Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_principals_allowed_by_permission(self):
        from pyramid.authorization import ACLHelper
        from pyramid.security import Allow
        from pyramid.security import Deny
        from pyramid.security import DENY_ALL
        from pyramid.security import ALL_PERMISSIONS

        helper = ACLHelper()
        root = DummyContext(__name__='', __parent__=None)
        community = DummyContext(__name__='community', __parent__=root)
        blog = DummyContext(__name__='blog', __parent__=community)
        root.__acl__ = [
            (Allow, 'chrism', ('read', 'write')),
            (Allow, 'other', ('read', )),
            (Allow, 'jim', ALL_PERMISSIONS),
        community.__acl__ = [
            (Deny, 'flooz', 'read'),
            (Allow, 'flooz', 'read'),
            (Allow, 'mork', 'read'),
            (Deny, 'jim', 'read'),
            (Allow, 'someguy', 'manage'),
        blog.__acl__ = [(Allow, 'fred', 'read'), DENY_ALL]

        result = sorted(helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(blog, 'read'))
        self.assertEqual(result, ['fred'])
        result = sorted(
            helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(community, 'read'))
        self.assertEqual(result, ['chrism', 'mork', 'other'])
        result = sorted(
            helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(community, 'read'))
        result = sorted(helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(root, 'read'))
        self.assertEqual(result, ['chrism', 'jim', 'other'])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_principals_allowed_by_permission_no_acls(self):
        from pyramid.authorization import ACLHelper

        helper = ACLHelper()
        context = DummyContext()
        result = sorted(
            helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(context, 'read'))
        self.assertEqual(result, [])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_principals_allowed_by_permission_deny_permission_in_acl(self):
        from pyramid.authorization import ACLHelper, Deny, Everyone

        helper = ACLHelper()
        context = DummyContext()
        acl = [(Deny, Everyone, 'read')]
        context.__acl__ = acl
        result = sorted(
            helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(context, 'read'))
        self.assertEqual(result, [])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_principals_allowed_by_permission_string_permission(self):
        from pyramid.authorization import ACLHelper, Allow

        helper = ACLHelper()
        context = DummyContext()
        acl = [(Allow, 'chrism', 'read_it')]
        context.__acl__ = acl
        result = helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(context, 'read')
        # would be ['chrism'] if 'read' were compared against 'read_it' instead
        # of against ['read_it']
        self.assertEqual(list(result), [])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_principals_allowed_by_permission_callable_acl(self):
        from pyramid.authorization import DENY_ALL, ACLHelper, Allow

        helper = ACLHelper()
        context = DummyContext()
        acl = lambda: [
            (Allow, 'chrism', ('read', 'write')),
            (Allow, 'other', 'read'),
        context.__acl__ = acl
        result = sorted(
            helper.principals_allowed_by_permission(context, 'read'))
        self.assertEqual(result, ['chrism'])