def generate_possibilities(k):
    graphs = []
    nodes = [i for i in range(k)]
    possible_edges = []
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        for j in range(len(nodes)):
            if i != j:
                possible_edges.append((i, j))

    possible_graphs = []

    # get all possible graphs
    for i in range(len(possible_edges)):
        combos = combinations(possible_edges, i)
        for combo in combos:

    print('Checking...' + str(len(possible_graphs)) + ' graphs')
    i = 0
    # check that they are connected and not already in our list
    for possible_graph in possible_graphs:
        G = construct_graph(possible_graph, k)
        if snap.IsConnected(G):
            if is_new_graph(graphs, G, k):
        i += 1
        if i % 500 == 0:
            print('Processed...' + str(i) + ' graphs')

    print('number of found graphs', len(graphs))
    return graphs
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_properties_with_sanppy(extension, input_folder):
    id_map = {}
    next_id = 0
    graph = snap.PNGraph.New()
    files_read = 0
    for file in os.listdir(input_folder):
        if not extension or file.endswith(extension):
            files_read += 1
            with open(os.path.join(input_folder, file)) as file:
                for line in file.readlines():
                    edge = line.rstrip().split()
                    n1 = id_map.get(edge[0], next_id)
                    if n1 == next_id:
                        id_map[edge[0]] = n1
                    next_id += 1
                    n2 = id_map.get(edge[1], next_id)
                    if n2 == next_id:
                        id_map[edge[1]] = n2
                    next_id += 1
                    if not graph.IsNode(n1):
                    if not graph.IsNode(n2):
                    graph.AddEdge(n1, n2)
    ef_diam_l, ef_diam_h, diam, sp = snap.GetBfsEffDiamAll(graph, 10, True)
    properties = [
        snap.CntNonZNodes(graph) / snap.CntUniqDirEdges(graph),
        snap.GetClustCf(graph), sp, diam,
        snap.CntUniqDirEdges(graph) /
        (snap.CntNonZNodes(graph) * snap.CntNonZNodes(graph))
    return dict(zip(get_property_names(), properties))
Exemplo n.º 3
def has_euler_circuit(graph):
    # If graph is not connected then it has no Euler circuit
    if not snap.IsConnected(graph):
        return False

    for node in graph.Nodes():
        if node.GetDeg() % 2 == 1:
            return False

    return True
def get_metrics(out_dir):
    print "Loading edges..."
    G = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, out_dir + 'metricscompletegraph.txt',
                          0, 1, ' ')
    print "Graph is connected? %s" % snap.IsConnected(G)
Exemplo n.º 5
def graphInfo(net):
	print '|V| = {}'.format(net.GetNodes())
	print '|E| = {}'.format(net.GetEdges())

	DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
	snap.GetDegCnt(net, DegToCntV)
	overallDeg = 0
	for item in DegToCntV:
		overallDeg = overallDeg + item.GetVal2()*item.GetVal1()

	print 'Average degree: {:.1f}'.format(float(overallDeg)/net.GetNodes())
	print 'Graph connected: {}'.format(snap.IsConnected(net))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def has_euler_path(self, graph):
        vertices = set()
        odd_degree_count = 0

        # Condition: verify that the graph is connected.
        # If not, the graph cannot have an Euler path.
        if snap.IsConnected(graph) == False:
            # print("has_euler_path()::disconnected graph")

            return False, vertices

        # Type snap.PUNGraph is of an undirected graph.
        if type(graph) is snap.PUNGraph:
            nodes_degrees = self.util.get_in_out_degree_table(graph)

            # Iterate table of node degrees.
            for i in range(nodes_degrees.shape[0]):

                # If node has odd degree.
                if nodes_degrees[i, 1] % 2 != 0:
                    # Add the vertex with odd degree to the vertices set.
                    vertices.add(nodes_degrees[i, 0])

                    # Increase the odd degree counter by 1.
                    odd_degree_count += 1

                # Loop exit condition, if odd degree count surpasses 2.
                if odd_degree_count > 2:
                    # print("has_euler_path()::graph has odd degree > 2")

                    return False, set()

            if odd_degree_count != 2:
                # print("has_euler_path()::graph has odd degree != 2 ({})".format(odd_degree_count))

                return False, set()
                # print("has_euler_path()::found Euler path")

                return True, vertices

        # Type snap.PNGraph is of a directed graph.
        if type(graph) is snap.PNGraph:

        return False, set()
Exemplo n.º 7
def has_euler_path(graph):
    vertices = set()

