Exemplo n.º 1
# Train/Test split
Ntrain = 25
Ntest = 32 - Ntrain

# Corrupt the training data
xtrainlist, vtrainlist = corrupt_data(emg[:, :Ntrain],
                                      lipacc[:, :Ntrain],

# Put dat in spatio-temporal format
Xtrain = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(xtrainlist)
Vtrain = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(vtrainlist)
xtest = [(timevec, emg[:, i].reshape((641, 1))) for i in range(Ntrain, 32)]
vtest = [(timevec, lipacc[:, i].reshape((641, 1))) for i in range(Ntrain, 32)]
Xtest = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(xtest)
Vtest = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(vtest)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
for i in range(32):
    ax[1].plot(lipacc[:, i])
    ax[0].plot(emg[:, i])

# Test for bandwidth parameter
# See if our input smoothing has the means to represent well the input functions
Dsmoothing = 300
sigmasmoothing = 45
Exemplo n.º 2
import spatiotempovk.regressors as regressors

# Create synthetic data
argp = argp2d.draw_ar1_gp2d(T=50)
obs = argp2d.draw_observations(20, argp)
# obs = argp2d.draw_observations_sameloc(20, argp)
nx, ny = argp[0].shape

# Store this data in a SpatioTempData class instance
data = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(obs)
Ms = data.get_Ms()
T = data.get_T()
barM = data.get_barM()

# Look at time series at a given location
test = np.array([data["y"][i][20] for i in range(data.get_T())])

# # Kernels for convolution
# gausskerx = kernels.GaussianKernel(sigma=10)
# gausskery = kernels.GaussianKernel(sigma=0.2)

# # Compute kernel matrices
# Kx = gausskerx.compute_K(data["x_flat"])
# Ky = gausskery.compute_K(data["y_flat"])
# convkers = kernels.ConvKernel(gausskerx, gausskery, Kx, Ky)
Exemplo n.º 3
# Determine (fixed) locations
nlocs = 50

# Build the data
Ntrain = 50
Ntest = 20
noisein = 0.25
noiseout = 2.5

# Draw random Fourier functions
locs = np.linspace(0, 1, nlocs).reshape((nlocs, 1))
datain, dataout = funcs1d.generate_fourier_dataset(Ntrain, noisein, noiseout,
                                                   norm01, 2, locs)
dataintest, dataouttest = funcs1d.generate_fourier_dataset(
    Ntest, 0, 0, norm01, 2, locs)
datain, dataout = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(datain), spatiotemp.LocObsSet(dataout)
dataintest, dataouttest = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(
    dataintest), spatiotemp.LocObsSet(dataouttest)

# # Or load dataset
# with open(os.getcwd() + "/dumps/datasets.pkl", "rb") as i:
#     datain, dataout, dataintest, dataouttest = pickle.load(i)

i = 0
j = 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
ax[0, 0].scatter(datain["x"][i].flatten(), datain["y"][i])
ax[0, 1].scatter(dataout["x"][i].flatten(), dataout["y"][i])
ax[0, 0].set_title("Function noisy evaluations")
ax[0, 1].set_title("Derivative noisy evaluations")
ax[1, 0].scatter(datain["x"][j].flatten(), datain["y"][j])
# Build the data
Ntrain = 200
Ntest = 20
# Draw random Fourier functions
fouriers = funcs1d.random_fourier_func(norm01, nfreq=2, nsim=Ntrain + Ntest)
fouriers_prime = [four.prime() for four in fouriers]
datain = []
dataout = []
for n in range(Ntrain + Ntest):
    Yin = np.array([fouriers[n](x[0]) for x in locs])
    Yout = np.array([fouriers_prime[n](x[0]) for x in locs])
    datain.append((locs, Yin))
    dataout.append((locs, Yout))
# Store them in a spatio temp data instance
datain = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(datain)
dataout = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(dataout)
dataintest = datain.extract_subseq(Ntrain, Ntrain + Ntest)
dataouttest = dataout.extract_subseq(Ntrain, Ntrain + Ntest)
datain = datain.extract_subseq(0, Ntrain)
dataout = dataout.extract_subseq(0, Ntrain)

# Kernels
kernelx = kernels.GaussianKernel(sigma=0.3)
Kxin = kernelx.compute_K(locs)
kernely = kernels.GaussianKernel(sigma=0.5)
Kyin = kernely.compute_K(datain["y_flat"])
kers = kernels.ConvKernel(kernelx, kernely, Kxin, Kyin, sameloc=True)
Ks = kers.compute_K_from_mat(datain.Ms)

# Build regressor
        datapd_sorted.loc[datapd_sorted["MONTH_LAT_LONG"] == (month, loc[0],
                          "TMP"] -= avg

# Dates contained in the data
dates = pd.unique(datapd_sorted["DATE"])

# Extract data and put it in the right form for SpatioTempData
extract = [datapd_sorted[datapd_sorted.DATE == d] for d in dates]
extract = [(subtab.loc[:, ["LAT", "LONG"]].values, subtab.loc[:,
           for subtab in extract]

# Create a SpatioTempData object from it
data = spatiotemp.LocObsSet(extract)

# Train test data
ntrain = 10
Strain = data.extract_subseq(0, ntrain)
Slast = data.extract_subseq(ntrain - 1, ntrain)
Stest = data.extract_subseq(ntrain, ntrain + 1)
Strain_input = data.extract_subseq(0, ntrain - 1)
Strain_output = data.extract_subseq(1, ntrain)
Ms = Strain.get_Ms()

# ############# EXPLOITING SAME LOCATION #####################################################################
# Timer
start = time.time()

# Kernels