Exemplo n.º 1
	def WithinTiles(self):
		out = set()
		for obj in self._objs:
			for pos in obj.positions:
				tilex, tiley = slippytiles.deg2num(pos[0], pos[1], self.nativeZoom)
				out.add((tilex, tiley, self.nativeZoom))
		return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def DownloadSlippyTiles(lats, lons, zoom = 12, skipExisting = 1):

	xtile1, ytile1 = slippytiles.deg2num(min(lats), min(lons), zoom)
	xtile2, ytile2 = slippytiles.deg2num(max(lats), max(lons), zoom)
	collectLat, collectLon = [], []
	for x in range(xtile1, xtile2+1):
		for y in range(ytile2, ytile1+1):
			rootPath = "existing/"+str(zoom)
			dirName = rootPath+"/"+str(x)
			fina = dirName+"/"+str(y)+".osm.bz2"
			if os.path.exists(fina) and skipExisting: continue

			print x, y
			tileCorner1 = slippytiles.num2deg(x, y, zoom)
			tileCorner2 = slippytiles.num2deg(x+1, y+1, zoom)
			print tileCorner1
			print tileCorner2

			url = "http://fosm.org/api/0.6/map?bbox={0},{1},{2},{3}".format(tileCorner1[1],tileCorner2[0],\
			print url

			if not os.path.exists(dirName):

			if 1:
				f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
				data = f.read()
				if len(data) > 0:
					outfi = bz2.BZ2File(fina, "w")

	if len(collectLat) > 0:
		print "collectLat", min(collectLat), max(collectLat)
		print "collectLon", min(collectLon), max(collectLon)
Exemplo n.º 3
def ExportBbox(lats, lons, zoom):

	latMin, latMax = min(lats), max(lats)
	lonMin, lonMax = min(lons), max(lons)
	print "lat", latMin, latMax
	print "lon", lonMin, lonMax

	boundsTL = slippytiles.deg2num(latMax, lonMin, zoom)
	boundsBR = slippytiles.deg2num(latMin, lonMax, zoom)
	print boundsTL
	print boundsBR

	out = CollectedData()
	repoId = 1

	pth = "/home/tim/Desktop/surrey"
	for tilex in range(boundsTL[0], boundsBR[0]+1):
		for tiley in range(boundsTL[1], boundsBR[1]+1):
			ExportFromTile(repoId, tilex, tiley, zoom, pth, out)

	print "Write output"
Exemplo n.º 4
def GetOsTile(tileCode = "so22nw", zoom = 12, out = None):

	tileBL = osgb.os_streetview_tile_to_grid(tileCode)
	tileTR = (tileBL[0]+5000, tileBL[1]+5000)
	tileBR = (tileBL[0]+5000, tileBL[1])
	tileTL = (tileBL[0], tileBL[1]+5000)

	x,y,z= ostn02.OSGB36_to_ETRS89(*tileBL)
	c1 = osgb.grid_to_ll(x,y)

	x,y,z= ostn02.OSGB36_to_ETRS89(*tileTR)
	c2 = osgb.grid_to_ll(x,y)

	x,y,z= ostn02.OSGB36_to_ETRS89(*tileBR)
	c3 = osgb.grid_to_ll(x,y)

	x,y,z= ostn02.OSGB36_to_ETRS89(*tileTL)
	c4 = osgb.grid_to_ll(x,y)

	lat = [c1[0], c2[0], c3[0], c4[0]]
	lon = [c1[1], c2[1], c3[1], c4[1]]

	minLat, maxLat = min(lat), max(lat)
	minLon, maxLon = min(lon), max(lon)

	tilex1, tiley1 = slippytiles.deg2num(maxLat, minLon, zoom)
	tilex2, tiley2 = slippytiles.deg2num(minLat, maxLon, zoom)

	tilePath = "/home/tim/dev/batch-garmin-map/{0}/{1}/{2}.osm.bz2"

	fileList = []
	for x in range(tilex1, tilex2+1):
		for y in range(tiley1, tiley2+1):
			fina = tilePath.format(zoom, x, y)
			print x, y, fina
			if os.path.isfile(fina):

	mergeTiles.MergeFiles(fileList, out)
Exemplo n.º 5
def ExportBbox(lats, lons, zoom):

    latMin, latMax = min(lats), max(lats)
    lonMin, lonMax = min(lons), max(lons)
    print "lat", latMin, latMax
    print "lon", lonMin, lonMax

    boundsTL = slippytiles.deg2num(latMax, lonMin, zoom)
    boundsBR = slippytiles.deg2num(latMin, lonMax, zoom)
    print boundsTL
    print boundsBR

    out = CollectedData()
    repoId = 1

    pth = "/home/tim/Desktop/surrey"
    for tilex in range(boundsTL[0], boundsBR[0] + 1):
        for tiley in range(boundsTL[1], boundsBR[1] + 1):
            ExportFromTile(repoId, tilex, tiley, zoom, pth, out)

    print "Write output"
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _compute_city_tiles(self):
        Filter input.csv (bssid, lat, lon) through the osm tile
        filter so that we can compute the set of tiles for a city.

        The tileset *must* fit within 16bits (64k tiles).

