Exemplo n.º 1
    def upgrade_oozie_database_and_sharelib(self, env):
    Performs the creation and upload of the sharelib and the upgrade of the
    database. This method will also perform a kinit if necessary.
    It is run before the upgrade of oozie begins exactly once as part of the
    upgrade orchestration.

    Since this runs before the upgrade has occurred, it should not use any
    "current" directories since they will still be pointing to the older
    version of Oozie. Instead, it should use versioned directories to ensure
    that the commands running are from the oozie version about to be upgraded to.
        import params

        Logger.info("Will upgrade the Oozie database")

        # get the kerberos token if necessary to execute commands as oozie
        if params.security_enabled:
            oozie_principal_with_host = params.oozie_principal.replace(
                "_HOST", params.hostname)
            command = format(
                "{kinit_path_local} -kt {oozie_keytab} {oozie_principal_with_host}"
            Execute(command, user=params.oozie_user, logoutput=True)

        upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
        if upgrade_stack is None or len(
                upgrade_stack) < 2 or upgrade_stack[1] is None:
            raise Fail(
                "Unable to determine the stack that is being upgraded to or downgraded to."

        stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

        # upgrade oozie DB
                'Upgrading the Oozie database, using version {stack_version}'))

        # the database upgrade requires the db driver JAR, but since we have
        # not yet run hdp-select to upgrade the current points, we have to use
        # the versioned libext directory as the location[[-vufdtffr,
        versioned_libext_dir = "/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/libext".format(

        database_upgrade_command = "/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/bin/ooziedb.sh upgrade -run".format(

        # install new sharelib to HDFS
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setup_ranger_kms_database(self, env):
        import params

        upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
        if upgrade_stack is None:
            raise Fail('Unable to determine the stack and stack version')

        stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]
                'Setting Ranger KMS database schema, using version {stack_version}'
  def upgrade_oozie_database_and_sharelib(self, env):
    Performs the creation and upload of the sharelib and the upgrade of the
    database. This method will also perform a kinit if necessary.
    It is run before the upgrade of oozie begins exactly once as part of the
    upgrade orchestration.

    Since this runs before the upgrade has occurred, it should not use any
    "current" directories since they will still be pointing to the older
    version of Oozie. Instead, it should use versioned directories to ensure
    that the commands running are from the oozie version about to be upgraded to.
    import params

    Logger.info("Will upgrade the Oozie database")

    # get the kerberos token if necessary to execute commands as oozie
    if params.security_enabled:
      oozie_principal_with_host = params.oozie_principal.replace("_HOST", params.hostname)
      command = format("{kinit_path_local} -kt {oozie_keytab} {oozie_principal_with_host}")
      Execute(command, user=params.oozie_user, logoutput=True)

    upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
    if upgrade_stack is None or len(upgrade_stack) < 2 or upgrade_stack[1] is None:
      raise Fail("Unable to determine the stack that is being upgraded to or downgraded to.")

    stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

    # upgrade oozie DB
    Logger.info(format('Upgrading the Oozie database, using version {stack_version}'))

    # the database upgrade requires the db driver JAR, but since we have
    # not yet run hdp-select to upgrade the current points, we have to use
    # the versioned libext directory as the location[[-vufdtffr,
    versioned_libext_dir = "/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/libext".format(stack_version)

    database_upgrade_command = "/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/bin/ooziedb.sh upgrade -run".format(stack_version)
    Execute(database_upgrade_command, user=params.oozie_user, logoutput=True)

    # install new sharelib to HDFS
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_sharelib(self, env):
    Performs the creation and upload of the sharelib.
    This method will also perform a kinit if necessary.
    It is run before the upgrade of oozie begins exactly once as part of the
    upgrade orchestration.

    Since this runs before the upgrade has occurred, it should not use any
    "current" directories since they will still be pointing to the older
    version of Oozie. Instead, it should use versioned directories to ensure
    that the commands running are from the oozie version about to be upgraded to.
    :param env:
        import params

        Logger.info('Creating a new sharelib and uploading it to HDFS...')

        # ensure the oozie directory exists for the sharelib

        params.HdfsResource(None, action="execute")

        upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
        if upgrade_stack is None or upgrade_stack[1] is None:
            raise Fail(
                "Unable to determine the stack that is being upgraded to or downgraded to."

        stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

        # install new sharelib to HDFS
        sharelib_command = "/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/bin/oozie-setup.sh sharelib create -fs {1}".format(
            stack_version, params.fs_root)

        Execute(sharelib_command, user=params.oozie_user, logoutput=True)
  def create_sharelib(self, env):
    Performs the creation and upload of the sharelib.
    This method will also perform a kinit if necessary.
    It is run before the upgrade of oozie begins exactly once as part of the
    upgrade orchestration.

    Since this runs before the upgrade has occurred, it should not use any
    "current" directories since they will still be pointing to the older
    version of Oozie. Instead, it should use versioned directories to ensure
    that the commands running are from the oozie version about to be upgraded to.
    :param env:
    import params

    Logger.info('Creating a new sharelib and uploading it to HDFS...')

