Exemplo n.º 1
def analisisHR(hrValues, miliValues, sample_size):
    plt.plot(miliValues, hrValues)
    smoothed_values = [
        data for data, i in smooth_curve_simple(hrValues, sample_size)

    average = []
    peaks = fp(smoothed_values)[0]
    previous = peaks[0]
    peakplotX = [miliValues[previous]]
    peakplotY = [smoothed_values[previous]]
    for id in peaks[1:]:
        average.append(miliValues[id] - miliValues[previous])
        previous = id
    #plt.scatter(peakplotY , marker='+', c='Red')

    print("Picos: ", len(peaks), " Longitud: ", miliValues[-1] - miliValues[0])
    valorHR = (60000) / ((miliValues[-1] - miliValues[0]) / len(peaks))
    return valorHR
Exemplo n.º 2
def peak_detection(y,show = False):
	'''Function which detects te number of peaks in a curve, according to a certain threshold.
	   First peak must be 1/2 of the max and second peak must be 1/2 or more of the main peak, with a 1/4 minimum prominence'''
	from scipy.signal import find_peaks as fp
	ydet = np.concatenate((y[-12:],y,y[:12])) # we repeat the curve a little bit such that peaks at borders are not neglected by algo
	p, prop = fp( ydet, height=0, distance=4, prominence = (np.amax(y)/6,y.max()))
	idx = ((p-12 > -1) & (p-12 < 24))
	p = (p - 12)[idx]
	for key in prop.keys():
		prop[key] = prop[key][idx]
	return p, prop
Exemplo n.º 3
def analisisHR2(hrValues, miliValues, sample_size):
    #smoothed_values = smooth_curve_simple(hrValues, sample_size)
    smoothed_values = [
        data for data, i in smooth_curve_simple(hrValues, sample_size)
    peaks = fp(smoothed_values)[0]

    average = []
    for id in range(0, len(peaks) - 1, 2):
        current = peaks[id + 1] * sample_size + sample_size
        previous = peaks[id] * sample_size + sample_size
        average.append(miliValues[current] - miliValues[previous])
        # previous = id*sample_size

    plt.scatter(peaks, [smoothed_values[j] for j in peaks],

    valorHR = (60000 * len(peaks)) / (miliValues[-1] - miliValues[0])
    # valorHR=(60000)/(sum(average)/len(average))
    return valorHR
Exemplo n.º 4
def find_peaks(points, threshold=0.5):
    Finds the peaks in a signal.

    points : ndarray
        1-D array of normalized data points.
    threshold : float
        Limit to filter peaks; those below that value are discarded.

    ndarray : 1-D array with the indices corresponding to the peaks of

    # Find the peaks
    peaks, _ = fp(points, distance=15)

    # Filter the peaks based on threshold
    valid_peaks = np.argwhere(points[peaks] > threshold)

    return peaks[valid_peaks.ravel()]
Exemplo n.º 5
def theta_color_correction(shadow_corrected_img,
    import cv2
    from scipy.signal import find_peaks as fp
    from functools import reduce
    import numpy as np
    import math
    Color Correction Using Degrees:

    I_i^(shadow free) = ((r + 1)/(k_i*r + 1))I_i

    r = L_d/L_e; L_d = intensity of non-shadow pixels
                 L_e = intensity of shadow pixels
    k_i = t_i*cos(theta_i); t_i = 1 if object in sunshine region
                                  and 0 if object in shadow region
                                  (attenuation factor of direct light)
                            theta_i = angle between direct lighting
                                  direction and the surface normal
    I_i = pixel at i^th value

    mask already gives us if object is in a sunshine region,
    where t_i = 1, and if object is in a shadow region, where
    t_i = 0.
    Then iterate through varying values of theta to see how these
    affect the outcome of the color correction to the image.

    Need to find L_d and L_e, which seem to be global variables.
    This doesn't seem like an especially smart move as there will
    be many different intensities throughout the image, especially
    with a very busy image.

