Exemplo n.º 1
def test_get_weight_and_index_off_center():
    """Test get_weight_and_index for off-centered points."""
    pixel_position = xp.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]])
    voxel_length = 2.
    voxel_num_1d = 5
    index, weight = mapping.get_weight_and_index(
        pixel_position, voxel_length, voxel_num_1d)
    assert xp.all(index[0][0] == xp.array([2, 2, 2]))
    assert xp.isclose(weight.sum(), 1.)
    assert xp.allclose(xp.dot(weight[0], index[0]),
                       xp.array([ 2.05, 2.1 , 2.15]))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_take_slice_center_value(self):
     """Test take_slice on center value."""
     orientation = cst.quat1
     pixel_momentum = xp.array([[[[0., 0., 0.]]]])
     slice_ = ps.take_slice(self.volume, self.voxel_length, pixel_momentum,
     assert xp.isclose(slice_[0, 0, 0], self.volume.mean())
Exemplo n.º 3
def extract_slice(local_index, local_weight, volume):
    Take one slice from the volume given the index and weight map.

    :param local_index: The index containing values to take.
    :param local_weight: The weight for each index.
    :param volume: The volume to slice from.
    :return: The slice.
    local_index = xp.asarray(local_index)
    local_weight = xp.asarray(local_weight)
    volume = xp.asarray(volume)

    # Convert the index of the 3D diffraction volume to 1D
    pattern_shape = local_index.shape[:3]
    pixel_num = int(np.prod(pattern_shape))

    volume_num_1d = volume.shape[0]
    convertion_factor = xp.array(
        [volume_num_1d * volume_num_1d, volume_num_1d, 1], dtype=np.int64)

    index_2d = xp.reshape(local_index, [pixel_num, 8, 3])
    index_2d = xp.matmul(index_2d, convertion_factor)

    volume_1d = xp.reshape(volume, volume_num_1d**3)
    weight_2d = xp.reshape(local_weight, [pixel_num, 8])

    # Expand the data to merge
    data_to_merge = volume_1d[index_2d]

    # Merge the data
    data_merged = xp.sum(xp.multiply(weight_2d, data_to_merge), axis=-1)

    data = xp.reshape(data_merged, pattern_shape)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 4
 def distance(self, value):
     if not xp.allclose(self.orientation, xp.array([0, 0, 1])):
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "Detector distance setter only implemented for "
             "detector orientations along the z axis.")
     self.pixel_position[..., 2] *= value / self._distance
     self._distance = value
     if self._has_beam:  # Update pixel_position_reciprocal & co
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_get_weight_and_index_center_even():
    """Test get_weight_and_index centering for even-sized meshes."""
    pixel_position = xp.zeros((1,3), dtype=float)
    voxel_length = 1.
    voxel_num_1d = 4
    index, weight = mapping.get_weight_and_index(
        pixel_position, voxel_length, voxel_num_1d)
    assert xp.all(index[0][0] == xp.array([1, 1, 1]))
    assert xp.allclose(weight[0], 0.125)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        # We no longer want detectors to have direct access to the beam
        # but we keep it for a while for retro-compatibility
        self._has_beam = False

        # Define the hierarchy system. For simplicity, we only use two-layer structure.
        self.panel_num = 1

        # Define all properties the detector should have
        self._distance = 1  # (m) detector distance
        self.pixel_width = 0  # (m)
        self.pixel_height = 0  # (m)
        self.pixel_area = 0  # (m^2)
        self.panel_pixel_num_x = 0  # number of pixels in x
        self.panel_pixel_num_y = 0  # number of pixels in y
        self.pixel_num_total = 0  # total number of pixels (px*py)
        self.center_x = 0  # center of detector in x
        self.center_y = 0  # center of detector in y
        self.orientation = xp.array([0, 0, 1])
        self.pixel_position = None  # (m)

        # pixel information in reciprocal space
        self.pixel_position_reciprocal = None  # (m^-1)
        self.pixel_distance_reciprocal = None  # (m^-1)

        # Pixel map
        self.pixel_index_map = None
        self.detector_pixel_num_x = 1
        self.detector_pixel_num_y = 1

        # Corrections
        self.solid_angle_per_pixel = None  # solid angle
        self.polarization_correction = None  # Polarization correction

