Exemplo n.º 1
def comb(N,k,exact=0):
    """Combinations of N things taken k at a time.

    If exact==0, then floating point precision is used, otherwise
    exact long integer is computed.

      - Array arguments accepted only for exact=0 case.
      - If k > N, N < 0, or k < 0, then a 0 is returned.
    if exact:
        if (k > N) or (N < 0) or (k < 0):
            return 0L
        N,k = map(long,(N,k))
        top = N
        val = 1L
        while (top > (N-k)):
            val *= top
            top -= 1
        n = 1L
        while (n < k+1L):
            val /= n
            n += 1
        return val
        k,N = asarray(k), asarray(N)
        lgam = special.gammaln
        cond = (k <= N) & (N >= 0) & (k >= 0)
        sv = special.errprint(0)
        vals = exp(lgam(N+1) - lgam(N-k+1) - lgam(k+1))
        sv = special.errprint(sv)
        return where(cond, vals, 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def factorial(n,exact=0):
    """n! = special.gamma(n+1)

    If exact==0, then floating point precision is used, otherwise
    exact long integer is computed.

      - Array argument accepted only for exact=0 case.
      - If n<0, the return value is 0.
    if exact:
        if n < 0:
            return 0L
        n = long(n)
        val = 1L
        k = 1L
        while (k < n+1L):
            val = val*k
            k += 1
        return val
        n = asarray(n)
        sv = special.errprint(0)
        vals = special.gamma(n+1)
        sv = special.errprint(sv)
        return where(n>=0,vals,0)
Exemplo n.º 3
def irfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0):
    """ irfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0) -> y

    Return inverse discrete Fourier transform of real sequence x.
    The contents of x is interpreted as the output of rfft(..)

    The returned real array contains
    where for n is even
      y(j) = 1/n (sum[k=1..n/2-1] (x[2*k-1]+sqrt(-1)*x[2*k])
                                   * exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)
                  + c.c. + x[0] + (-1)**(j) x[n-1])
    and for n is odd
      y(j) = 1/n (sum[k=1..(n-1)/2] (x[2*k-1]+sqrt(-1)*x[2*k])
                                   * exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)
                  + c.c. + x[0])
    c.c. denotes complex conjugate of preceeding expression.

    Optional input: see rfft.__doc__
    tmp = asarray(x)
    t = tmp.typecode()
    if t in 'DF':
        raise TypeError,"1st argument must be real sequence"
    work_function = fftpack.drfft
    return _raw_fft(tmp,n,axis,-1,overwrite_x,work_function)
Exemplo n.º 4
def rfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0):
    """ rfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0) -> y

    Return discrete Fourier transform of real sequence x.

    The returned real arrays contains
      [y(0),Re(y(1)),Im(y(1)),...,Re(y(n/2))]              if n is even
      [y(0),Re(y(1)),Im(y(1)),...,Re(y(n/2)),Im(y(n/2))]   if n is odd
      y(j) = sum[k=0..n-1] x[k] * exp(-sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)
      j = 0..n-1
    Note that y(-j) = y(n-j).

    Optional input:
        Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not
        specified then n=x.shape[axis] is set. If n<x.shape[axis],
        x is truncated. If n>x.shape[axis], x is zero-padded.
        The transform is applied along the given axis of the input
        array (or the newly constructed array if n argument was used).
        If set to true, the contents of x can be destroyed.

      y == rfft(irfft(y)) within numerical accuracy.
    tmp = asarray(x)
    t = tmp.typecode()
    if t in 'DF':
        raise TypeError,"1st argument must be real sequence"
    work_function = fftpack.drfft
    return _raw_fft(tmp,n,axis,1,overwrite_x,work_function)
Exemplo n.º 5
def factorial2(n,exact=0):
    """n!! = special.gamma(n/2+1)*2**((m+1)/2)/sqrt(pi)  n odd
           = 2**(n) * n!                                 n even

    If exact==0, then floating point precision is used, otherwise
    exact long integer is computed.

