Exemplo n.º 1
class BosonicBackend(BaseBosonic):
    r"""The BosonicBackend implements a simulation of quantum optical circuits
    in NumPy by representing states as linear combinations of Gaussian functions
    in phase space., returning a :class:`~.BosonicState` state object.

    The primary component of the BosonicBackend is a
    :attr:`~.BosonicModes` object which is used to simulate a multi-mode quantum optical system.
    :class:`~.BosonicBackend` provides the basic API-compatible interface to the simulator, while the
    :attr:`~.BosonicModes` object actually carries out the mathematical simulation.

    The :attr:`BosonicModes` simulators maintain internal sets of weights, means and
    covariance matrices for all the Gaussian functions in the linear combination. Note
    these can be complex-valued quantities.

        .. currentmodule:: strawberryfields.backends.bosonicbackend
        .. autosummary::
            :toctree: api


    short_name = "bosonic"
    circuit_spec = None

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the backend."""
        self._supported["mixed_states"] = True
        self._init_modes = None
        self.circuit = None
        self.ancillae_samples_dict = {}

    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    def run_prog(self, prog, **kwargs):
        """Runs a strawberryfields program using the bosonic backend.

            prog (object): sf.Program instance

            tuple: a tuple of the list of applied commands, the dictionary of measurement samples,
            and the dictionary of ancilla measurement samples

            NotApplicableError: if an op in the program does not apply to the bosonic backend
            NotImplementedError: if an op in the program is not implemented in the bosonic backend
        from strawberryfields.ops import (

        # If a circuit exists, initialize the circuit. This applies all non-Gaussian state-prep
        if prog.circuit:

        # Apply operations to circuit. For now, copied from LocalEngine;
        # only change is to ignore preparation classes and ancilla-assisted gates
        # TODO: Deal with Preparation classes in the middle of a circuit.
        applied = []
        samples_dict = {}
        all_samples = {}

        non_gauss_preps = (
        ancilla_gates = (MSgate, )
        for cmd in prog.circuit:
            # For ancilla-assisted gates, if they return measurement values, store
            # them in ancillae_samples_dict
            if isinstance(cmd.op, ancilla_gates):
                # if the op returns a measurement outcome store it in a dictionary
                val = cmd.op.apply(cmd.reg, self, **kwargs)
                if val is not None:
                    for i, r in enumerate(cmd.reg):
                        if r.ind not in self.ancillae_samples_dict.keys():
                            self.ancillae_samples_dict[r.ind] = [val]


            # Rest of operations applied as normal
            elif not isinstance(cmd.op, non_gauss_preps):
                    # try to apply it to the backend and if op is a measurement, store outcome in values
                    val = cmd.op.apply(cmd.reg, self, **kwargs)
                    if val is not None:
                        for i, r in enumerate(cmd.reg):
                            samples_dict[r.ind] = val[:, i]

                            # Internally also store all the measurement outcomes
                            if r.ind not in all_samples:
                                all_samples[r.ind] = list()
                            all_samples[r.ind].append(val[:, i])


                except NotApplicableError as e:
                    # command is not applicable to the current backend type
                    raise NotApplicableError(
                        "The operation {} cannot be used with the Bosonic Backend."
                        .format(cmd.op)) from e

                except NotImplementedError as e:
                    # command not directly supported by backend API
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "The operation {} has not been implemented in the Bosonic Backend for the arguments {}."
                        .format(cmd.op, kwargs)) from e

        return applied, samples_dict, all_samples

    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    def init_circuit(self, prog):
        """Instantiate the circuit and initialize weights, means, and covs
        depending on the ``Preparation`` classes.

            prog (object): :class:`~.Program` instance

            NotImplementedError: if ``Ket`` or ``DensityMatrix`` preparation used
            CircuitError: if any of the parameters for non-Gaussian state preparation
                are symbolic
        from strawberryfields.ops import (

        # _New_modes is what gets checked when New() is called in a program circuit.
        # It is included here since it could be used to instantiate a mode for non-Gaussian
        # state preparation, and it's best to initialize any new modes from the outset.
        non_gauss_preps = (Bosonic, Catstate, DensityMatrix, Fock, GKP, Ket,
        nmodes = prog.init_num_subsystems
        # Dummy initial weights, means and covs
        init_weights, init_means, init_covs = [[0] * nmodes for _ in range(3)]

        vac_means = np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=complex)
        vac_covs = np.expand_dims(0.5 * self.circuit.hbar * np.identity(2),

