Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_getDailyVoltDataByLevel(self) -> None:
     """tests the function that gets hourly data of entity metric
     appDbConnStr = self.jsonConf['appDbConnStr']
     mRepo = MetricsDataRepo(appDbConnStr)
     startDt = dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1)
     endDt = dt.datetime(2020, 1, 10)
     samples = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(
         765, "%Time >420 or 800", startDt, endDt)
     self.assertFalse(len(samples) == 0)
def fetchSection1_7_2Context(appDbConnStr: str, startDt: dt.datetime, endDt: dt.datetime) -> ISection_1_7_2:
    mRepo = MetricsDataRepo(appDbConnStr)

    # get voltage data for this month
    maxVoltData = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(400, "Max", startDt, endDt)
    maxVoltDf = pd.DataFrame(maxVoltData)
    maxVoltDf["data_val"] = pd.to_numeric(
        maxVoltDf["data_val"], errors='coerce')
    maxVoltSeries = maxVoltDf.groupby("entity_name").apply(getMax)
    maxVoltSeries = maxVoltSeries.round()
    maxVoltSeries = maxVoltSeries.rename("max_vol")

    minVoltData = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(400, "Min", startDt, endDt)
    minVoltDf = pd.DataFrame(minVoltData)
    minVoltDf["data_val"] = pd.to_numeric(
        minVoltDf["data_val"], errors='coerce')
    minVoltSeries = minVoltDf.groupby("entity_name").apply(getMin)
    minVoltSeries = minVoltSeries.round()
    minVoltSeries = minVoltSeries.rename("min_vol")

    lessVoltPercData = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(
        400, "%Time <380 or 728", startDt, endDt)
    lessVoltPercDf = pd.DataFrame(lessVoltPercData)
    lessVoltPercDf["data_val"] = pd.to_numeric(
        lessVoltPercDf["data_val"], errors='coerce')
    lessVoltPercSeries = lessVoltPercDf.groupby("entity_name").apply(getMean)
    lessVoltPercSeries = lessVoltPercSeries.round(2)
    lessVoltPercSeries = lessVoltPercSeries.rename("less_perc")

    bandVoltPercData = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(
        400, "%Time within IEGC Band", startDt, endDt)
    bandVoltPercDf = pd.DataFrame(bandVoltPercData)
    bandVoltPercDf["data_val"] = pd.to_numeric(
        bandVoltPercDf["data_val"], errors='coerce')
    bandVoltPercSeries = bandVoltPercDf.groupby("entity_name").apply(getMean)
    bandVoltPercSeries = bandVoltPercSeries.round(2)
    bandVoltPercSeries = bandVoltPercSeries.rename("band_perc")

    moreVoltPercData = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(
        400, "%Time >420 or 800", startDt, endDt)
    moreVoltPercDf = pd.DataFrame(moreVoltPercData)
    moreVoltPercDf["data_val"] = pd.to_numeric(
        moreVoltPercDf["data_val"], errors='coerce')
    moreVoltPercSeries = moreVoltPercDf.groupby("entity_name").apply(getMean)
    moreVoltPercSeries = moreVoltPercSeries.round(2)
    moreVoltPercSeries = moreVoltPercSeries.rename("more_perc")

    numMonthHrs = (endDt - startDt).total_seconds()/(60*60)

    secDf = pd.concat([maxVoltSeries, minVoltSeries, lessVoltPercSeries,
                       bandVoltPercSeries, moreVoltPercSeries], axis=1)
    secDf['less_hrs'] = secDf['less_perc']*(numMonthHrs*0.01)
    secDf['more_hrs'] = secDf['more_perc']*(numMonthHrs*0.01)
    secDf['out_hrs'] = secDf['less_hrs'] + secDf['more_hrs']
    secDf['vdi'] = secDf['out_hrs']*(1/numMonthHrs)
    secDf['less_hrs'] = secDf['less_hrs'].apply(hrsToDurationStr)
    secDf['more_hrs'] = secDf['more_hrs'].apply(hrsToDurationStr)
    secDf['out_hrs'] = secDf['out_hrs'].apply(hrsToDurationStr)
    secDf['vdi'] = secDf['vdi'].apply(hrsToDurationStr)
    secDf['entity_name'] = secDf['entity_name'].apply(strip400)
    secDf.rename(columns={"entity_name": "station"}, inplace=True)
    secDataRows = secDf.to_dict('records')