      - Array argument accepted only for exact=0 case.
      - If n<0, the return value is 0.
    if exact:
        if n < -1:
            return 0L
        if n <= 0:
            return 1L
        n = long(n)
        val = 1L
        k = n
        while (k > 0):
            val = val*k
            k -= 2
        return val
        n = asarray(n)
        vals = zeros(n.shape,'d')
        cond1 = (n % 2) & (n >= -1)
        cond2 = (1-(n % 2)) & (n >= -1)
        oddn = extract(cond1,n)
        evenn = extract(cond2,n)
        nd2o = oddn / 2.0
        nd2e = evenn / 2.0
        insert(vals,cond2,special.gamma(nd2e+1) * pow(2.0,nd2e))
        return vals
Exemplo n.º 6
def ifftn(x, shape=None, axes=None, overwrite_x=0):
    """ ifftn(x, s=None, axes=None, overwrite_x=0) -> y
    Return inverse multi-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of
    arbitrary type sequence x.

    The returned array contains

      y[j_1,..,j_d] = 1/p * sum[k_1=0..n_1-1, ..., k_d=0..n_d-1]
         x[k_1,..,k_d] * prod[i=1..d] exp(sqrt(-1)*2*pi/n_i * j_i * k_i)

    where d = len(x.shape), n = x.shape, and p = prod[i=1..d] n_i.

    Optional input: see fftn.__doc__
    tmp = asarray(x)
    t = tmp.typecode()
    if t=='D':
        overwrite_x = overwrite_x or (tmp is not x and not \
        work_function = fftpack.zfftnd
    elif t=='F':
        raise NotImplementedError
        overwrite_x = 1
        work_function = fftpack.zfftnd
    return _raw_fftnd(tmp,shape,axes,-1,overwrite_x,work_function)
Exemplo n.º 7
def imresize(arr,newsize,interp='bilinear',mode=None):
    newsize = tuple(newsize)
    arr = asarray(arr)
    func = {'nearest':0,'bilinear':2,'bicubic':3,'cubic':3}
    im = toimage(arr,mode=mode)
    im = im.resize(newsize,resample=func[interp])
    return fromimage(im)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _apply_func(x,g,func):
    # g is list of indices into x
    #  separating x into different groups
    #  func should be applied over the groups
    g = unique(r_[0,g,len(x)])
    output = []
    for k in range(len(g)-1):
    return asarray(output)
Exemplo n.º 9
def triu(m, k=0):
    """ returns the elements on and above the k-th diagonal of m.  k=0 is the
        main diagonal, k > 0 is above and k < 0 is below the main diagonal.
    svsp = getattr(m,'spacesaver',lambda:0)()
    m = asarray(m,savespace=1)
    out = (1-tri(m.shape[0], m.shape[1], k-1, m.typecode()))*m
    return out
Exemplo n.º 10
def lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0):
    """ lstsq(a, b, cond=None, overwrite_a=0, overwrite_b=0) -> x,resids,rank,s

    Return least-squares solution of a * x = b.


      a -- An M x N matrix.
      b -- An M x nrhs matrix or M vector.
      cond -- Used to determine effective rank of a.


      x -- The solution (N x nrhs matrix) to the minimization problem:
                  2-norm(| b - a * x |) -> min
      resids -- The residual sum-of-squares for the solution matrix x
                (only if M>N and rank==N).
      rank -- The effective rank of a.
      s -- Singular values of a in decreasing order. The condition number
           of a is abs(s[0]/s[-1]).
    a1, b1 = map(asarray_chkfinite,(a,b))
    if len(a1.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError, 'expected matrix'
    m,n = a1.shape
    if len(b1.shape)==2: nrhs = b1.shape[1]
    else: nrhs = 1
    if m != b1.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError, 'incompatible dimensions'
    gelss, = get_lapack_funcs(('gelss',),(a1,b1))
    if n>m:
        # need to extend b matrix as it will be filled with
        # a larger solution matrix
        b2 = zeros((n,nrhs),gelss.typecode)
        if len(b1.shape)==2: b2[:m,:] = b1
        else: b2[:m,0] = b1
        b1 = b2
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a,'__array__'))
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or (b1 is not b and not hasattr(b,'__array__'))
    if gelss.module_name[:7] == 'flapack':
        lwork = calc_lwork.gelss(gelss.prefix,m,n,nrhs)[1]
        v,x,s,rank,info = gelss(a1,b1,cond = cond,
                                lwork = lwork,
                                overwrite_a = overwrite_a,
                                overwrite_b = overwrite_b)
        raise NotImplementedError,'calling gelss from %s' % (gelss.module_name)
    if info>0: raise LinAlgError, "SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares"
    if info<0: raise ValueError,\
       'illegal value in %-th argument of internal gelss'%(-info)
    resids = asarray([],x.typecode())
    if n<m:
        x1 = x[:n]
        if rank==n: resids = sum(x[n:]**2)
        x = x1
    return x,resids,rank,s
Exemplo n.º 11
def hessenberg(a,calc_q=0,overwrite_a=0):
    """ Compute Hessenberg form of a matrix.


