Exemplo n.º 1
def test_get_requirements(monkeypatch):
    # Test eggs in URLs
    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
        # m.setattr(pip_shims.shims, "unpack_url", mock_unpack)
        # m.setattr(SetupInfo, "get_info", mock_run_requires)
        url_with_egg = Requirement.from_line(
        assert url_with_egg.url == 'https://github.com/IndustriaTech/django-user-clipboard/archive/0.6.1.zip'
        assert url_with_egg.name == 'django-user-clipboard'
        # Test URLs without eggs pointing at installable zipfiles
        url = Requirement.from_line(
        assert url.url == 'https://codeload.github.com/kennethreitz/tablib/zip/v0.12.1'
        wheel_line = "https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/raw/master/tests/test_artifacts/six-1.11.0+mkl-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
        wheel = Requirement.from_line(wheel_line)
        assert wheel.as_pipfile() == {
            "six": {'file': 'https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/raw/master/tests/test_artifacts/six-1.11.0+mkl-py2.py3-none-any.whl'}
        # Requirementslib inserts egg fragments as names when possible if we know the appropriate name
        # this allows for custom naming
        assert Requirement.from_pipfile(wheel.name, list(wheel.as_pipfile().values())[0]).as_line().split("#")[0] == wheel_line
        # Test VCS urls with refs and eggnames
        vcs_url = Requirement.from_line(
        assert vcs_url.vcs == 'git' and vcs_url.name == 'tablib' and vcs_url.revision == 'master'
        assert vcs_url.url == 'git+https://github.com/kennethreitz/tablib.git'
        # Test normal package requirement
        normal = Requirement.from_line('tablib').requirement
        assert normal.name == 'tablib'
        # Pinned package  requirement
        spec = Requirement.from_line('tablib==0.12.1').requirement
        assert spec.name == 'tablib' and spec.specs == [('==', '0.12.1')]
        # Test complex package with both extras and markers
        extras_markers = Requirement.from_line(
            "requests[security]; os_name=='posix'"
        assert list(extras_markers.extras) == ['security']
        assert extras_markers.name == 'requests'
        assert str(extras_markers.marker) == 'os_name == "posix"'
        # Test VCS uris get generated correctly, retain git+git@ if supplied that way, and are named according to egg fragment
        git_reformat = Requirement.from_line(
            '-e [email protected]:pypa/pipenv.git#egg=pipenv'
        assert git_reformat.url == 'git+ssh://[email protected]/pypa/pipenv.git'
        assert git_reformat.name == 'pipenv'
        assert git_reformat.editable
        # Previously VCS uris were being treated as local files, so make sure these are not handled that way
        assert not git_reformat.local_file
        # Test regression where VCS uris were being handled as paths rather than VCS entries
        assert git_reformat.vcs == 'git'
        assert git_reformat.link.url == 'git+ssh://[email protected]/pypa/pipenv.git#egg=pipenv'
        # Test VCS requirements being added with extras for constraint_line
        git_extras = Requirement.from_line(
            '-e git+https://github.com/requests/requests.git@master#egg=requests[security]'
        assert git_extras.as_line() == '-e git+https://github.com/requests/requests.git@master#egg=requests[security]'
        assert git_extras.constraint_line == '-e git+https://github.com/requests/requests.git@master#egg=requests[security]'
Exemplo n.º 2
def format_remote_package(
        dev=False):  # type: (str, PipfileConfig, bool) -> Tuple[str, str]
    format and return a string that can be put into either install_requires or dependency_links or extras_require

    :param package_name:
    :param config:
    :param dev: is package a development package
    :return: Tuple[keyword_target, list_argument]
    :raise ValueError: if a package config is not understood
    if dev:
        return (
        # fixme: stronger checks?
        # https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html#dependencies-that-aren-t-in-pypi
        if "file" in config:  # remote built distribution '.zip' file for example
            assert isinstance(config, dict)
            return "dependency_links", config["file"]
        if is_pypi_package(config):  # pypi package
            return (
        else:  # vcs
            assert isinstance(config, dict)
            if "git" in config:
                vcs = "git"
            # fixme: test cases other than git
            elif "bzr" in config:
                vcs = "bzr"
            elif "svn" in config:
                vcs = "svn"
            elif "hg" in config:
                vcs = "hg"
                raise ValueError("Can not understand config of package %s" %