    sectionData: ISection_1_7_2 = {
        'voltVdiProfile400': secDataRows

    return sectionData
def fetchSection1_1_voltContext(appDbConnStr: str, startDt: dt.datetime, endDt: dt.datetime) -> ISection_1_1_volt:
    monthDtObj = dt.datetime(startDt.year, startDt.month, 1)
    month_name = dt.datetime.strftime(startDt, "%b %y")
    mRepo = MetricsDataRepo(appDbConnStr)
    # get high voltage violation data for 765 kV
    voltData765 = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(
        765, "%Time >420 or 800", startDt, endDt)
    # convert to dataframe
    voltData765Df = pd.DataFrame(voltData765)
    # take only required columns
    voltData765Df = voltData765Df[["entity_name", "data_val"]]
    # convert column to numeric
    voltData765Df['data_val'] = pd.to_numeric(
        voltData765Df['data_val'], errors='coerce')
    # get mean for each substation
    voltData765Df = voltData765Df.groupby("entity_name").mean()
    # check if there is violation more than 0.1
    is765MoreThan10Perc = voltData765Df[voltData765Df["data_val"]
                                        > 10].shape[0] > 0
    msg765 = ""
    if not is765MoreThan10Perc:
        msgStations = voltData765Df[voltData765Df["data_val"]
                                    > 0]["entity_name"].values
        msgStations = [x.replace(' - 765KV', '').capitalize()
                       for x in msgStations]
        msg765 = "All 765 kV nodes of WR were within the IEGC limit."
        if len(msgStations) > 0:
            msg765 = "All 765 kV nodes of WR were within the IEGC limit except few instances at {0}.".format(
        msgStations = voltData765Df[voltData765Df["data_val"]
                                    > 10]["entity_name"].values
        msgStations = [x.replace(' - 765KV', '').capitalize()
                       for x in msgStations]
        highViolSubstation = voltData765Df.loc[voltData765Df['data_val'].idxmax(
        msg765 = "High Voltage (greater than 800 kV) at 765 kV substations were observed at {0}. Highest of {1}{2} of time voltage remained above 780 kV at {3} in the month of {4}.".format(
            ', '.join(msgStations), round(highViolSubstation["data_val"], 2), "%", highViolSubstation["entity_name"].replace(' - 765KV', '').capitalize(), month_name)

    # get high voltage violation data for 400 kV
    voltData400 = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(
        400, "%Time >420 or 800", startDt, endDt)
    # convert to dataframe
    voltData400Df = pd.DataFrame(voltData400)
    # take only required columns
    voltData400Df = voltData400Df[["entity_name", "data_val"]]
    # convert column to numeric
    voltData400Df['data_val'] = pd.to_numeric(
        voltData400Df['data_val'], errors='coerce')
    # get mean for each substation
    voltData400Df = voltData400Df.groupby("entity_name").mean()
    # check if there is violation more than 0.1
    is400MoreThan10Perc = voltData400Df[voltData400Df["data_val"]
                                        > 10].shape[0] > 0
    msg400 = ""
    if not is400MoreThan10Perc:
        msgStations = voltData400Df[voltData400Df["data_val"]
                                    > 0]["entity_name"].values
        msgStations = [x.replace(' - 400KV', '').capitalize()
                       for x in msgStations]
        msg400 = "All 400 kV nodes of WR were within the IEGC limit."
        if len(msgStations) > 0:
            msg400 = "All 400 kV nodes of WR were within the IEGC limit except few instances at {0}.".format(
        msgStations = voltData400Df[voltData400Df["data_val"]
                                    > 10]["entity_name"].values
        msgStations = [x.replace(' - 400KV', '').capitalize()
                       for x in msgStations]
        highViolSubstation = voltData400Df.loc[voltData400Df['data_val'].idxmax(
        msg400 = "High Voltage (greater than 420 kV) at 400 kV substations were observed at {0}. Highest of {1}{2} of time voltage remained above 420 kV at {3} in the month of {4}.".format(
            ', '.join(msgStations), round(highViolSubstation["data_val"], 2), "%", highViolSubstation["entity_name"].replace(' - 400KV', '').capitalize(), month_name)
    msg = " ".join([msg765, msg400])
    secData: ISection_1_1_volt = {
        "msg_1_1_volt": msg
    return secData
Exemplo n.º 4
def fetchSection1_7Context(appDbConnStr: str, startDt: dt.datetime,
                           endDt: dt.datetime) -> ISection_1_7:
    metricsInfo = getVoltMetrics()
    mRepo = MetricsDataRepo(appDbConnStr)

    allMetris = {}
    allMetris['400'] = {}
    allMetris['765'] = {}

    allStations = []

    for metricIndex in range(len(metricsInfo)):
        metricInfo = metricsInfo[metricIndex]