      a -- the matrix
      calc_q -- if non-zero then calculate unitary similarity
                transformation matrix q.
      overwrite_a=0 -- if non-zero then discard the contents of a,
                     i.e. a is used as a work array if possible.


      h    -- Hessenberg form of a                [calc_q=0]
      h, q -- matrices such that a = q * h * q^T  [calc_q=1]

    a1 = asarray(a)
    if len(a1.shape) != 2 or (a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]):
        raise ValueError, 'expected square matrix'
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a,'__array__'))
    gehrd,gebal = get_lapack_funcs(('gehrd','gebal'),(a1,))
    ba,lo,hi,pivscale,info = gebal(a,permute=1,overwrite_a = overwrite_a)
    if info<0: raise ValueError,\
       'illegal value in %-th argument of internal gebal (hessenberg)'%(-info)
    n = len(a1)
    lwork = calc_lwork.gehrd(gehrd.prefix,n,lo,hi)
    hq,tau,info = gehrd(ba,lo=lo,hi=hi,lwork=lwork,overwrite_a=1)
    if info<0: raise ValueError,\
       'illegal value in %-th argument of internal gehrd (hessenberg)'%(-info)

    if not calc_q:
        for i in range(lo,hi):
            hq[i+2:hi+1,i] = 0.0
        return hq

    # XXX: Use ORGHR routines to compute q.
    ger,gemm = get_blas_funcs(('ger','gemm'),(hq,))
    typecode = hq.typecode()
    q = None
    for i in range(lo,hi):
        if tau[i]==0.0:
        v = zeros(n,typecode=typecode)
        v[i+1] = 1.0
        v[i+2:hi+1] = hq[i+2:hi+1,i]
        hq[i+2:hi+1,i] = 0.0
        h = ger(-tau[i],v,v,a=diag(ones(n,typecode=typecode)),overwrite_a=1)
        if q is None:
            q = h
            q = gemm(1.0,q,h)
    if q is None:
        q = diag(ones(n,typecode=typecode))
    return hq,q
Exemplo n.º 12
def fft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0):
    """ fft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0) -> y

    Return discrete Fourier transform of arbitrary type sequence x.

    The returned complex array contains
      [y(0),y(1),..,y(n/2-1),y(-n/2),...,y(-1)]        if n is even
      [y(0),y(1),..,y((n-1)/2),y(-(n-1)/2),...,y(-1)]  if n is odd
      y(j) = sum[k=0..n-1] x[k] * exp(-sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)
      j = 0..n-1
    Note that y(-j) = y(n-j).

    Optional input:
        Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not
        specified then n=x.shape[axis] is set. If n<x.shape[axis],
        x is truncated. If n>x.shape[axis], x is zero-padded.
        The trasnform is applied along the given axis of the input
        array (or the newly constructed array if n argument was used).
        If set to true, the contents of x can be destroyed.

      y == fft(ifft(y)) within numerical accuracy.
    tmp = asarray(x)
    t = tmp.typecode()
    if t=='D':
        overwrite_x = overwrite_x or (tmp is not x and not \
        work_function = fftpack.zfft
    elif t=='F':
        raise NotImplementedError
        overwrite_x = 1
        work_function = fftpack.zrfft

    #return _raw_fft(tmp,n,axis,1,overwrite_x,work_function)
    if n is None:
        n = tmp.shape[axis]
    elif n != tmp.shape[axis]:
        tmp = _fix_shape(tmp,n,axis)
        overwrite_x = 1

    if axis == -1 or axis == len(tmp.shape) - 1:
        return work_function(tmp,n,1,0,overwrite_x)

    tmp = swapaxes(tmp, axis, -1)
    tmp = work_function(tmp,n,1,0,overwrite_x)
    return swapaxes(tmp, axis, -1)
Exemplo n.º 13
def imrotate(arr,angle,interp='bilinear'):
    """Rotate an image counter-clockwise by angle degrees.

