Exemplo n.º 1
    def contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.number)):
            sz = (nelec % 2) * .5
            sz = abs(nelec[0]-nelec[1]) * .5
        if ss_value is None:
            ss = sz*(sz+1)
            ss = ss_value

        ci0 = old_contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)
        if ss == 0:
            na = int(numpy.sqrt(fcivec.size))
            ci0 = pyscf.lib.transpose_sum(ci0.reshape(na,na), inplace=True)
            ci0 *= .5

        if ss < sz*(sz+1)+.1:
# (S^2-ss_value)|Psi> to shift state other than the lowest state
            ci1 = spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec).reshape(fcivec.shape)
            ci1 -= ss * fcivec
# (S^2-ss_value)^2|Psi> to shift states except the given spin.
# It still relies on the quality of initial guess
            tmp = spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec).reshape(fcivec.shape)
            tmp -= ss * fcivec
            ci1 = -ss * tmp
            ci1 += spin_op.contract_ss(tmp, norb, nelec).reshape(fcivec.shape)
            tmp = None

        ci1 *= shift
        ci1 += ci0.reshape(fcivec.shape)
        return ci1
Exemplo n.º 2
    def contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        if ss_value is None:
# (S^2-ss_value)|Psi> to shift state other than the lowest state
            if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
                sz = (nelec % 2) * .5
                sz = abs(nelec[0]-nelec[1]) * .5
            ss = sz*(sz+1)
            ci1 = spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec)
            ci1 -= ss * fcivec.reshape(ci1.shape)
# (S^2-ss_value)^2|Psi> to shift states except the given spin.
# It still relies on the quality of initial guess
            ss = ss_value
            tmp = spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec)
            tmp -= ss * fcivec.reshape(tmp.shape)
            ci1 = -ss * tmp
            ci1 += spin_op.contract_ss(tmp, norb, nelec)
            tmp = None

        if ss == 0:
            ci1 = pyscf.lib.transpose_sum(ci1, inplace=True) * .5

        ci1 *= shift
        ci1 += old_contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)
        return ci1
Exemplo n.º 3
    def contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.number)):
            sz = (nelec % 2) * .5
            sz = abs(nelec[0] - nelec[1]) * .5
        if ss_value is None:
            ss = sz * (sz + 1)
            ss = ss_value

        ci0 = old_contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)
        if ss == 0:
            na = int(numpy.sqrt(fcivec.size))
            ci0 = pyscf.lib.transpose_sum(ci0.reshape(na, na), inplace=True)
            ci0 *= .5

        if ss < sz * (sz + 1) + .1:
            # (S^2-ss_value)|Psi> to shift state other than the lowest state
            ci1 = spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb,
            ci1 -= ss * fcivec
            # (S^2-ss_value)^2|Psi> to shift states except the given spin.
            # It still relies on the quality of initial guess
            tmp = spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb,
            tmp -= ss * fcivec
            ci1 = -ss * tmp
            ci1 += spin_op.contract_ss(tmp, norb, nelec)
            tmp = None

        ci1 *= shift
        ci1 += ci0.reshape(fcivec.shape)
        return ci1
Exemplo n.º 4
def spin_square (fci, fcivec, norb, nelec):
    ss = 0.0
    for ne in product (range (norb+1), repeat=2):
        c = fockspace.fock2hilbert (fcivec, norb, ne)
        ssc = spin_op.contract_ss (c, norb, ne)
        ss += c.conj ().ravel ().dot (ssc.ravel ())
    s = np.sqrt(ss+.25) - .5
    multip = s*2+1
    return ss, multip
Exemplo n.º 5
 def contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
     ci1 = old_contract_2e(eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)
     if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
         sz = (nelec % 2) * .5
         sz = abs(nelec[0]-nelec[1]) * .5
     ci1 += shift * spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec)
     ci1 -= sz*(sz+1)*shift * fcivec.reshape(ci1.shape)
     if isinstance(fciobj, direct_spin0.FCISolver):
         ci1 = pyscf.lib.transpose_sum(ci1, inplace=True) * .5
     return ci1
Exemplo n.º 6
def ham(las, h1, h2, ci_fr, idx_root, orbsym=None, wfnsym=None):
    mol = las.mol
    norb_f = las.ncas_sub
    nelec_fr = [[
        _unpack_nelec(fcibox._get_nelec(solver, nelecas))
        for solver, ix in zip(fcibox.fcisolvers, idx_root) if ix
    ] for fcibox, nelecas in zip(las.fciboxes, las.nelecas_sub)]
    ci, nelec = ci_outer_product(ci_fr, norb_f, nelec_fr)
    solver = fci.solver(mol).set(orbsym=orbsym, wfnsym=wfnsym)
    norb = sum(norb_f)
    h2eff = solver.absorb_h1e(h1, h2, norb, nelec, 0.5)
    ham_ci = [solver.contract_2e(h2eff, c, norb, nelec) for c in ci]
    s2_ci = [contract_ss(c, norb, nelec) for c in ci]
    ham_eff = np.array([[c.ravel().dot(hc.ravel()) for hc in ham_ci]
                        for c in ci])
    s2_eff = np.array([[c.ravel().dot(s2c.ravel()) for s2c in s2_ci]
                       for c in ci])
    ovlp_eff = np.array([[bra.ravel().dot(ket.ravel()) for ket in ci]
                         for bra in ci])
    return ham_eff, s2_eff, ovlp_eff
Exemplo n.º 7
 def contract_ss(self, fcivec, norb, nelec):
     from pyscf.fci import spin_op
     nelec = _unpack_nelec(nelec, self.spin)
     return spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def contract_ss(self, fcivec, norb, nelec):
     from pyscf.fci import spin_op
     return spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def contract_ss(self, fcivec, norb, nelec):
     from pyscf.fci import spin_op
     return spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def contract_ss(self, fcivec, norb, nelec):
     from pyscf.fci import spin_op
     nelec = _unpack_nelec(nelec, self.spin)
     return spin_op.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec)