Exemplo n.º 1
	def _compile_MUSIC(self, music):
		self.add_paragraph(style='Actor Instruction')
		song = music['target'][1]
		if scp.typed_check(music['target'], 'string'):
			dot = song.rfind('.')
			song = song[0:dot]
		line = 'We hear '
		if music['action'] == 'start':
			if music['fadeout'] is not None:
				line += 'the current music fade out' + scp.get_duration_words(music['fadeout'], 'over %d seconds') + ', '
				line += 'and then we hear '
			line += 'the song '
			self.add_run(scp.to_words(song).title(), italic=False)
			self.add_run(' begin to play.')
		elif music['action'] == 'stop':
			if scp.typed_check(music['target'], 'rel'):
				line += song.lower() + ' music '
				line += 'the song '
				self.add_run(scp.to_words(song).title(), italic=False)
				line = ' '
			if music['duration'] is not None:
				line += 'fade out' + scp.get_duration_words(music['duration'], 'over %d seconds') + '.'
				line += 'stop.'
Exemplo n.º 2
	def _compile_CAMERA(self, camera):
		line = 'We'
		acts_added = 0
		for act in camera['actions']:
			if acts_added == len(camera['actions']) - 1 and len(camera['actions']) > 1:
				line += ' and then'
			if 'duration' in act and scp.typed_check(act['duration'], 'rel'):
				line += scp.get_duration_words(act['duration'], '')
			if act['type'] == 'SNAP':
				line += ' focus on the ' + scp.to_words(act['target'][1])
			elif act['type'] == 'PAN':
				line += ' shift our focus to the ' + scp.to_words(act['target'][1])
			elif act['type'] == 'ZOOM':
				line += ' move '
				if scp.typed_check(act['target'], 'rel', 'IN'):
					line += 'in closer'
				elif scp.typed_check(act['target'], 'rel', 'OUT'):
					line += 'back farther'
			if 'duration' in act and not scp.typed_check(act['duration'], 'rel'):
				line += scp.get_duration_words(act['duration'], 'over %d seconds')
			if acts_added < len(camera['actions']) - 1 and len(camera['actions']) > 2:
				line += ','
			acts_added += 1
		line += '.'
		self.add_paragraph(line, style='Actor Instruction')
Exemplo n.º 3
	def _compile_EXIT(self, exit):
		geom = exit['motion']
		dest = None
		origin = None
		if geom is not None:
			if geom['destination'] is not None:
				dest = geom['destination'][1]
			if geom['origin'] is not None:
				origin = geom['origin'][1]
		line = scp.to_words(exit['target'][1]).title() + ' '
		if geom is not None:
			line += 'moves '
		if origin is not None:
			line += 'from the ' + scp.to_words(origin).lower() + ' '
		if dest is not None:
			line += 'to the ' + scp.to_words(dest).lower() + ' '
		if geom is not None:
			line += 'and '
		if exit['transition'] is not None:
			line += scp.to_words(exit['transition'][1]).lower() + 's out of '
			line += 'exits '
		line += 'the scene'
		if geom is not None:
			line += scp.get_duration_words(geom['duration'], 'over %d seconds')
		line += '.'
		self.add_paragraph(line, style='Actor Instruction')
Exemplo n.º 4
	def _compile_ENTER(self, enter):
		geom = enter['motion']
		dest = None
		origin = None
		if geom is not None:
			if geom['destination'] is not None:
				dest = geom['destination'][1]
			if geom['origin'] is not None:
				origin = geom['origin'][1]
		line = scp.to_words(enter['target'][1]).title()
		if len(enter['states']) > 0:
			line += ','
			line += make_states(enter['states'])
			line += ', '
			line += ' '
		if enter['transition'] is not None:
			line += scp.to_words(enter['transition'][1]).lower() + 's in to '
			line += 'enters '
		line += 'the scene'
		if origin is not None:
			line += ' near the ' + scp.to_words(origin).lower()
		if dest is not None:
			line += ' and moves to the ' + scp.to_words(dest).lower()
		if geom is not None:
			line += scp.get_duration_words(geom['duration'], 'over %d seconds')
		line += '.'
		self.add_paragraph(line, style='Actor Instruction')
Exemplo n.º 5
	def _compile_ACTION(self, action):
		line = scp.to_words(action['target'][1]).title() + ' '
		if len(action['states']) > 0:
			line += 'changes to appear'
			line += make_states(action['states'])
			if action['destination'] is not None:
				line += ', and then '
		if action['destination'] is not None:
			line += 'moves to the ' + scp.to_words(action['destination'][1]).lower()
			line += scp.get_duration_words(action['duration'], 'over %d seconds')
		line += '.'
		self.add_paragraph(line, style='Actor Instruction')
Exemplo n.º 6
	def _compile_GFX(self, gfx):
		line = 'We see '
		if gfx['action'] == 'start':
			a = scp.indef_article(gfx['target'][1])
			line += a + ' ' + scp.to_words(gfx['target'][1]).upper()
			if scp.typed_check(gfx['loop'], 'boolean', True):
				line += ' effect begin and continue'
			line += '.'
		elif gfx['action'] == 'stop':
			if scp.typed_check(gfx['target'], 'rel'):
				line += gfx['target'][1].lower() + ' effects '
				line += 'the ' + scp.to_words(gfx['target'][1]).upper() + ' effect '
			if gfx['duration'] is not None:
				line += 'fade away' + scp.get_duration_words(gfx['duration'], 'over %d seconds') + '.'
				line += 'stop.'
		self.add_paragraph(line, style='Actor Instruction')
Exemplo n.º 7
	def _compile_SFX(self, sfx):	
		fx = sfx['target'][1]
		if scp.typed_check(sfx['target'], 'string'):
			dot = fx.rfind('.')
			fx = fx[0:dot]
		line = 'We hear '
		if sfx['action'] == 'start':
			a = scp.indef_article(fx)
			line += a + ' ' + scp.to_words(fx).upper()
			if scp.typed_check(sfx['loop'], 'boolean', True):
				line += ' sound begin to repeat'
			line += '.'
		elif sfx['action'] == 'stop':
			if scp.typed_check(sfx['target'], 'rel'):
				line += fx.lower() + ' repeating sounds '
				line += 'the repeated ' + scp.to_words(fx).upper() + ' sound '
			if sfx['duration'] is not None:
				line += 'fade away' + scp.get_duration_words(sfx['duration'], 'over %d seconds') + '.'
				line += 'stop.'
		self.add_paragraph(line, style='Actor Instruction')