Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_clifford_circuit_noise(self, method, device):
        """Test simulation with mixed Clifford quantum errors in circuit."""
        backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
        shots = 1000
        error1 = noise.QuantumError([
            ([(IGate(), [0])], 0.8),
            ([(Reset(), [0])], 0.1),
            ([(HGate(), [0])], 0.1)])

        error2 = noise.QuantumError([
            ([(IGate(), [0])], 0.75),
            ([(Reset(), [0])], 0.1),
            ([(Reset(), [1])], 0.1),
            ([(Reset(), [0]), (Reset(), [1])], 0.05)])

        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.append(error1, [0])
        qc.cx(0, 1)
        qc.append(error2, [0, 1])
        target_probs = qi.DensityMatrix(qc).probabilities_dict()

        # Add measurement
        result = backend.run(qc, shots=shots).result()
        probs = {key: val / shots for key, val in result.get_counts(0).items()}
        self.assertDictAlmostEqual(target_probs, probs, delta=0.1)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def to_instruction(self):
        """Convert to Pauli circuit instruction."""
        from math import pi

        pauli, phase = self._to_label(self.z,
        if len(pauli) == 1:
            gate = {
                "I": IGate(),
                "X": XGate(),
                "Y": YGate(),
                "Z": ZGate()
            gate = PauliGate(pauli)
        if not phase:
            return gate
        # Add global phase
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(self.num_qubits, name=str(self))
        circuit.global_phase = -phase * pi / 2
        circuit.append(gate, range(self.num_qubits))
        return circuit.to_instruction()
Exemplo n.º 3
def reset_error(prob0, prob1=0):
    Return a single qubit reset quantum error channel.

    The error channel returned is given by the map

    .. math::

        E(ρ) = (1 - p_0 - p_1) ρ + \text{Tr}[ρ] \left(
                p_0 |0 \rangle\langle 0|
                + p_1 |1 \rangle\langle 1| \right)

    where the probability of no reset is given by :math:`1 - p_0 - p_1`.

        prob0 (double): reset probability to :math:`|0\rangle`.
        prob1 (double): reset probability to :math:`|1\rangle`.

        QuantumError: the quantum error object.

        NoiseError: If noise parameters are invalid.
    if prob0 < 0 or prob1 < 0 or prob0 > 1 or prob1 > 1 or (prob0 + prob1) > 1:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid reset probabilities.")
    noise_ops = [([(IGate(), [0])], 1 - prob0 - prob1),
                 ([(Reset(), [0])], prob0),
                 ([(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])], prob1)]
    return QuantumError(noise_ops)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def from_label(cls, label):
        """Return a tensor product of single-qubit operators.

            label (string): single-qubit operator string.

            Operator: The N-qubit operator.

            QiskitError: if the label contains invalid characters, or the
                         length of the label is larger than an explicitly
                         specified num_qubits.

        Additional Information:
            The labels correspond to the single-qubit matrices:
            'I': [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
            'X': [[0, 1], [1, 0]]
            'Y': [[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]
            'Z': [[1, 0], [0, -1]]
            'H': [[1, 1], [1, -1]] / sqrt(2)
            'S': [[1, 0], [0 , 1j]]
            'T': [[1, 0], [0, (1+1j) / sqrt(2)]]
            '0': [[1, 0], [0, 0]]
            '1': [[0, 0], [0, 1]]
            '+': [[0.5, 0.5], [0.5 , 0.5]]
            '-': [[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5 , 0.5]]
            'r': [[0.5, -0.5j], [0.5j , 0.5]]
            'l': [[0.5, 0.5j], [-0.5j , 0.5]]
        # Check label is valid
        label_mats = {
            'I': IGate().to_matrix(),
            'X': XGate().to_matrix(),
            'Y': YGate().to_matrix(),
            'Z': ZGate().to_matrix(),
            'H': HGate().to_matrix(),
            'S': SGate().to_matrix(),
            'T': TGate().to_matrix(),
            '0': np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=complex),
            '1': np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=complex),
            '+': np.array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
            '-': np.array([[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
            'r': np.array([[0.5, -0.5j], [0.5j, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
            'l': np.array([[0.5, 0.5j], [-0.5j, 0.5]], dtype=complex),
        if re.match(r'^[IXYZHST01rl\-+]+$', label) is None:
            raise QiskitError('Label contains invalid characters.')
        # Initialize an identity matrix and apply each gate
        num_qubits = len(label)
        op = Operator(np.eye(2 ** num_qubits, dtype=complex))
        for qubit, char in enumerate(reversed(label)):
            if char != 'I':
                op = op.compose(label_mats[char], qargs=[qubit])
        return op
Exemplo n.º 5
    def from_label(label):
        """Return a tensor product of single-qubit Clifford gates.

            label (string): single-qubit operator string.

            Clifford: The N-qubit Clifford operator.

            QiskitError: if the label contains invalid characters.

        Additional Information:
            The labels correspond to the single-qubit Cliffords are

            * - Label
              - Stabilizer
              - Destabilizer
            * - ``"I"``
              - +Z
              - +X
            * - ``"X"``
              - -Z
              - +X
            * - ``"Y"``
              - -Z
              - -X
            * - ``"Z"``
              - +Z
              - -X
            * - ``"H"``
              - +X
              - +Z
            * - ``"S"``
              - +Z
              - +Y
        # Check label is valid
        label_gates = {
            'I': IGate(),
            'X': XGate(),
            'Y': YGate(),
            'Z': ZGate(),
            'H': HGate(),
            'S': SGate()
        if re.match(r'^[IXYZHS\-+]+$', label) is None:
            raise QiskitError('Label contains invalid characters.')
        # Initialize an identity matrix and apply each gate
        num_qubits = len(label)
        op = Clifford(np.eye(2 * num_qubits, dtype=np.bool))
        for qubit, char in enumerate(reversed(label)):
            _append_circuit(op, label_gates[char], qargs=[qubit])
        return op
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_pauli_error_1q_gate_from_string(self):
        """Test single-qubit pauli error as gate qobj from string label"""
        paulis = ['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
        probs = [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]
        actual = pauli_error(zip(paulis, probs))

