Exemplo n.º 1
def search(bot,mess,args):
  """search all paths for matches - search [include -exclude]"""

  if not args:
    args = ['/']
  matches = []

  # search all library paths
  dirs = [bot.lib_video_dir,bot.lib_video_file,
  for d in dirs:

  if len(matches)==0:
    return 'Found 0 matches'

  # reply with matches based on max_matches setting
  if len(matches)>1:
    maxm = bot.opt('library.max_matches')
    if maxm<1 or len(matches)<=maxm:
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches: '+util.list2str(matches)
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches'

  return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' match: '+str(matches[0])
Exemplo n.º 2
def search(bot,mess,args):
  """search all paths for matches - search [include -exclude]"""

  if not args:
    args = ['/']
  matches = []

  # search all library paths
  dirs = [bot.lib_video_dir,bot.lib_video_file,
  for d in dirs:

  if len(matches)==0:
    return 'Found 0 matches'

  # reply with matches based on max_matches setting
  if len(matches)>1:
    maxm = bot.opt('library.max_matches')
    if maxm<1 or len(matches)<=maxm:
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches: '+util.list2str(matches)
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches'

  return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' match: '+str(matches[0])
Exemplo n.º 3
  def __errors(self,mess,args):
    """list errors - errors [*] [search1 search2]"""

    if not self.errors:
      return 'No errors'

    if not args:
      args = ['-startup']

    if '*' in args:
      matches = self.errors
      matches = util.matches(self.errors,args,sort=False)

    if not matches:
      return 'No matching errors'
    return util.list2str(matches)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _file(bot, args, dirs):
    """helper function for video() and audio()"""

    if not args:
        return 'You must specify a search term'

    # find matches and respond if len(matches)!=1
    matches = util.matches(dirs, args)

    if len(matches) == 0:
        return 'Found 0 matches'

    if len(matches) > 1:
        maxm = bot.opt('library.max_matches')
        if maxm < 1 or len(matches) <= maxm:
            return 'Found ' + str(
                len(matches)) + ' matches: ' + util.list2str(matches)
            return 'Found ' + str(len(matches)) + ' matches'

    # translate library path if necessary
    match = bot.library_translate(matches[0])

    # if there was 1 match, play the file, and check for not found error
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.Open', {'item': {'file': match}})
    if 'error' in result.keys():
        s = 'Unable to open: ' + match
        return s

    bot.run_cmd('fullscreen', ['on'])

    # clear last_played
    bot.last_played = None
    if bot.has_plugin('bookmark'):
        bot.last_resume = None

    return 'Playing "' + match + '"'
Exemplo n.º 5
def _file(bot,args,dirs):
  """helper function for video() and audio()"""

  if not args:
    return 'You must specify a search term'

  # find matches and respond if len(matches)!=1
  matches = util.matches(dirs,args)

  if len(matches)==0:
    return 'Found 0 matches'

  if len(matches)>1:
    maxm = bot.opt('library.max_matches')
    if maxm<1 or len(matches)<=maxm:
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches: '+util.list2str(matches)
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches'

  # translate library path if necessary
  match = bot.library_translate(matches[0])

  # if there was 1 match, play the file, and check for not found error
  result = bot.xbmc('Player.Open',{'item':{'file':match}})
  if 'error' in result.keys():
    s = 'Unable to open: '+match
    return s


  # clear last_played
  bot.last_played = None
  if bot.has_plugin('bookmark'):
    bot.last_resume = None

  return 'Playing "'+match+'"'
Exemplo n.º 6
def _files(bot, args, dirs, pid):
    """helper function for videos() and audios()"""

    if not args:
        return 'You must specify a search term'
    cmd = ' '.join(args)

    # check for item# as last arg and @ for item match string
    last = args[-1]
    num = None
    search = None

    if last.startswith('@'):
        search = util.get_args(last[1:])
    elif last.startswith('#'):
            num = int(last[1:]) - 1
        except ValueError:

    # default is 0 if not specified
    if (search is not None) or (num is not None):
        args = args[:-1]
    if not search and not num:
        num = 0

    # find matches and respond if len(matches)!=1
    matches = util.matches(dirs, args)

    if len(matches) == 0:
        return 'Found 0 matches'

    # default to top dir if every match is a sub dir
    matches = util.reducetree(matches)

    if len(matches) > 1:
        maxm = bot.opt('library.max_matches')
        if maxm < 1 or len(matches) <= maxm:
            return 'Found ' + str(
                len(matches)) + ' matches: ' + util.list2str(matches)
            return 'Found ' + str(len(matches)) + ' matches'

