Exemplo n.º 1
def get_character_code_sequence(sh):
    assert     sh.__class__.__name__ == "StringIO" \
            or sh.__class__.__name__ == "file"

    # Only \" is a special character '"', any other backslashed character
    # remains as the sequence 'backslash' + character
    sequence = []
    while 1 + 1 == 2:
        char_code = utf8.__read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(sh)
        if char_code is None:
            raise RegularExpressionException(
                "End of file reached while parsing quoted string.")

        elif char_code == ord("\\"):
            char_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(sh)
            if char_code is None:
                raise RegularExpressionException(
                    "Unidentified backslash-sequence in quoted string.")

        elif char_code == ord('"'):


    return sequence
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_character_code(fh):
    # NOTE: This function is tested with the regeression test for feature request 2251359.
    #       See directory $QUEX_PATH/TEST/2251359.
    pos = fh.tell()
    start = fh.read(1)
    if start == "":  
        fh.seek(pos); return -1

    elif start == "'": 
        # read an utf-8 char an get the token-id
        # Example: '+'
        if check(fh, "\\"):
            # snap_backslashed_character throws an exception if 'backslashed char' is nonsense.
            character_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(fh, ReducedSetOfBackslashedCharactersF=True)
            character_code = __read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(fh)

        if character_code is None:
            error.log("Missing utf8-character for definition of character code by character.", 

        elif fh.read(1) != '\'':
            error.log("Missing closing ' for definition of character code by character.", 

        return character_code

    if start == "U":
        if fh.read(1) != "C": fh.seek(pos); return -1
        # read Unicode Name 
        ucs_name = __read_token_identifier(fh)
        if ucs_name == "": fh.seek(pos); return -1
        # Get the character set related to the given name. Note, the size of the set
        # is supposed to be one.
        character_code = ucs_property_db.get_character_set("Name", ucs_name)
        if type(character_code) in [str, unicode]:
            error.verify_word_in_list(ucs_name, ucs_property_db["Name"].code_point_db,
                                      "The string %s\ndoes not identify a known unicode character." % ucs_name, 
        elif type(character_code) not in [int, long]:
            error.log("%s relates to more than one character in unicode database." % ucs_name, 
        return character_code

    character_code = read_integer(fh)
    if character_code is not None: return character_code

    # Try to interpret it as something else ...
    return -1               
def test(Title, TestString):
    print Title + ":"
    print "    characters      = \"" + TestString + "\""

    result_list = []
    sh = StringIO(TestString)
    while 1 + 1 == 2:
        letter = sh.read(1)
        if letter == "": break
        if letter != "\\":
            print "[end of sequence]"
        code = snap.do(sh)
        result_list.append("%04X" % code)

    print "    character codes = " + repr(result_list)
def test(Title, TestString):
    print Title + ":"
    print "    characters      = \"" + TestString + "\""

    result_list = []
    sh = StringIO(TestString)
    while 1 + 1 == 2:
        letter = sh.read(1)
        if letter == "": break
        if letter != "\\":
            print "[end of sequence]"
        code = snap.do(sh)
        result_list.append("%04X" % code)
    print "    character codes = " + repr(result_list) 
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_character_code_sequence(sh):
    assert     sh.__class__.__name__ == "StringIO" \
            or sh.__class__.__name__ == "file"

    # Only \" is a special character '"', any other backslashed character
    # remains as the sequence 'backslash' + character
    sequence = []
    while 1 + 1 == 2:
        char_code = utf8.__read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(sh)
        if char_code is None:
            raise RegularExpressionException("End of file reached while parsing quoted string.")

        elif char_code == ord("\\"): 
            char_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(sh)
            if char_code is None: 
                raise RegularExpressionException("Unidentified backslash-sequence in quoted string.")

