Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_2(self):
        """basic resource loading test."""
        pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=None)

        # test that resource matches our request, and its data isn't loaded
        variables = dict(foo="hey", bah="ho")
        resource = pool.get_resource("resource.a", variables)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource, ResourceA))
        self.assertEqual(resource.variables, variables)

        # test that a request via a resource's own handle gives the same resource
        resource_ = pool.get_resource_from_handle(resource.handle)
        self.assertTrue(resource_ is resource)

        # test that the same request again gives the cached resource
        resource_ = pool.get_resource("resource.a", variables)
        self.assertTrue(resource_ is resource)

        # clear caches, then test that the same request gives a new resource
        resource_ = pool.get_resource("resource.a", variables)
        self.assertEqual(resource_.variables, variables)
        self.assertTrue(resource_ is not resource)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_1(self):
        """resource registration test."""
        pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=None)

        with self.assertRaises(ResourceError):


        with self.assertRaises(ResourceError):

        resource_a = pool.get_resource("resource.a")
        resource_b = pool.get_resource("resource.b")
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource_a, ResourceA))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resource_b, ResourceB))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, resource_pool=None):
        """Create a package repo manager.

            resource_pool (`ResourcePool`): Provide your own resource pool. If
                None, a default pool is created based on config settings.
        if resource_pool is None:
            cache_size = config.resource_caching_maxsize
            if cache_size < 0:  # -1 == disable caching
                cache_size = None

            resource_pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=cache_size)

        self.pool = resource_pool
        self.repositories = {}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_repository(cls, repository_data):
        """Create a standalone, in-memory repository.

        Using this function bypasses the `package_repository_manager` singleton.
        This is usually desired however, since in-memory repositories are for
        temporarily storing programmatically created packages, which we do not
        want to cache and that do not persist.

            repository_data (dict): Repository data, see class docstring.

            `MemoryPackageRepository` object.
        location = "memory{%s}" % hex(id(repository_data))
        resource_pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=None)
        repo = MemoryPackageRepository(location, resource_pool)
        repo.data = repository_data
        return repo
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     cache_size = config.resource_caching_maxsize
     if cache_size < 0:
         cache_size = None
     self.cache_size = cache_size
     self.pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=cache_size)
Exemplo n.º 6
class PackageRepositoryManager(object):
    """Package repository manager.

    Contains instances of `PackageRepository` for each repository pointed to
    by the 'packages_path' config setting (also commonly set using the
    environment variable REZ_PACKAGES_PATH).
    def __init__(self):
        cache_size = config.resource_caching_maxsize
        if cache_size < 0:
            cache_size = None
        self.cache_size = cache_size
        self.pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=cache_size)

    def get_repository(self, path):
        """Get a package repository.

            path (str): Entry from the 'packages_path' config setting. This may
                simply be a path (which is managed by the 'filesystem' package
                repository plugin), or a string in the form "type@location",
                where 'type' identifies the repository plugin type to use.

            `PackageRepository` instance.
        # normalise
        parts = path.split('@', 1)
        if len(parts) == 1:
            parts = ("filesystem", parts[0])

        repo_type, location = parts
        if repo_type == "filesystem":
            # choice of abspath here vs realpath is deliberate. Realpath gives
            # canonical path, which can be a problem if two studios are sharing
            # packages, and have mirrored package paths, but some are actually
            # different paths, symlinked to look the same. It happened!
            location = os.path.abspath(location)

        normalised_path = "%s@%s" % (repo_type, location)
        return self._get_repository(normalised_path)

    def are_same(self, path_1, path_2):
        """Test that `path_1` and `path_2` refer to the same repository.

        This is more reliable than testing that the strings match, since slightly
        different strings might refer to the same repository (consider small
        differences in a filesystem path for example, eg '//svr/foo', '/svr/foo').

            True if the paths refer to the same repository, False otherwise.
        if path_1 == path_2:
            return True

        repo_1 = self.get_repository(path_1)
        repo_2 = self.get_repository(path_2)
        return (repo_1.uid == repo_2.uid)

    def get_resource(self, resource_key, repository_type, location,
        """Get a resource.

        Attempts to get and return a cached version of the resource if
        available, otherwise a new resource object is created and returned.

            resource_key (`str`):  Name of the type of `Resources` to find
            repository_type (`str`): What sort of repository to look for the
                resource in
            location (`str`): location for the repository
            variables: data to identify / store on the resource

            `PackageRepositoryResource` instance.
        path = "%s@%s" % (repository_type, location)
        repo = self.get_repository(path)
        resource = repo.get_resource(**variables)
        return resource

    def get_resource_from_handle(self, resource_handle):
        """Get a resource.

            resource_handle (`ResourceHandle`): Handle of the resource.

            `PackageRepositoryResource` instance.
        repo_type = resource_handle.get("repository_type")
        location = resource_handle.get("location")
        if not (repo_type and location):
            raise ValueError("PackageRepositoryManager requires "
                             "resource_handle objects to have a "
                             "repository_type and location defined")
        path = "%s@%s" % (repo_type, location)
        repo = self.get_repository(path)
        resource = repo.get_resource_from_handle(resource_handle)
        return resource

    def clear_caches(self):
        """Clear all cached data."""

    def _get_repository(self, path):
        repo_type, location = path.split('@', 1)
        cls = plugin_manager.get_plugin_class('package_repository', repo_type)
        repo = cls(location, self.pool)
        return repo
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     cache_size = config.resource_caching_maxsize
     if cache_size < 0:
         cache_size = None
     self.cache_size = cache_size
     self.pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=cache_size)
Exemplo n.º 8
class PackageRepositoryManager(object):
    """Package repository manager.

