Exemplo n.º 1
def analyzePixelRelevance():
	"simplified implementation of paper: Zintgraf et al - Visualizing Deep Neural Network Decisions: Prediction Difference Analysis"
	# setup model
	model = Model(open(Constants.fnCharList).read(), DecoderType.BestPath, mustRestore=True)
	# read image and specify ground-truth text
	img = cv2.imread(Constants.fnAnalyze, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
	(w, h) = img.shape
	assert Model.imgSize[1] == w
	# compute probability of gt text in original image
	batch = Batch([Constants.gtText], [preprocess(img, Model.imgSize)])
	(_, probs) = model.inferBatch(batch, calcProbability=True, probabilityOfGT=True)
	origProb = probs[0]
	grayValues = [0, 63, 127, 191, 255]
	if Constants.distribution == 'histogram':
		bins = [0, 31, 95, 159, 223, 255]
		(hist, _) = np.histogram(img, bins=bins)
		pixelProb = hist / sum(hist)
	elif Constants.distribution == 'uniform':
		pixelProb = [1.0 / len(grayValues) for _ in grayValues]
		raise Exception('unknown value for Constants.distribution')
	# iterate over all pixels in image
	pixelRelevance = np.zeros(img.shape, np.float32)
	for x in range(w):
		for y in range(h):
			# try a subset of possible grayvalues of pixel (x,y)
			imgsMarginalized = []
			for g in grayValues:
				imgChanged = copy.deepcopy(img)
				imgChanged[x, y] = g
				imgsMarginalized.append(preprocess(imgChanged, Model.imgSize))

			# put them all into one batch
			batch = Batch([Constants.gtText]*len(imgsMarginalized), imgsMarginalized)
			# compute probabilities
			(_, probs) = model.inferBatch(batch, calcProbability=True, probabilityOfGT=True)
			# marginalize over pixel value (assume uniform distribution)
			margProb = sum([probs[i] * pixelProb[i] for i in range(len(grayValues))])
			pixelRelevance[x, y] = weightOfEvidence(origProb, margProb)
			print(x, y, pixelRelevance[x, y], origProb, margProb)
	np.save(Constants.fnPixelRelevance, pixelRelevance)
Exemplo n.º 2
def analyzeTranslationInvariance():
	# setup model
	model = Model(open(Constants.fnCharList).read(), DecoderType.BestPath, mustRestore=True)
	# read image and specify ground-truth text
	img = cv2.imread(Constants.fnAnalyze, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
	(w, h) = img.shape
	assert Model.imgSize[1] == w
	imgList = []
	for dy in range(Model.imgSize[0]-h+1):
		targetImg = np.ones((Model.imgSize[1], Model.imgSize[0])) * 255
		targetImg[:,dy:h+dy] = img
		imgList.append(preprocess(targetImg, Model.imgSize))
	# put images and gt texts into batch
	batch = Batch([Constants.gtText]*len(imgList), imgList)
	# compute probabilities
	(texts, probs) = model.inferBatch(batch, calcProbability=True, probabilityOfGT=True)
	# save results to file
	f = open(Constants.fnTranslationInvarianceTexts, 'wb')
	pickle.dump(texts, f)
	np.save(Constants.fnTranslationInvariance, probs)