        elif char_code == ord('"'):


    return sequence
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_character_code(fh):
    # NOTE: This function is tested with the regeression test for feature request 2251359.
    #       See directory $QUEX_PATH/TEST/2251359.
    pos = fh.tell()

    start = fh.read(1)
    if start == "":
        return -1

    elif start == "'":
        # read an utf-8 char an get the token-id
        # Example: '+'
        if check(fh, "\\"):
            # snap_backslashed_character throws an exception if 'backslashed char' is nonsense.
            character_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(
                fh, ReducedSetOfBackslashedCharactersF=True)
            character_code = __read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(fh)

        if character_code is None:
                "Missing utf8-character for definition of character code by character.",

        elif fh.read(1) != '\'':
                "Missing closing ' for definition of character code by character.",

        return character_code

    if start == "U":
        if fh.read(1) != "C":
            return -1
        # read Unicode Name
        ucs_name = __read_token_identifier(fh)
        if ucs_name == "":
            return -1
        # Get the character set related to the given name. Note, the size of the set
        # is supposed to be one.
        character_code = ucs_property_db.get_character_set("Name", ucs_name)
        if type(character_code) in [str, unicode]:
                ucs_name, ucs_property_db["Name"].code_point_db,
                "The string %s\ndoes not identify a known unicode character." %
                ucs_name, fh)
        elif type(character_code) not in [int, long]:
                "%s relates to more than one character in unicode database." %
                ucs_name, fh)
        return character_code

    character_code = read_integer(fh)
    if character_code is not None: return character_code

    # Try to interpret it as something else ...
    return -1
Exemplo n.º 7
def do(sh):
    """Transforms an expression of the form [a-z0-9A-Z] into a NumberSet of
       code points that corresponds to the characters and character ranges mentioned.
    assert     sh.__class__.__name__ == "StringIO" \
            or sh.__class__.__name__ == "file"

    def __check_letter(stream, letter):
        position = stream.tell()
        if stream.read(1) == letter: return True
            return False

    # check, if the set is thought to be inverse (preceeded by '^')
    tracker = Tracker()

    if __check_letter(sh, "^"): tracker.negation_f = True

    char_code = None
    quote_checker = DoubleQuoteChecker(
    )  # Checks for " appearing twice. Some users did use
    #                                    # constructs such as "-" and ended up in confusing behavior.
    while 1 + 1 == 2:
        char_code = utf8.__read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(sh)

        if char_code == ord("-"):
            raise RegularExpressionException(
                "Character range operator '-' requires a preceding character as in 'a-z'."
        elif char_code is None:
            raise RegularExpressionException(
                "Missing closing ']' in character range expression.")
        elif char_code == ord("]"):
        elif char_code == ord("\\"):
            char_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(sh)

        if not __check_letter(sh, "-"):
            # (*) Normal character
            # (*) Character range:  'character0' '-' 'character1'
            char_code_2 = utf8.__read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(sh)
            if char_code_2 in [None, ord(']')]:
                raise RegularExpressionException(
                    "Character range: '-' requires a character following '-'.")
            elif char_code == ord("-"):
                raise RegularExpressionException(
                    "Character range operator '-' followed by '-'.")
            elif char_code_2 == ord("\\"):
                char_code_2 = snap_backslashed_character.do(sh)

            # value denotes 'end', i.e first character outside the interval => add 1
            if char_code == char_code_2:
                utf8_string = utf8.map_unicode_to_utf8(char_code)
                raise RegularExpressionException("Character range '%s-%s' has only one element.\n" \
                                                 % (utf8_string, utf8_string) + \
                                                 "In this case avoid range expression for clarity.")
            tracker.consider_interval(char_code, char_code_2 + 1)

        if char_code is None: break

    if tracker.negation_f:
        return tracker.match_set.get_complement(
        return tracker.match_set
Exemplo n.º 8
def snap_primary(stream, PatternDict):
    """primary:  " non_double_quote *  "              = character string
                 [ non_rect_bracket_close ]           = set of characters
                 { identifier }                       = pattern replacement
                 ( expression )
                 non_control_character+               = lonely characters
                 primary repetition_cmd
    __debug_entry("primary", stream)
    x = stream.read(1)
    lookahead = stream.read(1)
    if x != "" and lookahead != "": stream.seek(-1, 1)
    if x == "": return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    # -- 'primary' primary
    if x == "\"": result = snap_character_string.do(stream)
    elif x == "[":
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        result = character_set_expression.do(stream, PatternDict)
    elif x == "{":
        result = snap_replacement(stream, PatternDict)
    elif x == ".":
        result = create_ALL_BUT_NEWLINE_state_machine()
    elif x == "(":
        result = snap_bracketed_expression(stream, PatternDict)

    elif x.isspace():
        # a lonestanding space ends the regular expression
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    elif x in ["*", "+", "?"]:
        raise RegularExpressionException(
            "lonely operator '%s' without expression proceeding." % x)