            link = "{vcs}+{link}".format(vcs=vcs, link=config[vcs])
            if "ref" in config:
                link += "@" + config["ref"]
            link += "#egg=" + package_name
            return "dependency_links", link
Exemplo n.º 3
def _parse_requirement_line(line):
    if len(line) == 0:
        return None
    if line[:2] == '-i':
        return None

    return {"line": line, "requirement": Requirement.from_line(line)}
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_get_local_ref(tmpdir):
    six_dir = tmpdir.join("six")
    import vistir
    c = vistir.misc.run(["git", "clone", "https://github.com/benjaminp/six.git", six_dir.strpath], return_object=True, nospin=True)
    assert c.returncode == 0
    r = Requirement.from_line("git+{0}#egg=six".format(Path(six_dir.strpath).as_uri()))
    assert r.commit_hash
def test_convert_from_pip(expected, requirement):
    pkg_name = first(expected.keys())
    pkg_pipfile = expected[pkg_name]
    if hasattr(pkg_pipfile, 'keys'
               ) and 'editable' in pkg_pipfile and not pkg_pipfile['editable']:
        del expected[pkg_name]['editable']
    assert Requirement.from_line(requirement).as_pipfile() == expected
def test_convert_from_pip_fail_if_no_egg():
    """Parsing should fail without `#egg=`.
    dep = 'git+https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests.git'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        dep = Requirement.from_line(dep).as_pipfile()
        assert 'pipenv requires an #egg fragment for vcs' in str(e)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_convert_non_installable_dir_fail(pathlib_tmpdir):
    """Convert a non-installable directory link should fail
    without deleting the directory."""
    dep = '-e file://{}'.format(pathlib_tmpdir.as_posix())
    with pytest.raises(RequirementError):
        req = Requirement.from_line(dep)
    assert pathlib_tmpdir.exists()
def test_stdout_is_suppressed(capsys, tmpdir):
    r = Requirement.from_line(
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.strip() == "", out
    assert err.strip() == "", err
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_convert_from_pipfile(requirement, expected):
    pkg_name = first(requirement.keys())
    pkg_pipfile = requirement[pkg_name]
    req = Requirement.from_pipfile(pkg_name, pkg_pipfile)
    if " (" in expected and expected.endswith(")"):
        # To strip out plette[validation] (>=0.1.1)
        expected = expected.replace(" (", "").rstrip(")")
    assert req.as_line() == expected.lower(
    ) if '://' not in expected else expected
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_pep_508():
    r = Requirement.from_line("tablib@ https://codeload.github.com/kennethreitz/tablib/zip/v0.12.1")
    assert r.specifiers == "==0.12.1"
    assert r.req.link.url == "https://codeload.github.com/kennethreitz/tablib/zip/v0.12.1#egg=tablib"
    assert r.req.req.name == "tablib"
    assert r.req.req.url == "https://codeload.github.com/kennethreitz/tablib/zip/v0.12.1"
    requires, setup_requires, build_requires = r.req.dependencies
    assert all(dep in requires for dep in ["openpyxl", "odfpy", "xlrd"])
    assert r.as_pipfile() == {'tablib': {'file': 'https://codeload.github.com/kennethreitz/tablib/zip/v0.12.1'}}
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_convert_from_pip_git_uri_normalize():
    """Pip does not parse this correctly, but we can (by converting to ssh://).
    dep = 'git+git@host:user/repo.git#egg=myname'
    dep = Requirement.from_line(dep).as_pipfile()
    assert dep == {
        'myname': {
            'git': 'git@host:user/repo.git',
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_convert_from_pip(monkeypatch, expected, requirement):
    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
        m.setattr(Requirement, "run_requires", mock_run_requires)
        m.setattr(SetupInfo, "get_info", mock_run_requires)
        m.setattr(pip_shims.shims, "unpack_url", mock_unpack)
        pkg_name = first(expected.keys())
        pkg_pipfile = expected[pkg_name]
        if hasattr(pkg_pipfile, 'keys') and 'editable' in pkg_pipfile and not pkg_pipfile['editable']:
            del expected[pkg_name]['editable']
        assert Requirement.from_line(requirement).as_pipfile() == expected
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_convert_from_pipfile_vcs(monkeypatch):
    """ssh VCS links should be converted correctly"""
    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
        m.setattr(pip_shims.shims, "unpack_url", mock_unpack)
        pkg_name = "shellingham"
        pkg_pipfile = {"editable": True, "git": "[email protected]:sarugaku/shellingham.git"}
        req = Requirement.from_pipfile(pkg_name, pkg_pipfile)
        assert (
            req.req.link.url ==
            "git+ssh://[email protected]/sarugaku/shellingham.git#egg=shellingham"
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_convert_from_pipfile(monkeypatch, requirement, expected):
    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
        m.setattr(pip_shims.shims, "unpack_url", mock_unpack)
        m.setattr(SetupInfo, "get_info", mock_run_requires)
        m.setattr(Requirement, "run_requires", mock_run_requires)
        pkg_name = first(requirement.keys())
        pkg_pipfile = requirement[pkg_name]
        req = Requirement.from_pipfile(pkg_name, pkg_pipfile)
        if " (" in expected and expected.endswith(")"):
            # To strip out plette[validation] (>=0.1.1)
            expected = expected.replace(" (", "").rstrip(")")
        assert req.as_line() == expected.lower() if '://' not in expected else expected
Exemplo n.º 15
    def from_pipfile(self):
        if Pipfile is None:
            raise ImportError(
                'please, install extra requirements: install-requires[pipfile]'