    # translate library path if necessary
    match = bot.library_translate(matches[0])

    # if there was 1 match, add the whole directory to a playlist
    # also check for an error opening the directory
    bot.xbmc('Playlist.Clear', {'playlistid': pid})

    result = bot.xbmc('Playlist.Add', {
        'playlistid': pid,
        'item': {
            'directory': match
    if 'error' in result.keys():
        s = 'Unable to open: ' + match
        return s

    msg = ''

    # find first item matching @search
    if search:
        params = {'playlistid': pid, 'properties': ['file']}
        items = bot.xbmc('Playlist.GetItems', params)['result']['items']
        items = [x['file'] for x in items]
        item_matches = util.matches(items, search, False)

        if len(item_matches):
            num = items.index(item_matches[0])
            msg += 'Found matching item "%s" --- ' % os.path.basename(
            num = 0
            msg += 'No item matching "%s" --- ' % ' '.join(search)

    bot.xbmc('Player.Open', {'item': {'playlistid': pid, 'position': num}})
    bot.run_cmd('fullscreen', ['on'])

    # set last_played for bookmarking
    bot.last_played = (pid, matches[0])

    return msg + 'Playlist from "' + match + '" starting with #' + str(num + 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
def bookmark(bot, mess, args):
    """manage bookmarks - bookmark [show|set|remove|update] [name]"""

    if not args:
        args = ['show']

    if args[0] == 'set':
        # check if last_played is set
        if bot.last_played is None:
            return 'No active audios or videos playlist to bookmark'

        # check if anything is actually playing
        if bot.xbmc_active_player() is None:
            return 'Nothing playing'

        # check if a name was passed
        name = bot.last_played[1]
        args = args[1:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            name = str(args[0])

        # get info for bookmark
        pid = bot.last_played[0]
        path = bot.last_played[1]
        params = {'playerid': pid, 'properties': ['position', 'time']}
        result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties', params)
        pos = result['result']['position']
        t = str(util.time2str(result['result']['time']))
        add = time.time()
        result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem', {
            'playerid': pid,
            'properties': ['file']
        fil = os.path.basename(str(result['result']['item']['file']))

        # note that the position is stored 0-indexed
        bot.bm_store[name] = {
            'path': path,
            'add': add,
            'time': t,
            'pid': pid,
            'pos': pos,
            'file': fil
        bm_update(bot, name, bot.bm_store[name])
        return 'Bookmark added for "' + name + '" item ' + str(pos +
                                                               1) + ' at ' + t

    elif args[0] == 'remove':
        if len(args) == 1:
            return 'To remove all bookmarks use "bookmarks remove *"'
        if not bm_remove(bot, args[1]):
            return 'Bookmark "' + name + '" not found'
        return 'Removed bookmark "%s"' % args[1]

    elif args[0] == 'update':
        if not bot.last_resume:
            return 'No active bookmark'
        return bot.run_cmd('bookmark', ['set', bot.last_resume])

    elif args[0] == 'show':
        args = args[1:]

    # actual code for show function because this is default behavior
    if len(bot.bm_store) == 0:
        return 'No bookmarks'

    # if no args are passed return all bookmark names
    matches = bot.bm_store.keys()
    if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == '':
        return 'There are ' + str(
            len(matches)) + ' bookmarks: ' + ', '.join(matches)

    # if a search term was passed find matches and display them
    search = ' '.join(args).lower()
    matches = [m for m in matches if search in m.lower()]

    entries = []
    for m in matches:
        item = bot.bm_store[m]
        pos = item['pos']
        t = item['time']
        f = item['file']
        entries.append('"%s" at item %s and time %s which is "%s"' %
                       (m, pos + 1, t, f))
    if len(entries) == 0:
        return 'Found 0 bookmarks'
    if len(entries) == 1:
        return 'Found 1 bookmark: ' + str(entries[0])
    return 'Found ' + str(
        len(entries)) + ' bookmarks: ' + util.list2str(entries)
Exemplo n.º 8
def config(bot,mess,args):
  """view and edit config - config (show|set|save|diff|reset|reload|default) (opt|*) [value]"""

  if (not bot.opt('general.config_rooms')) and mess.get_type()==Message.GROUP:
    return 'The config command is disabled in rooms'

  # default action is 'show'
  if not args or args[0] not in ('show','set','save','diff','reset','reload','default'):
  cmd = args[0]
  opt = '*'
  if len(args)>1 and args[1]!='':
    opt = args[1]

  if opt=='*' and cmd=='show':
    opts = bot.opt()
    for opt in opts:
      if opt.endswith('password'):
        opts[opt] = 'REDACTED'
    for proto in opts['rooms']:
      for room in opts['rooms'][proto]:
        if room['pass']:
          room['pass'] = '******'
    return util.list2str(['%s: %s' % (k,opts[k]) for k in sorted(opts.keys())])
  if opt not in bot.opt() and opt!='*':
    return 'Invalid opt'
  if opt.endswith('password'):
    return 'You may not access passwords via chat!'

