Exemplo n.º 1
    def convert_domain(self, domain, tables, Model):
        from trytond.ir.lang import get_parent_language
        pool = Pool()
        Translation = pool.get('ir.translation')
        IrModel = pool.get('ir.model')
        if not self.translate:
            return super(FieldTranslate,
                         self).convert_domain(domain, tables, Model)

        table = join = Model.__table__()
        model = IrModel.__table__()
        name, operator, value = domain
        language = Transaction().language
        column = None
        while language:
            translation = Translation.__table__()
            join = self._get_translation_join(Model, name, translation, model,
                                              table, join, language)
            column = Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), translation.value)
            language = get_parent_language(language)
        column = Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), self.sql_column(table))
        column = self._domain_column(operator, column)
        Operator = SQL_OPERATORS[operator]
        assert name == self.name
        where = Operator(column, self._domain_value(operator, value))
        if isinstance(where, operators.In) and not where.right:
            where = Literal(False)
        elif isinstance(where, operators.NotIn) and not where.right:
            where = Literal(True)
        where = self._domain_add_null(column, operator, value, where)
        return tables[None][0].id.in_(join.select(table.id, where=where))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def convert_domain(self, domain, tables, Model):
        pool = Pool()
        Translation = pool.get('ir.translation')
        IrModel = pool.get('ir.model')
        if not self.translate:
            return super(FieldTranslate,
                         self).convert_domain(domain, tables, Model)

        table = Model.__table__()
        translation = Translation.__table__()
        model = IrModel.__table__()
        name, operator, value = domain
        join = self._get_translation_join(Model, name, translation, model,
        Operator = SQL_OPERATORS[operator]
        assert name == self.name
        column = Coalesce(NullIf(translation.value, ''),
        where = Operator(column, self._domain_value(operator, value))
        if isinstance(where, operators.In) and not where.right:
            where = Literal(False)
        elif isinstance(where, operators.NotIn) and not where.right:
            where = Literal(True)
        where = self._domain_add_null(column, operator, value, where)
        return tables[None][0].id.in_(join.select(table.id, where=where))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _get_translation_order(self, tables, Model, name):
     from trytond.ir.lang import get_parent_language
     pool = Pool()
     Translation = pool.get('ir.translation')
     IrModel = pool.get('ir.model')
     table, _ = tables[None]
     join = table
     language = Transaction().language
     column = None
     while language:
         key = name + '.translation-' + language
         if key not in tables:
             translation = Translation.__table__()
             model = IrModel.__table__()
             translation, join = self._get_translation_join(
                 Model, name, translation, model, table, table, language)
             if join.left == table:
                 tables[key] = {
                     None: (join.right, join.condition),
                 tables[key] = {
                     None: (join.left.right, join.left.condition),
                     'translation': {
                         None: (join.right, join.condition),
             if 'translation' not in tables[key]:
                 translation, _ = tables[key][None]
                 translation, _ = tables[key]['translation'][None]
         column = Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), translation.value)
         language = get_parent_language(language)
     return column
Exemplo n.º 4
 def convert_order(self, name, tables, Model):
     if not self.translate:
         return super().convert_order(name, tables, Model)
     assert name == self.name
     table, _ = tables[None]
     column = self._get_translation_order(tables, Model, name)
     return [Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), self.sql_column(table))]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def convert_domain(self, domain, tables, Model):
        transaction = Transaction()
        context = transaction.context
        database = transaction.database
        expression = super().convert_domain(domain, tables, Model)
        name, operator, value = domain
        if operator.endswith('ilike'):
            table, _ = tables[None]
            if self.translate:
                language = transaction.language
                model, join, column = self._get_translation_column(
                    Model, name)
                column = Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), self.sql_column(model))
                language = None
                column = self.sql_column(table)
            column = self._domain_column(operator, column)

            threshold = context.get(
                '%s.%s.search_similarity' % (Model.__name__, name),
            if database.has_similarity() and is_full_text(value) and threshold:
                sim_value = unescape_wildcard(value)
                sim_value = self._domain_value(operator, sim_value)
                expression = (
                    database.similarity(column, sim_value) >= threshold)
                if operator.startswith('not'):
                    expression = Not(expression)
                if self.translate:
                    expression = table.id.in_(
                        join.select(model.id, where=expression))

            key = '%s.%s.search_full_text' % (Model.__name__, name)
            if ((self.search_full_text or context.get(key))
                    and context.get(key, True)
                    and database.has_search_full_text()):
                if context.get(key) or is_full_text(value):
                    fts_column = database.format_full_text(
                        column, language=language)
                    fts_value = value
                    if key not in context:
                        fts_value = unescape_wildcard(fts_value)
                    fts_value = self._domain_value(operator, fts_value)
                    fts_value = database.format_full_text_query(
                        fts_value, language=language)
                    fts = database.search_full_text(fts_column, fts_value)
                    if operator.startswith('not'):
                        fts = Not(fts)
                    if self.translate:
                        fts = table.id.in_(
                            join.select(model.id, where=fts))
                    if database.has_similarity() and is_full_text(value):
                        if operator.startswith('not'):
                            expression |= fts
                            expression &= fts
                        expression = fts
        return expression
    def search_payment_days(cls, name, clause):
        Party = Pool().get('party.party')