    # If graph is not connected then it has no Euler path
    if not snap.IsConnected(graph):
        return False, vertices

    for node in graph.Nodes():
        if node.GetDeg() % 2 == 1:

    if len(vertices) == 2:
        return True, vertices
        return False, set()
Exemplo n.º 8
def has_euler_circuit(graph):
    This method checks whether an undirected SNAP graph has an euler circuit.
    :param graph: SNAP object. A precomputed undirected Graph.
    :return: Boolean.
    # An undirected Eulerian circuit has no vertices of odd degrees
    for NI in graph.Nodes():
        if NI.GetDeg() % 2 != 0:
            return False

    # Must be connected
    if not snap.IsConnected(graph):
        return False

    return True
Exemplo n.º 9
def analyze_with_sanppy(extension, input_path):
    id_map = {}
    next_id = 0
    graph = snap.PNGraph.New()
    files_read = 0
    if os.path.isdir(input_path):
        for file in os.listdir(input_path):
            if not extension or file.endswith(extension):
                files_read += 1
                next_id = load_graph_from_file(os.path.join(input_path, file), graph, id_map, next_id)
        load_graph_from_file(input_path, graph, id_map, next_id)
    print("Nodes: {}".format(snap.CntNonZNodes(graph)))
    print("Edges: {}".format(snap.CntUniqDirEdges(graph)))
    print("Connected: {}".format(snap.IsConnected(graph)))
    print("Average degree: {}".format(snap.CntNonZNodes(graph) / snap.CntUniqDirEdges(graph)))
    print("Average clustering coefficient: {}".format(snap.GetClustCf(graph)))
    ef_diam_l, ef_diam_h, diam, sp = snap.GetBfsEffDiamAll(graph, 10, True)
    print("Average shortest-path: {}".format(sp))
    print("Diameter: {}".format(diam))
    print("Density: {}".format(snap.CntUniqDirEdges(graph)/(snap.CntNonZNodes(graph)*snap.CntNonZNodes(graph))))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def has_euler_circuit(self, graph):
        # Condition: verify that the graph is connected.
        if snap.IsConnected(graph) == False:
            return False

        # Type snap.PUNGraph is of an undirected graph.
        if type(graph) is snap.PUNGraph:
            nodes_degrees = self.util.get_in_out_degree_table(graph)

            # Iterate table of node degrees.
            for i in range(nodes_degrees.shape[0]):

                # If a node with odd degree is found, return False.
                if nodes_degrees[i, 1] % 2 != 0:
                    return False

            return True

        # Type snap.PNGraph is of a directed graph.
        if type(graph) is snap.PNGraph:
    def create_connected_graph(self,
        # Initialize the connected nodes array.
        if connected_nodes is None:
            connected_nodes = []

        # Initial conditions.
        # Pick a couple of random nodes to connect, initially.
        if node_a is None and node_b is None:
            node_a = random.randrange(graph.GetNodes())
            node_b = None

            # Loop while node_b is not the same as node_a.
            while node_b is None or node_a == node_b:
                node_b = random.randrange(graph.GetNodes())

            # Add edge (node_a, node_b).
            graph.AddEdge(node_a, node_b)

            # Add nodes to list of connected nodes.

        # Nodes have been connected from previous iteration.
            # Pick a random node from the set of {node_a, node_b} as the initial node for the next edge.
            # If false, set node_a as node_b.
            if not bool(random.getrandbits(1)):
                node_a = node_b
                node_b = None
                while node_b is None or node_b in connected_nodes:
                    node_b = random.randrange(graph.GetNodes())

                # Add edge (node_a, node_b).
                graph.AddEdge(node_a, node_b)

                # Add node to list of connected nodes.
            # Otherwise select node_a and pick another candidate node for connection.
                node_b = None
                while node_b is None or node_b in connected_nodes:
                    node_b = random.randrange(graph.GetNodes())

                # Add edge (node_a, node_b).
                graph.AddEdge(node_a, node_b)

                # Add node to list of connected nodes.

        # Recursion exit condition.
        # If graph is connected, return the graph.
        if snap.IsConnected(graph):
            return graph
        # If not, continue until a connected graph is created.
            return self.create_connected_graph(graph, node_a, node_b,
Exemplo n.º 12
file_2.write("Total number of different components = %d\n" % len(Components))
i = 1
for idx, component in enumerate(Components):
        file_2.write("Size of component #%d : %d\n" % (idx, len(component)))