  # return the value of the specified opt
  if cmd=='show':
    val = bot.opt(opt)
    if opt=='rooms':
      for proto in val:
        for room in val[proto]:
          if room['pass']:
            room['pass'] = '******'
    return opt+' = '+str(val)

  # return opt values that have been edited but not saved
  if cmd=='diff':
    if len(bot.conf_diff)==0:
      return 'No differences between bot and config file'
    if opt in ('','*'):
      return str(bot.conf_diff.keys())
    if opt not in bot.conf_diff:
      return 'Opt "'+opt+'" has not changed from config file'
    return ('Opt "%s" was "%s" but is now "%s"'
        % (opt,bot.conf_diff[opt][0],bot.opt[opt]))

  # some options don't make sense to edit in chat
  if opt in ('protocols','disable','enable','rename','cmd_dir','rooms'):
    return 'You may not edit that option via chat'

  # revert to original config
  if cmd=='reset':
    if len(bot.conf_diff)==0:
      return 'No config options to reset'
    if opt in ('','*'):
      opts = bot.conf_diff.keys()
      for opt in opts:
        bot.conf.opts[opt] = bot.conf_diff[opt][0]
      bot.conf_diff = {}
      return 'Reset opts: %s' % opts
    if opt not in bot.conf_diff:
      return 'Opt "%s" has not been changed' % opt
    bot.conf.opts[opt] = bot.conf_diff[opt][0]
    del bot.conf_diff[opt]
    return 'Reset "%s" to "%s"' % (opt,bot.opt(opt))

  # set opt values in this bot instance only
  if cmd=='set':
    if opt=='*':
      return 'Invalid opt'
    old = bot.opt(opt)
    if bot.conf.set_opt(opt,args[2]):
      if old==bot.opt(opt):
        return 'Value unchanged'
        bot.conf_diff[opt] = (old,args[2])
        return 'Set opt "'+opt+'" to "'+args[2]+'"'
      return 'Invalid value for opt "'+opt+'"'

  # reload the specified config option
  if cmd=='reload':
    if opt=='*':
      return 'Invalid opt'
    old = bot.opt(opt)
    result = bot.conf.reload_opt(opt)
    if not result:
      s = 'Success reloading "%s"; ' % (opt,)
      if old==bot.opt(opt):
        return s+'value unchanged'
        return s+'new value = "%s"' % (bot.opt(opt),)
    return ('Errors reloading "%s" so nothing changed: %s'
        % (opt,' '.join(['(%s) %s' % (l,m) for (l,m) in result])))

  # set an option to its default value
  if cmd=='default':
    if opt=='*':
      return 'Invalid opt'
    old = bot.opt(opt)
    result = bot.conf.default_opt(opt)
    if not result:
      if old==bot.opt(opt):
        return 'Value unchanged'
        bot.conf_diff[opt] = (old,None)
        return 'New value = "%s"' % (bot.opt(opt),)
    return result

  # logic for 'save' command that also modifies the config file
  if len(args)>2:
    value = ' '.join(args[2:])
  elif opt in bot.conf_diff:
    value = bot.conf_diff[opt][1]
  elif opt!='*':
    return 'Invalid value'

  name = (mess.get_user().get_real().get_base() if mess else 'SibylBot')

  # save all changed opts
  if opt=='*':
    for opt in bot.conf_diff:
    opts = bot.conf_diff.keys()
    bot.conf_diff = {}
    return 'Saved opts: '+str(opts)

  if bot.conf.save_opt(opt,value,name):
    if opt in bot.conf_diff:
      del bot.conf_diff[opt]
    return 'Saved opt "'+opt+'" to be "'+value+'"'
  return 'Invalid value for opt "'+opt+'"'
Exemplo n.º 9
def bookmark(bot,mess,args):
  """manage bookmarks - bookmark [show|set|remove|update] [name]"""

  if not args:
    args = ['show']

  if args[0]=='set':
    # check if last_played is set
    if bot.last_played is None:
      return 'No active audios or videos playlist to bookmark'