    Interpolation methods can be:
        'nearest' :  for nearest neighbor
        'bilinear' : for bilinear
        'cubic' or 'bicubic' : for bicubic 
    arr = asarray(arr)
    func = {'nearest':0,'bilinear':2,'bicubic':3,'cubic':3}
    im = toimage(arr)
    im = im.rotate(angle,resample=func[interp])
    return fromimage(im)
Exemplo n.º 14
def ifftshift(x,axes=None):
    """ ifftshift(x,axes=None) - > y

    Inverse of fftshift.
    tmp = asarray(x)
    ndim = len(tmp.shape)
    if axes is None:
        axes = range(ndim)
    y = tmp
    for k in axes:
        n = tmp.shape[k]
        p2 = n-(n+1)/2
        mylist = concatenate((arange(p2,n),arange(p2)))
        y = take(y,mylist,k)
    return y
Exemplo n.º 15
def fftn(x, shape=None, axes=None, overwrite_x=0):
    """ fftn(x, shape=None, axes=None, overwrite_x=0) -> y
    Return multi-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of arbitrary
    type sequence x.

    The returned array contains

      y[j_1,..,j_d] = sum[k_1=0..n_1-1, ..., k_d=0..n_d-1]
         x[k_1,..,k_d] * prod[i=1..d] exp(-sqrt(-1)*2*pi/n_i * j_i * k_i)

    where d = len(x.shape) and n = x.shape.
    Note that y[..., -j_i, ...] = y[..., n_i-j_i, ...].

    Optional input:
        Defines the shape of the Fourier transform. If shape is not
        specified then shape=take(x.shape,axes).
        If shape[i]>x.shape[i] then the i-th dimension is padded with
        zeros. If shape[i]<x.shape[i], then the i-th dimension is
        truncated to desired length shape[i].
        The transform is applied along the given axes of the input
        array (or the newly constructed array if shape argument was
        If set to true, the contents of x can be destroyed.

      y == fftn(ifftn(y)) within numerical accuracy.
    tmp = asarray(x)
    t = tmp.typecode()
    if t=='D':
        overwrite_x = overwrite_x or (tmp is not x and not \
        work_function = fftpack.zfftnd
    elif t=='F':
        raise NotImplementedError
        overwrite_x = 1
        work_function = fftpack.zfftnd
    return _raw_fftnd(tmp,shape,axes,1,overwrite_x,work_function)
Exemplo n.º 16
def fftshift(x,axes=None):
    """ fftshift(x, axes=None) -> y

    Shift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum.

    This function swaps half-spaces for all axes listed (defaults to all).

      If len(x) is even then the Nyquist component is y[0].
    tmp = asarray(x)
    ndim = len(tmp.shape)
    if axes is None:
        axes = range(ndim)
    y = tmp
    for k in axes:
        n = tmp.shape[k]
        p2 = (n+1)/2
        mylist = concatenate((arange(p2,n),arange(p2)))
        y = take(y,mylist,k)
    return y
Exemplo n.º 17
def pade(an, m):
    """Given Taylor series coefficients in an, return a Pade approximation to
    the function as the ratio of two polynomials p / q  where the order of q is m.
    an = asarray(an)
    N = len(an) - 1
    n = N-m
    if (n < 0):
        raise ValueError, \
              "Order of q <m> must be smaller than len(an)-1."
    Akj = eye(N+1,n+1)
    Bkj = zeros((N+1,m),'d')
    for row in range(1,m+1):
        Bkj[row,:row] = -(an[:row])[::-1]
    for row in range(m+1,N+1):
        Bkj[row,:] = -(an[row-m:row])[::-1]
    C = hstack((Akj,Bkj))
    pq = dot(linalg.inv(C),an)
    p = pq[:n+1]
    q = r_[1.0,pq[n+1:]]
    return poly1d(p[::-1]), poly1d(q[::-1])
Exemplo n.º 18
def ifft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0):
    """ ifft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0) -> y

    Return inverse discrete Fourier transform of arbitrary type
    sequence x.