    # ensure the oozie directory exists for the sharelib
      action = "create_on_execute",
      type = "directory",
      owner = "oozie",
      group = "hadoop",
      mode = 0755,
      recursive_chmod = True)

    params.HdfsResource(None, action = "execute")

    upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
    if upgrade_stack is None or upgrade_stack[1] is None:
      raise Fail("Unable to determine the stack that is being upgraded to or downgraded to.")

    stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

    # install new sharelib to HDFS
    sharelib_command = "/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/bin/oozie-setup.sh sharelib create -fs {1}".format(
      stack_version, params.fs_root)

    Execute(sharelib_command, user=params.oozie_user, logoutput=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
  def prepare_libext_directory():
    Performs the following actions on libext:
      - creates /usr/hdp/current/oozie/libext and recursively
      - set 777 permissions on it and its parents.
      - downloads JDBC driver JAR if needed
      - copies Falcon JAR for the Oozie WAR if needed
    import params

    # some versions of HDP don't need the lzo compression libraries
    target_version_needs_compression_libraries = compare_versions(
      format_hdp_stack_version(params.version), '') >= 0

    # ensure the directory exists
    Directory(params.oozie_libext_dir, mode = 0777)

    # get all hadooplzo* JAR files
    # hdp-select set hadoop-client has not run yet, therefore we cannot use
    # /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client ; we must use params.version directly
    # however, this only works when upgrading beyond; don't do this
    # for downgrade to since hadoop-lzo will not be present
    # This can also be called during a Downgrade.
    # When a version is Intalled, it is responsible for downloading the hadoop-lzo packages
    # if lzo is enabled.
    if params.lzo_enabled and (params.upgrade_direction == Direction.UPGRADE or target_version_needs_compression_libraries):
      hadoop_lzo_pattern = 'hadoop-lzo*.jar'
      hadoop_client_new_lib_dir = format("/usr/hdp/{version}/hadoop/lib")

      files = glob.iglob(os.path.join(hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))
      if not files:
        raise Fail("There are no files at {0} matching {1}".format(
          hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))

      # copy files into libext
      files_copied = False
      for file in files:
        if os.path.isfile(file):
          Logger.info("Copying {0} to {1}".format(str(file), params.oozie_libext_dir))
          shutil.copy2(file, params.oozie_libext_dir)
          files_copied = True

      if not files_copied:
        raise Fail("There are no files at {0} matching {1}".format(
          hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))

    # copy ext ZIP to libext dir
    oozie_ext_zip_file = '/usr/share/HDP-oozie/ext-2.2.zip'

    # something like /usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext/ext-2.2.zip
    oozie_ext_zip_target_path = os.path.join(params.oozie_libext_dir, "ext-2.2.zip")

    if not os.path.isfile(oozie_ext_zip_file):
      raise Fail("Unable to copy {0} because it does not exist".format(oozie_ext_zip_file))

    Logger.info("Copying {0} to {1}".format(oozie_ext_zip_file, params.oozie_libext_dir))
    Execute(("cp", oozie_ext_zip_file, params.oozie_libext_dir), sudo=True)
    Execute(("chown", format("{oozie_user}:{user_group}"), oozie_ext_zip_target_path), sudo=True)

    # Redownload jdbc driver to a new current location

    # get the upgrade version in the event that it's needed
    upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
    if upgrade_stack is None or len(upgrade_stack) < 2 or upgrade_stack[1] is None:
      raise Fail("Unable to determine the stack that is being upgraded to or downgraded to.")

    # something like
    stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

    # copy the Falcon JAR if needed; falcon has not upgraded yet, so we must
    # use the versioned falcon directory
    if params.has_falcon_host:
      versioned_falcon_jar_directory = "/usr/hdp/{0}/falcon/oozie/ext/falcon-oozie-el-extension-*.jar".format(stack_version)
      Logger.info("Copying {0} to {1}".format(versioned_falcon_jar_directory, params.oozie_libext_dir))

      Execute(format('{sudo} cp {versioned_falcon_jar_directory} {oozie_libext_dir}'))
      Execute(format('{sudo} chown {oozie_user}:{user_group} {oozie_libext_dir}/falcon-oozie-el-extension-*.jar'))
Exemplo n.º 7
version = default("/commandParams/version", None)
stack_name = default("/hostLevelParams/stack_name", None)
upgrade_direction = default("/commandParams/upgrade_direction", None)

stack_version_unformatted = str(config['hostLevelParams']['stack_version'])
hdp_stack_version = format_hdp_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)

hadoop_conf_dir = conf_select.get_hadoop_conf_dir()
hadoop_bin_dir = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("bin")
hadoop_lib_home = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("lib")

#hadoop params
if Script.is_hdp_stack_greater_or_equal("2.2"):
    # something like
    stack_version = None
    upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
    if upgrade_stack is not None and len(
            upgrade_stack) == 2 and upgrade_stack[1] is not None:
        stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

