Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_driver(driver_type, region='ORD'):
    Returns the appropriate diver for the specified rackspace product.

    Available options include::
        lb: Cloud Load Balancers
        db: Cloud Databases
        dns: Cloud DNS
        bs: Cloud Block Storage
        mon: Cloud Monitoring
        net: Cloud Networks
        cf: Cloud Files
        cs: Cloud Servers

    :param driver_type: A str or unicode object for the appropriate type of
    driver above.
    :param region: A str or unicode object specify which region the driver
    should be initialized for.
    :return: A driver object initialized to the specified region
    :raise TypeError:
    :raise KeyError: If no valid drivers are found
    if not isinstance(driver_type, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("driver_type must be str or unicode object")
    if not isinstance(region, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("region must be str or unicode object")
    region = region.upper()

    if driver_type == "lb":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region)

    if driver_type == "db":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases(region)

    if driver_type == "dns":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns()

    if driver_type == "bs":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage(region)

    if driver_type == "mon":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_monitoring(region)

    if driver_type == "net":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks(region)

    if driver_type == 'cf':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region)

    if driver_type == 'cs':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region)

    raise KeyError(u"No Driver found by: {}".format(driver_type))
Exemplo n.º 2
def _get_driver(driver_type, region='ORD'):
    Returns the appropriate diver for the specified rackspace product.

    Available options include::
        lb: Cloud Load Balancers
        db: Cloud Databases
        dns: Cloud DNS
        bs: Cloud Block Storage
        mon: Cloud Monitoring
        net: Cloud Networks
        cf: Cloud Files
        cs: Cloud Servers

    :param driver_type: A str or unicode object for the appropriate type of
    driver above.
    :param region: A str or unicode object specify which region the driver
    should be initialized for.
    :return: A driver object initialized to the specified region
    :raise TypeError:
    :raise KeyError: If no valid drivers are found
    if not isinstance(driver_type, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("driver_type must be str or unicode object")
    if not isinstance(region, six.string_types):
        raise TypeError("region must be str or unicode object")
    region = region.upper()

    if driver_type == "lb":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region)

    if driver_type == "db":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases(region)

    if driver_type == "dns":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_dns()

    if driver_type == "bs":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_blockstorage(region)

    if driver_type == "mon":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_monitoring(region)

    if driver_type == "net":
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloud_networks(region)

    if driver_type == 'cf':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region)

    if driver_type == 'cs':
        return pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region)

    raise KeyError(u"No Driver found by: {}".format(driver_type))
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():    
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get/Set Rackspace MaaS alarm disable flag',

    parser.add_argument("-e", "--entity", action='store', required=True, help="Entity ID", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--alarm", action='store', required=True, help="Alarm ID", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-E", "--enable", action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help="Enable alarm")
    parser.add_argument("-D", "--disable", action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help="Disable alarm")

    parser.add_argument("-f", "--credfile", action='store', required=True, help="Credentials file", type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.enable and args.disable:
        print "ERROR: Enable and disable are exclusive."
        return 1

    # Initialize PyRax
    base = fluffyWrappers.FLUFFY_BASE(credfile=args.credfile)
    # Currently no wrapper for MaaS
    cm = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_monitoring()

    if args.enable:
        cm.update_alarm(args.entity, args.alarm, disabled=False)

    if args.disable:
        cm.update_alarm(args.entity, args.alarm, disabled=True)

    if cm.get_alarm(args.entity, args.alarm).disabled:
        print "Alarm %s:%s: Disabled" % (args.entity, args.alarm)
        print "Alarm %s:%s: Enabled" % (args.entity, args.alarm)

    return 0