Exemplo n.º 1
    def exportShowEpisodeList(self, show=None):

        if show == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID")
            showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

            if showObj == None:

                return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show.")

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        sqlResults = myDB.select(
            "SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season*1000+episode DESC",
        print "\n\n---------------------------\n"
        import unicodedata
        def conv(str): return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', str).encode('ascii','ignore')
        print "Name, Season, Description"
        for r in sqlResults:
            print "{}, {}, \"{}\"".format(conv(r["name"]), r["season"], conv(r["description"][0:50]))
        print "\n\n---------------------------\n"

        return _genericMessage("Notice", "Show list printed to console/log")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def updateShow(self, show=None, force=0):

        if show == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID")

        showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

        if showObj == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show")

        # force the update
            sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.updateShow(showObj, bool(force)) #@UndefinedVariable
        except exceptions.CantUpdateException, e:
            ui.notifications.error("Unable to update this show.",
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fixEpisodeNames(self, show=None):

        if show == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID")

        showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

        if showObj == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show")

        if sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Show is still being added, wait until it is finished before you rename files")


        redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + show)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def deleteShow(self, show=None):

        if show == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID")

        showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

        if showObj == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show")

        if sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj) or sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Shows can't be deleted while they're being added or updated.")


        ui.notifications.message('<b>%s</b> has been deleted' % showObj.name)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def shutdown(self):

        threading.Timer(2, sickbeard.invoke_shutdown).start()

        title = "Shutting down"
        message = "Sick Beard is shutting down..."

        return _genericMessage(title, message)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def processEpisode(self, dir=None, nzbName=None, jobName=None, quiet=None):

        if dir == None:
            result = processTV.processDir(dir, nzbName)
            if quiet != None and int(quiet) == 1:
                return result

            result = result.replace("\n","<br />\n")
            return _genericMessage("Postprocessing results", result)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def update(self, pid=None):

        if str(pid) != str(sickbeard.PID):

        updated = sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.action.update() #@UndefinedVariable

        if updated:
            # do a hard restart
            threading.Timer(2, sickbeard.invoke_restart, [False]).start()
            t = PageTemplate(file="restart_bare.tmpl")
            return _munge(t)
            return _genericMessage("Update Failed","Update wasn't successful, not restarting. Check your log for more information.")
Exemplo n.º 8
    def editShow(self, show=None, location=None, anyQualities=[], bestQualities=[], seasonfolders=None, paused=None, directCall=False, air_by_date=None, tvdbLang=None):

        if show == None:
            errString = "Invalid show ID: "+str(show)
            if directCall:
                return [errString]
                return _genericMessage("Error", errString)

        showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

        if showObj == None:
            errString = "Unable to find the specified show: "+str(show)
            if directCall:
                return [errString]
                return _genericMessage("Error", errString)

        if not location and not anyQualities and not bestQualities and not seasonfolders:

            t = PageTemplate(file="editShow.tmpl")
            t.submenu = HomeMenu()
            with showObj.lock:
                t.show = showObj

            return _munge(t)

        if seasonfolders == "on":
            seasonfolders = 1
            seasonfolders = 0

        if paused == "on":
            paused = 1
            paused = 0

        if air_by_date == "on":
            air_by_date = 1
            air_by_date = 0

        if tvdbLang and tvdbLang in tvdb_api.Tvdb().config['valid_languages']:
            tvdb_lang = tvdbLang
            tvdb_lang = showObj.lang

        # if we changed the language then kick off an update
        if tvdb_lang == showObj.lang:
            do_update = False
            do_update = True

        if type(anyQualities) != list:
            anyQualities = [anyQualities]

        if type(bestQualities) != list:
            bestQualities = [bestQualities]

        errors = []
        with showObj.lock:
            newQuality = Quality.combineQualities(map(int, anyQualities), map(int, bestQualities))
            showObj.quality = newQuality

            if bool(showObj.seasonfolders) != bool(seasonfolders):
                showObj.seasonfolders = seasonfolders
                    sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) #@UndefinedVariable
                except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e:
                    errors.append("Unable to refresh this show: "+ex(e))

            showObj.paused = paused
            showObj.air_by_date = air_by_date
            showObj.lang = tvdb_lang

            # if we change location clear the db of episodes, change it, write to db, and rescan
            if os.path.normpath(showObj._location) != os.path.normpath(location):
                logger.log(os.path.normpath(showObj._location)+" != "+os.path.normpath(location))
                if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, location):
                    errors.append("New location <tt>%s</tt> does not exist" % location)

                # don't bother if we're going to update anyway
                elif not do_update:
                    # change it
                        showObj.location = location
                            sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) #@UndefinedVariable
                        except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e:
                            errors.append("Unable to refresh this show:"+ex(e))
                        # grab updated info from TVDB
                        # rescan the episodes in the new folder
                    except exceptions.NoNFOException:
                        errors.append("The folder at <tt>%s</tt> doesn't contain a tvshow.nfo - copy your files to that folder before you change the directory in Sick Beard." % location)

            # save it to the DB
Exemplo n.º 9
    def displayShow(self, show=None):

        if show == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID")
            showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

            if showObj == None:

                return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show.")