        # List of modes that have been traversed through
        reg_list = []

        # Go through the operations in the circuit
        for cmd in prog.circuit:
            # Check if an operation other than New() has already acted on these modes.
            labels = [label.ind for label in cmd.reg]
            isitnew = 1 - np.isin(labels, reg_list)
            if np.any(isitnew):
                # Operation parameters
                pars = cmd.op.p
                # Check if any of the preparations rely on symbolic quantities
                if isinstance(cmd.op,
                              non_gauss_preps) and parameter_checker(pars):
                    raise CircuitError(
                        "Symbolic non-Gaussian preparations have not been implemented "
                        "in the bosonic backend.")
                for reg in labels:
                    # All the possible preparations should go in this loop
                    if isinstance(cmd.op, Bosonic):
                        weights, means, covs = [pars[i] for i in range(3)]

                    elif isinstance(cmd.op, Catstate):
                        weights, means, covs = self.prepare_cat(*pars)

                    elif isinstance(cmd.op, GKP):
                        weights, means, covs = self.prepare_gkp(*pars)

                    elif isinstance(cmd.op, Fock):
                        weights, means, covs = self.prepare_fock(*pars)

                    elif isinstance(cmd.op, (Ket, DensityMatrix)):
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "Ket and DensityMatrix preparation not implemented in the bosonic backend."

                    # If a new mode is added in the program context, then add it here
                    elif isinstance(cmd.op, _New_modes):
                        cmd.op.apply(cmd.reg, self)

                    # The rest of the preparations are gaussian.
                    # TODO: initialize with Gaussian |vacuum> state
                    # directly by asking preparation methods below for
                    # the right weights, means, covs.
                        weights, means, covs = np.array(
                            [1], dtype=complex), vac_means, vac_covs

                    init_weights[reg] = weights
                    init_means[reg] = means
                    init_covs[reg] = covs

                # Add the mode to the list of already prepared modes, unless the command was
                # just to create the new mode, in which case it checks again to see if there is
                # a subsequent non-Gaussian state creation
                if not isinstance(cmd.op, _New_modes):
                    reg_list += labels

                if type(cmd.op) in non_gauss_preps:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Non-gaussian state preparations must be the first operation for each register."

        # Assume unused modes in the circuit are vacuum states.
        # If there are any Gaussian state preparations, these will be handled
        # by the run_prog method
        for i in set(range(nmodes)).difference(reg_list):
            init_weights[i], init_means[i], init_covs[i] = np.array(
                [1]), vac_means, vac_covs

        # Find all possible combinations of means and combs of the
        # Gaussians between the modes.
        mean_combos = it.product(*init_means)
        cov_combos = it.product(*init_covs)

        # Tensor product of the weights.
        tensored_weights = kron_list(init_weights)
        # De-nest the means iterator.
        tensored_means = np.array([np.concatenate(tup) for tup in mean_combos],
        # Stack covs appropriately.
        tensored_covs = np.array([block_diag(*tup) for tup in cov_combos])

        # Declare circuit attributes.
        self.circuit.weights = tensored_weights
        self.circuit.means = tensored_means
        self.circuit.covs = tensored_covs

    def begin_circuit(self, num_subsystems, **kwargs):
        self._init_modes = num_subsystems
        self.circuit = BosonicModes(num_subsystems)

    def add_mode(self, n=1, **kwargs):
        r"""Adds new modes to the circuit each with a number of Gaussian peaks
        specified by peaks.

            n (int): number of new modes to add

        Keyword Args:
            peaks (list): number of Gaussian peaks for each new mode

            ValueError: if the length of the list of peaks is different than
                the number of modes
        peaks = kwargs.get("peaks", None)
        if peaks is None:
            peaks = list(np.ones(n, dtype=int))
        if n != len(peaks):
            raise ValueError(
                "Please specify the number of peaks per new mode.")