        If the tileset is too large, we :
            * compute a bounding box around the total lat/lon set
            * compute the center of the bounding box
            * Compute total 2^16/# of actual tiles as N
            * Scale the allowed longitudinal (horizontal) points from
              the center point by sqrt(N*1.05)
            * Scale the allowed latitude (vertical) points from
              the center point by sqrt(N*1.05)
            * Recalculate the tileset

        # This code has been removed to simplify the entire process.
        # Just assume everything fits into a 64k tiled space for now.
        # If the actual number of tiles exceeds 64k, we'll
        # just scale down the the number of tiles to fit.

        rows = 0
        tile_set = set()
        with open(self.incity_tiles, 'w') as f_out:
            writer = csv.writer(f_out)

            with open(self.bssid_input, 'r') as f_in:
                for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(f_in)):
                    bssid = row[0]
                    lat = float(row[1])
                    lon = float(row[2])
                    tile_x, tile_y = deg2num(lat, lon, ZOOM_LEVEL)

                    entry = (bssid, tile_x, tile_y, ZOOM_LEVEL)

                    tile_key = (tile_x, tile_y)
                    rows += 1

        num_tiles = len(tile_set)
        if num_tiles > 2**16:
            # TODO: this is where we need to apply scaling.  For now,
            # just abort early
            raise RuntimeError("Too many tiles: [%d]" % num_tiles)
        print "Total tileset size: %d" % num_tiles

        self.total_city_tiles = num_tiles
Exemplo n.º 7
	def AssignUuids(self):
		#Count how many tiles object crosses
		objToTileMap = {}
		for obj in self._objs:
			objInTiles = set()
			for pos in obj.positions:
				tilex, tiley = slippytiles.deg2num(pos[0], pos[1], self.nativeZoom)
				objInTiles.add((tilex, tiley))
			objToTileMap[obj] = objInTiles

		#Assign uuid to any cross tile object that has none already
		for obj in objToTileMap:
			objInTiles = objToTileMap[obj]
			count = len(objInTiles)
			if count <= 1: continue

			#Object is indeed in multiple tiles
			if obj.uuid is not None:
				continue #Already has a uuid

			obj.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
Exemplo n.º 8

    return countNodes, countWays, countRelations

if __name__ == "__main__":

    #lats, lons = [51.383075,50.705752], [-1.955713,-0.729294]
    #lats, lons = [51.26630,51.00434], [-3.26607,-4.02825] #Exmoor
    #lats, lons = [49.0018439,49.3644891], [-0.6632996,0.0054932] #Caen
    lats, lons = [27.673799, 31.297328], [32.1679688, 35.0024414]  #Sinai

    zoom = 12
    xtile1, ytile1 = slippytiles.deg2num(min(lats), min(lons), zoom)
    xtile2, ytile2 = slippytiles.deg2num(max(lats), max(lons), zoom)
    collectLat, collectLon = [], []

    fiList = []
    for x in range(xtile1, xtile2 + 1):
        for y in range(ytile2, ytile1 + 1):
            rootPath = "12"
            dirName = rootPath + "/" + str(x)
            fina = dirName + "/" + str(y) + ".osm.bz2"
            if os.path.isfile(fina):

    out = bz2.BZ2File("merge.osm.bz2", "w")
    #out = open("merge.osm","wt")
    MergeFiles(fiList, out)
Exemplo n.º 9
			MergeFile(pth+"/"+fi, ty, existing, fiOut)

if __name__=="__main__":
	out = bz2.BZ2File("merge.osm.bz2","w")

	#lats, lons = [51.383075,50.705752], [-1.955713,-0.729294] #Hampshire?
	#lats, lons = [27.673799,31.297328], [32.1679688,35.0024414] #Sinai
	#lats, lons = [50.51865087505076,50.77226494056972], [-1.6009003235343708,-1.046058247973109] #Isle of wight
	#lats, lons = [50.703, 51.167], [-0.955, 0.040] #West sussex
	#lats, lons = [50.7217072, 51.1475977], [-0.1424041, 0.8675128] #East sussex
	lats, lons = [51.072,51.472], [-0.850,0.040] #Surrey

	zoom = 12
	xtile1, ytile1 = slippytiles.deg2num(min(lats), min(lons), zoom)
	xtile2, ytile2 = slippytiles.deg2num(max(lats), max(lons), zoom)
	collectLat, collectLon = [], []
	fiList = []
	for x in range(xtile1, xtile2+1):
		for y in range(ytile2, ytile1+1):
			rootPath = "existing/12"
			dirName = rootPath+"/"+str(x)
			fina = dirName+"/"+str(y)+".osm.bz2"
			if os.path.isfile(fina):

	MergeFiles(fiList, out)

def MergeFiles(fiList, out):
Exemplo n.º 10
import ostn02.OSTN02 as ostn02
import ostn02.OSGB as osgb
import urllib2, slippytiles

if __name__=="__main__":
	zoom = 14
	tile1 = slippytiles.deg2num(51.793123644359504, -3.4304282535044774, zoom)
	tile2 = slippytiles.deg2num(52.04658609916299, -2.854674472952469, zoom)

	print tile1
	print tile2

	for a in range(tile1[0], tile2[0]+1):
		for b in range(tile2[1], tile1[1]+1):

			url = "http://map.4x4falcon.com/default/{2}/{0}/{1}.png/dirty".format(a,b,zoom)
			print url
			print urllib2.urlopen(url).read()