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        seasonResults = myDB.select(
            "SELECT DISTINCT season FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season desc",

        sqlResults = myDB.select(
            "SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season*1000+episode DESC",

        t = PageTemplate(file="displayShow.tmpl")
        t.submenu = [ { 'title': 'Edit', 'path': 'home/editShow?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid } ]

            t.showLoc = (showObj.location, True)
        except sickbeard.exceptions.ShowDirNotFoundException:
            t.showLoc = (showObj._location, False)

        show_message = ''

        if sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'This show is in the process of being downloaded from theTVDB.com - the info below is incomplete.'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'The information below is in the process of being updated.'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingRefreshed(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'The episodes below are currently being refreshed from disk'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isInRefreshQueue(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'This show is queued to be refreshed.'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isInUpdateQueue(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'This show is queued and awaiting an update.'

        if not sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            if not sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Delete',               'path': 'home/deleteShow?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid, 'confirm': True })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Re-scan files',        'path': 'home/refreshShow?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Force Full Update',    'path': 'home/updateShow?show=%d&amp;force=1'%showObj.tvdbid })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Update show in XBMC',  'path': 'home/updateXBMC?showName=%s'%urllib.quote_plus(showObj.name.encode('utf-8')), 'requires': haveXBMC })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Rename Episodes',      'path': 'home/fixEpisodeNames?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid, 'confirm': True })

        t.show = showObj
        t.sqlResults = sqlResults
        t.seasonResults = seasonResults
        t.show_message = show_message

        epCounts = {}
        epCats = {}
        epCounts[Overview.SKIPPED] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.WANTED] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.QUAL] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.GOOD] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.UNAIRED] = 0

        for curResult in sqlResults:

            curEpCat = showObj.getOverview(int(curResult["status"]))
            epCats[str(curResult["season"])+"x"+str(curResult["episode"])] = curEpCat
            epCounts[curEpCat] += 1

        def titler(x):
            if not x:
                return x
            if x.lower().startswith('a '):
                    x = x[2:]
            elif x.lower().startswith('the '):
                    x = x[4:]
            return x
        t.sortedShowList = sorted(sickbeard.showList, lambda x, y: cmp(titler(x.name), titler(y.name)))

        t.epCounts = epCounts
        t.epCats = epCats

        return _munge(t)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setStatus(self, show=None, eps=None, status=None, direct=False):

        if show == None or eps == None or status == None:
            errMsg = "You must specify a show and at least one episode"
            if direct:
                ui.notifications.error('Error', errMsg)
                return json.dumps({'result': 'error'})
                return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg)

        if not statusStrings.has_key(int(status)):
            errMsg = "Invalid status"
            if direct:
                ui.notifications.error('Error', errMsg)
                return json.dumps({'result': 'error'})
                return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg)

        showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

        if showObj == None:
            errMsg = "Error", "Show not in show list"
            if direct:
                ui.notifications.error('Error', errMsg)
                return json.dumps({'result': 'error'})
                return _genericMessage("Error", errMsg)

        segment_list = []

        if eps != None:

            for curEp in eps.split('|'):

                logger.log(u"Attempting to set status on episode "+curEp+" to "+status, logger.DEBUG)

                epInfo = curEp.split('x')

                epObj = showObj.getEpisode(int(epInfo[0]), int(epInfo[1]))

                if int(status) == WANTED:
                    # figure out what segment the episode is in and remember it so we can backlog it
                    if epObj.show.air_by_date:
                        ep_segment = str(epObj.airdate)[:7]
                        ep_segment = epObj.season
                    if ep_segment not in segment_list:

                if epObj == None:
                    return _genericMessage("Error", "Episode couldn't be retrieved")

                with epObj.lock:
                    # don't let them mess up UNAIRED episodes
                    if epObj.status == UNAIRED:
                        logger.log(u"Refusing to change status of "+curEp+" because it is UNAIRED", logger.ERROR)

                    if int(status) in Quality.DOWNLOADED and epObj.status not in Quality.SNATCHED + Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER + Quality.DOWNLOADED + [IGNORED] and not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, epObj.location):
                        logger.log(u"Refusing to change status of "+curEp+" to DOWNLOADED because it's not SNATCHED/DOWNLOADED", logger.ERROR)

                    epObj.status = int(status)

        msg = "Backlog was automatically started for the following seasons of <b>"+showObj.name+"</b>:<br />"
        for cur_segment in segment_list:
            msg += "<li>Season "+str(cur_segment)+"</li>"
            logger.log(u"Sending backlog for "+showObj.name+" season "+str(cur_segment)+" because some eps were set to wanted")
            cur_backlog_queue_item = search_queue.BacklogQueueItem(showObj, cur_segment)
            sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.add_item(cur_backlog_queue_item) #@UndefinedVariable
        msg += "</ul>"

        if segment_list:
            ui.notifications.message("Backlog started", msg)

        if direct:
            return json.dumps({'result': 'success'})
            redirect("/home/displayShow?show=" + show)