Exemplo n.º 1
def conv2hex(decD, dec_string):
    This will take in a decimal value in integer form and convert and return
    its hexadecimal value.
    value = dec_string
    new_stack = stack.getStack()
    while (value % 16) != 0:
        stack.push(new_stack, decD[value % 16])
        value //= 16

    final = ''
    while stack.isEmpty(new_stack) == False:
        final += str(stack.pop(new_stack))

    return final
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    import stack

    mystack = stack.getStack()

    for item in range(1, 5):
        stack.push(mystack, item)
        print('Pushing', item, 'on stack')
        peek = stack.peek(
            (int(input('Enter an element you want to peek into the stack: '))))
        if peek == True:
            print('Element is in stack')
            print('Element is not in stack')

    while not stack.isEmpty(mystack):
        item = stack.pop(mystack)
        print('Popping', item, 'from stack')
Exemplo n.º 3
def palindromeChecker(s):
    """ Returns True if the provided string is a palindrome.
        Uses the stack Module (added in this directory) and the Let's Apply it section from the chapter.

    import stack

    # init
    char_stack = stack.getStack()

    while s != '':
        if len(s) == 1:
            return True
            # init
            is_palindrome = True

            # to handle strings of odd length
            compare_length = len(s) // 2

            # push second half of input string on stack
            for k in range(compare_length, len(s)):
                stack.push(char_stack, s[k])

            # pop chars and compare to first half of string

            k = 0
            while k < compare_length and is_palindrome:
                ch = stack.pop(char_stack)
                if s[k].lower() != ch.lower():
                    is_palindrome = False

                k = k + 1

            # return values
            if is_palindrome:
                return True
                return False
Exemplo n.º 4
# import stack
import stack

# define RPN_stack
RPN_stack = stack.getStack()

while True:

    # user input
    RPN = input("Enter an RPN expression: ")

    # when user input 'q', program quits
    if RPN == 'q':
    RPN_list = RPN.split()
    state = "Progress"
    i = 0
    num1 = 0
    num2 = 0
    result = 0
    equal_flag = False

    # push the number to the stack
    while state == "Progress" and i < len(RPN_list):
        if RPN_list[i] == '+' or RPN_list[i] == '*' or RPN_list[
                i] == '-' or RPN_list[i] == '/' or RPN_list[i] == '=':
            if RPN_list[i] == '=':
                equal_flag = True
                if len(RPN_stack) == 1 and i == len(RPN_list) - 1:
                    result = float(stack.pop(RPN_stack))
    inp = input('Enter an RPN expression: ')
    if inp == 'q':  #quit program
        more = False
    elif inp == '':
        print('Evaluation error')
        #split list by ' '
        inp_list = inp.split()

        #convert operands into float
        for i in range(len(inp_list)):
            if not is_Operator(inp_list[i]):
                inp_list[i] = float(inp_list[i])
        #make stack
        s = stack.getStack()

        #intialize evaluation result variable
        evaluation = 0

        #evaluate expression
        for c in inp_list:
            #is an operator
            if is_Operator(c):
                if c == '=':
                    evaluation = stack.pop(s)
                    if evaluation == None:  #stack is empty
                        print('Evaluation error')
                        sys.exit(1)  #exit program
                elif c == '*':
                    o2 = stack.pop(s)
Exemplo n.º 6
# Repeat Infinitely
while True:
    # Init
    # get user input
    ans = input('Enter an RPN expression:')

    # terminate if ans is 'q'
    if ans == 'q':

    # split ans into list and assign itself
    ans = ans.split()

    # generate mainStack
    mainStack = stack.getStack()

    # Pre Malformed Detection
    # there should exist a unique '=' at the right-most position of the statement
    if ans.count('=') != 1:  # not having one or having more than one
        # "=" not in right-most position
    if ans[-1] != '=':  # has one but not at the right-most position
        # "=" not in right-most position

    # iterate ans
    for item in ans:
        # when item is an operator(excluding '=')
        if item in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:
            # detect stack underflow: need at least two operands for an operator.
# Program for Determining Palindromes

import stack

# welcome
print ('This program can determine if a given string is a palindrome\n')
print ('(Enter return to exit)')

# init
char_stack = stack.getStack()
empty_string = ''

# get string from user
chars = input('Enter string to check: ')

while chars != empty_string:
    if len(chars) == 1:
        print('A one letter word is by definition a palindrome\n')
        # init
        is_palindrome = True
        # determine half of length. excluding any middle character
        compare_length = len(chars) // 2

        # push second half of input string on stack
        for k in range(compare_length, len(chars)):
            stack.push(char_stack, chars[k])