    The returned complex array contains
      y(j) = 1/n sum[k=0..n-1] x[k] * exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)

    Optional input: see fft.__doc__
    tmp = asarray(x)
    t = tmp.typecode()
    if t=='D':
        overwrite_x = overwrite_x or (tmp is not x and not \
        work_function = fftpack.zfft
    elif t=='F':
        raise NotImplementedError
        overwrite_x = 1
        work_function = fftpack.zrfft

    #return _raw_fft(tmp,n,axis,-1,overwrite_x,work_function)
    if n is None:
        n = tmp.shape[axis]
    elif n != tmp.shape[axis]:
        tmp = _fix_shape(tmp,n,axis)
        overwrite_x = 1

    if axis == -1 or axis == len(tmp.shape) - 1:
        return work_function(tmp,n,-1,1,overwrite_x)

    tmp = swapaxes(tmp, axis, -1)
    tmp = work_function(tmp,n,-1,1,overwrite_x)
    return swapaxes(tmp, axis, -1)
Exemplo n.º 19
def _geneig(a1,b,left,right,overwrite_a,overwrite_b):
    b1 = asarray(b)
    overwrite_b = overwrite_b or (b1 is not b and not hasattry(b,'__array__'))
    if len(b1.shape) != 2 or b1.shape[0] != b1.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError, 'expected square matrix'
    ggev, = get_lapack_funcs(('ggev',),(a1,b1))
    cvl,cvr = left,right
    if ggev.module_name[:7] == 'clapack':
        raise NotImplementedError,'calling ggev from %s' % (ggev.module_name)
    res = ggev(a1,b1,lwork=-1)
    lwork = res[-2][0]
    if ggev.prefix in 'cz':
        alpha,beta,vl,vr,work,info = ggev(a1,b1,cvl,cvr,lwork,
        w = alpha / beta
        alphar,alphai,beta,vl,vr,work,info = ggev(a1,b1,cvl,cvr,lwork,
        w = (alphar+_I*alphai)/beta
    if info<0: raise ValueError,\
       'illegal value in %-th argument of internal ggev'%(-info)
    if info>0: raise LinAlgError,"generalized eig algorithm did not converge"

    only_real = scipy_base.logical_and.reduce(scipy_base.equal(w.imag,0.0))
    if not (ggev.prefix in 'cz' or only_real):
        t = w.typecode()
        if left:
            vl = _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vl, t)
        if right:
            vr = _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vr, t)
    if not (left or right):
        return w
    if left:
        if right:
            return w, vl, vr
        return w, vl
    return w, vr
Exemplo n.º 20
def lu_factor(a, overwrite_a=0):
    """Return raw LU decomposition of a matrix and pivots, for use in solving
    a system of linear equations.


      a  --- an NxN matrix


      lu --- the lu factorization matrix
      piv --- an array of pivots
    a1 = asarray(a)
    if len(a1.shape) != 2 or (a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]):
        raise ValueError, 'expected square matrix'
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a,'__array__'))
    getrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('getrf',),(a1,))
    lu, piv, info = getrf(a,overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
    if info<0: raise ValueError,\
       'illegal value in %-th argument of internal getrf (lu_factor)'%(-info)
    if info>0: warn("Diagonal number %d is exactly zero. Singular matrix." % info,
    return lu, piv
Exemplo n.º 21
def bicg(A,b,x0=None,tol=1e-5,maxiter=None,xtype=None):
    """Use BIConjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x = b


    A --   An array or an object with matvec(x) and rmatvec(x) methods
           to represent A * x and A^H * x respectively.  May also have
           psolve(b) and rpsolve(b) methods for representing solutions
           to the preconditioning equations M * x = b and
           M^H * x = b respectively.
    b --   An n-length vector


    x  --  The converged solution
    info -- output result
            0  : successful exit
            >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
            <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    Optional Inputs:

    x0  -- (0) default starting guess
    tol -- (1e-5) relative tolerance to achieve
    maxiter -- (10*n) maximum number of iterations
    xtype  --  The type of the result.  If None, then it will be determined
                 from A.typecode() and b.  If A does not have a typecode method then it will
                 compute A.matvec(x0) to get a typecode.   To save the extra computation when
                 A does not have a typecode attribute use xtype=0 for the same type as b or
                 use xtype='f','d','F',or 'D'
    b = sb.asarray(b)+0.0
    n = len(b)
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = n*10