# Output the average of the shortest paths, adding more edges to the graph if it's not connected
average_shortest_paths = []
v_in_short_paths_len = []
vertices = u_rndm_graph.Nodes()
len_vertices = sum(1 for _ in vertices)
edge_list = list((item.GetSrcNId(), item.GetDstNId()) for item in u_rndm_graph.Edges())
# is the graph connected?
print snap.IsConnected(u_rndm_graph)
while not snap.IsConnected(u_rndm_graph):
    #in_vertex, out_vertex = rand.sample([(v_i, v_o)
    #                                     for v_i in set(range(len_vertices))
    #                                     for v_o in set(range(len_vertices))
    #                                     if v_i not in [cc for cc in Components] dans lequel est v_o, m)
    u_rndm_graph.AddEdge(in_vertex, out_vertex)
print "Now graph is fully connected"

for v_in in vertices:
    id_v_in = v_in.GetId()
    set_v_out = filter(lambda x: x != id_v_in, vertices)
    for v_out in set_v_out:
        v_in_short_paths_len.append(snap.GetShortPath(u_rndm_graph, id_v_in, v_out.GetId()))
        #les reduce dessous c'est juste un tricks pour faire des sommes de toute la liste (;
        v_in_average__short_paths_len = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, v_in_short_paths_len) / float(len(v_in_short_paths_len))
Exemplo n.º 13
def is_connected(graph):
  # Just use the snap library to do that as the exercise points out.
  return snap.IsConnected(graph)
def calc_metric(net, i, ego, G):
    IsDir = True

    n_nodes = G.GetNodes()
    n_edges = G.GetEdges()
    ################################################################################## RANDOM GRAPH

        str(net) + " " + str(i) + " - Gerando grafo aleatório com " +
        str(n_nodes) + " vertices e " + str(n_edges) + " arestas...")
    connected = False
    Rnd = snap.TRnd()
    while not connected:
            str(net) + " " + str(i) +
            " - Testando se grafo aleatório é conectado...")
        Gnm = snap.GenRndGnm(
            snap.PNGraph, n_nodes, n_edges, IsDir, Rnd
        )  # Cria um grafo aleatório com as mesmas dimensões do original (nodes,edges)
        connected = snap.IsConnected(Gnm)
    print(str(net) + " " + str(i) + " - Grafo conectado... OK")

    ################################################################################### Coef Clust

        str(net) + " " + str(i) +
        " - Calculando o coeficiente de clustering do grafo...")
    coef_clust_G = snap.GetClustCf(G,
                                   -1)  # Calcula o coeficiente de clustering
        str(net) + " " + str(i) +
        " - Calculando a coeficiente de clustering do grafo aleatório...")
    coef_clust_Gnm = snap.GetClustCf(
        Gnm, -1)  # Calcula o coeficiente de clustering do grafo aleatório

    ################################################################################## AVERAGE SHORTEST PATH LENGHT

        str(net) + " " + str(i) +
        " - Calculando média dos menores caminhos mínimos do grafo...")
    t_spl_G = 0.0  # Somatório dos caminhos mínimos = total do somatório dos caminhos mínimos de cada vértice
    n_paths_G = 0  # Contador para quantidade de caminhos mínimos
    for node in G.Nodes():
        NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH()
        node_spl = snap.GetShortPath(G, node.GetId(), NIdToDistH, IsDir)
        path = 0
        for item in NIdToDistH:
            #			print node.GetId(),item,NIdToDistH[item]
            path += 1
            t_spl_G += NIdToDistH[item]
        n_paths_G += path - 1
#		print
#		print ego,node.GetId(),t_spl_G,n_paths_G,path
#	print
    avg_spl_G = t_spl_G / float(
    )  # Calcula a média dos caminhos mínimos para todo o grafo considerando apenas caminhos existentes.
    avg_spl_G_all = t_spl_G / float(
        n_nodes *
        (n_nodes -
         1))  # Calcula a média dos caminhos mínimos para todo o grafo.

    #	labels = snap.TIntStrH()
    #	for NI in G.Nodes():
    #		labels[NI.GetId()] = str(NI.GetId())
    #	snap.DrawGViz(G, snap.gvlDot, "/home/amaury/"+str(ego)+"_G.png", " ", labels)
    ################################################################################## AVERAGE SHORTEST PATH LENGHT RANDOM GRAPH

        str(net) + " " + str(i) +
        " - Calculando média dos menores caminhos mínimos do grafo aletório..."
    t_spl_Gnm = 0.0  # Somatório dos caminhos mínimos = total do somatório dos caminhos mínimos de cada vértice
    n_paths_Gnm = 0  # Contador para quantidade de caminhos mínimos
    for node in Gnm.Nodes():
        NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH()
        node_spl = snap.GetShortPath(Gnm, node.GetId(), NIdToDistH, IsDir)
        path = 0
        for item in NIdToDistH:
            #			print node.GetId(),item,NIdToDistH[item]
            path += 1
            t_spl_Gnm += NIdToDistH[item]
        n_paths_Gnm += path - 1
#		print
#		print ego, node.GetId(),t_spl_Gnm,n_paths_Gnm,path
#	print
    avg_spl_Gnm = t_spl_Gnm / float(
    )  # Calcula a média dos caminhos mínimos para todo o grafo considerando apenas caminhos existentes.
    avg_spl_Gnm_all = t_spl_Gnm / float(
        n_nodes * (n_nodes - 1)
    )  # Calcula a média dos caminhos mínimos para todo o grafo = (N*(N-1)) nodes.

