Exemplo n.º 1
def get_death_hsnmanage(op_numstr):
    print("hsn_manage/views/get_death_hsnmanage:", op_numstr)

    death = None

    # get death info info from HsnBeheer
        from qx.views import none2empty
        entry = HsnBeheer.objects.using("mail").get(idnr=op_numstr)

        death_location = none2empty(entry.ovlplaats)

        if entry is not None:
            death = {
                "table_name": "HsnBeheer",
                "edit": True,
                "death_day": entry.ovldag,
                "death_month": entry.ovlmnd,
                "death_year": entry.ovljaar,
                "death_location": death_location
            print("HsnBeheer entry %s does not exist" % op_numstr)

        print("hsn_manage/views/get_death_hsnmanage( %s )" % op_numstr)
        type, value, tb = exc_info()
        msg = "HsnBeheer.objects.get failed: %s" % value
        print("%s\n" % msg)

    return death
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_death_ovlknd(op_numstr):
    print("hsn_manage/views/get_death_ovlknd:", op_numstr)

    death = None
    death_location = ""
    death_location_nr = ""

    # get death info info from Ovlknd
    entry = get_ovlknd(op_numstr)

    if entry is None:
        print("Ovlknd entry %s does not exist" % op_numstr)
        from qx.views import none2empty
        death_location = none2empty(entry.oacgemnm)
        death_location_nr = none2empty(entry.oacgemnr)

        death = {
            "table_name": "Ovlknd",
            "edit": False,
            "death_day": entry.ovldag,
            "death_month": entry.ovlmnd,
            "death_year": entry.ovljr,
            "death_location": death_location,
            "death_location_nr": death_location_nr

    # sometimes the death location is empty, but it might be retrieved via the nr
    if death is not None and death_location == "" and death_location_nr != "":
        plaats_qs = get_location_by_gemnr(death_location_nr)

        if plaats_qs is not None:
            death_location = plaats_qs.gemnaam
            death["death_location"] = death_location
            print("Plaats with gemnr %s does not exist", death_location_nr)

    return death
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_mails(op_number):
	List of existing mails of OP

    nmails = 0

    mails_bev = []
    mails_huw = []
    mails_oth = []

        mail_qs = Mail.objects.using("mail").filter(idnr=op_number).order_by("id")

        if mail_qs is None:
            print("Mail does not contain entries for OP %d", op_number)
            from qx.views import none2empty

            nmails = mail_qs.count()
            print("Mail has %d entries for OP %s" % (nmails, op_number))
            for mail in mail_qs:
                mail_dict = {
                    "id": mail.id,  # AI PK
                    "idnr": none2empty(mail.idnr),
                    "briefnr": none2empty(mail.briefnr),
                    "aard": none2empty(mail.aard),
                    "datum": none2empty(mail.datum),
                    "periode": none2empty(mail.periode),
                    "gemnr": none2empty(mail.gemnr),
                    "naamgem": none2empty(mail.naamgem),
                    "status": none2empty(mail.status),
                    "printdatum": none2empty(mail.printdatum),
                    "printen": none2empty(mail.printen),
                    "ontvdat": none2empty(mail.ontvdat),
                    "opmerk": none2empty(mail.opmerk),
                    "opident": none2empty(mail.opident),
                    "oppartner": none2empty(mail.oppartner),
                    "opvader": none2empty(mail.opvader),
                    "opmoeder": none2empty(mail.opmoeder),
                    "type": none2empty(mail.type),
                    "infoouders": none2empty(mail.infoouders),
                    "infopartner": none2empty(mail.infopartner),
                    "inforeis": none2empty(mail.inforeis),

                if mail.type == "BEV":
                    if mail.status == "0":
                        nstatus0_bev += 1
                elif mail.type == "HUW":

        type, value, tb = exc_info()
        msg = "Mail.objects.filter failed: %s" % value
        print("%s\n" % msg)

