Exemplo n.º 1
def get_watchlist_symbols():
    Returns: Tickers for stocks on the watchlist
    watchlist_names = []
    tickers = []
    # diction = robin.get_all_watchlists(info=None)
    # specific WatchList to evaluate (can also do all if remove)
    watchlist = 'My First List'

    for name in robin.get_all_watchlists(info="results"):

    # Can iterate through all watchlists, but this is set for a specific
    for name in watchlist_names:
        if name == watchlist:
            print("NAME", name, "------------------------------------------")
            lists = robin.account.get_watchlist_by_name(name)["results"]
            # print("Lists", lists)
            # print("TESTING", lists[1].get('instrument'))
            for item in lists:

                # TODO why would I need to do it by url??
                # instrument_data = robin.get_instrument_by_url(
                # item.get('instrument'))
                # symbol = instrument_data['symbol']
                # tickers.append(symbol)
    return tickers
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_watchlist_symbols():
    Returns: the symbol for each stock in your watchlist as a list of strings
    my_list_names = []
    symbols = []
    for name in r.get_all_watchlists(info='name'):
    for name in my_list_names:
        list = r.get_watchlist_by_name(name)
        for item in list:
            instrument_data = r.get_instrument_by_url(item.get('instrument'))
            symbol = instrument_data['symbol']
    return symbols
Exemplo n.º 3
us_holidays = holidays.UnitedStates()
Robinhood includes dividends as part of your net gain. This script removes
dividends from net gain to figure out how much your stocks/options have paid
Note: load_portfolio_profile() contains some other useful breakdowns of equity.
Print profileData and see what other values you can play around with.

#!!! Fill out username and password
username = '******'
password = '******'

login = r.login(username, password)
hey = r.get_all_watchlists()
stockList = r.build_holdings()
stocksArray = []
stocknumber = 0

class trajectory:
    #print info to console
    debug = True

    #ideal slope for trajectory calculations

    #compositon of slope score (percentages)