Exemplo n.º 1
def katz_expansions(k0, p, ellp, mdash, n):
    Returns a list e of q-expansions, and the Eisenstein series `E_{p-1} = 1 +
    \dots`, all modulo `(p^\text{mdash},q^\text{ellp})`. The list e contains
    the elements `e_{i,s}` in the Katz expansions basis in Step 3 of Algorithm
    1 in [AGBL]_ when one takes as input to that algorithm p,m and k and define
    ``k0``, ``mdash``, n, ``ellp = ell*p`` as in Step 1.


    - ``k0`` -- integer in range 0 to p-1.
    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``ellp,mdash,n`` -- positive integers.


    - list of q-expansions and the Eisenstein series E_{p-1} modulo


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import katz_expansions
        sage: katz_expansions(0,5,10,3,4)
        ([1 + O(q^10), q + 6*q^2 + 27*q^3 + 98*q^4 + 65*q^5 + 37*q^6 + 81*q^7 + 85*q^8 + 62*q^9 + O(q^10)],
        1 + 115*q + 35*q^2 + 95*q^3 + 20*q^4 + 115*q^5 + 105*q^6 + 60*q^7 + 25*q^8 + 55*q^9 + O(q^10))
    S = Zmod(p**mdash)

    Ep1 = eisenstein_series_qexp(p - 1, ellp, K=S, normalization="constant")
    E4 = eisenstein_series_qexp(4, ellp, K=S, normalization="constant")
    E6 = eisenstein_series_qexp(6, ellp, K=S, normalization="constant")

    delta = delta_qexp(ellp, K=S)
    h = delta / E6**2
    hj = delta.parent()(1)
    e = []

    # We compute negative powers of E_(p-1) successively (this saves a great
    # deal of time). The effect is that Ep1mi = Ep1 ** (-i).
    Ep1m1 = ~Ep1
    Ep1mi = 1
    for i in xrange(0, n + 1):
        Wi, hj = compute_Wi(k0 + i * (p - 1), p, h, hj, E4, E6)
        for bis in Wi:
            eis = p**floor(i / (p + 1)) * Ep1mi * bis
        Ep1mi = Ep1mi * Ep1m1

    return e, Ep1
Exemplo n.º 2
def katz_expansions(k0,p,ellp,mdash,n):
    Returns a list e of q-expansions, and the Eisenstein series `E_{p-1} = 1 +
    \dots`, all modulo `(p^\text{mdash},q^\text{ellp})`. The list e contains
    the elements `e_{i,s}` in the Katz expansions basis in Step 3 of Algorithm
    1 in [AGBL]_ when one takes as input to that algorithm p,m and k and define
    ``k0``, ``mdash``, n, ``ellp = ell*p`` as in Step 1.


    - ``k0`` -- integer in range 0 to p-1.
    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``ellp,mdash,n`` -- positive integers.


    - list of q-expansions and the Eisenstein series E_{p-1} modulo


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import katz_expansions
        sage: katz_expansions(0,5,10,3,4)
        ([1 + O(q^10), q + 6*q^2 + 27*q^3 + 98*q^4 + 65*q^5 + 37*q^6 + 81*q^7 + 85*q^8 + 62*q^9 + O(q^10)],
        1 + 115*q + 35*q^2 + 95*q^3 + 20*q^4 + 115*q^5 + 105*q^6 + 60*q^7 + 25*q^8 + 55*q^9 + O(q^10))
    S = Zmod(p**mdash)

    Ep1 = eisenstein_series_qexp(p-1, ellp, K=S, normalization="constant")
    E4 =  eisenstein_series_qexp(4,   ellp, K=S, normalization="constant")
    E6 =  eisenstein_series_qexp(6,   ellp, K=S, normalization="constant")

    delta = delta_qexp(ellp, K=S)
    h = delta / E6**2
    hj = delta.parent()(1)
    e = []

