Exemplo n.º 1
    def predict(self, indices, angles):

        # extract required information from the models
        sensor = self._detector.sensors()[0]  # assume only one sensor for now
        axis = matrix.col(self._gonio.get_rotation_axis())
        s0 = matrix.col(self._beam.get_s0())
        UB = self._crystal.get_U() * self._crystal.get_B()

        # instantiate predictor
        rp = reflection_prediction(axis, s0, UB, sensor)

        # perform impact prediction
        # rp.predict does not like indices as miller_index. A conversion to
        # matrix.col fixes that
        temp = []
        for hkl in indices:
            hkl = matrix.col(hkl)
        Hc, Xc, Yc, Phic, Sc = rp.predict(temp, angles)

        # Hc is now an an array of floating point vec3. How annoying! We want
        # integer Miller indices. Force that to be so.
        # Once we have new (fast) reflection prediction code that does not
        # return floating point indices then this whole class can be replaced
        temp = flex.miller_index()
        for hkl in Hc:
            hkl = map(lambda x: int(round(x)), hkl)

        # Rescale normalised scattering vectors to the correct length
        wavelength = self._beam.get_wavelength()
        Sc = map(lambda s: matrix.col(s) / wavelength, Sc)

        return (temp, Xc, Yc, Phic, Sc)
Exemplo n.º 2
  def predict(self, indices, angles):

    # extract required information from the models
    sensor = self._detector.sensors()[0] # assume only one sensor for now
    axis = matrix.col(self._gonio.get_rotation_axis())
    s0 = matrix.col(self._beam.get_s0())
    UB = self._crystal.get_U() * self._crystal.get_B()

    # instantiate predictor
    rp = reflection_prediction(axis, s0, UB, sensor)

    # perform impact prediction
    # rp.predict does not like indices as miller_index. A conversion to
    # matrix.col fixes that
    temp = []
    for hkl in indices:
      hkl = matrix.col(hkl)
    Hc, Xc, Yc, Phic, Sc = rp.predict(temp, angles)

    # Hc is now an an array of floating point vec3. How annoying! We want
    # integer Miller indices. Force that to be so.
    # Once we have new (fast) reflection prediction code that does not
    # return floating point indices then this whole class can be replaced
    temp = flex.miller_index()
    for hkl in Hc:
      hkl = map(lambda x: int(round(x)), hkl)

    # Rescale normalised scattering vectors to the correct length
    wavelength = self._beam.get_wavelength()
    Sc = map(lambda s: matrix.col(s) / wavelength, Sc)

    return (temp, Xc, Yc, Phic, Sc)
Exemplo n.º 3
def scattering_prediction(reflections,
    '''Test the reflection_prediction class.'''

    ra = rotation_angles(resolution, UB_mat, wavelength, rotation_vector)
    beam_vector = matrix.col([0, 0, 1 / wavelength])

    detector_size = 100
    detector_distance = 100

    s = sensor(
            (-0.5 * detector_size, -0.5 * detector_size, detector_distance)),
        matrix.col((1, 0, 0)), matrix.col((0, 1, 0)), (0, detector_size),
        (0, detector_size))
    rp = reflection_prediction(rotation_vector, beam_vector, UB_mat, s)

    for hkl in reflections:
        if ra(hkl):
            omegas = ra.get_intersection_angles()
            if assert_non_integer_index:
                assert ra.H[0] != int(ra.H[0]) or \
                       ra.H[1] != int(ra.H[1]) or \
                       ra.H[2] != int(ra.H[2])

            for omegaidx in [0, 1]:

                rot_mat = rotation_vector.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(

                assert (math.fabs(rot_mat.determinant() - 1.0) < 0.0001)

                H1 = (rot_mat * UB_mat) * hkl
                H1 = H1 + beam_vector
                len_H1 = math.sqrt((H1[0] * H1[0]) + (H1[1] * H1[1]) +
                                   (H1[2] * H1[2]))

                if math.fabs(len_H1 - 1.0 / wavelength) > 0.0001:
                    raise RuntimeError, 'length error for %d %d %d' % hkl

                if rp(hkl, omegas[omegaidx]):
                    x, y = rp.get_prediction()
                    assert (0 < x < detector_size)
                    assert (0 < y < detector_size)
Exemplo n.º 4
def scattering_prediction(reflections, UB_mat, rotation_vector,
                          wavelength, resolution,
                          assert_non_integer_index = False):
    '''Test the reflection_prediction class.'''

    ra = rotation_angles(resolution, UB_mat, wavelength, rotation_vector)
    beam_vector = matrix.col([0, 0, 1 / wavelength])

    detector_size = 100
    detector_distance = 100

    s =  sensor(matrix.col((- 0.5 * detector_size,
                            - 0.5 * detector_size,
                matrix.col((1, 0, 0)),
                matrix.col((0, 1, 0)),
                (0, detector_size), (0, detector_size))
    rp = reflection_prediction(rotation_vector, beam_vector, UB_mat, s)

    for hkl in reflections:
        if ra(hkl):
            omegas = ra.get_intersection_angles()
            if assert_non_integer_index:
                assert ra.H[0] != int(ra.H[0]) or \
                       ra.H[1] != int(ra.H[1]) or \
                       ra.H[2] != int(ra.H[2])

            for omegaidx in [0,1]:

                rot_mat = rotation_vector.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(

                assert(math.fabs(rot_mat.determinant() - 1.0) < 0.0001)

