Exemplo n.º 1
 def preserves_basic_members(self):
     c1 = Config(
         defaults={"key": "default"},
         overrides={"key": "override"},
     c2 = c1.clone()
     # NOTE: expecting identical defaults also implicitly tests that
     # clone() passes in defaults= instead of doing an empty init +
     # copy. (When that is not the case, we end up with
     # global_defaults() being rerun and re-added to _defaults...)
     assert c2._defaults == c1._defaults
     assert c2._defaults is not c1._defaults
     assert c2._overrides == c1._overrides
     assert c2._overrides is not c1._overrides
     assert c2._system_prefix == c1._system_prefix
     assert c2._user_prefix == c1._user_prefix
     assert c2._project_prefix == c1._project_prefix
     assert c2.prefix == c1.prefix
     assert c2.file_prefix == c1.file_prefix
     assert c2.env_prefix == c1.env_prefix
     assert c2._runtime_path == c1._runtime_path
Exemplo n.º 2
            def resulting_clones_are_typed_as_new_class(self):
                class MyConfig(Config):

                c = Config()
                c2 = c.clone(into=MyConfig)
                assert type(c2) is MyConfig
Exemplo n.º 3
 def does_not_deepcopy(self):
     c = Config(
             # Will merge_dicts happily
             "oh": {"dear": {"god": object()}},
             # And shallow-copy compound values
             "shallow": {"objects": ["copy", "okay"]},
             # Will preserve refrences to the innermost dict, sadly. Not
             # much we can do without incurring deepcopy problems (or
             # reimplementing it entirely)
             "welp": {"cannot": ["have", {"everything": "we want"}]},
     c2 = c.clone()
     # Basic identity
     assert c is not c2, "Clone had same identity as original!"
     # Dicts get recreated
     assert c.oh is not c2.oh, "Top level key had same identity!"
     assert (
         c.oh.dear is not c2.oh.dear
     ), "Midlevel key had same identity!"  # noqa
     # Basic values get copied
     err = "Leaf object() had same identity!"
     assert c.oh.dear.god is not c2.oh.dear.god, err
     assert c.shallow.objects == c2.shallow.objects
     err = "Shallow list had same identity!"
     assert c.shallow.objects is not c2.shallow.objects, err
     # Deeply nested non-dict objects are stil problematic, oh well
     err = "Huh, a deeply nested dict-in-a-list had different identity?"
     assert c.welp.cannot[1] is c2.welp.cannot[1], err
     err = "Huh, a deeply nested dict-in-a-list value had different identity?"  # noqa
     assert (
         is c2.welp.cannot[1]["everything"]
     ), err  # noqa
Exemplo n.º 4
 def preserves_merged_config(self):
     c = Config(
         defaults={"key": "default"}, overrides={"key": "override"}
     assert c.key == "override"
     assert c._defaults["key"] == "default"
     c2 = c.clone()
     assert c2.key == "override"
     assert c2._defaults["key"] == "default"
     assert c2._overrides["key"] == "override"
Exemplo n.º 5
 def does_not_reload_file_data(self, load_yaml):
     path = join(CONFIGS_PATH, "yaml/")
     c = Config(system_prefix=path)
     c2 = c.clone()
     assert c2.outer.inner.hooray == "yaml"
     # Crummy way to say "only got called with this specific invocation
     # one time" (since assert_calls_with gets mad about other
     # invocations w/ different args)
     calls = load_yaml.call_args_list
     my_call = call("{}raft.yaml".format(path))
         assert my_call not in calls
     except ValueError:
         err = "{} not found in {} even once!"
         assert False, err.format(my_call, calls)
Exemplo n.º 6
            def non_conflicting_values_are_merged(self):
                # NOTE: this is really just basic clone behavior.
                class MyConfig(Config):
                    def global_defaults():
                        orig = Config.global_defaults()
                        orig["new"] = {"data": "ohai"}
                        return orig

                c = Config(defaults={"other": {"data": "hello"}})
                c["runtime"] = {"modification": "sup"}
                c2 = c.clone(into=MyConfig)
                # New default data from MyConfig present
                assert c2.new.data == "ohai"
                # As well as old default data from the cloned instance
                assert c2.other.data == "hello"
                # And runtime user mods from the cloned instance
                assert c2.runtime.modification == "sup"
Exemplo n.º 7
 def is_not_required(self):
     c = Config(defaults={"meh": "okay"})
     c2 = c.clone()
     assert c2.meh == "okay"
Exemplo n.º 8
 def preserves_env_data(self):
     os.environ["RAFT_FOO"] = "bar"
     c = Config(defaults={"foo": "notbar"})
     c2 = c.clone()
     assert c2.foo == "bar"
Exemplo n.º 9
 def preserves_file_data(self):
     c = Config(system_prefix=join(CONFIGS_PATH, "yaml/"))
     assert c.outer.inner.hooray == "yaml"
     c2 = c.clone()
     assert c2.outer.inner.hooray == "yaml"
     assert c2._system == {"outer": {"inner": {"hooray": "yaml"}}}