    mails = {"bev": mails_bev, "huw": mails_huw, "oth": mails_oth}

    return mails
Exemplo n.º 4
def print_mailbev():
	if debug: print( "mail/print/print_mailbev(" )
	# notice, no cups.py, but just a .cups.so
	#print( os.path.abspath( cups.__file__ ) )
	# .../python2710/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cups.so
	ids = []
		from qx.views import none2empty
		ret_status = "OK"
		msg = ""
	#	mail_qs = Mail.objects.using( "mail" ).filter( status = 0, type = "BEV" ).order_by( "provnr", "archiefnaam", "id" )	# "provnr" not in Mail table
	#	mail_qs = Mail.objects.using( "mail" ).filter( status = 0, type = "BEV" ).order_by( "archiefnaam", "id" )	# "archiefnaam" not in Mail table
		mail_qs = Mail.objects.using( "mail" ).filter( status = 0, type = "BEV" ).order_by( "gemnr", "id" )
		if mail_qs is None:
			msg = "Mail does not contain entries with status = 0"
			if debug: print( msg )
			nmails_bev = mail_qs.count()
			if debug: print( "Number of mails with status = 0:", nmails_bev )
			for mail in mail_qs:
				if debug: print( mail )
				id = str( mail.id )
				ids.append( id )
				opsex    = none2empty( get_opsex(    mail.idnr ) )
				mailtype = none2empty( get_mailtype( mail.idnr ) )
				if debug: print( "opsex:", opsex, ", mailtype:", mailtype )
				archive = none2empty( get_archive( mail.gemnr ) )
				if debug: print( "archive:", archive )
				info_list = none2empty( get_op_info( mail.idnr ) )
				if debug: print( "info_list:", info_list )
				pathname_psfile = get_pathname_psfile( mail.gemnr, id )
				OP = {
					"info_list"   : info_list,
					"mailtype"    : mailtype,
					"idnr"        : str( mail.idnr ),
					"kind"        : none2empty( mail.aard ),
					"gemnr"       : mail.gemnr,
					"archive"     : archive,
					"datum"       : none2empty( mail.datum ),
					"periode"     : none2empty( mail.periode ),
					"naamgem"     : none2empty( mail.naamgem ),
					"opmerk"      : none2empty( mail.opmerk ),
					"opsex"       : opsex,
					"opident"     : none2empty( mail.opident ),
					"oppartner"   : none2empty( mail.oppartner ),
					"opvader"     : none2empty( mail.opvader ),
					"opmoeder"    : none2empty( mail.opmoeder ),
					"infoouders"  : none2empty( mail.infoouders ),
					"infopartner" : none2empty( mail.infopartner ),
					"inforeis"    : none2empty( mail.inforeis )
				create_ps_letter( pathname_psfile, OP )
					ret_status, msg = print_ps_letter( id, pathname_psfile )
					if ret_status == "OK" and MAIL_UPDATE_TABLE:
						update_status_date( id )
			#	break	# test: create/print only 1 letter

		ret_status = "ERROR"
		print( "print_mailbev()" )
		type, value, tb = exc_info()
		msg = "Mail.objects.filter failed: %s" % value
		print( "%s\n" % msg )
	return ret_status, msg, ids
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_op_info( op_number ):
	get birth info from table Hsnrp
	id_origin values: >=10 and < 17
	a given idnr may occur multiple times
	*_firstname is actually firstnames
	op_info_list = []
	if op_number == "":
		print( "op/get_op_info(): empty op_number: doing nothing" )
		return op_info_list
	print( "op/get_op_info():", op_number )
	hsnrp_qs = get_hsnrp( op_number )
	if hsnrp_qs is None:
		print( "Hsnrp entry idnr %d does not exist", op_number )
		from qx.views import none2empty
		for hsnrp in hsnrp_qs:
			id           = hsnrp.id				# AI PK
			idnr         = none2empty( hsnrp.idnr )
			id_origin    = none2empty( hsnrp.id_origin )
			project      = none2empty( hsnrp.project )
			gemnr        = none2empty( hsnrp.gemnr )
			valid_day    = none2empty( hsnrp.valid_day )
			valid_month  = none2empty( hsnrp.valid_month )
			valid_year   = none2empty( hsnrp.valid_year )
			rp_family    = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_family )
			rp_prefix    = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_prefix )
			rp_firstname = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_firstname )
			rp_b_day     = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_b_day )
			rp_b_month   = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_b_month )
			rp_b_year    = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_b_year )
			rp_b_sex     = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_b_sex )
			rp_b_place   = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_b_place )
			rp_b_prov    = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_b_prov )
			rp_b_coh     = none2empty( hsnrp.rp_b_coh )
			mo_family    = none2empty( hsnrp.mo_family )
			mo_prefix    = none2empty( hsnrp.mo_prefix )
			mo_firstname = none2empty( hsnrp.mo_firstname )
			fa_family    = none2empty( hsnrp.fa_family )
			fa_prefix    = none2empty( hsnrp.fa_prefix )
			fa_firstname = none2empty( hsnrp.fa_firstname )
			op_info_dict = {}
			op_info_dict[ "id" ]           = id
			op_info_dict[ "idnr" ]         = idnr
			op_info_dict[ "id_origin" ]    = id_origin
			op_info_dict[ "project" ]      = project
			op_info_dict[ "gemnr" ]        = gemnr
			op_info_dict[ "valid_day" ]    = valid_day
			op_info_dict[ "valid_month" ]  = valid_month
			op_info_dict[ "valid_year" ]   = valid_year
			op_info_dict[ "rp_family" ]    = rp_family
			op_info_dict[ "rp_prefix" ]    = rp_prefix
			op_info_dict[ "rp_firstname" ] = rp_firstname
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_day" ]     = rp_b_day
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_month" ]   = rp_b_month
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_year" ]    = rp_b_year
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_sex" ]     = rp_b_sex
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_place" ]   = rp_b_place
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_prov" ]    = rp_b_prov
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_coh" ]     = rp_b_coh
			op_info_dict[ "mo_family" ]    = mo_family
			op_info_dict[ "mo_prefix" ]    = mo_prefix
			op_info_dict[ "mo_firstname" ] = mo_firstname 
			op_info_dict[ "fa_family" ]    = fa_family
			op_info_dict[ "fa_prefix" ]    = fa_prefix
			op_info_dict[ "fa_firstname" ] = fa_firstname
			# some fields not in the table
			op_info_dict[ "remarks" ] = ""
			valid_date = "%s/%s/%s" % ( valid_day, valid_month, valid_year )
			op_info_dict[ "valid_date" ] = valid_date
			rp_b_date = "%s/%s/%s" % ( rp_b_day, rp_b_month, rp_b_year )
			op_info_dict[ "rp_b_date" ] = rp_b_date
			display_rp_family = rp_family
			if rp_prefix != "":
				display_rp_family +=  ", " + rp_prefix
			if int( id_origin ) == 10:
				display_str = "%s %s, %s [%s], geboren %s/%s/%s te %s" % ( 
					idnr, display_rp_family, rp_firstname, rp_b_sex, rp_b_day, rp_b_month, rp_b_year, rp_b_place )
				display_str = "%s, %s [%s], geboren %s/%s/%s te %s" % ( 
					display_rp_family, rp_firstname, rp_b_sex, rp_b_day, rp_b_month, rp_b_year, rp_b_place )
			op_info_dict[ "display_str" ] = display_str
			op_info_list.append( op_info_dict )