    x = x0
    if x is None:
        x = sb.zeros(n)

    if xtype is None:
            atyp = A.typecode()
        except AttributeError:
            atyp = None
        if atyp is None:
            atyp = A.matvec(x).typecode()
        typ = _coerce_rules[b.typecode(),atyp]
    elif xtype == 0:
        typ = b.typecode()
        typ = xtype
        if typ not in 'fdFD':
            raise ValueError, "xtype must be 'f', 'd', 'F', or 'D'"

    x = sb.asarray(x,typ)
    b = sb.asarray(b,typ)
    matvec, psolve, rmatvec, rpsolve = (None,)*4
    ltr = _type_conv[typ]
    revcom = _iterative.__dict__[ltr+'bicgrevcom']
    stoptest = _iterative.__dict__[ltr+'stoptest2']

    resid = tol
    ndx1 = 1
    ndx2 = -1
    work = sb.zeros(6*n,typ)
    ijob = 1
    info = 0
    ftflag = True
    bnrm2 = -1.0
    iter_ = maxiter
    while 1:
        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
        if (ijob == -1):
        elif (ijob == 1):
            if matvec is None:
                matvec = get_matvec(A)
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 2):
            if rmatvec is None:
                rmatvec = get_rmatvec(A)
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*rmatvec(work[slice1])
        elif (ijob == 3):
            if psolve is None:
                psolve = get_psolve(A)
            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 4):
            if rpsolve is None:
                rpsolve = get_rpsolve(A)
            work[slice1] = rpsolve(work[slice2])
        elif (ijob == 5):
            if matvec is None:
                matvec = get_matvec(A)
            work[slice2] *= sclr2
            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
        elif (ijob == 6):
            if ftflag:
                info = -1
                ftflag = False
            bnrm2, resid, info = stoptest(work[slice1], b, bnrm2, tol, info)
        ijob = 2

    return x, info
Exemplo n.º 22
def fligner(*args,**kwds):
    """Perform Levene test with the null hypothesis that all input samples
    have equal variances.

    Inputs are sample vectors:  bartlett(x,y,z,...)

    One keyword input, center, can be used with values
        center = 'mean', center='median' (default), center='trimmed'

    Outputs: (Xsq, pval)

         Xsq  -- the Test statistic
         pval -- significance level if null is rejected with this value of X
                 (prob. that null is true but rejected with this p-value.)  



       Fligner, M.A. and Killeen, T.J. (1976). Distribution-free two-sample
       tests for scale. 'Journal of the American Statistical Association.'
       71(353), 210-213.
    k = len(args)
    if k < 2:
        raise ValueError, "Must enter at least two input sample vectors."
    if 'center' in kwds.keys():
        center = kwds['center']
        center = 'median'
    if not center in ['mean','median','trimmed']:
        raise ValueError, "Keyword argument <center> must be 'mean', 'median'"\
              + "or 'trimmed'."
    if center == 'median':
        func = stats.median
    elif center == 'mean':
        func = stats.mean
        func = stats.trim_mean

    Ni = asarray([len(args[j]) for j in range(k)])
    Yci = asarray([func(args[j]) for j in range(k)])
    Ntot = sum(Ni)
    # compute Zij's
    Zij = [abs(asarray(args[i])-Yci[i]) for i in range(k)]
    allZij = []
    g = [0]
    for i in range(k):

    a = distributions.norm.ppf(stats.rankdata(allZij)/(2*(Ntot+1.0)) + 0.5)

    # compute Aibar
    Aibar = _apply_func(a,g,sum) / Ni
    anbar = stats.mean(a)
    varsq = stats.var(a)

    Xsq = sum(Ni*(asarray(Aibar)-anbar)**2.0)/varsq

    pval = distributions.chi2.sf(Xsq,k-1) # 1 - cdf
    return Xsq, pval
Exemplo n.º 23
def levene(*args,**kwds):
    """Perform Levene test with the null hypothesis that all input samples
    have equal variances.

    Inputs are sample vectors:  bartlett(x,y,z,...)

