
class PulseProgram:    
    """ Encapsulates a PulseProgrammer Program
    loadSource( filename ) loads the contents of the file
    The code is compiled in the following steps
        parse()         generates self.code
        toBytecode()    generates self.bytecode
        toBinary()      generates self.binarycode
    the procedure updateVariables( dictionary )  updates variable values in the bytecode
    def __init__(self):
        self.variabledict = collections.OrderedDict()        # keeps information on all variables to easily change them later
        self.labeldict = dict()          # keep information on all labels
        self.source = collections.OrderedDict()             # dictionary of source code files (stored as strings)
        self.code = []                   # this is a list of lines
        self.bytecode = []               # list of op, argument tuples
        self.binarycode = bytearray()    # binarycode to be uploaded
        self._exitcodes = dict()          # generate a reverse dictionary of variables of type exitcode
        self.constDict = dict()
        class Board:
            channelLimit = 1    
            halfClockLimit = 500000000
        self.adIndexList = [(x, 0) for x in range(6) ]
        self.adBoards = [ Board() ]*6
        self.timestep = Q(20.0, 'ns')
    def initBNF(self):
        constdecl = (CONST + NAME + VALUE).setParseAction(self.const_action)
        vardecl = (VAR + NAME + VALUE + Optional( COMMA + Regex("[^#\n]*")) ).setParseAction(self.var_action)
        insertdecl = (INSERT + dblQuotedString + LineEnd().suppress()).setParseAction(self.insert_action)
        COMMANDEXP = (IDENTIFIER.setWhitespaceChars(" \t")  + Regex("[^#\n]*").setWhitespaceChars(" \t") + LineEnd().suppress() )
        COMMAND = COMMANDEXP.setParseAction(self.command_action)
        LABELEDCOMMAND = (LABEL + COMMANDEXP ).setParseAction(self.label_command_action)
        decl = constdecl | vardecl | insertdecl | LABELEDCOMMAND | COMMAND
        self.program = ZeroOrMore(decl)

    def const_action( self, text, loc, arg ):
        """ add the const to the self.constDict dictionary
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("{0}:{1} const {2}".format(self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg))
        label, value = arg
        if label in self.constDict:
            logger.error( "Error parsing const in file '{0}': attempted to redefine'{1}' to '{2}' from '{3}'".format(self.currentFile, label, value, self.constDict[label]) )
            raise ppexception("Redefining variable", self.currentFile, lineno, label)    
            self.constDict[label] = int(value)
    def var_action( self, text, loc, arg):
        print("var_action", self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg[0:2], arg[2].split(",") if len(arg)>2 else "") 
        """ add a variable to the self.variablesdict
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug( "{0}:{1} Variable {2}".format( self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg ) )
        var = Variable()
        label, data = arg[:2]
        fields = arg[2].split(",") if len(arg)>2 else [None]*3
        fields += [None]*(3-len(fields))
        var.type, unit, var.encoding = [ x if x is None or '' else x.strip() for x in fields ]
        var.name = label
        var.origin = self.currentFile
        var.enabled = True

        if var.encoding not in encodings:
            raise ppexception("unknown encoding {0} in file '{1}':{2}".format(var.encoding, self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text)), self.currentFile, lineno, var.encoding)

            data = str(eval(data, globals(), self.defines))
        except Exception:
            logger.exception( "Evaluation error in file '{0}' on line: '{1}'".format(self.currentFile, data) )

        if unit is not None:
            var.value = Q(float(data), unit)
            data = self.convertParameter( var.value, var.encoding )
            var.value = Q(float(data))
            data = int(round(float(data)))