	op_info_list_manual = get_id_change_manual( op_number )
	for op_info in op_info_list_manual:
		op_info_list.append( op_info )

	return op_info_list
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_id_change_manual( op_number ):
	get id change id info from table HsnIdmut
	id_origin values: 17 and 18
	a given idnr may occur multiple times
	*_firstname is actually firstnames
	print( "op/get_id_change_manual():", op_number )

	# Get Identification mutations info from table HsnIdmut
	# Such id mutations has been created manually via the hsnmailenbeheer GUI
	# There can also be automatic id changes from table Hsnrp
	op_info_list = []
		hsnidmut_qs = HsnIdmut.objects.using( "mail" ).filter( idnr = op_number )

		if hsnidmut_qs is None:
			print( "HsnIdmut entry %d does not exist", op_number )
			from qx.views import none2empty
			for hsnidmut in hsnidmut_qs:
				id           = hsnidmut.id				# AI PK
				idnr         = none2empty( hsnidmut.idnr )
				id_origin    = none2empty( hsnidmut.id_origin )
				rp_family    = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_family )
				rp_prefix    = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_prefix )
				rp_firstname = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_firstname )
				rp_b_day     = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_b_day )
				rp_b_month   = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_b_month )
				rp_b_year    = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_b_year )
				rp_b_place   = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_b_place )
				rp_b_sex     = none2empty( hsnidmut.rp_b_sex )
				valid_day    = none2empty( hsnidmut.valid_day )
				valid_month  = none2empty( hsnidmut.valid_month )
				valid_year   = none2empty( hsnidmut.valid_year )
				remarks      = none2empty( hsnidmut.remarks )
				op_info_dict = {}
				op_info_dict[ "id" ]           = id
				op_info_dict[ "idnr" ]         = idnr
				op_info_dict[ "id_origin" ]    = id_origin
				op_info_dict[ "rp_family" ]    = rp_family
				op_info_dict[ "rp_prefix" ]    = rp_prefix
				op_info_dict[ "rp_firstname" ] = rp_firstname
				op_info_dict[ "rp_b_day" ]     = rp_b_day
				op_info_dict[ "rp_b_year" ]    = rp_b_year
				op_info_dict[ "rp_b_place" ]   = rp_b_place
				op_info_dict[ "rp_b_sex" ]     = rp_b_sex
				op_info_dict[ "valid_day" ]    = valid_day
				op_info_dict[ "valid_month" ]  = valid_month
				op_info_dict[ "valid_year" ]   = valid_year
				op_info_dict[ "remarks" ]      = remarks