    def del_mode(self, modes):

    def get_modes(self):
        return self.circuit.get_modes()

    def reset(self, pure=True, **kwargs):
        self.circuit.reset(num_subsystems=self._init_modes, num_weights=1)

    def prepare_thermal_state(self, nbar, mode):
        self.circuit.init_thermal(nbar, mode)

    def prepare_vacuum_state(self, mode):
        self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode)

    def prepare_coherent_state(self, r, phi, mode):
        self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode)
        self.circuit.displace(r, phi, mode)

    def prepare_squeezed_state(self, r, phi, mode):
        self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode)
        self.circuit.squeeze(r, phi, mode)

    def prepare_displaced_squeezed_state(self, r_d, phi_d, r_s, phi_s, mode):
        self.circuit.loss(0.0, mode)
        self.circuit.squeeze(r_s, phi_s, mode)
        self.circuit.displace(r_d, phi_d, mode)

    def prepare_gaussian_state(self, r, V, modes):
        if isinstance(modes, int):
            modes = [modes]

        # make sure number of modes matches shape of r and V
        N = len(modes)
        if len(r) != 2 * N:
            raise ValueError(
                "Length of means vector must be twice the number of modes.")
        if V.shape != (2 * N, 2 * N):
            raise ValueError(
                "Shape of covariance matrix must be [2N, 2N], where N is the number of modes."

        # Include these lines to accommodate out of order modes, e.g.[1,0]
        ordering = np.append(np.argsort(modes), np.argsort(modes) + len(modes))
        V = V[ordering, :][:, ordering]
        r = r[ordering]

        # convert xp-ordering to symmetric ordering
        means = np.vstack([r[:N], r[N:]]).reshape(-1, order="F")
        cov = xxpp_to_xpxp(V)

        self.circuit.from_covmat(cov, modes)
        self.circuit.from_mean(means, modes)

    def prepare_cat(self, alpha, phi, representation, ampl_cutoff, D):
        r"""Prepares the arrays of weights, means and covs for a cat state:

        :math:`\ket{\text{cat}(\alpha)} = \frac{1}{N} (\ket{\alpha} +e^{i\phi\pi} \ket{-\alpha})`.

            alpha (complex): alpha value of cat state
            phi (float): phi value of cat state
            representation (str): whether to use the ``'real'`` or ``'complex'`` representation
            ampl_cutoff (float): if using the ``'real'`` representation, this determines
                 how many terms to keep
            D (float): for ``'real'`` representation, quality parameter of approximation

            tuple: arrays of the weights, means and covariances for the state

        if representation not in ("complex", "real"):
            raise ValueError(
                'The representation argument accepts only "real" or "complex" as arguments.'

        # Case alpha = 0, prepare vacuum
        if np.isclose(np.absolute(alpha), 0):
            weights = np.array([1], dtype=complex)
            means = np.array([[0, 0]], dtype=complex)
            covs = np.array([0.5 * self.circuit.hbar * np.identity(2)])
            return weights, means, covs

        # Normalization factor
        norm = 1 / (2 * (1 + np.exp(-2 * np.absolute(alpha)**2) * np.cos(phi)))
        hbar = self.circuit.hbar

        if representation == "complex":
            phi = np.pi * phi

            # Mean of |alpha><alpha| term
            rplus = np.sqrt(2 * hbar) * np.array([alpha.real, alpha.imag])

            # Mean of |alpha><-alpha| term
            rcomplex = np.sqrt(2 * hbar) * np.array(
                [1j * alpha.imag, -1j * alpha.real])

            # Coefficient for complex Gaussians
            cplx_coef = np.exp(-2 * np.absolute(alpha)**2 - 1j * phi)

            # Arrays of weights, means and covs
            weights = norm * np.array(
                [1, 1, cplx_coef, np.conjugate(cplx_coef)])
            weights /= np.sum(weights)

            means = np.array([rplus, -rplus, rcomplex, np.conjugate(rcomplex)])

            covs = 0.5 * hbar * np.identity(2, dtype=float)
            covs = np.repeat(covs[None, :], weights.size, axis=0)

            return weights, means, covs

        # The only remaining option is a real-valued cat state
        return self.prepare_cat_real_rep(alpha, phi, ampl_cutoff, D)

    def prepare_cat_real_rep(self, alpha, phi, ampl_cutoff, D):
        r"""Prepares the arrays of weights, means and covs for a cat state:

        :math:`\ket{\text{cat}(\alpha)} = \frac{1}{N} (\ket{\alpha} +e^{i\phi\pi} \ket{-\alpha})`.