    elif x == "\\":
        if lookahead == "C":
            result = snap_case_folded_pattern(stream, PatternDict)
        elif lookahead == "R":
            result = get_expression_in_brackets(stream, PatternDict,
                                                "reverse operator",
        elif lookahead == "A":
            result = get_expression_in_brackets(stream, PatternDict,
                                                "anti-pattern operator", "A")
            stream.seek(-1, 1)
            trigger_set = character_set_expression.snap_property_set(stream)
            if trigger_set is None:
                    1, 1)  # snap_property_set() leaves tream right before '\\'
                char_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(stream)
                if char_code is None:
                    raise RegularExpressionException(
                        "Backslash followed by unrecognized character code.")
                trigger_set = char_code
            result = StateMachine()

    elif x not in CONTROL_CHARACTERS:
        # NOTE: The '\' is not inside the control characters---for a reason.
        #       It is used to define for example character codes using '\x' etc.
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        result = snap_non_control_character(stream, PatternDict)

        # NOTE: This includes the '$' sign which means 'end of line'
        #       because the '$' sign is in CONTROL_CHARACTERS, but is not checked
        #       against. Thus, it it good to leave here on '$' because the
        #       '$' sign is handled on the very top level.
        # this is not a valid primary
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    # -- optional repetition command?
    result_repeated = __snap_repetition_range(result, stream)
    if result_repeated is not None: result = result_repeated
    return __debug_exit(beautifier.do(result), stream)
Exemplo n.º 9
def snap_primary(stream, PatternDict):
    """primary:  " non_double_quote *  "              = character string
                 [ non_rect_bracket_close ]           = set of characters
                 { identifier }                       = pattern replacement
                 ( expression )
                 non_control_character+               = lonely characters
                 primary repetition_cmd
    __debug_entry("primary", stream)    
    x = stream.read(1); lookahead = stream.read(1); 
    if x != "" and lookahead != "": stream.seek(-1, 1)
    if x == "": return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    # -- 'primary' primary
    if   x == "\"": result = snap_character_string.do(stream)
    elif x == "[":  
        stream.seek(-1, 1); 
        result = character_set_expression.do(stream, PatternDict)
    elif x == "{":  result = snap_replacement(stream, PatternDict)
    elif x == ".":  result = create_ALL_BUT_NEWLINE_state_machine()
    elif x == "(":  result = snap_bracketed_expression(stream, PatternDict)

    elif x.isspace():
        # a lonestanding space ends the regular expression
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    elif x in ["*", "+", "?"]:
        raise RegularExpressionException("lonely operator '%s' without expression proceeding." % x) 

    elif x == "\\":
        if lookahead == "C":
            result = snap_case_folded_pattern(stream, PatternDict)
        elif lookahead == "R":
            result = get_expression_in_brackets(stream, PatternDict, "reverse operator", "R").get_inverse()
        elif lookahead == "A":
            result =  get_expression_in_brackets(stream, PatternDict, "anti-pattern operator", "A")
            stream.seek(-1, 1)
            trigger_set = character_set_expression.snap_property_set(stream)
            if trigger_set is None:
                stream.seek(1, 1)  # snap_property_set() leaves tream right before '\\'
                char_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(stream)
                if char_code is None:
                    raise RegularExpressionException("Backslash followed by unrecognized character code.")
                trigger_set = char_code
            result = StateMachine()
            result.add_transition(result.init_state_index, trigger_set, AcceptanceF=True)

    elif x not in CONTROL_CHARACTERS:
        # NOTE: The '\' is not inside the control characters---for a reason.
        #       It is used to define for example character codes using '\x' etc.
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        result = snap_non_control_character(stream, PatternDict)

        # NOTE: This includes the '$' sign which means 'end of line'
        #       because the '$' sign is in CONTROL_CHARACTERS, but is not checked
        #       against. Thus, it it good to leave here on '$' because the
        #       '$' sign is handled on the very top level.
        # this is not a valid primary
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    # -- optional repetition command? 
    result_repeated = __snap_repetition_range(result, stream) 
    if result_repeated is not None: result = result_repeated
    return __debug_exit(beautifier.do(result), stream)
Exemplo n.º 10
def snap_primary(stream, PatternDict):
    """primary:  " non_double_quote *  "              = character string
                 [ non_rect_bracket_close ]           = set of characters
                 { identifier }                       = pattern replacement
                 ( expression )
                 non_control_character+               = lonely characters
                 primary repetition_cmd