        if label in self.defines:
            logger.error( "Error in file '%s': attempted to reassign '%s' to '%s' (from prev. value of '%s') in a var statement." %(self.currentFile, label, data, self.defines[label]) )
            raise ppexception("variable redifinition", self.currentFile, lineno, label)
            self.defines[label] = label # add the variable to the dictionary of definitions to prevent identifiers and variables from having the same name
                                        # however, we do not want it replaced with a number but keep the name for the last stage of compilation
        var.data = data
        self.variabledict.update({ label: var})
        if var.type == "exitcode":
            self._exitcodes[data & 0x0000ffff] = var
    def command_action( self, text, loc, arg):
        print("command_action", self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg[0:1], arg[1].split(",") if len(arg)>1 else "") 
    def label_command_action( self, text, loc, arg):
        print("label_command_action", self.currentFile, lineno(loc, text), arg[0:2], arg[2].split(",") if len(arg)>2 else "") 
    def addLabel(self, label, address, sourcename, lineno):
        if label is not None:
            self.labeldict[label] = address

    def insert_action( self, text, loc, arg ):
        oldfile = self.currentFile
        print("insert_action", lineno(loc, text), arg)
        myprogram = self.program.copy()
        self.currentFile = arg[0][1:-1]
        result = myprogram.parseFile( self.currentFile )
        self.currentFile = oldfile
        return result
    def assembleFile(self, filename):
        self.currentFile = filename
        result = self.program.parseFile( self.currentFile )
        return result

    def setHardware(self, adIndexList, adBoards, timestep ):
        self.adIndexList = adIndexList
        self.adBoards = adBoards
        self.timestep = timestep
        assert self.timestep.has_dimension('s')
    def saveSource(self):
        for name, text in self.source.items():
            with open(os.path.join(self.pp_dir, name), 'w') as f:
    def loadSource(self, pp_file):
        """ Load the source pp_file
        #include files are loaded recursively
        all code lines are added to self.sourcelines
        for each source file the contents are added to the dictionary self.source
        self.pp_dir, self.pp_filename = os.path.split(pp_file)
        self.sourcelines = []

    def updateVariables(self, variables ):
        """ update the variable values in the bytecode
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        for name, value in variables.items():
            if name in self.variabledict:
                var = self.variabledict[name]
                address = var.address
                var.value = value
                logger.debug( "updateVariables {0} at address 0x{2:x} value {1}, 0x{3:x}".format(name, value, address, int(var.data)) )
                var.data = self.convertParameter(value, var.encoding )
                self.bytecode[address] = (self.bytecode[address][0], var.data )
                self.variabledict[name] = var
                logger.error( "variable {0} not found in dictionary.".format(name) )
        return self.bytecode
    def variables(self):
        mydict = dict()
        for name, var in self.variabledict.items():
            mydict.update( {name: var.value })
        return mydict
    def variable(self, variablename ):
        return self.variabledict.get(variablename).value

    def variableUpdateCode(self, variablename, value ):
        """returns the code to update the variable directly on the fpga
        consists of variablelocation and variablevalue
        var = self.variabledict[variablename]
        data = self.convertParameter(value, var.encoding )
        return bytearray( struct.pack('II', (var.address, data)))
    def flattenList(self, l):
        return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
    def variableScanCode(self, variablename, values):
        var = self.variabledict[variablename]
        # [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] idiom for flattening of list
        return self.flattenList( [ (var.address, self.convertParameter(x, var.encoding)) for x in values ] )
    def loadFromMemory(self):
        """Similar to loadSource
        only this routine loads from self.source
        self.sourcelines = []
        self._exitcodes = dict()

    def toBinary(self):
        """ convert bytecode to binary
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.binarycode = bytearray()
        for wordno, (op, arg) in enumerate(self.bytecode):
            logger.debug( "{0} {1} {2} {3}".format( hex(wordno), hex(int(op)), hex(int(arg)), hex(int((int(op)<<24) + int(arg))) ) )
            self.binarycode += struct.pack('I', int((op<<24) + arg))
        return self.binarycode
    def currentVariablesText(self):
        lines = list()
        for name, var in iter(sorted(self.variabledict.items())):
            lines.append("{0} {1}".format(name, var.value))
        return '\n'.join(lines)