        For this representation, weights, means and covariances are real-valued.

            alpha (complex): alpha value of cat state
            phi (float): phi value of cat state
            ampl_cutoff (float): this determines how many terms to keep
            D (float): quality parameter of approximation

            tuple: arrays of the weights, means and covariances for the state
        # Normalization factor
        norm = 1 / (2 * (1 + np.exp(-2 * np.absolute(alpha)**2) * np.cos(phi)))
        phi = np.pi * phi
        hbar = self.circuit.hbar

        # Defining useful constants
        a = np.absolute(alpha)
        phase = np.angle(alpha)
        E = np.pi**2 * D * hbar / (16 * a**2)
        v = hbar / 2
        num_mean = 8 * a * np.sqrt(hbar) / (np.pi * D * np.sqrt(2))
        denom_mean = 16 * a**2 / (np.pi**2 * D) + 2
        coef_sigma = np.pi**2 * hbar / (8 * a**2 * (E + v))
        prefac = np.sqrt(np.pi * hbar) * np.exp(
            0.25 * np.pi**2 * D) / (4 * a) / (np.sqrt(E + v))
        z_max = int(
            np.ceil(2 * np.sqrt(2) * a / (np.pi * np.sqrt(hbar)) * np.sqrt(
                (-2 * (E + v) * np.log(ampl_cutoff / prefac)))))

        x_means = np.zeros(4 * z_max + 1, dtype=float)
        p_means = 0.5 * np.array(range(-2 * z_max, 2 * z_max + 1), dtype=float)

        # Creating and calculating the weights array for oscillating terms
        term_inds = np.array(range(-2 * z_max, 2 * z_max + 1), dtype=int)
        odd_terms = term_inds % 2
        even_terms = (odd_terms + 1) % 2
        even_phases = (-1)**((term_inds % 4) // 2)
        odd_phases = (-1)**(1 + ((term_inds + 2) % 4) // 2)
        weights = np.cos(phi) * even_terms * even_phases * np.exp(
            -0.5 * coef_sigma *
            p_means**2) - np.sin(phi) * odd_terms * odd_phases * np.exp(
                -0.5 * coef_sigma * p_means**2)
        weights *= prefac
        weights_real = np.ones(2, dtype=float)
        weights = norm * np.concatenate((weights_real, weights))

        # making sure the state is properly normalized
        weights /= np.sum(weights)

        # computing the means array
        means = np.concatenate(
                np.reshape(x_means, (-1, 1)),
                np.reshape(p_means, (-1, 1)),
        means *= num_mean / denom_mean
        means_real = np.sqrt(2 * hbar) * np.array([[a, 0], [-a, 0]],
        means = np.concatenate((means_real, means))

        # computing the covariance array
        cov = np.array([[0.5 * hbar, 0], [0, (E * v) / (E + v)]])
        cov = np.repeat(cov[None, :], 4 * z_max + 1, axis=0)
        cov_real = 0.5 * hbar * np.array([[[1, 0], [0, 1]], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]],
        cov = np.concatenate((cov_real, cov))

        # filter out 0 components
        filt = ~np.isclose(weights, 0, atol=ampl_cutoff)
        weights = weights[filt]
        means = means[filt]
        cov = cov[filt]

        # applying a rotation if necessary
        if not np.isclose(phase, 0):
            S = np.array([[np.cos(phase), -np.sin(phase)],
                          [np.sin(phase), np.cos(phase)]])
            means = np.dot(S, means.T).T
            cov = S @ cov @ S.T

        return weights, means, cov

    def prepare_gkp(self,
        r"""Prepares the arrays of weights, means and covs for a finite energy GKP state.

        GKP states are qubits, with the qubit state defined by:

        :math:`\ket{\psi}_{gkp} = \cos\frac{\theta}{2}\ket{0}_{gkp} + e^{-i\phi}\sin\frac{\theta}{2}\ket{1}_{gkp}`

        where the computational basis states are :math:`\ket{\mu}_{gkp} = \sum_{n} \ket{(2n+\mu)\sqrt{\pi\hbar}}_{q}`.

            state (list): ``[theta,phi]`` for qubit definition above
            epsilon (float): finite energy parameter of the state
            ampl_cutoff (float): this determines how many terms to keep
            representation (str): ``'real'`` or ``'complex'`` reprsentation
            shape (str): shape of the lattice; default 'square'

            tuple: arrays of the weights, means and covariances for the state

            NotImplementedError: if the complex representation or a non-square lattice is attempted

        if representation == "complex":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The complex description of GKP is not implemented")

        if shape != "square":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only square GKP are implemented for now")

        theta, phi = state[0], state[1]

        def coeff(peak_loc):
            """Returns the value of the weight for a given peak.