        expected = QuantumError([(IGate(), 0.4), (XGate(), 0.3), (YGate(), 0.2), (ZGate(), 0.1)])
        for i in range(actual.size):
            circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
            expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
            self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
Exemplo n.º 7
 def to_instruction(self):
     """Convert to Pauli circuit instruction."""
     from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
     from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, XGate, YGate, ZGate
     gates = {'I': IGate(), 'X': XGate(), 'Y': YGate(), 'Z': ZGate()}
     label = self.to_label()
     num_qubits = self.num_qubits
     qreg = QuantumRegister(num_qubits)
     circuit = QuantumCircuit(qreg, name='Pauli:{}'.format(label))
     for i, pauli in enumerate(reversed(label)):
         circuit.append(gates[pauli], [qreg[i]])
     return circuit.to_instruction()
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_thermal_relaxation_error_t1_equal_t2_1state(self):
     """Test qobj instructions return for t1=t2"""
     actual = thermal_relaxation_error(1, 1, 1, 1)
     expected = QuantumError([
         (IGate(), np.exp(-1)),
         ([(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])], 1 - np.exp(-1)),
     for i in range(actual.size):
         circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
         expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
         self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
         self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_depolarizing_error_1q_gate(self):
        """Test 1-qubit depolarizing error as gate qobj"""
        p_depol = 0.3
        actual = depolarizing_error(p_depol, 1)

        expected = QuantumError([
            (IGate(), 1 - p_depol*3/4),
            (XGate(), p_depol/4),
            (YGate(), p_depol/4),
            (ZGate(), p_depol/4)
        for i in range(actual.size):
            circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
            expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
            self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_from_dict(self):
        noise_ops_1q = [((IGate(), [0]), 0.9),
                     ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)]

        noise_ops_2q = [((PauliGate('II'), [0, 1]), 0.9),
                     ((PauliGate('IX'), [0, 1]), 0.045),
                     ((PauliGate('XI'), [0, 1]), 0.045),
                     ((PauliGate('XX'), [0, 1]), 0.01)]

        noise_model = NoiseModel()
        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_1q, 1), 'h', [0])
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_1q, 1), 'h', [1])
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_2q, 2), 'cx', [0, 1])
            noise_model.add_quantum_error(QuantumError(noise_ops_2q, 2), 'cx', [1, 0])
            deserialized = NoiseModel.from_dict(noise_model.to_dict())
            self.assertEqual(noise_model, deserialized)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_auto_method_clifford_circuits_and_reset_noise(self):
        """Test statevector method is used for Clifford circuit"""
        # Test noise model
        noise_circs = [Reset(), IGate()]
        noise_probs = [0.5, 0.5]
        error = QuantumError(zip(noise_circs, noise_probs))
        noise_model = NoiseModel()
            error, ['id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'h', 's', 'sdg'])
        backend = self.backend(noise_model=noise_model)

        # Test circuits
        shots = 100
        circuits = ref_2q_clifford.cz_gate_circuits_deterministic(
        result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
        success = getattr(result, 'success', False)
        self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, 'method', 'stabilizer')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_thermal_relaxation_error_gate(self):
        """Test qobj instructions return for t2 < t1"""
        t1, t2, time, p1 = (2, 1, 1, 0.3)
        actual = thermal_relaxation_error(t1, t2, time, p1)

        p_z = 0.5 * np.exp(-1 / t1) * (1 - np.exp(-(1 / t2 - 1 / t1) * time))
        p_reset0 = (1 - p1) * (1 - np.exp(-1 / t1))
        p_reset1 = p1 * (1 - np.exp(-1 / t1))
        expected = QuantumError([
            (IGate(), 1 - p_z - p_reset0 - p_reset1),
            (ZGate(), p_z),
            (Reset(), p_reset0),
            ([(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])], p_reset1),
        for i in range(actual.size):
            circ, prob = actual.error_term(i)
            expected_circ, expected_prob = expected.error_term(i)
            self.assertEqual(circ, expected_circ, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th circuit")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(prob, expected_prob, msg=f"Incorrect {i}-th probability")
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_reset_2_qubit(self):
        # approximating amplitude damping using relaxation operators
        gamma = 0.23
        p = (gamma - numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma) + 1) / 2
        A0 = [[1, 0], [0, numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma)]]
        A1 = [[0, numpy.sqrt(gamma)], [0, 0]]
        error_1 = QuantumError([([(Kraus([A0, A1]), [0]), (IGate(), [1])], 1)])
        error_2 = QuantumError([([(Kraus([A0, A1]), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], 1)])

        expected_results_1 = QuantumError([([(IGate(), [0]),
                                             (IGate(), [1])], 1 - p),
                                           ([(Reset(), [0]),
                                             (IGate(), [1])], p)])
        expected_results_2 = QuantumError([([(IGate(), [1]),
                                             (IGate(), [0])], 1 - p),
                                           ([(Reset(), [1]),
                                             (IGate(), [0])], p)])

        results_1 = approximate_quantum_error(error_1, operator_string="reset")
        results_2 = approximate_quantum_error(error_2, operator_string="reset")

        self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_1, expected_results_1)
        self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_2, expected_results_2)
Exemplo n.º 14
        if a ``dict`` is given, ``list`` is overwritten.
        The ``string`` supports only 1- or 2-qubit errors and
        its possible values are ``'pauli'``, ``'reset'``, ``'clifford'``.
        The ``'clifford'`` does not support 2-qubit errors.
    def approximate(noise):
        return approximate_quantum_error(noise,

    return transform_noise_model(model, approximate)

# pauli operators
_PAULIS_Q0 = [[(IGate(), [0])], [(XGate(), [0])], [(YGate(), [0])],
              [(ZGate(), [0])]]
_PAULIS_Q1 = [[(IGate(), [1])], [(XGate(), [1])], [(YGate(), [1])],
              [(ZGate(), [1])]]
_PAULIS_Q0Q1 = [op_q0 + op_q1 for op_q0 in _PAULIS_Q0 for op_q1 in _PAULIS_Q1]
# reset operators
_RESET_Q0_TO_0 = [(Reset(), [0])]
_RESET_Q0_TO_1 = [(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])]
_RESET_Q0 = [[(IGate(), [0])], _RESET_Q0_TO_0, _RESET_Q0_TO_1]
_RESET_Q1_TO_0 = [(Reset(), [1])]
_RESET_Q1_TO_1 = [(Reset(), [1]), (XGate(), [1])]
_RESET_Q1 = [[(IGate(), [1])], _RESET_Q1_TO_0, _RESET_Q1_TO_1]
_RESET_Q0Q1 = [op_q0 + op_q1 for op_q0 in _RESET_Q0 for op_q1 in _RESET_Q1]
# preset operator table
    "pauli": {
Exemplo n.º 15
def thermal_relaxation_error(t1, t2, time, excited_state_population=0):
    Return a single-qubit thermal relaxation quantum error channel.

        t1 (double): the :math:`T_1` relaxation time constant.
        t2 (double): the :math:`T_2` relaxation time constant.
        time (double): the gate time for relaxation error.
        excited_state_population (double): the population of :math:`|1\rangle`
                                           state at equilibrium (default: 0).

