Exemplo n.º 1
    def finalize_options(self):
        self.cmdclass['config'] = config

        self.cmdclass['build'] = build
        self.cmdclass['build_exe'] = build_exe
        self.cmdclass['build_qk'] = build_qk
        self.cmdclass['build_ext'] = build_ext
        self.cmdclass['build_qext'] = build_qext

        self.cmdclass['install'] = install
        self.cmdclass['install_exe'] = install_exe
        self.cmdclass['install_qlib'] = install_qlib
        self.cmdclass['install_qext'] = install_qext

        self.cmdclass['test'] = PyTest

        if 'QHOME' in os.environ:
            self.qhome = os.getenv('QHOME')
            qhome_root = os.getenv(
                'SystemDrive') + '\\' if platform == 'Windows' else os.getenv(
            self.qhome = os.path.join(qhome_root, 'q')
            if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ:
                path = os.path.join(os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV'), 'q')
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    self.qhome = path

        bits = BITS
        if platform == 'Linux':
            o = 'l'
        elif platform == 'SunOS':
            o = 'v' if uname()[-1] == 'i86pc' else 's'
        elif platform == 'Darwin':
            o = 'm'
            bits = 32
        elif platform == 'Windows':
            o = 'w'
            bits = 32  # FIXME: We test with 32-bit kdb+ on Windows, so forcing 32-bit version.
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown platform: %s\n" % str(platform))
        self.qarch = "%s%d" % (o, bits)
        self.install_data = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch)
        self.kxver = self.get_kxver(self.qhome)
        self.qexecutable = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch, 'q')
        for ext in self.ext_modules + self.qext_modules:
            ext.define_macros.append(('KXVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            ext.define_macros.append(('QVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
                    ('PY3K', "%s%s" % sys.version_info[:2]))
        for exe in self.executables:
            exe.define_macros.append(('QARCH', self.qarch))
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: setup.py Projeto: zjc5415/pyq
    def finalize_options(self):
        self.cmdclass['config'] = config

        self.cmdclass['build'] = build
        self.cmdclass['build_exe'] = build_exe
        self.cmdclass['build_qk'] = build_qk
        self.cmdclass['build_ext'] = build_ext
        self.cmdclass['build_qext'] = build_qext

        self.cmdclass['install'] = install
        self.cmdclass['install_exe'] = install_exe
        self.cmdclass['install_qlib'] = install_qlib
        self.cmdclass['install_qext'] = install_qext

        self.cmdclass['test'] = PyTest

        default_qhome_root = os.getenv('SystemDrive') + '\\' if platform == 'Windows' else os.getenv('HOME')
        self.qhome = os.getenv('QHOME') or os.path.join(default_qhome_root, 'q')

        bits = BITS
        if platform == 'Linux':
            o = 'l'
        elif platform == 'SunOS':
            o = 'v' if uname()[-1] == 'i86pc' else 's'
        elif platform == 'Darwin':
            o = 'm'
            bits = 32
        elif platform == 'Windows':
            o = 'w'
            bits = 32  # FIXME: We test with 32-bit kdb+ on Windows, so forcing 32-bit version.
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown platform: %s\n" % str(platform))
        self.qarch = "%s%d" % (o, bits)
        self.install_data = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch)
        self.kxver = self.get_kxver(self.qhome)
        self.qexecutable = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch, 'q')
        for ext in self.ext_modules + self.qext_modules:
            ext.define_macros.append(('KXVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            ext.define_macros.append(('QVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
                ext.define_macros.append(('PY3K', "%s%s" % sys.version_info[:2]))
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_ccompiler():
    Return a new CCompiler instance.