        project = Pipfile.load(self.path)
        requirements = []
        packages = project.get_sections()['packages'].items()
        for name, version in packages:
            req = Requirement.from_pipfile(name, version)
        return self._parse_requirements(requirements)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_convert_from_pip_git_uri_normalize(monkeypatch):
    """Pip does not parse this correctly, but we can (by converting to ssh://).
    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
        m.setattr(Requirement, "run_requires", mock_run_requires)
        m.setattr(SetupInfo, "get_info", mock_run_requires)
        m.setattr(pip_shims.shims, "unpack_url", mock_unpack)
        dep = 'git+git@host:user/repo.git#egg=myname'
        dep = Requirement.from_line(dep).as_pipfile()
        assert dep == {
            'myname': {
                'git': 'git@host:user/repo.git',
Exemplo n.º 17
def freeze(project=None,
    from requirementslib import Requirement

    lockfile = project.lockfile
    if not lockfile:
        print("Pipfile.lock is required to export.", file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    section_names = []
    if default:
    if dev:
    requirements = [
        Requirement.from_pipfile(key, entry._data)
        for key, entry in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            lockfile.get(name, {}).items() for name in section_names)

    if include_hashes is None:
        include_hashes = all(r.is_named for r in requirements)

    sources = lockfile.meta.sources._data

    source_lines = list(
                    _source_as_lines(source, False) for source in sources[:1]),
                    _source_as_lines(source, True) for source in sources[1:]),

    requirement_lines = sorted(
            _requirement_as_line(requirement, sources, include_hashes)
            for requirement in requirements))

    with open_for_output(target) as f:
        for line in source_lines:
        for line in requirement_lines:
Exemplo n.º 18
 def add_line_to_pipfile(self, line, develop):
     from requirementslib import Requirement
     requirement = Requirement.from_line(line)
     section = self._get_pipfile_section(develop=develop)
     key = requirement.normalized_name
     entry = next(iter(requirement.as_pipfile().values()))
     if isinstance(entry, dict):
         # HACK: TOMLKit prefers to expand tables by default, but we
         # always want inline tables here. Also tomlkit.inline_table
         # does not have `update()`.
         table = tomlkit.inline_table()
         for k, v in entry.items():
             table[k] = v
         entry = table
     section[key] = entry
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_get_requirements():
    # Test eggs in URLs
    url_with_egg = Requirement.from_line(
    assert url_with_egg.uri == 'https://github.com/IndustriaTech/django-user-clipboard/archive/0.6.1.zip'
    assert url_with_egg.name == 'django-user-clipboard'
    # Test URLs without eggs pointing at installable zipfiles
    url = Requirement.from_line(
    assert url.uri == 'https://github.com/kennethreitz/tablib/archive/0.12.1.zip'
    # Test VCS urls with refs and eggnames
    vcs_url = Requirement.from_line(
    assert vcs_url.vcs == 'git' and vcs_url.name == 'tablib' and vcs_url.revision == 'master'
    assert vcs_url.uri == 'git+https://github.com/kennethreitz/tablib.git'
    # Test normal package requirement
    normal = Requirement.from_line('tablib').requirement
    assert normal.name == 'tablib'
    # Pinned package  requirement
    spec = Requirement.from_line('tablib==0.12.1').requirement
    assert spec.name == 'tablib' and spec.specs == [('==', '0.12.1')]
    # Test complex package with both extras and markers
    extras_markers = Requirement.from_line(
        "requests[security]; os_name=='posix'"
    assert extras_markers.extras == ['security']
    assert extras_markers.name == 'requests'
    assert extras_markers.markers == "os_name=='posix'"
    # Test VCS uris get generated correctly, retain git+git@ if supplied that way, and are named according to egg fragment
    git_reformat = Requirement.from_line(
        '-e [email protected]:pypa/pipenv.git#egg=pipenv'
    assert git_reformat.uri == '[email protected]:pypa/pipenv.git'
    assert git_reformat.name == 'pipenv'
    assert git_reformat.editable
    # Previously VCS uris were being treated as local files, so make sure these are not handled that way
    assert not git_reformat.local_file
    # Test regression where VCS uris were being handled as paths rather than VCS entries
    assert git_reformat.vcs == 'git'
    assert git_reformat.link.url == 'git+ssh://[email protected]/pypa/pipenv.git#egg=pipenv'
Exemplo n.º 20
def _convert(file_instance, sources, section_names, hashes=False):
    :param file_instance: pipfile or lockfile instance
    :param hashes: bool
    :return: list
    sources_lines = _sources_as_lines(sources)

