Exemplo n.º 1
    def SelectRack(self, SelectRackReq):
        #ask pm resource

        #get current adding vm

        #run algorithm to pickup a placement

        #return correspond place

    def SelectNode(self, SelectNodeReq):

        #ask pm resource

        #get current adding vm

        #run algorithm to pickup a placement

        #return corresponding place

    def RackAlgorithm(self, req):
        vm_id = req.vm_id
        vm_cpu = req.cpu
        vm_mem = req.mem
        vm_disk = req.disk
        pm_resource_list = req.pm_resource_list
        # first-fit to scheduule VM on PM
        for pm in pm_resource_list:
            if vm_cpu <= pm['cpu'] and vm_mem <= pm['mem'] and vm_disk <= pm['disk']:
                print( 'put vm' + str(vm_id) + ' on ' + pm['hostname'])
                return pm['hostname']

        return 'No host machine for VM'

    def sayHello(self):
        print ('Hello')
if __name__ == '__main__':
    host, port, console_off = passArguments()
    mymachine = Algorithm( host, port )
Exemplo n.º 2
            self.normalSampleFunction, # It's a example to show how to add startup functions

    def periodlySampleFunction(self):
        interval = 30 # secs
        while True:
            #Doing something and periodly issue

    def normalSampleFunction(self):
        #Doing something you want at server startup time

    def GetAvailableClusters(self, req):
        ret = None
            import imp
            tmp = imp.load_source('', self.config.get('CloudComponentsPath')).CloudCoordinator()
            ret = tmp.GetAvailableClusters(req, self.cfg)
            #ret = Message.RackHypervisorReqRt(status='Success', msg=req.id + '-' + req.owner)
        except Exception, e:
            #Error msg
            print str(e)
        return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    host, port, console_off = passArguments()
    mymachine = Cloud(host, port)