        QuantumError: a quantum error object for a noise model.

        NoiseError: If noise parameters are invalid.

    Additional information:
        * For parameters to be valid :math:`T_1` and :math:`T_2` must
          satisfy :math:`T_2 \le 2 T_1`.

        * If :math:`T_2 \le T_1` the error can be expressed as a mixed
          reset and unitary error channel.

        * If :math:`T_1 < T_2 \le 2 T_1` the error must be expressed as a
          general non-unitary Kraus error channel.
    if excited_state_population < 0:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid excited state population "
                         "({} < 0).".format(excited_state_population))
    if excited_state_population > 1:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid excited state population "
                         "({} > 1).".format(excited_state_population))
    if time < 0:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid gate_time ({} < 0)".format(time))
    if t1 <= 0:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid T_1 relaxation time parameter: T_1 <= 0.")
    if t2 <= 0:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid T_2 relaxation time parameter: T_2 <= 0.")
    if t2 - 2 * t1 > 0:
        raise NoiseError(
            "Invalid T_2 relaxation time parameter: T_2 greater than 2 * T_1.")

    # T1 relaxation rate
    if t1 == np.inf:
        rate1 = 0
        p_reset = 0
        rate1 = 1 / t1
        p_reset = 1 - np.exp(-time * rate1)
    # T2 dephasing rate
    if t2 == np.inf:
        rate2 = 0
        exp_t2 = 1
        rate2 = 1 / t2
        exp_t2 = np.exp(-time * rate2)
    # Qubit state equilibrium probabilities
    p0 = 1 - excited_state_population
    p1 = excited_state_population

    if t2 > t1:
        # If T_2 > T_1 we must express this as a Kraus channel
        # We start with the Choi-matrix representation:
        chan = Choi(
            np.array([[1 - p1 * p_reset, 0, 0, exp_t2],
                      [0, p1 * p_reset, 0, 0], [0, 0, p0 * p_reset, 0],
                      [exp_t2, 0, 0, 1 - p0 * p_reset]]))
        return QuantumError(Kraus(chan))
        # If T_2 < T_1 we can express this channel as a probabilistic
        # mixture of reset operations and unitary errors:
        circuits = [[(IGate(), [0])], [(ZGate(), [0])], [(Reset(), [0])],
                    [(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])]]
        # Probability
        p_reset0 = p_reset * p0
        p_reset1 = p_reset * p1
        p_z = (1 - p_reset) * (1 - np.exp(-time * (rate2 - rate1))) / 2
        p_identity = 1 - p_z - p_reset0 - p_reset1
        probabilities = [p_identity, p_z, p_reset0, p_reset1]
        return QuantumError(zip(circuits, probabilities))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _pre_runhook(self, dag: DAGCircuit):

        num_pulses = len(self._dd_sequence)

        # Check if physical circuit is given
        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
            raise TranspilerError("DD runs on physical circuits only.")

        # Set default spacing otherwise validate user input
        if self._spacing is None:
            mid = 1 / num_pulses
            end = mid / 2
            self._spacing = [end] + [mid] * (num_pulses - 1) + [end]
            if sum(self._spacing) != 1 or any(a < 0 for a in self._spacing):
                raise TranspilerError(
                    "The spacings must be given in terms of fractions "
                    "of the slack period and sum to 1.")

        # Check if DD sequence is identity
        if num_pulses != 1:
            if num_pulses % 2 != 0:
                raise TranspilerError(
                    "DD sequence must contain an even number of gates (or 1).")
            noop = np.eye(2)
            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
                noop = noop.dot(gate.to_matrix())
            if not matrix_equal(noop, IGate().to_matrix(), ignore_phase=True):
                raise TranspilerError(
                    "The DD sequence does not make an identity operation.")
            self._sequence_phase = np.angle(noop[0][0])

        # Precompute qubit-wise DD sequence length for performance
        for qubit in dag.qubits:
            physical_index = dag.qubits.index(qubit)
            if self._qubits and physical_index not in self._qubits:

            sequence_lengths = []
            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
                    # Check calibration.
                    gate_length = dag.calibrations[gate.name][(physical_index,
                    if gate_length % self._alignment != 0:
                        # This is necessary to implement lightweight scheduling logic for this pass.
                        # Usually the pulse alignment constraint and pulse data chunk size take
                        # the same value, however, we can intentionally violate this pattern
                        # at the gate level. For example, we can create a schedule consisting of
                        # a pi-pulse of 32 dt followed by a post buffer, i.e. delay, of 4 dt
                        # on the device with 16 dt constraint. Note that the pi-pulse length
                        # is multiple of 16 dt but the gate length of 36 is not multiple of it.
                        # Such pulse gate should be excluded.
                        raise TranspilerError(
                            f"Pulse gate {gate.name} with length non-multiple of {self._alignment} "
                            f"is not acceptable in {self.__class__.__name__} pass."
                except KeyError:
                    gate_length = self._durations.get(gate, physical_index)
                # Update gate duration. This is necessary for current timeline drawer, i.e. scheduled.
                gate.duration = gate_length
            self._dd_sequence_lengths[qubit] = sequence_lengths
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _gate_gradient_dict(
            gate: Gate) -> List[Tuple[List[complex], List[Instruction]]]:
        r"""Given a parameterized gate U(theta) with derivative
        dU(theta)/dtheta = sum_ia_iU(theta)V_i.
        This function returns a:=[a_0, ...] and V=[V_0, ...]
        Suppose U takes multiple parameters, i.e., U(theta^0, ... theta^k).
        The returned coefficients and gates are ordered accordingly.
        Only parameterized Qiskit gates are supported.

            gate: The gate for which the derivative is being computed.

                The coefficients and the gates used for the metric computation for each parameter of
                the respective gates.
                [([a^0], [V^0]) ..., ([a^k], [V^k])]

            AquaError: If the input gate is controlled by another state but '|1>^{\otimes k}'
            TypeError: If the input gate is not a supported parametrized gate.

        # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        if isinstance(gate, PhaseGate):
            # theta
            return [([0.5j, -0.5j], [IGate(), CZGate()])]
        if isinstance(gate, UGate):
            # theta, lambda, phi
            return [([-0.5j], [CZGate()]), ([-0.5j], [CZGate()]),
                    ([-0.5j], [CZGate()])]
        if isinstance(gate, RXGate):
            # theta
            return [([-0.5j], [CXGate()])]
        if isinstance(gate, RYGate):
            # theta
            return [([-0.5j], [CYGate()])]
        if isinstance(gate, RZGate):
            # theta
            return [([-0.5j], [CZGate()])]
        if isinstance(gate, RXXGate):
            # theta
            cxx_circ = QuantumCircuit(3)
            cxx_circ.cx(0, 1)
            cxx_circ.cx(0, 2)
            cxx = cxx_circ.to_instruction()
            return [([-0.5j], [cxx])]
        if isinstance(gate, RYYGate):
            # theta
            cyy_circ = QuantumCircuit(3)
            cyy_circ.cy(0, 1)
            cyy_circ.cy(0, 2)
            cyy = cyy_circ.to_instruction()
            return [([-0.5j], [cyy])]
        if isinstance(gate, RZZGate):
            # theta
            czz_circ = QuantumCircuit(3)
            czz_circ.cz(0, 1)
            czz_circ.cz(0, 2)
            czz = czz_circ.to_instruction()
            return [([-0.5j], [czz])]
        if isinstance(gate, RZXGate):
            # theta
            czx_circ = QuantumCircuit(3)
            czx_circ.cx(0, 2)
            czx_circ.cz(0, 1)
            czx = czx_circ.to_instruction()
            return [([-0.5j], [czx])]
        if isinstance(gate, ControlledGate):
            # TODO support arbitrary control states
            if gate.ctrl_state != 2**gate.num_ctrl_qubits - 1:
                raise AquaError(
                    'Function only support controlled gates with control state `1` on all control '

            base_coeffs_gates = LinComb._gate_gradient_dict(gate.base_gate)
            coeffs_gates = []
            # The projectors needed for the gradient of a controlled gate are integrated by a sum
            # of gates.
            # The following line generates the decomposition gates.

            proj_gates_controlled = [[
                (-1)**p.count(ZGate()), p
            ] for p in product([IGate(), ZGate()], repeat=gate.num_ctrl_qubits)
            for base_coeffs, base_gates in base_coeffs_gates:  # loop over parameters
                coeffs = []
                gates = []
                for phase, proj_gates in proj_gates_controlled:
                        phase * c / (2**gate.num_ctrl_qubits)
                        for c in base_coeffs
                    for base_gate in base_gates:
                        controlled_circ = QuantumCircuit(gate.num_ctrl_qubits +
                        for i, proj_gate in enumerate(proj_gates):
                            if isinstance(proj_gate, ZGate):
                                controlled_circ.cz(0, i + 1)
                        if not isinstance(base_gate, IGate):
                            controlled_circ.append(base_gate, [
                                range(gate.num_ctrl_qubits + 1,
                                      gate.num_ctrl_qubits + gate.num_qubits)
                c_g = (coeffs, gates)
            return coeffs_gates

        raise TypeError('Unrecognized parametrized gate, {}'.format(gate))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def run(self, dag):
        """Run the DynamicalDecoupling pass on dag.

            dag (DAGCircuit): a scheduled DAG.

            DAGCircuit: equivalent circuit with delays interrupted by DD,
                where possible.

            TranspilerError: if the circuit is not mapped on physical qubits.
        if len(dag.qregs) != 1 or dag.qregs.get("q", None) is None:
            raise TranspilerError("DD runs on physical circuits only.")

        if dag.duration is None:
            raise TranspilerError("DD runs after circuit is scheduled.")

        num_pulses = len(self._dd_sequence)
        sequence_gphase = 0
        if num_pulses != 1:
            if num_pulses % 2 != 0:
                raise TranspilerError(
                    "DD sequence must contain an even number of gates (or 1).")
            noop = np.eye(2)
            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
                noop = noop.dot(gate.to_matrix())
            if not matrix_equal(noop, IGate().to_matrix(), ignore_phase=True):
                raise TranspilerError(
                    "The DD sequence does not make an identity operation.")
            sequence_gphase = np.angle(noop[0][0])

        if self._qubits is None:
            self._qubits = set(range(dag.num_qubits()))
            self._qubits = set(self._qubits)

        if self._spacing:
            if sum(self._spacing) != 1 or any(a < 0 for a in self._spacing):
                raise TranspilerError(
                    "The spacings must be given in terms of fractions "
                    "of the slack period and sum to 1.")
        else:  # default to balanced spacing
            mid = 1 / num_pulses
            end = mid / 2
            self._spacing = [end] + [mid] * (num_pulses - 1) + [end]

        new_dag = dag._copy_circuit_metadata()

        qubit_index_map = {
            qubit: index
            for index, qubit in enumerate(new_dag.qubits)
        index_sequence_duration_map = {}
        for qubit in new_dag.qubits:
            physical_qubit = qubit_index_map[qubit]
            dd_sequence_duration = 0
            for gate in self._dd_sequence:
                gate.duration = self._durations.get(gate, physical_qubit)
                dd_sequence_duration += gate.duration
            index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit] = dd_sequence_duration

        for nd in dag.topological_op_nodes():
            if not isinstance(nd.op, Delay):
                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)

            dag_qubit = nd.qargs[0]
            physical_qubit = qubit_index_map[dag_qubit]
            if physical_qubit not in self._qubits:  # skip unwanted qubits
                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)

            pred = next(dag.predecessors(nd))
            succ = next(dag.successors(nd))
            if self._skip_reset_qubits:  # discount initial delays
                if pred.type == "in" or isinstance(pred.op, Reset):
                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)

            dd_sequence_duration = index_sequence_duration_map[physical_qubit]
            slack = nd.op.duration - dd_sequence_duration
            if slack <= 0:  # dd doesn't fit
                new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)

            if num_pulses == 1:  # special case of using a single gate for DD
                u_inv = self._dd_sequence[0].inverse().to_matrix()
                theta, phi, lam, phase = OneQubitEulerDecomposer(
                # absorb the inverse into the successor (from left in circuit)
                if succ.type == "op" and isinstance(succ.op, (UGate, U3Gate)):
                    theta_r, phi_r, lam_r = succ.op.params
                    succ.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
                        theta_r, phi_r, lam_r, theta, phi, lam)
                    sequence_gphase += phase
                # absorb the inverse into the predecessor (from right in circuit)
                elif pred.type == "op" and isinstance(pred.op,
                                                      (UGate, U3Gate)):
                    theta_l, phi_l, lam_l = pred.op.params
                    pred.op.params = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3(
                        theta, phi, lam, theta_l, phi_l, lam_l)
                    sequence_gphase += phase
                # don't do anything if there's no single-qubit gate to absorb the inverse
                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)

            # insert the actual DD sequence
            taus = [int(slack * a) for a in self._spacing]
            unused_slack = slack - sum(
                taus)  # unused, due to rounding to int multiples of dt
            middle_index = int(
                (len(taus) - 1) / 2)  # arbitrary: redistribute to middle
                middle_index] += unused_slack  # now we add up to original delay duration

            for tau, gate in itertools.zip_longest(taus, self._dd_sequence):
                if tau > 0:
                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(Delay(tau), [dag_qubit])
                if gate is not None:
                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(gate, [dag_qubit])

            new_dag.global_phase = _mod_2pi(new_dag.global_phase +

        return new_dag
Exemplo n.º 19
def mixed_unitary_error(noise_ops, standard_gates=None):
    Return a mixed unitary quantum error channel.