    # oozie-server or oozie-client, depending on role
    oozie_root = status_params.component_directory

    # using the correct oozie root dir, format the correct location
    oozie_lib_dir = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}")
    oozie_setup_sh = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/bin/oozie-setup.sh")
    oozie_webapps_dir = format(
    oozie_webapps_conf_dir = format(
    oozie_libext_dir = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/libext")
Exemplo n.º 8
version = default("/commandParams/version", None)
stack_name = default("/hostLevelParams/stack_name", None)
upgrade_direction = default("/commandParams/upgrade_direction", None)

stack_version_unformatted = str(config['hostLevelParams']['stack_version'])
hdp_stack_version = format_hdp_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)

hadoop_conf_dir = conf_select.get_hadoop_conf_dir()
hadoop_bin_dir = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("bin")
hadoop_lib_home = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("lib")

#hadoop params
if Script.is_hdp_stack_greater_or_equal("2.2"):
  # something like
  stack_version = None
  upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
  if upgrade_stack is not None and len(upgrade_stack) == 2 and upgrade_stack[1] is not None:
    stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

  # oozie-server or oozie-client, depending on role
  oozie_root = status_params.component_directory

  # using the correct oozie root dir, format the correct location
  oozie_lib_dir = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}")
  oozie_setup_sh = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/bin/oozie-setup.sh")
  oozie_webapps_dir = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/oozie-server/webapps")
  oozie_webapps_conf_dir = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/oozie-server/conf")
  oozie_libext_dir = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/libext")
  oozie_server_dir = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/oozie-server")
  oozie_shared_lib = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}/share")
  oozie_home = format("/usr/hdp/current/{oozie_root}")
  def prepare_libext_directory():
    Performs the following actions on libext:
      - creates /usr/hdp/current/oozie/libext and recursively
      - set 777 permissions on it and its parents.
      - downloads JDBC driver JAR if needed
      - copies Falcon JAR for the Oozie WAR if needed
    import params

    # some versions of HDP don't need the lzo compression libraries
    target_version_needs_compression_libraries = compare_versions(
      format_hdp_stack_version(params.version), '') >= 0

    # ensure the directory exists
    Directory(params.oozie_libext_dir, mode = 0777)

    # get all hadooplzo* JAR files
    # hdp-select set hadoop-client has not run yet, therefore we cannot use
    # /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client ; we must use params.version directly
    # however, this only works when upgrading beyond; don't do this
    # for downgrade to since hadoop-lzo will not be present
    # This can also be called during a Downgrade.
    # When a version is Intalled, it is responsible for downloading the hadoop-lzo packages
    # if lzo is enabled.
    if params.lzo_enabled and (params.upgrade_direction == Direction.UPGRADE or target_version_needs_compression_libraries):
      hadoop_lzo_pattern = 'hadoop-lzo*.jar'
      hadoop_client_new_lib_dir = format("/usr/hdp/{version}/hadoop/lib")

      files = glob.iglob(os.path.join(hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))
      if not files:
        raise Fail("There are no files at {0} matching {1}".format(
          hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))

      # copy files into libext
      files_copied = False
      for file in files:
        if os.path.isfile(file):
          Logger.info("Copying {0} to {1}".format(str(file), params.oozie_libext_dir))
          shutil.copy2(file, params.oozie_libext_dir)
          files_copied = True

      if not files_copied:
        raise Fail("There are no files at {0} matching {1}".format(
          hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))

    # copy ext ZIP to libext dir
    oozie_ext_zip_file = '/usr/share/HDP-oozie/ext-2.2.zip'

    # something like /usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext/ext-2.2.zip
    oozie_ext_zip_target_path = os.path.join(params.oozie_libext_dir, "ext-2.2.zip")

    if not os.path.isfile(oozie_ext_zip_file):
      raise Fail("Unable to copy {0} because it does not exist".format(oozie_ext_zip_file))

    Logger.info("Copying {0} to {1}".format(oozie_ext_zip_file, params.oozie_libext_dir))
    Execute(("cp", oozie_ext_zip_file, params.oozie_libext_dir), sudo=True)
    Execute(("chown", format("{oozie_user}:{user_group}"), oozie_ext_zip_target_path), sudo=True)
    sudo.chmod(oozie_ext_zip_target_path, 0644)

    # Redownload jdbc driver to a new current location

    # get the upgrade version in the event that it's needed
    upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
    if upgrade_stack is None or len(upgrade_stack) < 2 or upgrade_stack[1] is None:
      raise Fail("Unable to determine the stack that is being upgraded to or downgraded to.")

    # something like
    stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

    # copy the Falcon JAR if needed; falcon has not upgraded yet, so we must
    # use the versioned falcon directory
    if params.has_falcon_host:
      versioned_falcon_jar_directory = "/usr/hdp/{0}/falcon/oozie/ext/falcon-oozie-el-extension-*.jar".format(stack_version)
      Logger.info("Copying {0} to {1}".format(versioned_falcon_jar_directory, params.oozie_libext_dir))

      Execute(format('{sudo} cp {versioned_falcon_jar_directory} {oozie_libext_dir}'))
      Execute(format('{sudo} chown {oozie_user}:{user_group} {oozie_libext_dir}/falcon-oozie-el-extension-*.jar'))