    Contains instances of `PackageRepository` for each repository pointed to
    by the 'packages_path' config setting (also commonly set using the
    environment variable REZ_PACKAGES_PATH).
    def __init__(self):
        cache_size = config.resource_caching_maxsize
        if cache_size < 0:
            cache_size = None
        self.cache_size = cache_size
        self.pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=cache_size)

    def get_repository(self, path):
        """Get a package repository.

            path (str): Entry from the 'packages_path' config setting. This may
                simply be a path (which is managed by the 'filesystem' package
                repository plugin), or a string in the form "type@location",
                where 'type' identifies the repository plugin type to use.

            `PackageRepository` instance.
        # normalise
        parts = path.split('@', 1)
        if len(parts) == 1:
            parts = ("filesystem", parts[0])

        repo_type, location = parts
        if repo_type == "filesystem":
            # choice of abspath here vs realpath is deliberate. Realpath gives
            # canonical path, which can be a problem if two studios are sharing
            # packages, and have mirrored package paths, but some are actually
            # different paths, symlinked to look the same. It happened!
            location = os.path.abspath(location)

        normalised_path = "%s@%s" % (repo_type, location)
        return self._get_repository(normalised_path)

    def are_same(self, path_1, path_2):
        """Test that `path_1` and `path_2` refer to the same repository.

        This is more reliable than testing that the strings match, since slightly
        different strings might refer to the same repository (consider small
        differences in a filesystem path for example, eg '//svr/foo', '/svr/foo').

            True if the paths refer to the same repository, False otherwise.
        if path_1 == path_2:
            return True

        repo_1 = self.get_repository(path_1)
        repo_2 = self.get_repository(path_2)
        return (repo_1.uid == repo_2.uid)

    def get_resource(self, resource_key, repository_type, location,
        """Get a resource.

        Attempts to get and return a cached version of the resource if
        available, otherwise a new resource object is created and returned.

            resource_key (`str`):  Name of the type of `Resources` to find
            repository_type (`str`): What sort of repository to look for the
                resource in
            location (`str`): location for the repository
            variables: data to identify / store on the resource

            `PackageRepositoryResource` instance.
        path = "%s@%s" % (repository_type, location)
        repo = self.get_repository(path)
        resource = repo.get_resource(**variables)
        return resource

    def get_resource_from_handle(self, resource_handle):
        """Get a resource.

            resource_handle (`ResourceHandle`): Handle of the resource.

            `PackageRepositoryResource` instance.
        repo_type = resource_handle.get("repository_type")
        location = resource_handle.get("location")
        if not (repo_type and location):
            raise ValueError("PackageRepositoryManager requires "
                             "resource_handle objects to have a "
                             "repository_type and location defined")
        path = "%s@%s" % (repo_type, location)
        repo = self.get_repository(path)
        resource = repo.get_resource_from_handle(resource_handle)
        return resource

    def clear_caches(self):
        """Clear all cached data."""

    def _get_repository(self, path):
        repo_type, location = path.split('@', 1)
        cls = plugin_manager.get_plugin_class('package_repository', repo_type)
        repo = cls(location, self.pool)
        return repo
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     self.pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=None)
     self.repo = PetRepository(self.pool)
Exemplo n.º 10
class PackageRepositoryManager(object):
    """Package repository manager.

    Contains instances of `PackageRepository` for each repository pointed to
    by the 'packages_path' config setting (also commonly set using the
    environment variable REZ_PACKAGES_PATH).
    def __init__(self):
        cache_size = config.resource_caching_maxsize
        if cache_size < 0:
            cache_size = None
        self.pool = ResourcePool(cache_size=cache_size)

    def get_repository(self, path):
        """Get a package repository.

            path (str): Entry from the 'packages_path' config setting. This may
                simply be a path (which is managed by the 'filesystem' package
                repository plugin), or a string in the form "type@location",
                where 'type' identifies the repository plugin type to use.

            `PackageRepository` instance.
        # normalise
        parts = path.split('@', 1)
        if len(parts) == 1:
            parts = ("filesystem", parts[0])

        repo_type, location = parts
        if repo_type == "filesystem":
            location = os.path.realpath(location)

        normalised_path = "%s@%s" % (repo_type, location)
        return self._get_repository(normalised_path)

    def are_same(self, path_1, path_2):
        """Test that `path_1` and `path_2` refer to the same repository.

        This is more reliable than testing that the strings match, since slightly
        different strings might refer to the same repository (consider small
        differences in a filesystem path for example, eg '//svr/foo', '/svr/foo').

            True if the paths refer to the same repository, False otherwise.
        if path_1 == path_2:
            return True

        repo_1 = self.get_repository(path_1)
        repo_2 = self.get_repository(path_2)
        return (repo_1.uid == repo_2.uid)

    def get_resource(self, resource_handle):
        """Get a resource.

            resource_handle (`ResourceHandle`): Handle of the resource.

            `PackageRepositoryResource` instance.
        repo_type = resource_handle.get("repository_type")
        location = resource_handle.get("location")
        path = "%s@%s" % (repo_type, location)

        repo = self.get_repository(path)
        resource = repo.get_resource_from_handle(resource_handle)
        return resource

    def clear_caches(self):
        """Clear all cached data."""

    def _get_repository(self, path):
        repo_type, location = path.split('@', 1)
        cls = plugin_manager.get_plugin_class('package_repository', repo_type)
        repo = cls(location, self.pool)
        return repo