				# some fields not in the table
				valid_date = "%s/%s/%s" % ( valid_day, valid_month, valid_year )
				op_info_dict[ "valid_date" ]   = valid_date

				rp_b_date = "%s/%s/%s" % ( rp_b_day, rp_b_month, rp_b_year )
				op_info_dict[ "rp_b_date" ] = rp_b_date
				display_rp_family = rp_family
				if rp_prefix != "":
					display_rp_family +=  ", " + rp_prefix
				display_str = "%s, %s [%s], geboren %s/%s/%s te %s" % ( 
					display_rp_family, rp_firstname, rp_b_sex, rp_b_day, rp_b_month, rp_b_year, rp_b_place )
				op_info_dict[ "display_str" ] = display_str
				op_info_list.append( op_info_dict )
		print( "op/get_id_change_manual()" )
		type, value, tb = exc_info()
		msg = "HsnIdmut.objects.filter failed: %s" % value
		print( "%s\n" % msg )

	return op_info_list
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_hsnmanage(op_numstr):
    hsnopmanage = {}

    # get hsnmanage info info from HsnBeheer
    phase_a = None
    phase_b = None
    phase_c = None

        hsnmanage_qs = HsnBeheer.objects.using("mail").filter(idnr=op_numstr)

        if hsnmanage_qs is None:
            print("HsnBeheer entry %s does not exist", op_numstr)
            from qx.views import none2empty

            for hsnmanage in hsnmanage_qs:
                mailtype = hsnmanage.mail_type
                if mailtype is None: mailtype = ""

                ovldag = hsnmanage.ovldag
                ovlmnd = hsnmanage.ovlmnd
                ovljaar = hsnmanage.ovljaar

                if ovldag == 0: ovldag = ""
                if ovlmnd == 0: ovlmnd = ""
                if ovljaar == 0: ovljaar = ""

                ovlplaats = none2empty(hsnmanage.ovlplaats)

                phase_a = hsnmanage.fase_a
                phase_b = hsnmanage.fase_b
                phase_c = hsnmanage.fase_c_d
                # print( "phase_a:", phase_a, "phase_b:", phase_b, "phase_c:", phase_c )

                hsnopmanage = \
                        "invoerstatus": hsnmanage.invoerstatus,
                        "mailtype": mailtype,
                        "ovldag": ovldag,
                        "ovlmnd": ovlmnd,
                        "ovljaar": ovljaar,
                        "ovlplaats": ovlplaats,
                        "phase_a": phase_a,
                        "phase_b": phase_b,
                        "phase_c": phase_c

        print("hsn_manage/views/get_hsnmanage( %s )" % op_numstr)
        type, value, tb = exc_info()
        msg = "HsnBeheer.objects.filter failed: %s" % value
        print("%s\n" % msg)

    # prevent selecting fixed string labels in the client that no longer exist
    print("phase_a:", phase_a, "phase_b:", phase_b, "phase_c:", phase_c)
    phase_a_str = ""
        tfasea = TekstFaseA.objects.using("mail").filter(fase_a=hsnmanage.fase_a).first()
        if tfasea is not None:
            phase_a_str = str(phase_a) + " - " + tfasea.fase_a_text
        phase_a = ""
        type, value, tb = exc_info()
        msg = "TekstFaseA.objects failed: %s" % value
        print("%s\n" % msg)

    phase_b_str = ""
        tfaseb = TekstFaseB.objects.using("mail").filter(fase_b=hsnmanage.fase_b).first()
        if tfaseb is not None:
            phase_b_str = str(phase_b) + " - " + tfaseb.fase_b_text
        phase_b = ""
        type, value, tb = exc_info()
        msg = "TekstFaseB.objects failed: %s" % value
        print("%s\n" % msg)

    phase_c_str = ""
        tfasec = TekstFaseCD.objects.using("mail").filter(fase_c_d=hsnmanage.fase_c_d).first()
        if tfasec is not None:
            phase_c_str = str(phase_c) + " - " + tfasec.fase_c_d_text
        phase_c = ""
        type, value, tb = exc_info()
        msg = "TekstFaseCD.objects failed: %s" % value
        print("%s\n" % msg)

    print("phase_a:", phase_a, "phase_b:", phase_b, "phase_c:", phase_c)

    hsnopmanage["phase_a_str"] = phase_a_str
    hsnopmanage["phase_b_str"] = phase_b_str
    hsnopmanage["phase_c_str"] = phase_c_str

    # also need the number of the location
    hsnopmanage["ovlplaats_gemnr"] = ""

    location = hsnmanage.ovlplaats
    plaats_qs = get_location_by_gemnaam(location)

    if plaats_qs is not None:
        location_num = plaats_qs.gemnr
        hsnopmanage["ovlplaats_gemnr"] = location_num
        print("Plaats entry %s does not exist", location)

    # also need the voortgang string
    invoerstatus = hsnmanage.invoerstatus
    print("invoerstatus:", invoerstatus)
    voortgang = get_voortgang(invoerstatus)
    print("voortgang:", voortgang)
    hsnopmanage["statustekst"] = voortgang

    return hsnopmanage