    # check if anything is actually playing
    if bot.xbmc_active_player() is None:
      return 'Nothing playing'

    # check if a name was passed
    name = bot.last_played[1]
    args = args[1:]
    if len(args)>0:
      name = str(args[0])

    # get info for bookmark
    pid = bot.last_played[0]
    path = bot.last_played[1]
    params = {'playerid':pid,'properties':['position','time']}
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetProperties',params)
    pos = result['result']['position']
    t = str(util.time2str(result['result']['time']))
    add = time.time()
    result = bot.xbmc('Player.GetItem',{'playerid':pid,'properties':['file']})
    fil = os.path.basename(str(result['result']['item']['file']))

    # note that the position is stored 0-indexed
    bot.bm_store[name] = {'path':path,'add':add,'time':t,
    return 'Bookmark added for "'+name+'" item '+str(pos+1)+' at '+t

  elif args[0]=='remove':
    if len(args)==1:
      return 'To remove all bookmarks use "bookmarks remove *"'
    if not bm_remove(bot,args[1]):
      return 'Bookmark "'+name+'" not found'
    return 'Removed bookmark "%s"' % args[1]

  elif args[0]=='update':
    if not bot.last_resume:
      return 'No active bookmark'
    return bot.run_cmd('bookmark',['set',bot.last_resume])

  elif args[0]=='show':
    args = args[1:]

  # actual code for show function because this is default behavior
  if len(bot.bm_store)==0:
    return 'No bookmarks'

  # if no args are passed return all bookmark names
  matches = bot.bm_store.keys()
  if len(args)==0 or args[0]=='':
    return 'There are '+str(len(matches))+' bookmarks: '+', '.join(matches)

  # if a search term was passed find matches and display them
  search = ' '.join(args).lower()
  matches = [m for m in matches if search in m.lower()]

  entries = []
  for m in matches:
    item = bot.bm_store[m]
    pos = item['pos']
    t = item['time']
    f = item['file']
    entries.append('"%s" at item %s and time %s which is "%s"' % (m,pos+1,t,f))
  if len(entries)==0:
    return 'Found 0 bookmarks'
  if len(entries)==1:
    return 'Found 1 bookmark: '+str(entries[0])
  return 'Found '+str(len(entries))+' bookmarks: '+util.list2str(entries)
Exemplo n.º 10
def _files(bot,args,dirs,pid):
  """helper function for videos() and audios()"""

  if not args:
    return 'You must specify a search term'
  cmd = ' '.join(args)

  # check for item# as last arg and @ for item match string
  last = args[-1]
  num = None
  search = None

  if last.startswith('@'):
    search = util.get_args(last[1:])
  elif last.startswith('#'):
      num = int(last[1:])-1
    except ValueError:

  # default is 0 if not specified
  if (search is not None) or (num is not None):
    args = args[:-1]
  if not search and not num:
    num = 0

  # find matches and respond if len(matches)!=1
  matches = util.matches(dirs,args)

  if len(matches)==0:
    return 'Found 0 matches'

  # default to top dir if every match is a sub dir
  matches = util.reducetree(matches)

  if len(matches)>1:
    maxm = bot.opt('library.max_matches')
    if maxm<1 or len(matches)<=maxm:
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches: '+util.list2str(matches)
      return 'Found '+str(len(matches))+' matches'

  # translate library path if necessary
  match = bot.library_translate(matches[0])

  # if there was 1 match, add the whole directory to a playlist
  # also check for an error opening the directory

  result = bot.xbmc('Playlist.Add',{'playlistid':pid,'item':
  if 'error' in result.keys():
    s = 'Unable to open: '+match
    return s

  msg = ''

  # find first item matching @search
  if search:
    params = {'playlistid':pid,'properties':['file']}
    items = bot.xbmc('Playlist.GetItems',params)['result']['items']
    items = [x['file'] for x in items]
    item_matches = util.matches(items,search,False)

    if len(item_matches):
      num = items.index(item_matches[0])
      msg += 'Found matching item "%s" --- ' % os.path.basename(item_matches[0])
      num = 0
      msg += 'No item matching "%s" --- ' % ' '.join(search)


  # set last_played for bookmarking
  bot.last_played = (pid,matches[0])

  return msg+'Playlist from "'+match+'" starting with #'+str(num+1)