    __debug_entry("primary", stream)    
    x = stream.read(1)
    if   x == "": return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    # -- 'primary' primary
    if   x == "\"": result = snap_character_string.do(stream)
    elif x == "[":  
        stream.seek(-1, 1); 
        result = snap_character_set_expression(stream, PatternDict)
    elif x == "{":  result = snap_replacement(stream, PatternDict)
    elif x == ".":  result = create_ALL_BUT_NEWLINE_state_machine(stream)
    elif x == "(":  result = snap_bracketed_expression(stream, PatternDict)

    elif x.isspace():
        # a lonestanding space ends the regular expression
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    elif x in ["*", "+", "?"]:
        raise RegularExpressionException("lonely operator '%s' without expression proceeding." % x) 

    elif x == "\\":
        result = snap_command(stream, PatternDict)
        if result is None:
            stream.seek(-1, 1)
            trigger_set = snap_property_set(stream)
            if trigger_set is None:
                # snap the '\'
                char_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(stream)
                if char_code is None:
                    raise RegularExpressionException("Backslash followed by unrecognized character code.")
                trigger_set = char_code
            result = StateMachine()
            result.add_transition(result.init_state_index, trigger_set, AcceptanceF=True)

        # NOTE: The '\' is not inside the control characters---for a reason.
        #       It is used to define for example character codes using '\x' etc.
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        result = snap_non_control_character(stream, PatternDict)

        # NOTE: This includes the '$' sign which means 'end of line'
        #       because the '$' sign is in CONTROL_CHARACTERS, but is not checked
        #       against. Thus, it it good to leave here on '$' because the
        #       '$' sign is handled on the very top level.
        # this is not a valid primary
        stream.seek(-1, 1)
        return __debug_exit(None, stream)

    # -- optional repetition command? 
    result_repeated = __snap_repetition_range(result, stream) 
    if result_repeated is not None: result = result_repeated

    # There's something going wrong with pseudo-ambigous post context
    # if we do not clean-up here. TODO: Investigate why?
    # See tests in generator/TEST directory.
    return __debug_exit(beautifier.do(result), stream)
Exemplo n.º 11
def do(sh):
    """Transforms an expression of the form [a-z0-9A-Z] into a NumberSet of
       code points that corresponds to the characters and character ranges mentioned.
    assert     sh.__class__.__name__ == "StringIO" \
            or sh.__class__.__name__ == "file"

    def __check_letter(stream, letter):
        position = stream.tell()
        if stream.read(1) == letter: return True
        else:                        stream.seek(position); return False

    # check, if the set is thought to be inverse (preceeded by '^')
    tracker = Tracker()

    if __check_letter(sh, "^"): tracker.negation_f = True

    char_code     = None
    quote_checker = DoubleQuoteChecker() # Checks for " appearing twice. Some users did use
    #                                    # constructs such as "-" and ended up in confusing behavior.
    while 1 + 1 == 2:
        char_code = utf8.__read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(sh)

        if char_code == ord("-"):
            raise RegularExpressionException("Character range operator '-' requires a preceding character as in 'a-z'.")
        elif char_code is None: 
            raise RegularExpressionException("Missing closing ']' in character range expression.")
        elif char_code == ord("]"):
        elif char_code == ord("\\"):
            char_code = snap_backslashed_character.do(sh)

        if not __check_letter(sh, "-"): 
            # (*) Normal character
            # (*) Character range:  'character0' '-' 'character1'
            char_code_2 = utf8.__read_one_utf8_code_from_stream(sh)
            if char_code_2 in [None, ord(']')]: 
                raise RegularExpressionException("Character range: '-' requires a character following '-'.")
            elif char_code == ord("-"):
                raise RegularExpressionException("Character range operator '-' followed by '-'.")
            elif char_code_2 == ord("\\"): 
                char_code_2 = snap_backslashed_character.do(sh)  

            # value denotes 'end', i.e first character outside the interval => add 1
            if char_code == char_code_2:
                utf8_string = utf8.map_unicode_to_utf8(char_code)
                raise RegularExpressionException("Character range '%s-%s' has only one element.\n" \
                                                 % (utf8_string, utf8_string) + \
                                                 "In this case avoid range expression for clarity.")
            tracker.consider_interval(char_code, char_code_2 + 1)

        if char_code is None: break

    if tracker.negation_f: 
        return tracker.match_set.get_complement(Setup.buffer_codec.source_set)
        return tracker.match_set