    #	labels = snap.TIntStrH()
    #	for NI in Gnm.Nodes():
    #		labels[NI.GetId()] = str(NI.GetId())
    #	snap.DrawGViz(Gnm, snap.gvlDot, "/home/amaury/"+str(ego)+"_Gnm.png", " ", labels)

    #	print ("Ego / Coef Clust: Graph / Random Graph")
    #	print ego,coef_clust_G,coef_clust_Gnm
    #	print ("ASPL Exists Path: Graph / Random Graph")
    #	print ego,avg_spl_G, avg_spl_Gnm
    #	print ("EGO / ASPL Total Paths: Graph / Random Graph")
    #	print avg_spl_G_all, avg_spl_Gnm_all
    #	print "##############################################"
    #	print
    ################################################################################### S METRIC
    if coef_clust_Gnm == 0:
        GAMMA = 0
        GAMMA = float(coef_clust_G) / float(
            coef_clust_Gnm)  # Numerador da métrica S

    LAMBDA_paths_exists = float(avg_spl_G) / float(
    )  # Denominador da métrica S com todos os caminhos existentes (só considera caminhos que existem)
    LAMBDA_all_paths = float(avg_spl_G_all) / float(
    )  # Denominador da métrica S com todos os caminhos possiveis (N*(N-1)) nodes

    S1 = float(GAMMA) / float(
    )  # Métrica S de acordo com o artigo que o Prof. Thierson enviou
    S2 = float(GAMMA) / float(
    )  # Métrica S de acordo com o artigo que o Prof. Thierson enviou
    return coef_clust_G, coef_clust_Gnm, avg_spl_G, avg_spl_Gnm, avg_spl_G_all, avg_spl_Gnm_all, S1, S2
Exemplo n.º 15
 def isConnected(self):
     return snap.IsConnected(self.rawGraph)
def is_graph_connected(G):
    return snap.IsConnected(G)
Exemplo n.º 17
import snap

# create a random directed graph
G = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 10000, 5000)

# test if the graph is connected or weakly connected
print("IsConnected(G) =", snap.IsConnected(G))
print("IsWeaklyConnected(G) =", snap.IsWeaklyConn(G))

# get the weakly connected component counts
WccSzCnt = snap.TIntPr64V()
snap.GetWccSzCnt(G, WccSzCnt)
#print (WccSzCnt[0],WccSzCnt[0].Val1,WccSzCnt[0].Val2)
for i in range(0, WccSzCnt.Len()):
    print("WccSzCnt[%d] = (%d, %d)" %
          (i, WccSzCnt[i].Val1.Val, WccSzCnt[i].Val2.Val))

# return nodes in the same weakly connected component as node 1
CnCom = snap.TInt64V()
snap.GetNodeWcc(G, 1, CnCom)
print("CnCom.Len() = %d" % (CnCom.Len()))

# get nodes in weakly connected components
WCnComV = snap.TCnComV()
snap.GetWccs(G, WCnComV)
for i in range(0, WCnComV.Len()):
    print("WCnComV[%d].Len() = %d" % (i, WCnComV[i].Len()))
    for j in range(0, WCnComV[i].Len()):
        print("WCnComV[%d][%d] = %d" % (i, j, WCnComV[i][j]))

# get the size of the maximum weakly connected component
Exemplo n.º 18
print("Source Node: ", mapping.GetKeyId(srcNode), "is", srcNode)
for dstNode in range(1, G0.GetMxNId()):
    if G0.IsEdge(mapping.GetKeyId(srcNode), dstNode):

SubGraph = snap.GetSubGraph(G0, NIdV)

for outDeg in range(00, 10):
    for inDeg in range(00, 10):
        snap.DelDegKNodes(SubGraph, outDeg, inDeg)

for dstNode in range(1, SubGraph.GetMxNId()):
    if SubGraph.IsEdge(mapping.GetKeyId(srcNode), dstNode):
        print(dstNode, mapping.GetKey(dstNode))

Nodes = snap.TIntFltH()
Edges = snap.TIntPrFltH()
snap.GetBetweennessCentr(SubGraph, Nodes, Edges, 1.0)
for node in Nodes:
    print "node: %d centrality: %f" % (node, Nodes[node])

print snap.IsConnected(SubGraph)

    SubGraph, "RelGraph.txt",
    "Save as tab-separated list of edges with no Zero InDeg Nodes")

print("Number of edges is %d" % (snap.CntUniqDirEdges(SubGraph)))