        if backend.name == 'sqlite':
            # Sqlite does not support UNNEST function
            return ['OR', [
                    ('type', '=', 'out'),
                    ('party.customer_payment_days',) + tuple(clause[1:]),
                    ], [
                    ('type', '=', 'in'),
                    ('party.supplier_payment_days',) + tuple(clause[1:]),
        party = Party.__table__()
        _, operator, value = clause
        Operator = fields.SQL_OPERATORS[operator]

        customer_days = party.select(party.id,
        customer_days = customer_days.select(customer_days.id,
            where=(Operator(Cast(NullIf(customer_days.day, ''), 'int'),

        supplier_days = party.select(party.id,
        supplier_days = supplier_days.select(supplier_days.id,
            where=(Operator(Cast(NullIf(supplier_days.day, ''), 'int'),

        return ['OR', [
                ('type', '=', 'out'),
                ('party', 'in', customer_days),
                ], [
                ('type', '=', 'in'),
                ('party', 'in', supplier_days),
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _get_translation_column(self, Model, name):
        from trytond.ir.lang import get_parent_language
        pool = Pool()
        Translation = pool.get('ir.translation')
        IrModel = pool.get('ir.model')

        table = join = Model.__table__()
        model = IrModel.__table__()
        language = Transaction().language
        column = None
        while language:
            translation = Translation.__table__()
            translation, join = self._get_translation_join(
                Model, name, translation, model, table, join, language)
            column = Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), translation.value)
            language = get_parent_language(language)
        return table, join, column
Exemplo n.º 8
 def convert_domain(self, domain, tables, Model):
     if not self.translate:
         return super(FieldTranslate,
                      self).convert_domain(domain, tables, Model)
     table, _ = tables[None]
     name, operator, value = domain
     model, join, column = self._get_translation_column(Model, name)
     column = Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), self.sql_column(model))
     column = self._domain_column(operator, column)
     Operator = SQL_OPERATORS[operator]
     assert name == self.name
     where = Operator(column, self._domain_value(operator, value))
     if isinstance(where, operators.In) and not where.right:
         where = Literal(False)
     elif isinstance(where, operators.NotIn) and not where.right:
         where = Literal(True)
     where = self._domain_add_null(column, operator, value, where)
     return table.id.in_(join.select(model.id, where=where))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def convert_order(self, name, tables, Model):
        from trytond.tools import get_parent_language
        pool = Pool()
        Translation = pool.get('ir.translation')
        IrModel = pool.get('ir.model')
        if not self.translate:
            return super(FieldTranslate,
                         self).convert_order(name, tables, Model)
        assert name == self.name

        table, _ = tables[None]

        join = table
        language = Transaction().language
        column = None
        while language:
            key = name + '.translation-' + language
            if key not in tables:
                translation = Translation.__table__()
                model = IrModel.__table__()
                join = self._get_translation_join(Model, name, translation,
                                                  model, table, table,
                if join.left == table:
                    tables[key] = {
                        None: (join.right, join.condition),
                    tables[key] = {
                        None: (join.left.right, join.left.condition),
                        'translation': {
                            None: (join.right, join.condition),
                if 'translation' not in tables[key]:
                    translation, _ = tables[key][None]
                    translation, _ = tables[key]['translation'][None]
            column = Coalesce(NullIf(column, ''), translation.value)
            language = get_parent_language(language)

        return [Coalesce(column, self.sql_column(table))]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __register__(cls, module_name):
        cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
        table = cls.__table_handler__(module_name)
        sql_table = cls.__table__()
        pool = Pool()
        Work = pool.get('project.work')
        work = Work.__table__()

        created_progress = not table.column_exist('progress')
        effort_exist = table.column_exist('effort_duration')


        # Migration from 5.0: Effort renamed into to progress
        if created_progress and effort_exist:
            # Don't use UPDATE FROM because SQLite does not support it.
            value = work.select(
                (Extract('EPOCH', sql_table.effort_duration) /
                 NullIf(Extract('EPOCH', work.effort_duration), 0)),
                where=work.id == sql_table.work)
            cursor.execute(*sql_table.update([sql_table.progress], [value]))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def convert_order(self, name, tables, Model):
        pool = Pool()
        Translation = pool.get('ir.translation')
        IrModel = pool.get('ir.model')
        if not self.translate:
            return super(FieldTranslate,
                         self).convert_order(name, tables, Model)
        assert name == self.name

        table, _ = tables[None]
        key = name + '.translation'
        if key not in tables:
            translation = Translation.__table__()
            model = IrModel.__table__()
            join = self._get_translation_join(Model, name, translation, model,
            if join.left == table:
                tables[key] = {
                    None: (join.right, join.condition),
                tables[key] = {
                    None: (join.left.right, join.left.condition),
                    'translation': {
                        None: (join.right, join.condition),
            if 'translation' not in tables[key]:
                translation, _ = tables[key][None]
                translation, _ = tables[key]['translation'][None]

        return [
            Coalesce(NullIf(translation.value, ''), self.sql_column(table))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def json_get(self, column, key=None):
     if key:
         column = JSONExtract(column, '$.%s' % key)
     return NullIf(JSONQuote(column), JSONQuote(Null))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_nullif(self):
     nullif = NullIf(self.table.c1, 'foo')
     self.assertEqual(str(nullif), 'NULLIF("c1", %s)')
     self.assertEqual(nullif.params, ('foo',))