    The input should be a list of pairs ``(U[j], p[j])``, where
    ``U[j]`` is a unitary matrix and ``p[j]`` is a probability. All
    probabilities must sum to 1 for the input ops to be valid.

        noise_ops (list[pair[matrix, double]]): unitary error matrices.
        standard_gates (bool): DEPRECATED, Check if input matrices are standard gates.

        QuantumError: The quantum error object.

        NoiseError: if error parameters are invalid.
    if standard_gates is not None:
            '"standard_gates" option has been deprecated as of qiskit-aer 0.10.0'
            ' and will be removed no earlier than 3 months from that release date.'
            ' Use directly init e.g. QuantumError([(IGate(), prob1), (ZGate(), prob2)]) instead.',

    # Error checking
    if not isinstance(noise_ops, (list, tuple, zip)):
        raise NoiseError("Input noise ops is not a list.")

    # Convert to numpy arrays
    noise_ops = [(np.array(op, dtype=complex), p) for op, p in noise_ops]
    if not noise_ops:
        raise NoiseError("Input noise list is empty.")

    # Check for identity unitaries
    prob_identity = 0.
    instructions = []
    instructions_probs = []
    num_qubits = int(np.log2(noise_ops[0][0].shape[0]))
    if noise_ops[0][0].shape != (2**num_qubits, 2**num_qubits):
        raise NoiseError(
            "A unitary matrix in input noise_ops is not a multi-qubit matrix.")
    for unitary, prob in noise_ops:
        # Check unitary
        if unitary.shape != noise_ops[0][0].shape:
            raise NoiseError("Input matrices different size.")
        if not is_unitary_matrix(unitary):
            raise NoiseError("Input matrix is not unitary.")
        if is_identity_matrix(unitary):
            prob_identity += prob
            if standard_gates:  # TODO: to be removed after deprecation period
                qubits = list(range(num_qubits))
                instr = _make_unitary_instruction(
                    unitary, qubits, standard_gates=standard_gates)
                instr = UnitaryGate(unitary)
    if prob_identity > 0:
        if standard_gates:  # TODO: to be removed after deprecation period
            instructions.append([{"name": "id", "qubits": [0]}])
    return QuantumError(zip(instructions, instructions_probs))
Exemplo n.º 20
def convert_to_target(conf_dict: dict,
                      props_dict: dict = None,
                      defs_dict: dict = None) -> Target:
    """Uses configuration, properties and pulse defaults dicts
    to construct and return Target class.
    name_mapping = {
        "id": IGate(),
        "sx": SXGate(),
        "x": XGate(),
        "cx": CXGate(),
        "rz": RZGate(Parameter("λ")),
        "reset": Reset(),
    custom_gates = {}
    qubit_props = None
    if props_dict:
        qubit_props = qubit_props_from_props(props_dict)
    target = Target(qubit_properties=qubit_props)
    # Parse from properties if it exsits
    if props_dict is not None:
        # Parse instructions
        gates = {}
        for gate in props_dict["gates"]:
            name = gate["gate"]
            if name in name_mapping:
                if name not in gates:
                    gates[name] = {}
            elif name not in custom_gates:
                custom_gate = Gate(name, len(gate["qubits"]), [])
                custom_gates[name] = custom_gate
                gates[name] = {}

            qubits = tuple(gate["qubits"])
            gate_props = {}
            for param in gate["parameters"]:
                if param["name"] == "gate_error":
                    gate_props["error"] = param["value"]
                if param["name"] == "gate_length":
                    gate_props["duration"] = apply_prefix(
                        param["value"], param["unit"])
            gates[name][qubits] = InstructionProperties(**gate_props)
        for gate, props in gates.items():
            if gate in name_mapping:
                inst = name_mapping.get(gate)
                inst = custom_gates[gate]
            target.add_instruction(inst, props)
        # Create measurement instructions:
        measure_props = {}
        count = 0
        for qubit in props_dict["qubits"]:
            qubit_prop = {}
            for prop in qubit:
                if prop["name"] == "readout_length":
                    qubit_prop["duration"] = apply_prefix(
                        prop["value"], prop["unit"])
                if prop["name"] == "readout_error":
                    qubit_prop["error"] = prop["value"]
            measure_props[(count, )] = InstructionProperties(**qubit_prop)
            count += 1
        target.add_instruction(Measure(), measure_props)
    # Parse from configuration because properties doesn't exist
        for gate in conf_dict["gates"]:
            name = gate["name"]
            gate_props = {tuple(x): None for x in gate["coupling_map"]}
            if name in name_mapping:
                target.add_instruction(name_mapping[name], gate_props)
                custom_gate = Gate(name, len(gate["coupling_map"][0]), [])
                target.add_instruction(custom_gate, gate_props)
        measure_props = {(n, ): None for n in range(conf_dict["n_qubits"])}
        target.add_instruction(Measure(), measure_props)
    # parse global configuration properties
    dt = conf_dict.get("dt")
    if dt:
        target.dt = dt * 1e-9
    if "timing_constraints" in conf_dict:
        target.granularity = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get("granularity")
        target.min_length = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get("min_length")
        target.pulse_alignment = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get(
        target.aquire_alignment = conf_dict["timing_constraints"].get(
    # If pulse defaults exists use that as the source of truth
    if defs_dict is not None:
        # TODO remove the usage of PulseDefaults as it will be deprecated in the future
        pulse_defs = PulseDefaults.from_dict(defs_dict)
        inst_map = pulse_defs.instruction_schedule_map
        for inst in inst_map.instructions:
            for qarg in inst_map.qubits_with_instruction(inst):
                sched = inst_map.get(inst, qarg)
                if inst in target:
                        qarg = tuple(qarg)
                    except TypeError:
                        qarg = (qarg, )
                    if inst == "measure":
                        for qubit in qarg:
                            target[inst][(qubit, )].calibration = sched
                        target[inst][qarg].calibration = sched
                           {(bit, ): None
                            for bit in range(target.num_qubits)})
    return target
Exemplo n.º 21
def convert_to_target(
    configuration: BackendConfiguration,
    properties: BackendProperties = None,
    defaults: PulseDefaults = None,
) -> Target:
    """Uses configuration, properties and pulse defaults
    to construct and return Target class.
    name_mapping = {
        "id": IGate(),
        "sx": SXGate(),
        "x": XGate(),
        "cx": CXGate(),
        "rz": RZGate(Parameter("λ")),
        "reset": Reset(),
    custom_gates = {}
    target = None
    # Parse from properties if it exsits
    if properties is not None:
        qubit_properties = qubit_props_list_from_props(properties=properties)
        target = Target(
            num_qubits=configuration.n_qubits, qubit_properties=qubit_properties
        # Parse instructions
        gates: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        for gate in properties.gates:
            name = gate.gate
            if name in name_mapping:
                if name not in gates:
                    gates[name] = {}
            elif name not in custom_gates:
                custom_gate = Gate(name, len(gate.qubits), [])
                custom_gates[name] = custom_gate
                gates[name] = {}