    Purpose of k_i is that if point is in a direct sunshine region, no angle between direct light and ambient light, then
    that pixels value will not change as k_i will equal 1 due to being in a sunshine region and having a theta_i = 0. If
    a pixel is in a shadow region, then pixel intensity should be brought up slightly to match sunshine region.

    ##shadow_corrected_image should come from ycbcr_color_correction function

    ##mask is needed for SNR calculation

    ##save_ccimg_deg is optional to save all of the output pictures

    ##cd_save is where you want to save the 181 output pictures, as this function
    ##runs through all the angles from 0 to 180 to test on further correcting the colors of the image

    ##SNR_return will allow a return of the SNR calculated for each image

    ##Convert output image to HSI space to get purely intensity values of shadow to non-shadow pixels
    result_HSI = cv2.cvtColor(shadow_corrected_img.copy(), cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)

    ##for SNR
    sf_SNR = []

    mask_rep = np.repeat(mask[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)

    ##range of degrees from 0 to 180
    deg_range = 181
    for i in range(deg_range):
        ##intensity of shadow pixels
        L_e_I = np.sum(np.multiply(result_HSI[:, :, 2],
                                   mask.copy())) / (mask == 1).sum()
        ##intensity of non-shadow pixels
        L_d_I = np.sum(
            np.multiply(result_HSI[:, :, 2], np.logical_not(
                mask.copy()))) / (mask == 0).sum()
        ##ratio of non-shadow pixel intensities to shadow pixel intensities
        r_I = L_d_I / L_e_I

        k_i = mask.copy() * math.cos(math.radians(i))
        k_i[k_i == 0] = 1
        result_shadow_free_I = np.uint8(
            ((r_I + 1) / (k_i * r_I + 1)) * result_HSI[:, :, 2].copy())
        result_HSI[:, :, 2] = result_shadow_free_I.copy()
        result_sf = cv2.cvtColor(result_HSI.copy(), cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB)
        result_sf = cv2.cvtColor(result_sf, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        ##note that any pixels within the shadow region that are intrinsically
        ##zero will be discarded using this methodology, but this was the only way
        ##I figured to calculate SNR, specifically in the mask areas
        result_sf_mask_area_mult = np.multiply(result_sf.copy(), mask_rep)
        result_sf_mask_area_flat = result_sf_mask_area_mult.flat
        result_sf_mask_area_fl8 = result_sf_mask_area_flat[
            result_sf_mask_area_flat != 0]

        sf_mean = np.mean(result_sf_mask_area_fl8.copy())
        sf_std = np.std(result_sf_mask_area_fl8.copy())
        ratio = sf_mean / sf_std

        if save_ccimg_deg == True:
            ccimg_deg = cd_save + str(i) + '.jpg'
            cv2.imwrite(ccimg_deg, result_sf)

    ##finds mean of sf_SNR and divides by max value of sf_SNR to get unique threshold
    thresh = (reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, sf_SNR) / 181) / (np.amax(sf_SNR))
    SNR_peaks = fp(sf_SNR, height=np.amax(sf_SNR) - thresh, distance=10)

    degrees = np.linspace(0, 180, 181)
    plt.plot(degrees, sf_SNR)
    plt.title('SNR vs degrees of ambient light to reflected light')

    for i in range(SNR_peaks[0].shape[0]):
        y_max = sf_SNR[SNR_peaks[0][i]]
        x_max = SNR_peaks[0][i]
        text_max = "x={:.3f}".format(x_max)
        plt.annotate(text_max, xy=(x_max, y_max))

    y_min = np.amin(sf_SNR)
    x_min = sf_SNR.index(min(sf_SNR))
    text_min = "x={:.3f}".format(x_min)
    plt.annotate(text_min, xy=(x_min, y_min))

    if save_SNR == True:
        plt.savefig(cd_SNR + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')

    if SNR_return == True:
        return sf_SNR
Exemplo n.º 6
r_v = np.array([(vel1)[zero_crossings], (vel1)[zero_crossings]])
Radial_Velocity = np.mean(r_v)
vel1 = vel1 - Radial_Velocity
vel2 = vel2 - Radial_Velocity

frequency, power = LombScargle(data[:, 0],
f_opt = frequency[np.where(power == np.max(power))]