                peak_loc (array): location of the ideal peak in phase space

                float: weight of the peak
            l, m = peak_loc[:, 0], peak_loc[:, 1]
            t = np.zeros(peak_loc.shape[0], dtype=complex)
            t += np.logical_and(l % 2 == 0, m % 2 == 0)
            t += np.logical_and(l % 4 == 0, m % 2 == 1) * (
                np.cos(0.5 * theta)**2 - np.sin(0.5 * theta)**2)
            t += np.logical_and(l % 4 == 2, m % 2 == 1) * (
                np.sin(0.5 * theta)**2 - np.cos(0.5 * theta)**2)
            t += np.logical_and(l % 4 % 2 == 1, m % 4
                                == 0) * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
            t -= np.logical_and(l % 4 % 2 == 1, m % 4
                                == 2) * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
            t -= (np.logical_or(
                np.logical_and(l % 4 == 3, m % 4 == 3),
                np.logical_and(l % 4 == 1, m % 4 == 1),
            ) * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi))
            t += (np.logical_or(
                np.logical_and(l % 4 == 3, m % 4 == 1),
                np.logical_and(l % 4 == 1, m % 4 == 3),
            ) * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi))
            prefactor = np.exp(-np.pi * 0.25 * (l**2 + m**2) *
                               (1 - np.exp(-2 * epsilon)) /
                               (1 + np.exp(-2 * epsilon)))
            weight = t * prefactor
            return weight

        # Set the max peak value
        z_max = int(
                np.sqrt(-4 / np.pi * np.log(ampl_cutoff) *
                        (1 + np.exp(-2 * epsilon)) /
                        (1 - np.exp(-2 * epsilon)))))
        damping = 2 * np.exp(-epsilon) / (1 + np.exp(-2 * epsilon))

        # Create set of means before finite energy effects
        means_gen = it.tee(
            it.starmap(lambda l, m: l + 1j * m,
                       it.product(range(-z_max, z_max + 1), repeat=2)),
        means = np.concatenate(
                        means_gen[0], complex, count=(2 * z_max + 1)**2),
                    (-1, 1)).real,
                        means_gen[1], complex, count=(2 * z_max + 1)**2),
                    (-1, 1)).imag,

        # Calculate the weights for each peak
        weights = coeff(means)
        filt = abs(weights) > ampl_cutoff
        weights = weights[filt]

        weights /= np.sum(weights)
        # Apply finite energy effect to means
        means = means[filt]

        means *= 0.5 * damping * np.sqrt(np.pi * self.circuit.hbar)
        # Covariances all the same
        covs = (0.5 * self.circuit.hbar * (1 - np.exp(-2 * epsilon)) /
                (1 + np.exp(-2 * epsilon)) * np.identity(2))
        covs = np.repeat(covs[None, :], weights.size, axis=0)

        return weights, means, covs

    def prepare_fock(self, n, r=0.05):
        """Prepares the arrays of weights, means and covs of a Fock state.

            n (int): photon number
            r (float): quality parameter for the approximation

            tuple: arrays of the weights, means and covariances for the state

            ValueError: if :math:`1/r^2` is less than :math:`n`
        if 1 / r**2 < n:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The parameter 1 / r ** 2={1 / r ** 2} is smaller than n={n}")
        # A simple function to calculate the parity
        parity = lambda n: 1 if n % 2 == 0 else -1
        # All the means are zero
        means = np.zeros([n + 1, 2])
        covs = np.array([
            0.5 * self.circuit.hbar * np.identity(2) * (1 + (n - j) * r**2) /
            (1 - (n - j) * r**2) for j in range(n + 1)
        weights = np.array([
            (1 - n * (r**2)) / (1 - (n - j) * (r**2)) * comb(n, j) * parity(j)
            for j in range(n + 1)
        weights = weights / np.sum(weights)
        return weights, means, covs

    def rotation(self, phi, mode):
        self.circuit.phase_shift(phi, mode)

    def displacement(self, r, phi, mode):
        self.circuit.displace(r, phi, mode)

    def squeeze(self, r, phi, mode):
        self.circuit.squeeze(r, phi, mode)

    def mb_squeeze_avg(self, mode, r, phi, r_anc, eta_anc):
        r"""Squeeze mode by the amount :math:`re^{i\phi}` using measurement-based squeezing.

