Exemplo n.º 1
def test_arranges_back_to_back(backend):
    data = data_frame(x=range(1, 5), g=[1, 1, 2, 2])
    dfs = backend.load_df(data)

    lazy_tbl = dfs >> arrange(_.x) >> arrange(_.g)
    order_by_vars = tuple(simple_varname(call) for call in lazy_tbl.order_by)

    assert order_by_vars == ("x", "g")
    assert [c.name for c in lazy_tbl.last_op._order_by_clause] == ["x", "g"]
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_filter_via_group_by_desc_arrange(backend):
    dfs = backend.load_df(x=[3, 2, 1] + [2, 3, 4], g=[1] * 3 + [2] * 3)

        group_by(_.g) >> arrange(desc(_.x)) >> filter(_.x.cumsum() > 3),
        data_frame(x=[2, 1, 4, 3, 2], g=[1, 1, 2, 2, 2]))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_arrange_grouped(backend, df):
    q = group_by(_.y) >> arrange(_.x)
    assert_equal_query(df, q, DATA.sort_values(['x']))

    # arrange w/ mutate is the same, whether used before or after group_by
        df, q >> mutate(res=row_number(_)),
        mutate(DATA.sort_values(['x']).groupby('y'), res=row_number(_)))
Exemplo n.º 4
def distinct_events(tbl, time_col, user_col, type):
    if type not in ["first", "last"]:
        return tbl

    res = (tbl
            >> group_by(_[user_col])
            >> arrange(_[time_col] if type == "first" else -_[time_col])
            >> filter(row_number(_) == 1)
            >> ungroup()

    return res
# +
st.write("Goals by month")

st.write("Top 8 players not in our data")
top8 >> filter(_.yr_start < 1979)

# +
from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthBegin
from siuba.experimental.pd_groups import fast_summarize

top8_goals = (
    top8_games >> mutate(
        age_years=top8_games.age.str.split('-').str.get(0).astype(int)) >>
    arrange(_.date) >> group_by(_.player, month=_.date - MonthBegin(1)) >>
    fast_summarize(ttl_goals=_.goals.sum(), age_years=_.age_years.min()) >>
    group_by(_.player) >> mutate(cuml_goals=_.ttl_goals.cumsum()) >> ungroup())

p_goals = alt.Chart(top8_goals).mark_line().encode(y="cuml_goals:Q",

# +
time = st.selectbox("Choose a time", ["month", "age_years"])


# +
st.write("Goals by seasons")

Exemplo n.º 6
def test_inner_join_arrange(backend, df1, df2):
    # NOTE: joins are free to scramble order in SQL. TODO: check dplyr
    joined = inner_join(arrange(df1, _.ii), df2, on="ii")

    assert joined.order_by == tuple()
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_arrange_grouped_trivial(df):
    # note: only 1 level for z
                       group_by(_.z) >> arrange(_.x), DATA.sort_values(['x']))
Exemplo n.º 8
import pandas as pd

import pytest

from .helpers import assert_equal_query, data_frame, backend_notimpl, backend_sql

DATA = data_frame(x=[2, 2, 1], y=[2, 1, 1], z=['z'] * 3)

def df(backend):
    return backend.load_df(DATA)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("query, output",
                         [(arrange(_.x), DATA.sort_values(['x'])),
                          (arrange("x"), DATA.sort_values(['x'])),
                          (arrange(_.x, _.y), DATA.sort_values(['x', 'y'])),
                          (arrange("x", "y"), DATA.sort_values(['x', 'y'])),
                          (arrange(_.x, "y"), DATA.sort_values(['x', 'y']))])
def test_basic_arrange(df, query, output):
    assert_equal_query(df, query, output)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("query, output", [
    (arrange(-_.x), DATA.sort_values(['x'], ascending=[False])),
    (arrange(-_.x, _.y), DATA.sort_values(['x', 'y'], ascending=[False, True
    (arrange(-_.x, "y"), DATA.sort_values(['x', 'y'], ascending=[False, True]))
def test_arrange_desc(df, query, output):
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_distinct_after_arrange(df):
    query = arrange(_.x) >> distinct(_.y)

    assert_equal_query(df, query, pd.DataFrame({'y': [5,4,3,2,1]}))
Exemplo n.º 10
def after_join(
        lhs, rhs,
        by_time, by_user,
        mode = "inner",
        type = "first-firstafter",
        max_gap = None,
        min_gap = None,
        gap_col = None,
        suffix = ("_x", "_y")

    if max_gap is not None or min_gap is not None or gap_col is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError("max_gap, min_gap, gap_col not implemented")

    # Get type of join for both tables, from e.g. "first-firstafter"
    type_lhs, type_rhs = type.split("-")

    # Convert join keys to dictionary form
    by_time_x, by_time_y = _get_key_tuple(by_time)
    by_user_x, by_user_y = _get_key_tuple(by_user)

    # mutate in row_number ----
    lhs_i = (lhs
            >> arrange(_[by_user_x], _[by_time_x])
            >> mutate(__idx = row_number(_))
            >> distinct_events(by_time_x, by_user_x, type_lhs)

    rhs_i = (rhs
            >> arrange(_[by_user_y], _[by_time_y])
            >> mutate(__idy = row_number(_))
            >> distinct_events(by_time_y, by_user_y, type_rhs)

    # Handle when time column is in the other table
    if by_time_x == by_time_y:
        # TODO: don't use implicit join suffix below
        pair_time_x, pair_time_y = by_time_x + "_x", by_time_y + "_y"
        pair_time_x, pair_time_y = by_time_x, by_time_y

    # Inner join by user, filter by time
    pairs = filter(
            inner_join(lhs_i, rhs_i, by_user),
            _[pair_time_x] <= _[pair_time_y]

    # TODO: firstwithin
    if type_lhs in ["firstwithin", "lastbefore"]:
        raise NotImplementedError("Can't currently handle lhs type %s" % type_lhs)

    # Handle firstafter by subsetting
    if type_rhs == "firstafter":
        pairs = (pairs
                >> arrange(_[pair_time_y])
                >> group_by(_.__idx)
                >> filter(row_number(_) == 1)
                >> ungroup()

    distinct_pairs = select(pairs, _.__idx, _.__idy)

    if mode in ["inner", "left", "right", "full", "outer"]:
        by_dict = dict([(by_user_x, by_user_y), ("__idy", "__idy")])
        res = (lhs_i
                >> join(_, distinct_pairs, on = "__idx", how = mode) 
                # TODO: suffix arg
                >> join(_, rhs_i , on = by_dict, how = mode)#, suffix = suffix)
                >> select(-_["__idx", "__idy"])
    elif mode in ["semi", "anti"]:
        join_func = semi_join if mode == "semi" else anti_join
        res = (lhs_i
                >> join_func(_, distinct_pairs, "__idx")
                >> select(-_["__idx", "__idy"])

        raise ValueError("mode not recognized: %s" %mode)

    return res