def sine(x, V, f):
    return V * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x)

indices1 = fp(np.abs(vel1), height=15)
v1 = np.mean(np.abs(vel1[indices1[0]]))

indices2 = fp(np.abs(vel2), height=12)
v2 = np.mean(np.abs(vel2[indices2[0]]))

p_opt = np.array([-v1, f_opt])
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title('Star 1')
plt.plot(data[:, 0], sine(data[:, 0], *p_opt), label='Best Fit', color='g')
plt.scatter(data[:, 0], vel1, s=0.1, color='darkorange')

p_opt = np.array([v2, f_opt])
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.title('Star 2')
plt.plot(data[:, 0], sine(data[:, 0], *p_opt), label='Best Fit', color='g')
Exemplo n.º 7
        (s.h * s.c) / (l * s.k * T)) - 1))
    return t

plt.plot(wvl, dat)
inp = input("Where to cut:\n")
if inp == 'max':
    cut = np.argmax(dat)
    cut = wvl.tolist().index(int(inp))

cut = int(cut)
spec = wvl.tolist().index(3500)
val, var = cfit(B, l[cut:], dat[cut:], p0=[1000, 1])
peaks, _ = fp((B(l, val[0], val[1]) - dat), height=0, prominence=0.05)
wvlpk = (peaks * 5 + 1150)
specpk = []
for i in range(len(peaks)):
    if wvlpk[i] > 6550 and wvlpk[i] < 6650:
    elif wvlpk[i] > 4750 and wvlpk[i] < 4850:
    elif wvlpk[i] > 4300 and wvlpk[i] < 4400:
specpk = (np.array(specpk) + (-1150)) / 5
wvlpk = np.array(specpk).astype(int)
plt.plot((peaks * 5 + 1150), dat[peaks], "x")
plt.plot((wvlpk * 5 + 1150), dat[wvlpk], "o")
plt.plot(wvl, B(l, val[0], val[1]) - dat)
plt.plot(wvl, dat)
Exemplo n.º 8
@author: Ryan

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks as fp

lc = np.genfromtxt("lightcurve_data.txt")
rv = np.genfromtxt("RV_data.txt")

jd = lc[:, 0] - lc[0, 0]
peaks = (lc[:, 1] - 1) * -1

# find peaks and subtract their x value to create folded rotation curve.
t = fp(peaks, height=0.007, width=5)
light = []
phase = []
for ind, i in enumerate(lc[:, 1]):
    for ind2, j in enumerate(t[0]):
        if j == ind:
            for k in lc[ind - 10:ind + 10, 1]:

            for l in jd[ind - 10:ind + 10] - jd[ind]:


# plot the resulting light curve
Exemplo n.º 9
        for sat in range(CLASS[l].shape[1]):
            nb_peaks1[K, sat] = P_HSENS1[l][K, sat, 0].shape[0]
            nb_peaks2[K, sat] = P_HSENS2[l][K, sat, 0].shape[0]
            nb_peaks3[K, sat] = P_HSENS3[l][K, sat, 0].shape[0]
            nb_peaks4[K, sat] = P_HSENS4[l][K, sat, 0].shape[0]


Hue = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 24)
y = MM1[-1][29, -1, :]
ydet = np.concatenate((y[-2:], y))
   height=(np.amax(y)) / 2,
   prominence=(np.amax(y) / 8, y.max()))

R1 = F.peak_detection(y, show=False)

prop_null = np.zeros(len(CLASS))
prop_1 = np.zeros(len(CLASS))
prop_2 = np.zeros(len(CLASS))
prop_3 = np.zeros(len(CLASS))
prop_4 = np.zeros(len(CLASS))
for l in range(0, len(CLASS)):
    a1 = np.amax(M_HSENS1[l], axis=-1) > t2
    a2 = np.amax(M_HSENS2[l], axis=-1) > t2
    a3 = np.amax(M_HSENS3[l], axis=-1) > t2
    a4 = np.amax(M_HSENS4[l], axis=-1) > t2
    ar = np.amax(M_ROT[l], axis=-1) > t2