            qubits = tuple(gate.qubits)
            gate_props = {}
            for param in gate.parameters:
                if param.name == "gate_error":
                    gate_props["error"] = param.value
                if param.name == "gate_length":
                    gate_props["duration"] = apply_prefix(param.value, param.unit)
            gates[name][qubits] = InstructionProperties(**gate_props)
        for gate, props in gates.items():
            if gate in name_mapping:
                inst = name_mapping.get(gate)
                inst = custom_gates[gate]
            target.add_instruction(inst, props)
        # Create measurement instructions:
        measure_props = {}
        for qubit, _ in enumerate(properties.qubits):
            measure_props[(qubit,)] = InstructionProperties(
        target.add_instruction(Measure(), measure_props)
    # Parse from configuration because properties doesn't exist
        target = Target(num_qubits=configuration.n_qubits)
        for gate in configuration.gates:
            name = gate.name
            gate_props = (
                {tuple(x): None for x in gate.coupling_map}  # type: ignore[misc]
                if hasattr(gate, "coupling_map")
                else {None: None}
            gate_len = len(gate.coupling_map[0]) if hasattr(gate, "coupling_map") else 0
            if name in name_mapping:
                target.add_instruction(name_mapping[name], gate_props)
                custom_gate = Gate(name, gate_len, [])
                target.add_instruction(custom_gate, gate_props)
    # parse global configuration properties
    if hasattr(configuration, "dt"):
        target.dt = configuration.dt
    if hasattr(configuration, "timing_constraints"):
        target.granularity = configuration.timing_constraints.get("granularity")
        target.min_length = configuration.timing_constraints.get("min_length")
        target.pulse_alignment = configuration.timing_constraints.get("pulse_alignment")
        target.aquire_alignment = configuration.timing_constraints.get(
    # If a pulse defaults exists use that as the source of truth
    if defaults is not None:
        inst_map = defaults.instruction_schedule_map
        for inst in inst_map.instructions:
            for qarg in inst_map.qubits_with_instruction(inst):
                sched = inst_map.get(inst, qarg)
                if inst in target:
                        qarg = tuple(qarg)
                    except TypeError:
                        qarg = (qarg,)
                    if inst == "measure":
                        for qubit in qarg:
                            target[inst][(qubit,)].calibration = sched
                        target[inst][qarg].calibration = sched
    if "delay" not in target:
            Delay(Parameter("t")), {(bit,): None for bit in range(target.num_qubits)}
    return target
Exemplo n.º 22
        ('z', 'h', 'sdg'),
        ('s', 'h', 'z'),
        ('sdg', 'h', 'z'),
        ('z', 'h', 'z'),
        # u3 gates
            'x', ),
        ('y', ),
        ('s', 'x'),
        ('sdg', 'x')
    return labels[j]

    (IGate(), ),
    (SGate(), ),
    (SdgGate(), ),
    (ZGate(), ),
    # u2 gates
    (HGate(), ),
    (HGate(), ZGate()),
    (ZGate(), HGate()),
    (HGate(), SGate()),
    (SGate(), HGate()),
    (HGate(), SdgGate()),
    (SdgGate(), HGate()),
    (SGate(), HGate(), SGate()),
    (SdgGate(), HGate(), SGate()),
    (ZGate(), HGate(), SGate()),
    (SGate(), HGate(), SdgGate()),
Exemplo n.º 23
def approximate_quantum_error(error,
    Return a ``QuantumError`` object that approximates an error
    as a mixture of specified operators (channels).

    The approximation is done by minimizing the Hilbert-Schmidt distance
    between the process matrix of the target error channel (:math:`T`) and
    the process matrix of the output channel (:math:`S = \sum_i{p_i S_i}`),
    i.e. :math:`Tr[(T-S)^\dagger (T-S)]`,
    :math:`[p_1, p_2, ..., p_n]` denote probabilities and
    :math:`[S_1, S_2, ..., S_n]` denote basis operators (channels).

    See `arXiv:1207.0046 <http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.0046>`_ for the details.

        error (QuantumError or QuantumChannel): the error to be approximated.
            The number of qubits must be 1 or 2.
        operator_string (string): a name for a pre-made set of
            building blocks for the output channel (Default: None).
            Possible values are ``'pauli'``, ``'reset'``, ``'clifford'``.
        operator_dict (dict): a dictionary whose values are the
            building blocks for the output channel (Default: None).
            E.g. {"x": XGate(), "y": YGate()}, keys "x" and "y"
            are not used in transformation.
        operator_list (list): list of building block operators for the
            output channel (Default: None). E.g. [XGate(), YGate()]

        QuantumError: the approximate quantum error.

        NoiseError: if any invalid argument is specified or approximation failed.
        MissingOptionalLibraryError: if cvxpy is not installed.

