Exemplo n.º 1
def _generate_pdfjs_script(url):
    """Generate the script that shows the pdf with pdf.js.

        url: The url of the pdf page as QUrl.
    return (
        'PDFJS.verbosity = PDFJS.VERBOSITY_LEVELS.info;\n'
Exemplo n.º 2
 def click_element(self, text):
     """Click the element with the given text."""
     # Use Javascript and XPath to find the right element, use console.log
     # to return an error (no element found, ambiguous element)
     script = (
         'var _es = document.evaluate(\'//*[text()={text}]\', document, '
         'null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);'
         'if (_es.snapshotLength == 0) {{ console.log("qute:no elems"); }} '
         'else if (_es.snapshotLength > 1) {{ console.log("qute:ambiguous '
         'elems") }} '
         'else {{ console.log("qute:okay"); _es.snapshotItem(0).click() }}'
     self.send_cmd(':jseval ' + script)
     message = self.wait_for_js('qute:*').message
     if message.endswith('qute:no elems'):
         raise ValueError('No element with {!r} found'.format(text))
     elif message.endswith('qute:ambiguous elems'):
         raise ValueError('Element with {!r} is not unique'.format(text))
     elif not message.endswith('qute:okay'):
         raise ValueError(
             'Invalid response from qutebrowser: {}'.format(message))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def click_element(self, text):
     """Click the element with the given text."""
     # Use Javascript and XPath to find the right element, use console.log
     # to return an error (no element found, ambiguous element)
     script = (
         'var _es = document.evaluate(\'//*[text()={text}]\', document, '
         'null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);'
         'if (_es.snapshotLength == 0) {{ console.log("qute:no elems"); }} '
         'else if (_es.snapshotLength > 1) {{ console.log("qute:ambiguous '
         'elems") }} '
         'else {{ console.log("qute:okay"); _es.snapshotItem(0).click() }}'
     self.send_cmd(':jseval ' + script, escape=False)
     message = self.wait_for_js('qute:*').message
     if message.endswith('qute:no elems'):
         raise ValueError('No element with {!r} found'.format(text))
     elif message.endswith('qute:ambiguous elems'):
         raise ValueError('Element with {!r} is not unique'.format(text))
     elif not message.endswith('qute:okay'):
         raise ValueError('Invalid response from qutebrowser: {}'
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _test_escape_hexlified(self, text, qtbot, webframe):
        """Test conversion by hexlifying in javascript.

        Since the conversion of QStrings to Python strings is broken in some
        older PyQt versions in some corner cases, we load an HTML file which
        generates an MD5 of the escaped text and use that for comparisons.
        escaped = webelem.javascript_escape(text)
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html_source = f.read().replace('%INPUT%', escaped)

        with qtbot.waitSignal(webframe.loadFinished) as blocker:
        assert blocker.args == [True]

        result = webframe.evaluateJavaScript('window.qute_test_result')
        assert result is not None
        assert '|' in result
        result_md5, result_text = result.split('|', maxsplit=1)
        text_md5 = binascii.hexlify(text.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii')
        assert result_md5 == text_md5, result_text
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _test_escape_hexlified(self, text, qtbot, webframe):
        """Test conversion by hexlifying in javascript.

        Since the conversion of QStrings to Python strings is broken in some
        older PyQt versions in some corner cases, we load a HTML file which
        generates an MD5 of the escaped text and use that for comparisons.
        escaped = webelem.javascript_escape(text)
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html_source = f.read().replace('%INPUT%', escaped)

        with qtbot.waitSignal(webframe.loadFinished) as blocker:
        assert blocker.args == [True]

        result = webframe.evaluateJavaScript('window.qute_test_result')
        assert result is not None
        assert '|' in result
        result_md5, result_text = result.split('|', maxsplit=1)
        text_md5 = binascii.hexlify(text.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii')
        assert result_md5 == text_md5, result_text
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _test_escape_simple(self, text, webframe):
     """Test conversion by using evaluateJavaScript."""
     escaped = webelem.javascript_escape(text)
     result = webframe.evaluateJavaScript('"{}";'.format(escaped))
     assert result == text
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_fake_escape(self, before, after):
     """Test javascript escaping with some expected outcomes."""
     assert webelem.javascript_escape(before) == after
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _test_escape_simple(self, text, webframe):
     """Test conversion by using evaluateJavaScript."""
     escaped = webelem.javascript_escape(text)
     result = webframe.evaluateJavaScript('"{}";'.format(escaped))
     assert result == text
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_fake_escape(self, before, after):
     """Test javascript escaping with some expected outcomes."""
     assert webelem.javascript_escape(before) == after