Exemplo n.º 1
    def format_annotated(self, item, expand_args):
        """Wrapper for :meth:format preserving *AnnotatedString* flags

        Calls :meth:format to format *item* into a new string and copies
        flags from original item.

        This is used by :meth:expand
        updated = self.format(item, **expand_args)
        if isinstance(item, AnnotatedString):
            updated = AnnotatedString(updated)
                updated.flags = deepcopy(item.flags)
            except TypeError:
                log.debug("Failed to deepcopy flags for item {} with flags{}"
                          "".format(item, item.flags))
            updated.flags = copy(item.flags)
        return updated
Exemplo n.º 2
        def partially_expand(f, wildcards):
            """Expand the wildcards in f from the ones present in wildcards

            This is done by replacing all wildcard delimiters by `{{` or `}}`
            that are not in `wildcards.keys()`.
            # perform the partial expansion from f's string representation
            s = str(f).replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}")
            for key in wildcards.keys():
                s = s.replace("{{{{{}}}}}".format(key), "{{{}}}".format(key))
            # build result
            anno_s = AnnotatedString(s)
            anno_s.flags = f.flags
            return IOFile(anno_s, f.rule)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def expand(self, item, fields, rec=-1):
        if isinstance(item, str):
            updated = self.format(item, **fields)
            if isinstance(item, AnnotatedString):
                updated = AnnotatedString(updated)
                    updated.flags = deepcopy(item.flags)
                except TypeError as e:
                        "Failed to deepcopy flags for item {} with flags{}"
                        "".format(item, item.flags))
                    updated.flags = copy(item.flags)
            item = updated
        elif hasattr(item, '__call__'):  # function
            _item = item

            def late_expand(*args, **kwargs):
                return self.expand(_item(*args, **kwargs), {'wc': args[0]},
                                   rec=rec + 1)

            item = late_expand
        elif isinstance(item, int):
        elif isinstance(item, dict):
            for key, value in item.items():
                item[key] = self.expand(value, fields, rec=rec + 1)
        elif isinstance(item, list):
            for i, subitem in enumerate(item):
                item[i] = self.expand(subitem, fields, rec=rec + 1)
        elif isinstance(item, tuple):
            return (self.expand(subitem, fields, rec=rec + 1)
                    for subitem in item)
            raise ValueError("unable to expand item '{}' with fields '{}'"
                             "".format(repr(item), repr(fields)))

        return item
Exemplo n.º 4
        def partially_expand(f, wildcards):
            """Expand the wildcards in f from the ones present in wildcards

            This is done by replacing all wildcard delimiters by `{{` or `}}`
            that are not in `wildcards.keys()`.
            # perform the partial expansion from f's string representation
            s = str(f).replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
            for key in wildcards.keys():
                s = s.replace('{{{{{}}}}}'.format(key),
            # build result
            anno_s = AnnotatedString(s)
            anno_s.flags = f.flags
            return IOFile(anno_s, f.rule)