        The operator input precedence is: ``list`` < ``dict`` < ``string``.
        If a ``string`` is given, ``dict`` is overwritten;
        if a ``dict`` is given, ``list`` is overwritten.
        The ``string`` supports only 1- or 2-qubit errors and
        its possible values are ``'pauli'``, ``'reset'``, ``'clifford'``.
        The ``'clifford'`` does not support 2-qubit errors.
    if not isinstance(error, (QuantumError, QuantumChannel)):
            'Support of types other than QuantumError or QuantumChannel for error'
            ' to be approximated has been deprecated as of qiskit-aer 0.10.0'
            ' and will be removed no earlier than 3 months from that release date.',
        if isinstance(error, tuple) and isinstance(error[0], np.ndarray):
            error = list(error)
        if isinstance(error, list) or \
                (isinstance(error, tuple) and isinstance(error[0], list)):
            # first case for ordinary Kraus [A_i, B_i]
            # second case for generalized Kraus ([A_i], [B_i])
            error = Kraus(error)
            raise NoiseError(
                f"Invalid input error type: {error.__class__.__name__}")

    if error.num_qubits > 2:
        raise NoiseError("Only 1-qubit and 2-qubit noises can be converted, "
                         f"{error.num_qubits}-qubit noise found in model")

    if operator_string is not None:
        valid_operator_strings = _PRESET_OPERATOR_TABLE.keys()
        operator_string = operator_string.lower()
        if operator_string not in valid_operator_strings:
            raise NoiseError(
                f"{operator_string} is not a valid operator_string. "
                f"It must be one of {valid_operator_strings}")
            operator_list = _PRESET_OPERATOR_TABLE[operator_string][
        except KeyError:
            raise NoiseError(
                f"Preset '{operator_string}' operators do not support the "
                f"approximation of errors with {error.num_qubits} qubits")
    if operator_dict is not None:
        _, operator_list = zip(*operator_dict.items())
    if operator_list is not None:
        if not isinstance(operator_list, Sequence):
            raise NoiseError(
                "operator_list is not a sequence: {}".format(operator_list))
        if operator_list and isinstance(operator_list[0],
                                        Sequence) and isinstance(
                                            operator_list[0][0], np.ndarray):
                'Accepting a sequence of Kraus matrices (list of numpy arrays)'
                ' as an operator_list has been deprecated as of qiskit-aer 0.10.0'
                ' and will be removed no earlier than 3 months from that release date.'
                ' Please use a sequence of Kraus objects instead.',
            operator_list = [Kraus(op) for op in operator_list]

            channel_list = [
                op if isinstance(op, QuantumChannel) else QuantumError([(op,
                for op in operator_list
            ]  # preserve operator_list
        except NoiseError:
            raise NoiseError(
                f"Invalid type found in operator list: {operator_list}")

        probabilities = _transform_by_operator_list(channel_list, error)[1:]
        identity_prob = np.round(1 - sum(probabilities), 9)
        if identity_prob < 0 or identity_prob > 1:
            raise NoiseError(
                f"Channel probabilities sum to {1 - identity_prob}")
        noise_ops = [((IGate(), [0]), identity_prob)]
        for (operator, probability) in zip(operator_list, probabilities):
            noise_ops.append((operator, probability))
        return QuantumError(noise_ops)

    raise NoiseError(
        "Quantum error approximation failed - no approximating operators detected"
Exemplo n.º 24
def depolarizing_error(param, num_qubits, standard_gates=None):
    Return a depolarizing quantum error channel.

    The depolarizing channel is defined as:

    .. math::

        E(ρ) = (1 - λ) ρ + λ \text{Tr}[ρ] \frac{I}{2^n}

    with :math:`0 \le λ \le 4^n / (4^n - 1)`

    where :math:`λ` is the depolarizing error param and :math`n` is the
    number of qubits.

    * If :math:`λ = 0` this is the identity channel :math:`E(ρ) = ρ`
    * If :math:`λ = 1` this is a completely depolarizing channel
      :math:`E(ρ) = I / 2^n`
    * If :math:`λ = 4^n / (4^n - 1)` this is a uniform Pauli
      error channel: :math:`E(ρ) = \sum_j P_j ρ P_j / (4^n - 1)` for
      all :math:`P_j != I`.

        param (double): depolarizing error parameter.
        num_qubits (int): the number of qubits for the error channel.
        standard_gates (bool): DEPRECATED, if True return the operators as
                               Pauli gates. If false return as unitary gates.
                               (Default: None)

        QuantumError: The quantum error object.

        NoiseError: If noise parameters are invalid.
    if not isinstance(num_qubits, int) or num_qubits < 1:
        raise NoiseError("num_qubits must be a positive integer.")
    # Check that the depolarizing parameter gives a valid CPTP
    num_terms = 4**num_qubits
    max_param = num_terms / (num_terms - 1)
    if param < 0 or param > max_param:
        raise NoiseError("Depolarizing parameter must be in between 0 "
                         "and {}.".format(max_param))

    # Rescale completely depolarizing channel error probs
    # with the identity component removed
    prob_iden = 1 - param / max_param
    prob_pauli = param / num_terms
    probs = [prob_iden] + (num_terms - 1) * [prob_pauli]

    if standard_gates is not None:
            '"standard_gates" option has been deprecated as of qiskit-aer 0.10.0'
            ' and will be removed no earlier than 3 months from that release date.',
        circs = []
        for pauli_list in it.product(
            [IGate(), XGate(), YGate(), ZGate()], repeat=num_qubits):
            qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
            for q, pauli in enumerate(pauli_list):
                if not standard_gates:
                    pauli = UnitaryGate(pauli.to_matrix())
                qc.append(pauli, qargs=[q])
        return QuantumError(zip(circs, probs))

    # Generate pauli strings. The order doesn't matter as long
    # as the all identity string is first.
    paulis = [
        for tup in it.product(['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], repeat=num_qubits)
    return QuantumError(zip(paulis, probs))
Exemplo n.º 25
def kraus2instructions(kraus_ops, standard_gates, atol=ATOL_DEFAULT):
    Convert a list of Kraus matrices into qobj circuits.

    If any Kraus operators are a unitary matrix they will be converted
    into unitary qobj instructions. Identity unitary matrices will also be
    converted into identity qobj instructions.

        kraus_ops (list[matrix]): A list of Kraus matrices for a CPTP map.
        standard_gates (bool): Check if the matrix instruction is a
                               standard instruction (default: True).
        atol (double): Threshold for testing if probabilities are zero.

        list: A list of pairs (p, circuit) where `circuit` is a list of qobj
        instructions, and `p` is the probability of that circuit for the
        given error.

        NoiseError: If the input Kraus channel is not CPTP.
        'kraus2instructions has been deprecated as of qiskit-aer 0.10.0'
        ' and will be removed no earlier than 3 months from that release date.',
        DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    # Check threshold
    if atol < 0:
        raise NoiseError("atol cannot be negative")
    if atol > 1e-5:
        raise NoiseError(
            "atol value is too large. It should be close to zero.")