        # pop chars and compare to first half of string
        k = 0
Exemplo n.º 8
import stack
import sys

stk = stack.getStack()

lst = list(input('Enter parentheses and/or braces: '))

for k in range(len(lst)):
    if lst[k] == '(':
        stack.push(stk, lst[k])
    elif lst[k] == '{':
        stack.push(stk, lst[k])
    elif lst[k] == ')':
        if stack.isEmpty(stk):
            print('Not properly nested.')
        if stack.pop(stk) != '(':
            print('Not properly nested.')
    elif lst[k] == '}':
        if stack.isEmpty(stk):
            print('Not properly nested.')
        if stack.pop(stk) != '{':
            print('Not properly nested.')

if stack.isEmpty(stk):
    print('Nested properly.')
    print('Not properly nested.')
Exemplo n.º 9
import stack

mystack = stack.getStack()

for item in range(1, 5):
    stack.push(mystack, item)
    print('Pushing', item, 'on stack')

while not stack.isEmpty(mystack):
    item = stack.pop(mystack)
    print('Popping', item, 'from stack')
Exemplo n.º 10
import stack

""" Ask the user to enter a series of braces and parentheses,
    then indicate if they are properly nested

char = input('Enter parentheses and/or braces: ')

sequence = stack.getStack()

#for every element in the received string checks the type and pushes/pops in/from the stack
for el in char:
    if el == '(' or el == '{':
        stack.push(sequence, el)
    elif not stack.isEmpty(sequence):
        if el == ')' and stack.top(sequence) == '(':
        elif el == '}' and stack.top(sequence) == '{':

#Final check if the stack is empty
#If it's empty the string is proper
if stack.isEmpty(sequence):
    print('Nested properly.')
    print('Not properly nested.')
Exemplo n.º 11
# import stack module
import stack

# user input
pa = input("Enter parentheses and/or braces: ")

# define pa_stack
pa_stack = stack.getStack()

for i in range(0, len(pa)):

# when character is left parentheses or braces push to the stack
    if pa[i] == "(" or pa[i] == "{":
        stack.push(pa_stack, pa[i])

# when character is right parentheses or braces pop the stack
# if the value of the stack for top is left parentheses or braces
        if stack.top(pa_stack) == "(" and pa[i] == ")":
        elif stack.top(pa_stack) == "{" and pa[i] == "}":

# output "Nested properly." when stack is empty
if stack.isEmpty(pa_stack):
    print("Nested properly.")
    print("Not properly nested.")
Exemplo n.º 12
        result = multipl(a,b)
        stack.push(numbers, result)
    elif element == '/':
        result = division(a,b)
        stack.push(numbers, result)

""" Main functionality of the program.

    Asks user to enter a sequence of
    operands and operators.
    Determines to which group it belongs
    and do the calculation.

num = stack.getStack()

while flag == True:
    exp = input('Enter an RPN expression: ')
    for el in exp:
        if el in operand:
            stack.push(num, el)
        elif el in operator:
            calculator(el, num)
        elif el == '=':
            print('Value of expression: ', int(stack.pop(num)))
            flag = False
    #Resets the stack
    num = stack.getStack()
Exemplo n.º 13
operator = ('+', '-', '*', '/')

inp = str(input('Enter an RPN expression: '))

# About if input means terminating this program
while inp and not (inp not in '0123456789+-*/=' and len(inp) == 1):

    # If not oper
    for i in inp:
        if i not in '0123456789+-*/= ':

    right_most_position = True

    oper_stack = stack.getStack()

    slot = inp.split()

    for item in slot:

        if not right_most_position:
            # print('right-most position')

        if item in operator:
            operand_last = stack.pop(oper_stack)
            operand_second_last = stack.pop(oper_stack)
            if operand_second_last == None:
                # print('stack underflow')
Exemplo n.º 14
        result = multipl(a, b)
        stack.push(numbers, result)
    elif element == '/':
        result = division(a, b)
        stack.push(numbers, result)

""" Main functionality of the program.

    Asks user to enter a sequence of
    operands and operators.
    Determines to which group it belongs
    and do the calculation.

num = stack.getStack()

while flag == True:
    exp = input('Enter an RPN expression: ')
    for el in exp:
        if el in operand:
            stack.push(num, el)
        elif el in operator:
            calculator(el, num)
        elif el == '=':
            print('Value of expression: ', int(stack.pop(num)))
            flag = False
    #Resets the stack
    num = stack.getStack()
Exemplo n.º 15
import stack
""" Ask the user to enter a series of braces and parentheses,
    then indicate if they are properly nested

char = input('Enter parentheses and/or braces: ')

sequence = stack.getStack()

#for every element in the received string checks the type and pushes/pops in/from the stack
for el in char:
    if el == '(' or el == '{':
        stack.push(sequence, el)
    elif not stack.isEmpty(sequence):
        if el == ')' and stack.top(sequence) == '(':
        elif el == '}' and stack.top(sequence) == '{':

#Final check if the stack is empty
#If it's empty the string is proper
if stack.isEmpty(sequence):
    print('Nested properly.')
    print('Not properly nested.')