    One keyword input, center, can be used with values
        center = 'mean', center='median' (default), center='trimmed'

    center='median' is recommended for skewed (non-normal) distributions
    center='mean' is recommended for symmetric, moderate-tailed, dist.
    center='trimmed' is recommended for heavy-tailed distributions.

    Outputs: (W, pval)

         W    -- the Test statistic
         pval -- significance level if null is rejected with this value of W
                 (prob. that null is true but rejected with this p-value.)  



       Levene, H. (1960). In Contributions to Probability and Statistics:
         Essays in Honor of Harold Hotelling, I. Olkin et al. eds.,
         Stanford University Press, pp. 278-292. 
       Brown, M. B. and Forsythe, A. B. (1974), Journal of the American
         Statistical Association, 69, 364-367         
    k = len(args)
    if k < 2:
        raise ValueError, "Must enter at least two input sample vectors."
    Ni = zeros(k)
    Yci = zeros(k,'d')
    if 'center' in kwds.keys():
        center = kwds['center']
        center = 'median'
    if not center in ['mean','median','trimmed']:
        raise ValueError, "Keyword argument <center> must be 'mean', 'median'"\
              + "or 'trimmed'."
    if center == 'median':
        func = stats.median
    elif center == 'mean':
        func = stats.mean
        func = stats.trim_mean
    for j in range(k):
        Ni[j] = len(args[j])
        Yci[j] = func(args[j])    
    Ntot = sum(Ni)

    # compute Zij's
    Zij = [None]*k
    for i in range(k):
        Zij[i] = abs(asarray(args[i])-Yci[i])
    # compute Zbari
    Zbari = zeros(k,'d')
    Zbar = 0.0
    for i in range(k):
        Zbari[i] = stats.mean(Zij[i])
        Zbar += Zbari[i]*Ni[i]
    Zbar /= Ntot

    numer = (Ntot-k)*sum(Ni*(Zbari-Zbar)**2)

    # compute denom_variance
    dvar = 0.0
    for i in range(k):
        dvar += sum((Zij[i]-Zbari[i])**2)

    denom = (k-1.0)*dvar

    W = numer / denom
    pval = distributions.f.sf(W,k-1,Ntot-k) # 1 - cdf
    return W, pval
Exemplo n.º 24
def ansari(x,y):
    """Determine if the scale parameter for two distributions with equal
    medians is the same using the Ansari-Bradley statistic.

    Specifically, compute the AB statistic and the probability of error
    that the null hypothesis is true but rejected with the computed
    statistic as the critical value.

    One can reject the null hypothesis that the ratio of variances is 1 if
    returned probability of error is small (say < 0.05)
    x,y = asarray(x),asarray(y)
    n = len(x)
    m = len(y)
    if (m < 1):
        raise ValueError, "Not enough other observations."
    if (n < 1):
        raise ValueError, "Not enough test observations."
    N = m+n
    xy = r_[x,y]  # combine
    rank = stats.rankdata(xy)
    symrank = amin(array((rank,N-rank+1)),0)
    AB = sum(symrank[:n])
    uxy = unique(xy)
    repeats = (len(uxy) != len(xy))
    exact = ((m<55) and (n<55) and not repeats)
    if repeats and ((m < 55)  or (n < 55)):
        print "Ties preclude use of exact statistic."
    if exact:
        astart, a1, ifault = statlib.gscale(n,m)
        ind = AB-astart
        total = sum(a1)
        if ind < len(a1)/2.0:
            cind = int(ceil(ind))
            if (ind == cind):
                pval = 2.0*sum(a1[:cind+1])/total
                pval = 2.0*sum(a1[:cind])/total
            find = int(floor(ind))
            if (ind == floor(ind)):
                pval = 2.0*sum(a1[find:])/total
                pval = 2.0*sum(a1[find+1:])/total
        return AB, min(1.0,pval)
    # otherwise compute normal approximation
    if N % 2:  # N odd
        mnAB = n*(N+1.0)**2 / 4.0 / N
        varAB = n*m*(N+1.0)*(3+N**2)/(48.0*N**2)
        mnAB = n*(N+2.0)/4.0
        varAB = m*n*(N+2)*(N-2.0)/48/(N-1.0)
    if repeats:   # adjust variance estimates
        # compute sum(tj * rj**2)
        fac = sum(symrank**2)
        if N % 2: # N odd
            varAB = m*n*(16*N*fac-(N+1)**4)/(16.0 * N**2 * (N-1))
        else:  # N even
            varAB = m*n*(16*fac-N*(N+2)**2)/(16.0 * N * (N-1))
    z = (AB - mnAB)/sqrt(varAB)
    pval = (1-distributions.norm.cdf(abs(z)))*2.0
    return AB, pval
Exemplo n.º 25
def toimage(arr,high=255,low=0,cmin=None,cmax=None,pal=None,
    """Takes a Numeric array and returns a PIL image.  The mode of the
    PIL image depends on the array shape, the pal keyword, and the mode