# routines below here should not be needed by the user   

    insertPattern = re.compile('#insert\s+([\w.-_]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
    codelinePattern = re.compile('(#define|\s*[^#\s]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
    def insertSource(self, pp_file):
        """ read a source file pp_file
        calls itself recursively to for #insert
        adds the contents of this file to the dictionary self.source
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        if pp_file not in self.source:
            with open(os.path.join(self.pp_dir, pp_file)) as f:
                self.source[pp_file] = ''.join(f.readlines())
        sourcecode = self.source[pp_file]
        for line, text in enumerate(sourcecode.splitlines()):
            m = self.insertPattern.match(text)
            if m:
                filename = m.group(1)
                logger.info( "inserting code from {0}".format(filename) )
                if self.codelinePattern.match(text):
                    self.sourcelines.append((text, line+1, pp_file))

    labelPattern = re.compile('(\w+):\s+([^#\n\r]*)')
    opPattern = re.compile('\s*(\w+)(?:\s+([^#\n\r]*)){0,1}', re.IGNORECASE)
    varPattern = re.compile('var\s+(\w+)\s+([^#,\n\r]+)(?:,([^#,\n\r]+)){0,1}(?:,([^#,\n\r]+)){0,1}(?:,([^#,\n\r]+)){0,1}(?:#([^\n\r]+)){0,1}') #
    def parse(self):
        """ parse the code
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.code = []
        self.variabledict = collections.OrderedDict() 
        self.defines = dict()
        addr_offset = 0
        for text, lineno, sourcename in self.sourcelines:    
            m = self.varPattern.match(text)
            if m:
                self.addVariable(m, lineno, sourcename)
                m = self.definePattern.match(text)
                if m:
                    self.addDefine(m, lineno, sourcename)
                    # extract any JMP label, if present
                    m = self.labelPattern.match(text)
                    if m:
                        label, text = m.groups() #so the operation after ":" still gets parsed CWC 08162012
                        label = None #The label for non-jump label line is NONE CWC 08172012
                    # search OPS list for a match to the current line
                    m = self.opPattern.match(text)
                    if m:
                        op, args = m.groups()
                        op = op.upper()
                        # split and remove whitespace 
                        arglist = [0] if args is None else [ 0 if x is None else x.strip() for x in args.split(',')]
                        #substitute the defined variable directly with the corresponding value CWC 08172012
                        arglist = [ self.defines[x] if x in self.defines else x for x in arglist ] 
                        #check for dds commands so CHAN commands can be inserted
                        if (op[:3] == 'DDS'):
                                board = self.adIndexList[int(arglist[0])][0]
                            except ValueError:
                                raise ppexception("DDS argument does not resolve to integer", sourcename, lineno, arglist[0])
                            chan = self.adIndexList[int(arglist[0])][1]
                            if (self.adBoards[board].channelLimit != 1):
                                #boards with more than one channel require an extra channel selection command
                                chanData = self.adBoards[board].addCMD(chan)
                                chanData += (int(board) << 16)
                                self.code.append((len(self.code)+addr_offset, 'DDSCHN', chanData, label, sourcename, lineno))
                        data = arglist if len(arglist)>1 else arglist[0]

                        self.addLabel( label, len(self.code), sourcename, lineno)
                        self.code.append((len(self.code)+addr_offset, op, data, label, sourcename, lineno))
                        logger.error( "Error processing line {2}: '{0}' in file '{1}' (unknown opcode?)".format(text, sourcename, lineno) )
                        raise ppexception("Error processing line {2}: '{0}' in file '{1}' (unknown opcode?)".format(text, sourcename, lineno),
                                          sourcename, lineno, text)
        return self.code

    def appendVariableCode(self):
        """ append all variables to the instruction part of the code
        for var in list(self.variabledict.values()):
            address = len(self.code)
            self.code.append((address, 'NOP', var.data if var.enabled else 0, None, var.origin, 0 ))
            var.address = address        