                H1 = (rot_mat * UB_mat)*hkl
                H1 =  H1 + beam_vector
                len_H1 = math.sqrt((H1[0] * H1[0]) +
                                   (H1[1] * H1[1]) +
                                   (H1[2] * H1[2]))

                if math.fabs(len_H1 - 1.0 / wavelength) > 0.0001:
                    raise RuntimeError, 'length error for %d %d %d' % hkl

                if rp(hkl, omegas[omegaidx]):
                    x, y = rp.get_prediction()
                    assert(0 < x < detector_size)
                    assert(0 < y < detector_size)
Exemplo n.º 5
  def predict_observations(self):
    '''Actually perform the prediction calculations.'''

    d2r = math.pi / 180.0
    cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(self._configuration_file)

    self.img_start, self.osc_start, self.osc_range = parse_xds_xparm_scan_info(

    if self._dmin is None:
        self._dmin = cfc.derive_detector_highest_resolution()

    phi_start = ((self._img_range[0] - self.img_start) * self.osc_range + \
                 self.osc_start) * d2r
    phi_end = ((self._img_range[1] - self.img_start + 1) * self.osc_range + \
               self.osc_start) * d2r
    self.phi_start_rad = phi_start
    self.phi_end_rad = phi_end
    # in principle this should come from the crystal model - should that
    # crystal model record the cell parameters or derive them from the
    # axis directions?

    A = cfc.get_c('real_space_a')
    B = cfc.get_c('real_space_b')
    C = cfc.get_c('real_space_c')

    cell = (A.length(), B.length(), C.length(), B.angle(C, deg = True),
            C.angle(A, deg = True), A.angle(B, deg = True))
    self.uc = unit_cell(cell)

    # generate all of the possible indices, then pull out those which should
    # be systematically absent

    sg = cfc.get('space_group_number')

    indices = full_sphere_indices(
      unit_cell = self.uc,
      resolution_limit = self._dmin,
      space_group = space_group(space_group_symbols(sg).hall()))

    # then get the UB matrix according to the Rossmann convention which
    # is used within the Labelit code.

    u, b = cfc.get_u_b(convention = cfc.ROSSMANN)
    axis = cfc.get('rotation_axis', convention = cfc.ROSSMANN)
    ub = u * b

    wavelength = cfc.get('wavelength')
    self.wavelength = wavelength

    # work out which reflections should be observed (i.e. pass through the
    # Ewald sphere)
    ra = rotation_angles(self._dmin, ub, wavelength, axis)

    obs_indices, obs_angles = ra.observed_indices_and_angles_from_angle_range(
        phi_start_rad = phi_start,
        phi_end_rad = phi_end,
        indices = indices)

    # convert all of these to full scattering vectors in a laboratory frame
    # (for which I will use the CBF coordinate frame) and calculate which
    # will intersect with the detector

    u, b = cfc.get_u_b()
    axis = cfc.get_c('rotation_axis')
    # must guarantee that sample_to_source vector is normalized so that
    #  s0 has length of 1/wavelength.
    sample_to_source_vec = cfc.get_c('sample_to_source').normalize()
    s0 = (- 1.0 / wavelength) * sample_to_source_vec
    ub = u * b

    # need some detector properties for this as well... starting to
    # abstract these to a detector model.
    df = detector_factory_from_cfc(cfc)
    d = df.build()

    # the Use Case assumes the detector consists of a single sensor
    sensor = d.sensors()[0]

    self.pixel_size_fast, self.pixel_size_slow = d.px_size_fast(), \

    # used for polarization correction
    self.distance = sensor.distance

    rp = reflection_prediction(axis, s0, ub, sensor)
    if self._rocking_curve is not None:
      assert self._rocking_curve != "none"
      rp.set_mosaicity(self._mosaicity_deg, degrees = True)
    return rp.predict(obs_indices, obs_angles)
Exemplo n.º 6
  def predict_observations(self):
    '''Actually perform the prediction calculations.'''

    d2r = math.pi / 180.0
    cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(self._configuration_file)

    self.img_start, self.osc_start, self.osc_range = parse_xds_xparm_scan_info(

    if self._dmin is None:
        self._dmin = cfc.derive_detector_highest_resolution()

    phi_start = ((self._img_range[0] - self.img_start) * self.osc_range + \
                 self.osc_start) * d2r
    phi_end = ((self._img_range[1] - self.img_start + 1) * self.osc_range + \
               self.osc_start) * d2r
    self.phi_start_rad = phi_start
    self.phi_end_rad = phi_end
    # in principle this should come from the crystal model - should that
    # crystal model record the cell parameters or derive them from the
    # axis directions?