    For 2-D arrays, if pal is a valid (N,3) byte-array giving the RGB values
    (from 0 to 255) then mode='P', otherwise mode='L', unless mode is given
    as 'F' or 'I' in which case a float and/or integer array is made

    For 3-D arrays, the channel_axis argument tells which dimension of the
      array holds the channel data. 
    For 3-D arrays if one of the dimensions is 3, the mode is 'RGB'
      by default or 'YCbCr' if selected.  
    if the

    The Numeric array must be either 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional.
    data = asarray(arr)
    if iscomplexobj(data):
        raise ValueError, "Cannot convert a complex-valued array."
    shape = list(data.shape)
    valid = len(shape)==2 or ((len(shape)==3) and \
                              ((3 in shape) or (4 in shape)))
    assert valid, "Not a suitable array shape for any mode."
    if len(shape) == 2:
        shape = (shape[1],shape[0]) # columns show up first
        if mode == 'F':
            image = Image.fromstring(mode,shape,data.astype('f').tostring())
            return image
        if mode in [None, 'L', 'P']:
            bytedata = bytescale(data,high=high,low=low,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax)
            image = Image.fromstring('L',shape,bytedata.tostring())
            if pal is not None:
                # Becomes a mode='P' automagically.
            elif mode == 'P':  # default gray-scale
                pal = arange(0,256,1,typecode='b')[:,NewAxis] * \
            return image
        if mode == '1':  # high input gives threshold for 1
            bytedata = ((data > high)*255).astype('b')
            image = Image.fromstring('L',shape,bytedata.tostring())   
            image = image.convert(mode='1')
            return image
        if cmin is None:
            cmin = amin(ravel(data))
        if cmax is None:
            cmax = amax(ravel(data))
        data = (data*1.0 - cmin)*(high-low)/(cmax-cmin) + low
        if mode == 'I':
            image = Image.fromstring(mode,shape,data.astype('i').tostring())
            raise ValueError, _errstr
        return image

    # if here then 3-d array with a 3 or a 4 in the shape length.
    # Check for 3 in datacube shape --- 'RGB' or 'YCbCr'
    if channel_axis is None:
        if (3 in shape):
            ca = Numeric.nonzero(asarray(shape) == 3)[0]
            ca = Numeric.nonzero(asarray(shape) == 4)
            if len(ca):
                ca = ca[0]
                raise ValueError, "Could not find channel dimension."
        ca = channel_axis

    numch = shape[ca]
    if numch not in [3,4]:
        raise ValueError, "Channel axis dimension is not valid."

    bytedata = bytescale(data,high=high,low=low,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax)
    if ca == 2:
        strdata = bytedata.tostring()
        shape = (shape[1],shape[0])
    elif ca == 1:
        strdata = transpose(bytedata,(0,2,1)).tostring()
        shape = (shape[2],shape[0])
    elif ca == 0:
        strdata = transpose(bytedata,(1,2,0)).tostring()
        shape = (shape[2],shape[1])
    if mode is None:
        if numch == 3: mode = 'RGB'
        else: mode = 'RGBA'

    if mode not in ['RGB','RGBA','YCbCr','CMYK']:
        raise ValueError, _errstr

    if mode in ['RGB', 'YCbCr']:
        assert numch == 3, "Invalid array shape for mode."
    if mode in ['RGBA', 'CMYK']:
        assert numch == 4, "Invalid array shape for mode."

    # Here we know data and mode is coorect
    image = Image.fromstring(mode, shape, strdata)
    return image