Exemplo n.º 1
def toeplitz(c,r=None):
    """ Construct a toeplitz matrix (i.e. a matrix with constant diagonals).

           toeplitz(c,r) is a non-symmetric Toeplitz matrix with c as its first
           column and r as its first row.
           toeplitz(c) is a symmetric (Hermitian) Toeplitz matrix (r=c). 
        See also: hankel
    isscalar = scipy_base.isscalar
    if isscalar(c) or isscalar(r):
        return c   
    if r is None:
        r = c
        r[0] = conjugate(r[0])
        c = conjugate(c)
    r,c = map(asarray_chkfinite,(r,c))
    r,c = map(ravel,(r,c))
    rN,cN = map(len,(r,c))
    if r[0] != c[0]:
        print "Warning: column and row values don't agree; column value used."
    vals = r_[r[rN-1:0:-1], c]
    cols = mgrid[0:cN]
    rows = mgrid[rN:0:-1]
    indx = cols[:,NewAxis]*ones((1,rN)) + \
           rows[NewAxis,:]*ones((cN,1)) - 1
    return take(vals, indx)
Exemplo n.º 2
def pinv2(a, cond=None):
    """ pinv2(a, cond=None) -> a_pinv

    Compute the generalized inverse of A using svd.
    a = asarray_chkfinite(a)
    u, s, vh = decomp.svd(a)
    t = u.typecode()
    if cond in [None,-1]:
        cond = {0: feps*1e3, 1: eps*1e6}[_array_precision[t]]
    m,n = a.shape
    cutoff = cond*scipy_base.maximum.reduce(s)
    psigma = zeros((m,n),t)
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] > cutoff:
            psigma[i,i] = 1.0/conjugate(s[i])
    #XXX: use lapack/blas routines for dot
    return transpose(conjugate(dot(dot(u,psigma),vh)))
Exemplo n.º 3
def norm(x, ord=2):
    """ norm(x, ord=2) -> n

    Matrix and vector norm.


      x -- a rank-1 (vector) or rank-2 (matrix) array
      ord -- the order of norm.


       For vectors ord can be any real number including Inf or -Inf.
         ord = Inf, computes the maximum of the magnitudes
         ord = -Inf, computes minimum of the magnitudes
         ord is finite, computes sum(abs(x)**ord)**(1.0/ord)

       For matrices ord can only be + or - 1, 2, Inf.
         ord = 2 computes the largest singular value
         ord = -2 computes the smallest singular value
         ord = 1 computes the largest column sum of absolute values
         ord = -1 computes the smallest column sum of absolute values
         ord = Inf computes the largest row sum of absolute values
         ord = -Inf computes the smallest row sum of absolute values
         ord = 'fro' computes the frobenius norm sqrt(sum(diag(X.H * X)))
    x = asarray_chkfinite(x)
    nd = len(x.shape)
    Inf = scipy_base.Inf
    if nd == 1:
        if ord == Inf:
            return scipy_base.amax(abs(x))
        elif ord == -Inf:
            return scipy_base.amin(abs(x))
            return scipy_base.sum(abs(x)**ord)**(1.0/ord)
    elif nd == 2:
        if ord == 2:
            return scipy_base.amax(decomp.svd(x,compute_uv=0))
        elif ord == -2:
            return scipy_base.amin(decomp.svd(x,compute_uv=0))
        elif ord == 1:
            return scipy_base.amax(scipy_base.sum(abs(x)))
        elif ord == Inf:
            return scipy_base.amax(scipy_base.sum(abs(x),axis=1))
        elif ord == -1:
            return scipy_base.amin(scipy_base.sum(abs(x)))
        elif ord == -Inf:
            return scipy_base.amin(scipy_base.sum(abs(x),axis=1))
        elif ord in ['fro','f']:
            val = real((conjugate(x)*x).flat)
            return sqrt(add.reduce(val))
            raise ValueError, "Invalid norm order for matrices."
        raise ValueError, "Improper number of dimensions to norm."