        The theoretical differential cross section of an electron ignoring the
        polarization effect is,
                do/dO = ( e^2/(4*Pi*epsilon0*m*c^2) )^2  *  ( 1 + cos(xi)^2 )/2
        Therefore, one needs to includes the leading constant factor which is the
        following numerical value.
        # Tompson Scattering factor
        self.Thomson_factor = 2.817895019671143 * 2.817895019671143 * 1e-30

        # Total scaling and correction factor.
        self.linear_correction = None

        # Detector effects
        self._pedestal = 0
        self._pixel_rms = 0
        self._pixel_bkgd = 0
        self._pixel_status = 0
        self._pixel_mask = 0
        self._pixel_gain = 0

        # self.geometry currently only work for the pre-defined detectors
        self.geometry = None
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_get_weight_and_index_center_odd():
    """Test get_weight_and_index centering for odd-sized meshes."""
    pixel_position = xp.zeros((1,3), dtype=float)
    voxel_length = 1.
    voxel_num_1d = 5
    index, weight = mapping.get_weight_and_index(
        pixel_position, voxel_length, voxel_num_1d)
    assert xp.all(index[0][0] == xp.array([2, 2, 2]))
    assert weight[0][0] == 1
    assert xp.all(weight[0][1:] == 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
def calculate_diffraction_pattern_gpu(reciprocal_space,
    Calculate the diffraction field of the specified reciprocal space.

    :param reciprocal_space: The reciprocal space over which to calculate the diffraction field.
    :param particle: The particle object to calculate the diffraction field.
    :param return_type: 'intensity' to return the intensity field. 'complex_field' to return the full diffraction field.
    :return: The diffraction field.
    """This function can be used to calculate the diffraction field for
    arbitrary reciprocal space """
    # convert the reciprocal space into a 1d series.
    shape = reciprocal_space.shape
    pixel_number = int(np.prod(shape[:-1]))
    reciprocal_space_1d = xp.reshape(reciprocal_space, [pixel_number, 3])
    reciprocal_norm_1d = xp.sqrt(
        xp.sum(xp.square(reciprocal_space_1d), axis=-1))

    # Calculate atom form factor for the reciprocal space
    form_factor = pd.calculate_atomic_factor(
        q_space=reciprocal_norm_1d * (1e-10 / 2.),  # For unit compatibility

    # Get atom position
    atom_position = np.ascontiguousarray(particle.atom_pos[:])
    atom_type_num = len(particle.split_idx) - 1

    # create
    pattern_cos = xp.zeros(pixel_number, dtype=xp.float64)
    pattern_sin = xp.zeros(pixel_number, dtype=xp.float64)

    # atom_number = atom_position.shape[0]
    split_index = xp.array(particle.split_idx)

    cuda_split_index = cuda.to_device(split_index)
    cuda_atom_position = cuda.to_device(atom_position)
    cuda_reciprocal_position = cuda.to_device(reciprocal_space_1d)
    cuda_form_factor = cuda.to_device(form_factor)

    # Calculate the pattern
    calculate_pattern_gpu_back_engine[(pixel_number + 511) // 512,
                                           cuda_atom_position, pattern_cos,
                                           pattern_sin, atom_type_num,
                                           cuda_split_index, pixel_number)

    # Add the hydration layer
    if particle.mesh is not None:
        water_position = np.ascontiguousarray(
            particle.mesh[particle.solvent_mask, :])
        water_num = np.sum(particle.solvent_mask)
        water_prefactor = particle.solvent_mean_electron_density * particle.mesh_voxel_size**3

        cuda_water_position = cuda.to_device(water_position)

        calculate_solvent_pattern_gpu_back_engine[(pixel_number + 511) // 512,
                                                      pattern_cos, pattern_sin,
                                                      water_num, pixel_number)

    if return_type == "intensity":
        pattern = np.reshape(np.square(np.abs(pattern_cos + 1j * pattern_sin)),
        return xp.asarray(pattern)
    elif return_type == "complex_field":
        pattern = np.reshape(pattern_cos + 1j * pattern_sin, shape[:-1])
        return xp.asarray(pattern)
            "Please set the parameter return_type = 'intensity' or 'complex_field'"
        print("This time, this program return the complex field.")
        pattern = np.reshape(pattern_cos + 1j * pattern_sin, shape[:-1])
        return xp.asarray(pattern)