        Here, the average, deterministic Gaussian CPTP map is applied.

            mode (int): mode to be squeezed
            r (float): target squeezing magnitude
            phi (float): target squeezing phase
            r_anc (float): squeezing magnitude of the ancillary mode
            eta_anc (float): detection efficiency of the ancillary mode
        self.circuit.mb_squeeze_avg(mode, r, phi, r_anc, eta_anc)

    def mb_squeeze_single_shot(self, mode, r, phi, r_anc, eta_anc):
        r"""Squeeze mode by the amount :math:`re^{i\phi}` using measurement-based squeezing.

        Here, the single-shot map is applied, returning the ancillary measurement outcome.

            mode (int): mode to be squeezed
            r (float): target squeezing magnitude
            phi (float): target squeezing phase
            r_anc (float): squeezing magnitude of the ancillary mode
            eta_anc(float): detection efficiency of the ancillary mode

            float: the measurement outcome of the ancilla
        ancilla_val = self.circuit.mb_squeeze_single_shot(
            mode, r, phi, r_anc, eta_anc)
        return ancilla_val

    def beamsplitter(self, theta, phi, mode1, mode2):
        self.circuit.beamsplitter(theta, phi, mode1, mode2)

    def gaussian_cptp(self, modes, X, Y=None):
        r"""Transforms the state according to a deterministic Gaussian CPTP map.

            modes (list): list of modes on which ``(X,Y)`` act
            X (array): matrix for multiplicative part of transformation
            Y (array): matrix for additive part of transformation
        if isinstance(modes, int):
            modes = [modes]
        if Y is not None:
            X2, Y2 = self.circuit.expandXY(modes, X, Y)
            self.circuit.apply_channel(X2, Y2)
            X2 = self.circuit.expandS(modes, X)
            self.circuit.apply_channel(X, Y)

    def measure_homodyne(self, phi, mode, shots=1, select=None, **kwargs):
        # Phi is the rotation of the measurement operator, hence the minus
        self.circuit.phase_shift(-phi, mode)

        if select is None:
            val = self.circuit.homodyne(mode, shots=shots, **kwargs)[:, 0]
            val = select * 2 / np.sqrt(2 * self.circuit.hbar)
            self.circuit.post_select_homodyne(mode, val)
            val = np.array([val])

        return np.array([val]).T * np.sqrt(2 * self.circuit.hbar) / 2

    def measure_heterodyne(self, mode, shots=1, select=None):
        if select is None:
            res = 0.5 * self.circuit.heterodyne(mode, shots=shots)
            return np.array([res[:, 0] + 1j * res[:, 1]]).T

        res = select
        self.circuit.post_select_heterodyne(mode, select)
        return np.array([[res]])

    def is_vacuum(self, tol=1e-10, **kwargs):
        return self.circuit.is_vacuum(tol=tol)

    def loss(self, T, mode):
        self.circuit.loss(T, mode)

    def thermal_loss(self, T, nbar, mode):
        self.circuit.thermal_loss(T, nbar, mode)

    def measure_fock(self, modes, shots=1, select=None, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Bosonic backend does not yet support Fock measurements.")

    def measure_threshold(self, modes, shots=1, select=None, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Bosonic backend does not yet support threshold measurements.")

    def state(self, modes=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns the state of the quantum simulation.

        See :meth:`.BaseBackend.state`.

        For the bosonic backend, mode indices are sorted in ascending order.

            :class:`~.BosonicState`: object containing all state information
        if isinstance(modes, int):
            modes = [modes]

        if modes is None:
            modes = self.get_modes()

        mode_names = ["q[{}]".format(i) for i in modes]

        # This next check is a hack if the user has deleted all the modes
        if len(modes) == 0:
            return BaseBosonicState(
                (np.array([[]]), np.array([[]]), np.array([])),

        mode_ind = np.sort(
            np.append(2 * np.array(modes), 2 * np.array(modes) + 1))

        weights = self.circuit.weights
        covmats = self.circuit.covs[:, mode_ind, :][:, :, mode_ind]
        means = self.circuit.means[:, mode_ind]

        return BaseBosonicState((means, covmats, weights),
Exemplo n.º 2
 def begin_circuit(self, num_subsystems, **kwargs):
     self._init_modes = num_subsystems
     self.circuit = BosonicModes(num_subsystems)