    requirements = [
        Requirement.from_pipfile(key, entry._data)
        for key, entry in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            file_instance.get(name, {}).items() for name in section_names)

    if hashes:
        hashes = all(r.is_named for r in requirements)

    requirement_lines = sorted(
            _requirement_as_line(requirement, hashes)
            for requirement in requirements))
    return sources_lines + [''] + requirement_lines
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_one_way_editable_extras():
    dep = '-e .[socks]'
    dep = Requirement.from_line(dep).as_pipfile()
    k = first(dep.keys())
    assert dep[k]['extras'] == ['socks']
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_convert_from_pipfile(requirement, expected):
    pkg_name = first(requirement.keys())
    pkg_pipfile = requirement[pkg_name]
    req = Requirement.from_pipfile(pkg_name, pkg_pipfile)
    assert req.as_line() == expected.lower(
    ) if '://' not in expected else expected
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_get_ref():
    r = Requirement.from_line("-e git+https://github.com/sarugaku/[email protected]#egg=shellingham")
    assert r.commit_hash == "9abe7464dab5cc362fe08361619d3fb15f2e16ab"
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_local_editable_ref(monkeypatch):
    with monkeypatch.context() as m:
        m.setattr(pip_shims.shims, "unpack_url", mock_unpack)
        path = Path(ARTIFACTS_DIR) / 'git/requests'
        req = Requirement.from_pipfile("requests", {"editable": True, "git": path.as_uri(), "ref": "2.18.4"})
        assert req.as_line() == "-e git+{0}@2.18.4#egg=requests".format(path.as_uri())
Exemplo n.º 25
def format_remote_package(
):  # type: (str, PipfileConfig, bool, bool) -> Tuple[str, str]
    format and return a string that can be put into either install_requires or dependency_links or extras_require

    :param package_name:
    :param config:
    :param dev: is package a development package
    :param process_dependency_links: assign vcs packages to `dependency_links` keyword argument
    :return: Tuple[keyword_target, list_argument]
    :raise ValueError: if a package config is not understood
    if dev:
        return (
        # fixme: stronger checks?
        # https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html#dependencies-that-aren-t-in-pypi
        if "file" in config:  # remote built distribution '.zip' file for example
            assert isinstance(config, dict)
            return "dependency_links", config["file"]
        if is_pypi_package(config):  # pypi package
            return (
        elif process_dependency_links:  # vcs
            assert isinstance(config, dict)
            if "git" in config:
                vcs = "git"
            # fixme: test cases other than git
            elif "bzr" in config:
                vcs = "bzr"
            elif "svn" in config:
                vcs = "svn"
            elif "hg" in config:
                vcs = "hg"
                raise ValueError("Can not understand config of package %s" %

            link = "{vcs}+{link}".format(vcs=vcs, link=config[vcs])
            if "ref" in config:
                link += "@" + config["ref"]
            link += "#egg=" + package_name
            return "dependency_links", link
        else:  # vcs
            # fixme: when editable = true, e.g. django = { git = 'https://github.com/django/django.git', ref = '1.11.4', editable = true }
            #   this will generate 'django @ -e git+https://github.com/django/[email protected]#egg=django'
            #   It is unrecognizable by pip because of the "-e"
            #   find out how to deal with it properly
            return (
                package_name + " @ " +
                Requirement.from_pipfile(package_name, config).as_line(
                    include_hashes=False).strip("-e "),