    # We compute negative powers of E_(p-1) successively (this saves a great
    # deal of time). The effect is that Ep1mi = Ep1 ** (-i).
    Ep1m1 = ~Ep1
    Ep1mi = 1
    for i in xrange(0,n+1):
        Wi,hj = compute_Wi(k0 + i*(p-1),p,h,hj,E4,E6)
        for bis in Wi:
            eis = p**floor(i/(p+1)) * Ep1mi * bis
        Ep1mi = Ep1mi * Ep1m1

    return e,Ep1
Exemplo n.º 3
def higher_level_katz_exp(p, N, k0, m, mdash, elldash, elldashp, modformsring,
    Returns a matrix `e` of size ``ell x elldashp`` over the integers modulo
    `p^\text{mdash}`, and the Eisenstein series `E_{p-1} = 1 + .\dots \bmod
    (p^\text{mdash},q^\text{elldashp})`. The matrix e contains the coefficients
    of the elements `e_{i,s}` in the Katz expansions basis in Step 3 of
    Algorithm 2 in [AGBL]_ when one takes as input to that algorithm
    `p`,`N`,`m` and `k` and define ``k0``, ``mdash``, ``n``, ``elldash``,
    ``elldashp = ell*dashp`` as in Step 1.


    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``N`` -- positive integer at least 2 and not divisible by p (level).
    - ``k0`` -- integer in xrange 0 to p-1.
    - ``m,mdash,elldash,elldashp`` -- positive integers.
    - ``modformsring`` -- True or False.
    - ``bound`` -- positive (even) integer.


    - matrix and q-expansion.


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import higher_level_katz_exp
        sage: e,Ep1 = higher_level_katz_exp(5,2,0,1,2,4,20,true,6)
        sage: e
        [ 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  1 18 23 19  6  9  9 17  7  3 17 12  8 22  8 11 19  1  5]
        [ 0  0  1 11 20 16  0  8  4  0 18 15 24  6 15 23  5 18  7 15]
        [ 0  0  0  1  4 16 23 13  6  5 23  5  2 16  4 18 10 23  5 15]
        sage: Ep1
        1 + 15*q + 10*q^2 + 20*q^3 + 20*q^4 + 15*q^5 + 5*q^6 + 10*q^7 +
        5*q^9 + 10*q^10 + 5*q^11 + 10*q^12 + 20*q^13 + 15*q^14 + 20*q^15 + 15*q^16 +
        10*q^17 + 20*q^18 + O(q^20)
    ordr = 1 / (p + 1)
    S = Zmod(p**mdash)
    Ep1 = eisenstein_series_qexp(p - 1,

    n = floor(((p + 1) / (p - 1)) * (m + 1))
    Wjs = complementary_spaces(N, p, k0, n, mdash, elldashp, elldash,
                               modformsring, bound)

    Basis = []
    for j in xrange(n + 1):
        Wj = Wjs[j]
        dimj = len(Wj)
        Ep1minusj = Ep1**(-j)
        for i in xrange(dimj):
            wji = Wj[i]
            b = p**floor(ordr * j) * wji * Ep1minusj

    # extract basis as a matrix

    ell = len(Basis)
    M = matrix(S, ell, elldashp)
    for i in xrange(ell):
        for j in xrange(elldashp):
            M[i, j] = Basis[i][j]

    ech_form(M, p)  # put it into echelon form

    return M, Ep1
Exemplo n.º 4
def complementary_spaces(N, p, k0, n, mdash, elldashp, elldash, modformsring,
    Returns a list ``Ws``, each element in which is a list ``Wi`` of
    q-expansions modulo `(p^\text{mdash},q^\text{elldashp})`. The list ``Wi`` is
    a basis for a choice of complementary space in level `\Gamma_0(N)` and
    weight `k` to the image of weight `k - (p-1)` forms under multiplication by
    the Eisenstein series `E_{p-1}`.

    The lists ``Wi`` play the same role as `W_i` in Step 2 of Algorithm 2 in
    [AGBL]_. (The parameters ``k0,n,mdash,elldash,elldashp = elldash*p`` are
    defined as in Step 1 of that algorithm when this function is used in
    :func:`hecke_series`.) However, the complementary spaces are computed in a
    different manner, combining a suggestion of David Loeffler with one of John
    Voight. That is, one builds these spaces recursively using random products
    of forms in low weight, first searching for suitable products modulo
    `(p,q^\text{elldash})`, and then later reconstructing only the required
    products to the full precision modulo `(p^\text{mdash},q^{elldashp})`. The
    forms in low weight are chosen from either bases of all forms up to weight
    ``bound`` or from a (tentative) generating set for the ring of all modular
    forms, according to whether ``modformsring`` is ``False`` or ``True``.


