Exemplo n.º 1
    def fin():
        """Head capacitive sensor test teardown"""
        # going to rest position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)

        # unstiff robot
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off, wait=True)
    def test_leg_enslavement(self, dcm, mem, zero_pos, test_leg_dico,
                             test_time, test_limit):
        Test joint enslavement for HipPitch and KneePitch.
        Error must be lower than a fixed limit.
        # Objects creation
        hippitch_position_actuator = test_leg_dico["hipActuator"]
        hippitch_position_sensor = test_leg_dico["hipSensor"]
        kneepitch_position_actuator = test_leg_dico["kneeActuator"]
        kneepitch_position_sensor = test_leg_dico["kneeSensor"]
        logger = test_leg_dico["logger"]

        # Flag initialization
        logger.flag = True

        # Going to initial position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, zero_pos, wait=True)

        # Behavior of the tested part
        hippitch_position_actuator.explore(2 * test_time)
        kneepitch_position_actuator.explore(2 * test_time, max_to_min=False)

        # Timer creation just before test loop
        timer = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, 4 * test_time)

        # Test loop
        while timer.is_time_not_out():
            hip_act_rad = hippitch_position_actuator.value
            hip_act_deg = math.degrees(hip_act_rad)
            hip_sensor_rad = hippitch_position_sensor.value
            hip_sensor_deg = math.degrees(hip_sensor_rad)

            knee_act_rad = kneepitch_position_actuator.value
            knee_act_deg = math.degrees(knee_act_rad)
            knee_sensor_rad = kneepitch_position_sensor.value
            knee_sensor_deg = math.degrees(knee_sensor_rad)

            error_hip = hip_act_deg - hip_sensor_deg
            error_knee = knee_act_deg - knee_sensor_deg

            logger.log(("Time", timer.dcm_time() / 1000.),
                       ("HipPitchActuator", hip_act_deg),
                       ("HipPitchSensor", hip_sensor_deg),
                       ("ErrorHip", error_hip),
                       ("KneePitchActuator", knee_act_deg),
                       ("KneePitchSensor", knee_sensor_deg),
                       ("ErrorKnee", error_knee), ("Eps", test_limit),
                       ("-Eps", test_limit * -1.),
                       ("HipPitchActuator+Eps", hip_act_deg + test_limit),
                       ("HipPitchActuator-Eps", hip_act_deg - test_limit),
                       ("KneePitchActuator+Eps", knee_act_deg + test_limit),
                       ("KneePitchActuator-Eps", knee_act_deg - test_limit))

            if abs(error_hip) > test_limit or abs(error_knee) > test_limit:
                logger.flag = False

        assert logger.flag
    def test_joint_enslavement(self, dcm, mem, zero_pos, test_objects_dico,
        Test joint enslavement.
        Error must be lower than a fixed limit.

        @type  dcm        : object
        @param dcm        : proxy to DCM
        @type mem         : object
        @param mem        : proxy to ALMemory
        @type zero_pos    : dictionnary
        @param zero_pos   : dictionnary {"ALMemory key":value} from config file.
        @type joint       : string
        @param joint      : string describing the current joint.
        @type test_time   : integer
        @param test_time  : time to wait to test a joint enslavement [ms].
        # Objects creation
        joint_position_actuator = test_objects_dico["jointActuator"]
        joint_position_sensor = test_objects_dico["jointSensor"]
        logger = test_objects_dico["logger"]
        test_limit = test_objects_dico["joint_test_limit"]

        # Flag initialization
        logger.flag = True

        # Going to initial position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, zero_pos, wait=True)

        # Going to min position to have a complete exploration
        joint_position_actuator.go_to(dcm, "min")

        # Behavior of the tested part
        joint_position_actuator.explore(2 * test_time)

        # Timer creation just before test loop
        timer = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, 4 * test_time)