    A = cfc.get_c('real_space_a')
    B = cfc.get_c('real_space_b')
    C = cfc.get_c('real_space_c')

    cell = (A.length(), B.length(), C.length(), B.angle(C, deg = True),
            C.angle(A, deg = True), A.angle(B, deg = True))
    self.uc = unit_cell(cell)

    # generate all of the possible indices, then pull out those which should
    # be systematically absent

    sg = cfc.get('space_group_number')

    indices = full_sphere_indices(
      unit_cell = self.uc,
      resolution_limit = self._dmin,
      space_group = space_group(space_group_symbols(sg).hall()))

    # then get the UB matrix according to the Rossmann convention which
    # is used within the Labelit code.

    u, b = cfc.get_u_b(convention = cfc.ROSSMANN)
    axis = cfc.get('rotation_axis', convention = cfc.ROSSMANN)
    ub = u * b

    wavelength = cfc.get('wavelength')
    self.wavelength = wavelength

    # work out which reflections should be observed (i.e. pass through the
    # Ewald sphere)
    ra = rotation_angles(self._dmin, ub, wavelength, axis)

    obs_indices, obs_angles = ra.observed_indices_and_angles_from_angle_range(
        phi_start_rad = phi_start,
        phi_end_rad = phi_end,
        indices = indices)

    # convert all of these to full scattering vectors in a laboratory frame
    # (for which I will use the CBF coordinate frame) and calculate which
    # will intersect with the detector

    u, b = cfc.get_u_b()
    axis = cfc.get_c('rotation_axis')
    # must guarantee that sample_to_source vector is normalized so that
    #  s0 has length of 1/wavelength.
    sample_to_source_vec = cfc.get_c('sample_to_source').normalize()
    s0 = (- 1.0 / wavelength) * sample_to_source_vec
    ub = u * b

    # need some detector properties for this as well... starting to
    # abstract these to a detector model.
    df = detector_factory_from_cfc(cfc)
    d = df.build()

    # the Use Case assumes the detector consists of a single sensor
    sensor = d.sensors()[0]

    self.pixel_size_fast, self.pixel_size_slow = d.px_size_fast(), \

    # used for polarization correction
    self.distance = sensor.distance

    rp = reflection_prediction(axis, s0, ub, sensor)
    if self._rocking_curve is not None:
      assert self._rocking_curve != "none"
      rp.set_mosaicity(self._mosaicity_deg, degrees = True)
    return rp.predict(obs_indices, obs_angles)
Exemplo n.º 7
my_panel = sensor(origin, fast, slow, lim, lim)

# equivalent using the dials Panel
dials_panel = Panel(
    "PAD", fast, slow, origin, (lim[1] / 200, lim[1] / 200), (200, 200), (0, 2e20)

# get the bits needed to make a RayPredictor
s0 = mybeam.get_s0()
spindle = mygonio.get_rotation_axis()
ray_predictor = RayPredictor(s0, spindle, UB, sweep_range)

# also make a reflection_prediction object
from rstbx.diffraction import reflection_prediction

rp = reflection_prediction(mygonio.get_rotation_axis(), mybeam.get_s0(), UB, my_panel)

# predict
hkls, d1s, d2s, angles, s_dirs = rp.predict(
    dials_obs_indices.as_vec3_double(), dials_angles

# dials_indices is a cctbx_array_family_flex_ext.miller_index object
# dials_reflections is a dials_model_data_ext.ReflectionList object
dials_reflections = ray_predictor(dials_indices)

# I can use ray_predictor one reflection at a time by looping over
# dials_indices. It will return a ReflectionList, which will be of length
# zero if the reflection has no predicted angles, or of length two, if
# the enter and exit angles are predicted.
Exemplo n.º 8
# direct use of the sensor constructor
lim = (0,50)
my_panel = sensor(origin, fast, slow, lim, lim)

# equivalent using the dials Panel
dials_panel = Panel("PAD", fast, slow, origin,
            (lim[1]/200, lim[1]/200), (200, 200), (0, 2e20))

# get the bits needed to make a RayPredictor
s0 = mybeam.get_s0()
spindle = mygonio.get_rotation_axis()
ray_predictor = RayPredictor(s0, spindle, UB, sweep_range)

# also make a reflection_prediction object
from rstbx.diffraction import reflection_prediction
rp = reflection_prediction(mygonio.get_rotation_axis(), mybeam.get_s0(),
                           UB, my_panel)

# predict
hkls, d1s, d2s, angles, s_dirs = rp.predict(

# dials_indices is a cctbx_array_family_flex_ext.miller_index object
# dials_reflections is a dials_model_data_ext.ReflectionList object
dials_reflections = ray_predictor(dials_indices)

# I can use ray_predictor one reflection at a time by looping over
# dials_indices. It will return a ReflectionList, which will be of length
# zero if the reflection has no predicted angles, or of length two, if
# the enter and exit angles are predicted.