    CCompiler used to be constructible via `distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler`,
    but this API was removed as part of the distutils deprecation.  Instead,
    we trick setuptools into instantiating it by creating a dummy Distribution
    with a list of extension modules that claims to be truthy, but is actually
    empty, and then running the Distribution's build_ext command.  (If using
    a plain empty ext_modules, build_ext would early-return without doing
    class L(list):
        def __bool__(self):
            return True

    build_ext = Distribution({"ext_modules": L()}).get_command_obj("build_ext")
    return build_ext.compiler
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: setup.py Projeto: xbsd/pyq
    def finalize_options(self):
        self.cmdclass['config'] = config

        self.cmdclass['build'] = build
        self.cmdclass['build_exe'] = build_exe
        self.cmdclass['build_qk'] = build_qk
        self.cmdclass['build_ext'] = build_ext
        self.cmdclass['build_qext'] = build_qext

        self.cmdclass['install'] = install
        self.cmdclass['install_exe'] = install_exe
        self.cmdclass['install_qlib'] = install_qlib
        self.cmdclass['install_qext'] = install_qext

        self.cmdclass['test'] = PyTest

        self.qhome = os.getenv('QHOME') or os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'q')
        bits = 8 * get_config_var('SIZEOF_VOID_P')
        u = os.uname()
        if u[0] == 'Linux':
            o = 'l'
        elif u[0] == 'SunOS':
            o = 'v' if u[-1] == 'i86pc' else 's'
        elif u[0] == 'Darwin':
            o = 'm'
            bits = 32
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown platform: %s\n" % str(u))
        self.qarch = "%s%d" % (o, bits)
        self.install_data = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch)
        self.kxver = self.get_kxver(self.qhome)
        self.qexecutable = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch, 'q')
        for ext in self.ext_modules + self.qext_modules:
            ext.define_macros.append(('KXVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            ext.define_macros.append(('QVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
                    ('PY3K', "%s%s" % sys.version_info[:2]))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):

        # TODO: is this really how we get the build paths?

        build_cmd = Distribution().get_command_obj('build')
        self.build_platlib = build_cmd.build_platlib
        self.build_temp = build_cmd.build_temp
        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            # Windows uses separate temp build folders for debug and release
            if build_cmd.debug:
                self.build_temp = os.path.join(self.build_temp, "Debug")
                self.build_temp = os.path.join(self.build_temp, "Release")

        build_ext_cmd = Distribution().get_command_obj('build_ext')

        self.build_ext_cmd = build_ext_cmd

        self.root = "klayout"
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: setup.py Projeto: e42s/pyq
    def finalize_options(self):
        self.cmdclass['config'] = config

        self.cmdclass['build'] = build
        self.cmdclass['build_exe'] = build_exe
        self.cmdclass['build_qk'] = build_qk
        self.cmdclass['build_ext'] = build_ext
        self.cmdclass['build_qext'] = build_qext

        self.cmdclass['install'] = install
        self.cmdclass['install_exe'] = install_exe
        self.cmdclass['install_qlib'] = install_qlib
        self.cmdclass['install_qext'] = install_qext

        self.cmdclass['test'] = PyTest

        self.qhome = os.getenv('QHOME') or os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'q')
        bits = 8 * get_config_var('SIZEOF_VOID_P')
        u = os.uname()
        if u[0] == 'Linux':
            o = 'l'
        elif u[0] == 'SunOS':
            o = 'v' if u[-1] == 'i86pc' else 's'
        elif u[0] == 'Darwin':
            o = 'm'
            bits = 32
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown platform: %s\n" % str(u))
        self.qarch = "%s%d" % (o, bits)
        self.install_data = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch)
        self.kxver = self.get_kxver(self.qhome)
        self.qexecutable = os.path.join(self.qhome, self.qarch, 'q')
        for ext in self.ext_modules + self.qext_modules:
            ext.define_macros.append(('KXVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            ext.define_macros.append(('QVER', self.kxver.split('.')[0]))
            if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
                ext.define_macros.append(('PY3K', "%s%s" % sys.version_info[:2]))
Exemplo n.º 7

def libname(name):
    """gets 'name' and returns something like libname.cpython-37m-darwin.so"""
    filename = build_ext_cmd.get_ext_filename(name)
    fn, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    return build_ext_cmd.shlib_compiler.library_filename(fn, libtype)

pkg_name = "nonpy_rpath"
crypt_name = "_cryptexample"
crypt_soname = libname(crypt_name)

build_cmd = Distribution().get_command_obj("build")
build_platlib = build_cmd.build_platlib

def link_args(soname=None):
    args = []
    if soname:
        args += ["-Wl,-soname," + soname]
    loader_path = "$ORIGIN"
    args += ["-Wl,-rpath," + loader_path]
    return args

nonpy_rpath_module = Extension(
    pkg_name + "._nonpy_rpath",