        # Test loop
        while timer.is_time_not_out():
            error = joint_position_actuator.value - joint_position_sensor.value
            actuator_degrees = math.degrees(joint_position_actuator.value)
            logger.log(("Time", timer.dcm_time() / 1000.),
                       ("Actuator", actuator_degrees),
                       ("Sensor", math.degrees(joint_position_sensor.value)),
                       ("Error", math.degrees(error)), ("Eps", test_limit),
                       ("-Eps", test_limit * -1.),
                       ("Actuator+Eps", actuator_degrees + test_limit),
                       ("Actuator-Eps", actuator_degrees - test_limit))

            if abs(error) > math.radians(test_limit):
                logger.flag = False

        assert logger.flag
Exemplo n.º 4
    def fin():
        """Hands capacitive sensor test teardown"""
        # going to rest position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)

        # unstiff robot
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off, wait=True)

        # setting max to their initial values
        lwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum = \
        [[[lwristyaw_initial_max, dcm.getTime(0)]], "Merge"]
        rwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum = \
        [[[rwristyaw_initial_max, dcm.getTime(0)]], "Merge"]
Exemplo n.º 5
def wake_up_pos_brakes_closed(request, dcm, mem, wake_up_pos, rest_pos,
                              kill_motion, stiff_robot):
    Fixture which make the robot wakeUp, close brakes.
    Control if brakes slip.

    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, wake_up_pos, wait=True)
    thread_flag = threading.Event()

    def control():
        """ Control if brakes slip"""
        kneepitch_position_actuator = subdevice.JointPositionActuator(
            dcm, mem, "KneePitch")
        kneepitch_position_sensor = subdevice.JointPositionSensor(
            dcm, mem, "KneePitch")
        kneepitch_hardness_actuator = subdevice.JointHardnessActuator(
            dcm, mem, "KneePitch")
        hippitch_position_actuator = subdevice.JointPositionActuator(
            dcm, mem, "HipPitch")
        hippitch_position_sensor = subdevice.JointPositionSensor(
            dcm, mem, "HipPitch")
        hippitch_hardness_actuator = subdevice.JointHardnessActuator(
            dcm, mem, "HipPitch")

        hippitch_hardness_actuator.qqvalue = 0.
        kneepitch_hardness_actuator.qqvalue = 0.

        while not thread_flag.is_set():
            if abs(hippitch_position_sensor.value) > 0.1 or\
                    abs(kneepitch_position_sensor.value) > 0.1:
                hippitch_hardness_actuator.qqvalue = 1.
                kneepitch_hardness_actuator.qqvalue = 1.
                hippitch_position_actuator.qvalue = (0., 1000)
                kneepitch_position_actuator.qvalue = (0., 1000)
                tools.wait(dcm, 2100)
                hippitch_hardness_actuator.qqvalue = 0.
                kneepitch_hardness_actuator.qqvalue = 0.

    my_thread = threading.Thread(target=control)

    def fin():
        Stop control and put the robot in rest position at the end of session"
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)

Exemplo n.º 6
def st_head(request, kill_motion, dcm, mem, stiffness_on, wake_up_pos,
            rest_pos, stiffness_off):
    """Test Setup and TearDown for head capacitive sensor false positive"""
    # stiffing body
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_on, wait=True)

    # going to zero position
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, wake_up_pos, wait=True)

    def fin():
        """Head capacitive sensor test teardown"""
        # going to rest position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)

        # unstiff robot
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off, wait=True)

Exemplo n.º 7
def st_hands(request, kill_motion, dcm, mem, stiffness_on, zero_pos, rest_pos,
             stiffness_off, rwristyaw, lwristyaw):
    """Test Setup and TearDown for hands capacitive sensor false positive"""
    # stiffing body
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_on, wait=True)

    # going to zero position
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, zero_pos, wait=True)

    # defining initial max
    lwristyaw_initial_max = lwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum
    rwristyaw_initial_max = rwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum

    # new max position actuator out of real mechanical stop
    lwristyaw_new_max = lwristyaw_initial_max + radians(10.0)
    rwristyaw_new_max = rwristyaw_initial_max + radians(10.0)

    # setting new max
    lwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum = \
    [[[lwristyaw_new_max, dcm.getTime(0)]], "Merge"]
    rwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum = \
    [[[rwristyaw_new_max, dcm.getTime(0)]], "Merge"]