    def addVariable(self, m, lineno, sourcename):
        """ add a variable to the self.variablesdict
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug( "Variable {0} {1} {2}".format( m.groups(), lineno, sourcename ) )
        var = Variable()
        label, data, var.type, unit, var.encoding, var.comment = [ x if x is None else x.strip() for x in m.groups()]
        var.name = label
        var.origin = sourcename
        var.enabled = True

        if var.encoding not in encodings:
            raise ppexception("unknown encoding {0} in file '{1}':{2}".format(var.encoding, sourcename, lineno), sourcename, lineno, var.encoding)

            data = str(eval(data, globals(), self.defines))
        except Exception:
            logger.exception( "Evaluation error in file '{0}' on line: '{1}'".format(sourcename, data) )

        if unit is not None:
            var.value = Q(float(data), unit)
            data = self.convertParameter( var.value, var.encoding )
            var.value = Q(float(data))
            # var.value.output_prec(0)   # without dimension the parameter has to be int. Thus, we do not want decimal places :)
            data = int(round(float(data)))

        if label in self.defines:
            logger.error( "Error in file '%s': attempted to reassign '%s' to '%s' (from prev. value of '%s') in a var statement." %(sourcename, label, data, self.defines[label]) )
            raise ppexception("variable redifinition", sourcename, lineno, label)
            self.defines[label] = label # add the variable to the dictionary of definitions to prevent identifiers and variables from having the same name
                                        # however, we do not want it replaced with a number but keep the name for the last stage of compilation
        var.data = data
        self.variabledict.update({ label: var})
        if var.type == "exitcode":
            self._exitcodes[data & 0x0000ffff] = var

    # code is (address, operation, data, label or variablename, currentfile)
    def toBytecode(self):
        """ generate bytecode from code
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug( "\nCode ---> ByteCode:" )
        self.bytecode = []
        for line in self.code:
            logger.debug( "{0}: {1}".format(hex(line[0]),  line[1:] )) 
            bytedata = 0
            if line[1] not in OPS:
                raise ppexception("Unknown command {0}".format(line[1]), line[4], line[5], line[1]) 
            byteop = OPS[line[1]]
                data = line[2]
                #attempt to locate commands with constant data
                if (data == ''):
                    #found empty data
                    bytedata = 0
                elif isinstance(data, (int, int)):
                    bytedata = data
                elif isinstance(data, float):
                    bytedata = int(data)
                elif isinstance(data, str): # now we are dealing with a variable and need its address
                    bytedata = self.variabledict[line[2]].address if line[2] in self.variabledict else self.labeldict[line[2]]
                elif isinstance(data, list): # list is what we have for DDS, will have 8bit channel and 16bit address
                    channel, data = line[2]
                    if isinstance(data, str):
                        data = self.variabledict[data].address
                    bytedata = ((int(channel) & 0xf) << 16) | (int(data) & 0x0fff)
            except KeyError:
                logger.error( "Error assembling bytecode from file '{0}': Unknown variable: '{1}'. \n".format(line[4], data) )
                raise ppexception("{0}: Unknown variable {1}".format(line[4], data), line[4], line[5], data)
            self.bytecode.append((byteop, bytedata))
            logger.debug( "---> {0} {1}".format(hex(byteop), hex(bytedata)) )
        return self.bytecode 

    def convertParameter(self, mag, encoding=None ):
        """ convert a dimensioned parameter to the binary value
        expected by the hardware. The conversion is determined by the variable encoding
        if is_Q(mag):
            if mag.dimensionality == Dimensions.time:
                result = int(round(mag / self.timestep))
                step, unit, _, mask = encodings[encoding]
                result = int(round(mag.m_as(unit) / step)) & mask
            if encoding:
                step, unit, _, mask = encodings[encoding]
                result = int(round(mag/step)) & mask
                result = mag
        return result

    def compileCode(self):
    def exitcode(self, code):
        if code in self._exitcodes:
            var = self._exitcodes[code]
            if var.comment:
                return var.comment
                return var.name
            return "Exitcode {0} Not found".format(code)