Exemplo n.º 1
def test_zip_latest_ref_counts():
    a = Stream()
    b = Stream()
    _ = a.zip_latest(b)

    ref1 = RefCounter()
    a.emit(1, metadata=[{'ref': ref1}])
    assert ref1.count == 1  # Retained until stream b has a value

    # The lossless stream is never retained if all upstreams have a value
    ref2 = RefCounter()
    b.emit(2, metadata=[{'ref': ref2}])
    assert ref1.count == 0
    assert ref2.count == 1

    # Kick out the stream b value and verify it has zero references
    ref3 = RefCounter()
    b.emit(3, metadata=[{'ref': ref3}])
    assert ref2.count == 0
    assert ref3.count == 1

    # Verify the lossless value is not retained, but the lossy value is
    ref4 = RefCounter()
    a.emit(3, metadata=[{'ref': ref4}])
    assert ref3.count == 1
    assert ref4.count == 0
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_latest_ref_counts():
    source = Stream()
    _ = source.latest()

    ref1 = RefCounter()
    source.emit(1, metadata=[{'ref': ref1}])
    assert ref1.count == 1

    ref2 = RefCounter()
    source.emit(2, metadata=[{'ref': ref2}])
    assert ref1.count == 0
    assert ref2.count == 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_timed_window_ref_counts():
    source = Stream()
    _ = source.timed_window(0.01)

    ref1 = RefCounter()
    source.emit(1, metadata=[{'ref': ref1}])
    assert ref1.count == 1
    yield gen.sleep(0.05)

    ref2 = RefCounter()
    source.emit(2, metadata=[{'ref': ref2}])
    assert ref1.count == 0
    assert ref2.count == 1
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_sliding_window_ref_counts():
    source = Stream()
    _ = source.sliding_window(2)

    r_prev = RefCounter()
    source.emit(-1, metadata=[{'ref': r_prev}])
    for i in range(10):
        r = RefCounter()
        assert r_prev.count == 1
        source.emit(i, metadata=[{'ref': r}])
        assert r_prev.count == 0
        assert r.count == 1
        r_prev = r
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_timed_window_ref_counts():
    source = Stream(asynchronous=True)
    _ = source.timed_window(0.01)

    ref1 = RefCounter()
    assert str(ref1) == "<RefCounter count=0>"
    source.emit(1, metadata=[{'ref': ref1}])
    assert ref1.count == 1
    yield gen.sleep(0.05)

    ref2 = RefCounter()
    source.emit(2, metadata=[{'ref': ref2}])
    assert ref1.count == 0
    assert ref2.count == 1
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_partition_ref_counts():
    source = Stream()
    _ = source.partition(2)

    for i in range(10):
        r = RefCounter()
        source.emit(i, metadata=[{'ref': r}])
        if i % 2 == 0:
            assert r.count == 1
            assert r.count == 0
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_combine_latest_ref_counts():
    a = Stream()
    b = Stream()
    _ = a.combine_latest(b)

    ref1 = RefCounter()
    a.emit(1, metadata=[{'ref': ref1}])
    assert ref1.count == 1

    # The new value kicks out the old value
    ref2 = RefCounter()
    a.emit(2, metadata=[{'ref': ref2}])
    assert ref1.count == 0
    assert ref2.count == 1

    # The value on stream a is still retained and the value on stream b is new
    ref3 = RefCounter()
    b.emit(3, metadata=[{'ref': ref3}])
    assert ref2.count == 1
    assert ref3.count == 1
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_zip_ref_counts():
    a = Stream()
    b = Stream()
    _ = a.zip(b)

    # The first value in a becomes buffered
    ref1 = RefCounter()
    a.emit(1, metadata=[{'ref': ref1}])
    assert ref1.count == 1

    # The second value in a also becomes buffered
    ref2 = RefCounter()
    a.emit(2, metadata=[{'ref': ref2}])
    assert ref1.count == 1
    assert ref2.count == 1

    # All emitted values are removed from the buffer
    ref3 = RefCounter()
    b.emit(3, metadata=[{'ref': ref3}])
    assert ref1.count == 0
    assert ref2.count == 1  # still in the buffer
    assert ref3.count == 0
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_buffer_ref_counts():
    source = Stream(asynchronous=True)
    _ = source.buffer(5)

    refs = []
    for i in range(5):
        r = RefCounter()
        source.emit(i, metadata=[{'ref': r}])

    assert all(r.count == 1 for r in refs)
    yield gen.sleep(0.05)
    assert all(r.count == 0 for r in refs)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_collect_ref_counts():
    source = Stream()
    collector = source.collect()

    refs = []
    for i in range(10):
        r = RefCounter()
        source.emit(i, metadata=[{'ref': r}])

    assert all(r.count == 1 for r in refs)

    assert all(r.count == 0 for r in refs)
Exemplo n.º 11
async def test_partition_then_scatter_async(c, s, a, b):
    # Ensure partition w/ timeout before scatter works correctly for
    # asynchronous
    start = time.monotonic()
    source = Stream(asynchronous=True)

    L = source.partition(
        2, timeout=.1).scatter().map(lambda x: [xx + 1 for xx in x]).buffer(

    rc = RefCounter(loop=source.loop)
    for i in range(3):
        await source.emit(i, metadata=[{'ref': rc}])

    while rc.count != 0 and time.monotonic() - start < 1.:
        await gen.sleep(1e-2)

    assert L == [1, 2, 3]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_partition_then_scatter_sync(loop):
    # Ensure partition w/ timeout before scatter works correctly for synchronous
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client:  # noqa: F841
            start = time.monotonic()
            source = Stream()
            L = source.partition(
                timeout=.1).scatter().map(lambda x: [xx + 1 for xx in x]
            assert source.loop is client.loop

            rc = RefCounter()
            for i in range(3):
                source.emit(i, metadata=[{'ref': rc}])

            while rc.count != 0 and time.monotonic() - start < 2.:

            assert L == [1, 2, 3]