    - ``N`` -- positive integer at least 2 and not divisible by p (level).
    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``k0`` -- integer in range 0 to ``p-1``.
    - ``n,mdash,elldashp,elldash`` -- positive integers.
    - ``modformsring`` -- True or False.
    - ``bound`` -- positive (even) integer (ignored if ``modformsring`` is True).


    - list of lists of q-expansions modulo


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import complementary_spaces
        sage: complementary_spaces(2,5,0,3,2,5,4,true,6) # random
        [1 + 23*q + 24*q^2 + 19*q^3 + 7*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [1 + 21*q + 2*q^2 + 17*q^3 + 14*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [1 + 19*q + 9*q^2 + 11*q^3 + 9*q^4 + O(q^5)]]
        sage: complementary_spaces(2,5,0,3,2,5,4,false,6) # random
        [3 + 4*q + 2*q^2 + 12*q^3 + 11*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [2 + 2*q + 14*q^2 + 19*q^3 + 18*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [6 + 8*q + 10*q^2 + 23*q^3 + 4*q^4 + O(q^5)]]
    if modformsring == False:
        LWB = random_low_weight_bases(N, p, mdash, elldashp, bound)
        LWB, bound = low_weight_generators(N, p, mdash, elldashp)

    LWBModp = [[f.change_ring(GF(p)).truncate_powerseries(elldash) for f in x]
               for x in LWB]

    CompSpacesCode = complementary_spaces_modp(N, p, k0, n, elldash, LWBModp,

    Ws = []
    Epm1 = eisenstein_series_qexp(p - 1,
    for i in xrange(n + 1):
        CompSpacesCodemi = CompSpacesCode[i]
        Wi = []
        for k in xrange(len(CompSpacesCodemi)):
            CompSpacesCodemik = CompSpacesCodemi[k]
            Wik = Epm1.parent()(1)
            for j in xrange(len(CompSpacesCodemik)):
                l = CompSpacesCodemik[j][0]
                index = CompSpacesCodemik[j][1]
                Wik = Wik * LWB[l][index]

    return Ws
Exemplo n.º 5
def higher_level_katz_exp(p,N,k0,m,mdash,elldash,elldashp,modformsring,bound):
    Returns a matrix `e` of size ``ell x elldashp`` over the integers modulo
    `p^\text{mdash}`, and the Eisenstein series `E_{p-1} = 1 + .\dots \bmod
    (p^\text{mdash},q^\text{elldashp})`. The matrix e contains the coefficients
    of the elements `e_{i,s}` in the Katz expansions basis in Step 3 of
    Algorithm 2 in [AGBL]_ when one takes as input to that algorithm
    `p`,`N`,`m` and `k` and define ``k0``, ``mdash``, ``n``, ``elldash``,
    ``elldashp = ell*dashp`` as in Step 1.


    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``N`` -- positive integer at least 2 and not divisible by p (level).
    - ``k0`` -- integer in xrange 0 to p-1.
    - ``m,mdash,elldash,elldashp`` -- positive integers.
    - ``modformsring`` -- True or False.
    - ``bound`` -- positive (even) integer.


    - matrix and q-expansion.


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import higher_level_katz_exp
        sage: e,Ep1 = higher_level_katz_exp(5,2,0,1,2,4,20,true,6)
        sage: e
        [ 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  1 18 23 19  6  9  9 17  7  3 17 12  8 22  8 11 19  1  5]
        [ 0  0  1 11 20 16  0  8  4  0 18 15 24  6 15 23  5 18  7 15]
        [ 0  0  0  1  4 16 23 13  6  5 23  5  2 16  4 18 10 23  5 15]
        sage: Ep1
        1 + 15*q + 10*q^2 + 20*q^3 + 20*q^4 + 15*q^5 + 5*q^6 + 10*q^7 +
        5*q^9 + 10*q^10 + 5*q^11 + 10*q^12 + 20*q^13 + 15*q^14 + 20*q^15 + 15*q^16 +
        10*q^17 + 20*q^18 + O(q^20)
    ordr = 1/(p+1)
    S = Zmod(p**mdash)
    Ep1 = eisenstein_series_qexp(p-1,prec=elldashp,K=S, normalization="constant")

    n = floor(((p+1)/(p-1))*(m+1))
    Wjs = complementary_spaces(N,p,k0,n,mdash,elldashp,elldash,modformsring,bound)