    # Check CPTP
    if not Kraus(kraus_ops).is_cptp(atol=atol):
        raise NoiseError("Input Kraus channel is not CPTP.")

    # Get number of qubits
    num_qubits = int(np.log2(len(kraus_ops[0])))
    if len(kraus_ops[0]) != 2**num_qubits:
        raise NoiseError("Input Kraus channel is not a multi-qubit channel.")

    # Check if each matrix is a:
    # 1. scaled identity matrix
    # 2. scaled non-identity unitary matrix
    # 3. a non-unitary Kraus operator

    # Probabilities
    prob_identity = 0
    prob_unitary = 0  # total probability of all unitary ops (including id)
    prob_kraus = 0  # total probability of non-unitary ops
    probabilities = []  # initialize with probability of Identity

    # Matrices
    unitaries = []  # non-identity unitaries
    non_unitaries = []  # non-unitary Kraus matrices

    for mat in kraus_ops:
        # Get the value of the maximum diagonal element
        # of op.H * op for rescaling
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        prob = abs(max(np.diag(np.conj(np.transpose(mat)).dot(mat))))
        if prob > 0.0:
            if abs(prob - 1) > 0.0:
                # Rescale the operator by square root of prob
                rescaled_mat = np.array(mat) / np.sqrt(prob)
                rescaled_mat = mat
            # Check if identity operator
            if is_identity_matrix(rescaled_mat, ignore_phase=True):
                prob_identity += prob
                prob_unitary += prob
            # Check if unitary
            elif is_unitary_matrix(rescaled_mat):
                prob_unitary += prob
            # Non-unitary op

    # Check probabilities
    prob_kraus = 1 - prob_unitary
    if prob_unitary - 1 > atol:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid kraus matrices: unitary probability "
                         "{} > 1".format(prob_unitary))
    if prob_unitary < -atol:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid kraus matrices: unitary probability "
                         "{} < 1".format(prob_unitary))
    if prob_identity - 1 > atol:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid kraus matrices: identity probability "
                         "{} > 1".format(prob_identity))
    if prob_identity < -atol:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid kraus matrices: identity probability "
                         "{} < 1".format(prob_identity))
    if prob_kraus - 1 > atol:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid kraus matrices: non-unitary probability "
                         "{} > 1".format(prob_kraus))
    if prob_kraus < -atol:
        raise NoiseError("Invalid kraus matrices: non-unitary probability "
                         "{} < 1".format(prob_kraus))

    # Build qobj instructions
    instructions = []
    qubits = list(range(num_qubits))

    # Add unitary instructions
    for unitary in unitaries:
                unitary, qubits, standard_gates=standard_gates))

    # Add identity instruction
    if prob_identity > atol:
        if abs(prob_identity - 1) < atol:
        instructions.append([(IGate(), [0])])

    # Add Kraus
    if prob_kraus < atol:
        # No Kraus operators
        return zip(instructions, probabilities)
    if prob_kraus < 1:
        # Rescale kraus operators by probabilities
        non_unitaries = [
            np.array(op) / np.sqrt(prob_kraus) for op in non_unitaries
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        instructions.append(make_kraus_instruction(non_unitaries, qubits))
    # Normalize probabilities to account for any rounding errors
    probabilities = list(np.array(probabilities) / np.sum(probabilities))
    return zip(instructions, probabilities)
Exemplo n.º 26
def _standard_gate_instruction(instruction, ignore_phase=True):
    """Temporary function to create Instruction objects from a json string,
    which is necessary for creating a new QuantumError object from deprecated
    json-based input. Note that the type of returned object is different from
    the deprecated standard_gate_instruction.
    TODO: to be removed after deprecation period.

        instruction (dict): A qobj instruction.
        ignore_phase (bool): Ignore global phase on unitary matrix in
                             comparison to canonical unitary.

        list: a list of (instructions, qubits) equivalent to in input instruction.
    gate = {
        "id": IGate(),
        "x": XGate(),
        "y": YGate(),
        "z": ZGate(),
        "h": HGate(),
        "s": SGate(),
        "sdg": SdgGate(),
        "t": TGate(),
        "tdg": TdgGate(),
        "cx": CXGate(),
        "cz": CZGate(),
        "swap": SwapGate()

    name = instruction.get("name", None)
    qubits = instruction["qubits"]
    if name in gate:
        return [(gate[name], qubits)]

    if name not in ["mat", "unitary", "kraus"]:
        return [instruction]

    params = instruction["params"]
    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        # Check for single-qubit reset Kraus
        if name == "kraus":
            if len(qubits) == 1:
                superop = SuperOp(Kraus(params))
                # Check if reset to |0>
                reset0 = reset_superop(1)
                if superop == reset0:
                    return [(Reset(), [0])]
                # Check if reset to |1>
                reset1 = reset0.compose(Operator(standard_gate_unitary('x')))
                if superop == reset1:
                    return [(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])]
            return [instruction]

        # Check single qubit gates
        mat = params[0]
        if len(qubits) == 1:
            # Check clifford gates
            for j in range(24):
                if matrix_equal(
                    return [(gate, [0]) for gate in _CLIFFORD_GATES[j]]
            # Check t gates
            for name in ["t", "tdg"]:
                if matrix_equal(
                    return [(gate[name], qubits)]
            # TODO: u1,u2,u3 decomposition
        # Check two qubit gates
        if len(qubits) == 2:
            for name in ["cx", "cz", "swap"]:
                if matrix_equal(
                    return [(gate[name], qubits)]
            # Check reversed CX
            if matrix_equal(
                return [(CXGate(), [qubits[1], qubits[0]])]
            # Check 2-qubit Pauli's
            paulis = ["id", "x", "y", "z"]
            for pauli0 in paulis:
                for pauli1 in paulis:
                    pmat = np.kron(
                    if matrix_equal(mat, pmat, ignore_phase=ignore_phase):
                        if pauli0 == "id":
                            return [(gate[pauli1], [qubits[1]])]
                        elif pauli1 == "id":
                            return [(gate[pauli0], [qubits[0]])]
                            return [(gate[pauli0], [qubits[0]]), (gate[pauli1], [qubits[1]])]
        # Check three qubit toffoli
        if len(qubits) == 3:
            if matrix_equal(
                return [(CCXGate(), qubits)]
            if matrix_equal(
                return [(CCXGate(), [qubits[0], qubits[2], qubits[1]])]
            if matrix_equal(
                return [(CCXGate(), [qubits[1], qubits[2], qubits[0]])]

    # Else return input in
    return [instruction]