        voltLevel = metricInfo['voltageLevel']
        operation = metricInfo['operation']
        metricName = metricInfo['metric_name']

        if operation != 'compute ':
            allEntityMetricData = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(
                voltLevel, metricName, startDt, endDt)
            allEntityMetricDf = pd.DataFrame(allEntityMetricData)
            allEntityMetricDf = allEntityMetricDf.groupby("entity_name")
            allStations = allEntityMetricDf.groups.keys()
            combinedObj = {}

            for eachStation in allStations:
                combinedObj[eachStation] = []

            for eachRecord in allEntityMetricData:
                if math.isnan(float(eachRecord['data_val'])):
                    eachRecord['data_val'] = 0

            stndWiseOperationData = {}
            for eachStation in allStations:
                stnData = combinedObj[eachStation]
                val = 0
                if operation == 'max':
                    val = max(stnData)

                elif operation == 'sum':
                    val = sum(stnData) / ((endDt - startDt).days + 1)
                    # val = sum(stnData)

                elif operation == 'min':
                    val = min(stnData)

                stndWiseOperationData[eachStation] = val

            allMetris[str(voltLevel)][metricName] = stndWiseOperationData

            refColumnName = metricInfo['evalColumn']
            multiplyFactor = metricInfo['multiply']
            allMetris[metricName] = {}

            stndWiseOperationData = {}

            for eachStation in allStations:
                val = allMetris[str(voltLevel)][refColumnName][eachStation]

                if multiplyFactor == 'monthHrs':
                    difference = endDt - startDt
                    days = difference.days + 1
                    factor = days * 24
                    stndWiseOperationData[eachStation] = int(val) * factor

                elif multiplyFactor == 'weekHrs':
                    factor = 24 * 7
                    stndWiseOperationData[eachStation] = int(val) / factor

            allMetris[str(voltLevel)][metricName] = stndWiseOperationData


    df400 = pd.DataFrame(allMetris['400'])
    df765 = pd.DataFrame(allMetris['765'])

    df = df765.append(df400, ignore_index=True)
    allMetricRecords400KV: List[IVoltageRecord] = []
    allMetricRecords765V: List[IVoltageRecord] = []

    allMetricRecords400KV = builtIRecord(df400)
    allMetricRecords765V = builtIRecord(df765)

    secData: ISection_1_7 = {
        'voltageLevel400KV': allMetricRecords400KV,
        'voltageLevel765KV': allMetricRecords765V

    return secData
def fetchSection1_7_3Context(appDbConnStr: str, startDt: dt.datetime,
                             endDt: dt.datetime) -> ISection_1_7_3:
    fullMonthName = dt.datetime.strftime(startDt, "%b' %Y")
    mRepo = MetricsDataRepo(appDbConnStr)
    metrics = ["Max", "Min"]
    lvls = [400, 765]
    numPltsPerPage = 6
    numPages = 0
    for m in metrics:
        for l in lvls:
            voltData = mRepo.getDailyVoltDataByLevel(l, m, startDt, endDt)
            voltDf = pd.DataFrame(voltData)
            voltDf["data_val"] = pd.to_numeric(voltDf["data_val"],
            voltDf = voltDf.pivot(index="data_time",
            if l == 400:
                voltDf.columns = [strip400(x) for x in voltDf.columns]
            elif l == 765:
                voltDf.columns = [strip765(x) for x in voltDf.columns]
            lowThresh = 300 if l == 400 else 650
            voltDf[voltDf < lowThresh] = np.nan
            numStations = voltDf.shape[1]
            pageStartStnInd = 0
            while pageStartStnInd < numStations:
                pageEndStnInd = pageStartStnInd + numPltsPerPage
                if pageEndStnInd >= numStations:
                    pageEndStnInd = numStations - 1
                # create a plotting area and get the figure, axes handle in return
                fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5, 4.5))
                pltTitle = "{0}. Voltage Profile during the month of {1} - {2} kV S/S".format(
                    m, fullMonthName, l)
                # set plot title
                # set x and y labels

                # enable y axis grid lines
                for stnIter in range(pageStartStnInd, pageEndStnInd + 1):
                    stnName = voltDf.columns[stnIter]
                    la, = ax.plot(voltDf.index.values,
                # set x axis locator as day of month
                ax.set_xlim((startDt, endDt), auto=True)
                # set x axis formatter as month name
                # enable legends
                ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, -0.3, 1, 0),
                          loc='lower center',
                fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, left=0.07, right=0.99)
                numPages += 1
                pageStartStnInd = pageEndStnInd + 1
    sectionData: ISection_1_7_3 = {'num_plts_sec_1_7_3': numPages}
    return sectionData