    Basis = []
    for j in xrange(n+1):
        Wj = Wjs[j]
        dimj = len(Wj)
        Ep1minusj = Ep1**(-j)
        for i in xrange(dimj):
            wji = Wj[i]
            b = p**floor(ordr*j) * wji * Ep1minusj

    # extract basis as a matrix

    ell = len(Basis)
    M = matrix(S,ell,elldashp)
    for i in xrange(ell):
        for j in xrange(elldashp):
            M[i,j] = Basis[i][j]

    ech_form(M,p) # put it into echelon form

    return M,Ep1
Exemplo n.º 6
def complementary_spaces(N,p,k0,n,mdash,elldashp,elldash,modformsring,bound):
    Returns a list ``Ws``, each element in which is a list ``Wi`` of
    q-expansions modulo `(p^\text{mdash},q^\text{elldashp})`. The list ``Wi`` is
    a basis for a choice of complementary space in level `\Gamma_0(N)` and
    weight `k` to the image of weight `k - (p-1)` forms under multiplication by
    the Eisenstein series `E_{p-1}`.

    The lists ``Wi`` play the same role as `W_i` in Step 2 of Algorithm 2 in
    [AGBL]_. (The parameters ``k0,n,mdash,elldash,elldashp = elldash*p`` are
    defined as in Step 1 of that algorithm when this function is used in
    :func:`hecke_series`.) However, the complementary spaces are computed in a
    different manner, combining a suggestion of David Loeffler with one of John
    Voight. That is, one builds these spaces recursively using random products
    of forms in low weight, first searching for suitable products modulo
    `(p,q^\text{elldash})`, and then later reconstructing only the required
    products to the full precision modulo `(p^\text{mdash},q^{elldashp})`. The
    forms in low weight are chosen from either bases of all forms up to weight
    ``bound`` or from a (tentative) generating set for the ring of all modular
    forms, according to whether ``modformsring`` is ``False`` or ``True``.


    - ``N`` -- positive integer at least 2 and not divisible by p (level).
    - ``p`` -- prime at least 5.
    - ``k0`` -- integer in range 0 to ``p-1``.
    - ``n,mdash,elldashp,elldash`` -- positive integers.
    - ``modformsring`` -- True or False.
    - ``bound`` -- positive (even) integer (ignored if ``modformsring`` is True).


    - list of lists of q-expansions modulo


        sage: from sage.modular.overconvergent.hecke_series import complementary_spaces
        sage: complementary_spaces(2,5,0,3,2,5,4,true,6) # random
        [1 + 23*q + 24*q^2 + 19*q^3 + 7*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [1 + 21*q + 2*q^2 + 17*q^3 + 14*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [1 + 19*q + 9*q^2 + 11*q^3 + 9*q^4 + O(q^5)]]
        sage: complementary_spaces(2,5,0,3,2,5,4,false,6) # random
        [3 + 4*q + 2*q^2 + 12*q^3 + 11*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [2 + 2*q + 14*q^2 + 19*q^3 + 18*q^4 + O(q^5)],
        [6 + 8*q + 10*q^2 + 23*q^3 + 4*q^4 + O(q^5)]]
    if modformsring == False:
        LWB = random_low_weight_bases(N,p,mdash,elldashp,bound)
        LWB,bound = low_weight_generators(N,p,mdash,elldashp)

    LWBModp = [ [ f.change_ring(GF(p)).truncate_powerseries(elldash) for f in x] for x in LWB]

    CompSpacesCode = complementary_spaces_modp(N,p,k0,n,elldash,LWBModp,bound)

    Ws = []
    Epm1 = eisenstein_series_qexp(p-1, prec=elldashp, K = Zmod(p**mdash), normalization="constant")
    for i in xrange(n+1):
        CompSpacesCodemi = CompSpacesCode[i]
        Wi = []
        for k in xrange(len(CompSpacesCodemi)):
            CompSpacesCodemik = CompSpacesCodemi[k]
            Wik = Epm1.parent()(1)
            for j in xrange(len(CompSpacesCodemik)):
                l = CompSpacesCodemik[j][0]
                index = CompSpacesCodemik[j][1]
                Wik = Wik*LWB[l][index]

    return Ws