    # going to new max position
    lwristyaw.position.actuator.qvalue = (lwristyaw_new_max, 4000)
    rwristyaw.position.actuator.qvalue = (rwristyaw_new_max, 4000)

    def fin():
        """Hands capacitive sensor test teardown"""
        # going to rest position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)

        # unstiff robot
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off, wait=True)

        # setting max to their initial values
        lwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum = \
        [[[lwristyaw_initial_max, dcm.getTime(0)]], "Merge"]
        rwristyaw.position.actuator.maximum = \
        [[[rwristyaw_initial_max, dcm.getTime(0)]], "Merge"]

Exemplo n.º 8
 def fin():
     """Wait between two tests."""
     subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_on, wait=True)
     subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)
     subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off, wait=True)
     logging.info("Waiting " + str(time_to_wait) + " s")
    def test_joint_current_limitation(self, dcm, mem, parameters, joint,
                                      result_base_folder, rest_pos,
                                      stiffness_off, plot, plot_server):
        # logger initialization
        log = logging.getLogger('test_joint_current_limitation')

        # erasing real time plot

        # flags initialization
        flag_loop = True  # test loop stops when this flag is False
        flag_joint = True  # giving test result
        flag_current_limit_low_exceeded = False

        # checking that ALMemory key MinMaxChange Allowed = 1
        if int(mem.getData("RobotConfig/Head/MinMaxChangeAllowed")) != 1:
            flag_loop = False
            log.error("MinMaxChangeAllowed ALMemory key missing")

        # test parameters
        test_params = parameters
        joint_position_actuator = joint.position.actuator
        joint_position_sensor = joint.position.sensor
        joint_temperature_sensor = joint.temperature
        joint_current_sensor = joint.current
        slav = qha_tools.SlidingAverage(test_params["sa_nb_points"])
        logger = qha_tools.Logger()

        # Going to initial position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)
        # unstiffing all the other joints to avoid leg motors overheat
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off, wait=False)

        # stiffing the joint we want to test
        joint.hardness.qqvalue = 1.0

        # keeping initial joint min and max
        joint_initial_maximum = joint_position_actuator.maximum
        joint_initial_minimum = joint_position_actuator.minimum

        # put joint to its initial maximum in 3 seconds
        if joint_position_actuator.short_name in\
         ("HipPitch", "RShoulderRoll", "RElbowRoll"):
            joint_position_actuator.qvalue = (joint_initial_minimum, 3000)
            joint_position_actuator.qvalue = (joint_initial_maximum, 3000)
        qha_tools.wait(dcm, 3000)

        # setting current limitations
        joint_max_current = joint_current_sensor.maximum
        joint_min_current = joint_current_sensor.minimum
        delta_current = joint_max_current - joint_min_current
        k_sup = test_params["limit_factor_sup"]
        k_inf = test_params["limit_factor_inf"]
        current_limit_high = joint_max_current + k_sup * delta_current
        current_limit_low = joint_max_current - k_inf * delta_current

        # setting temperature limitatons
        joint_temperature_min = joint_temperature_sensor.minimum

        # setting new min and max out of the mechanical stop
        joint_new_maximum = \
            joint_initial_maximum + \

        joint_new_minimum = \
            joint_initial_minimum - \

        joint_position_actuator.maximum = [[[
            joint_new_maximum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]
        joint_position_actuator.minimum = [[[
            joint_new_minimum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]

        if joint_position_actuator.short_name in\
         ("HipPitch", "RShoulderRoll", "RElbowRoll"):
            joint_position_actuator.qvalue = (joint_new_minimum, 1000)
            joint_position_actuator.qvalue = (joint_new_maximum, 1000)

        timer = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, test_params["test_time"])
        timer_limit = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, test_params["test_time_limit"])

        # test loop
        while flag_loop and timer.is_time_not_out():
                loop_time = timer.dcm_time() / 1000.
                joint_temperature = joint_temperature_sensor.value
                joint_current = joint_current_sensor.value
                joint_current_sa = slav.calc()

                if not flag_current_limit_low_exceeded and\
                    joint_current_sa > current_limit_low:
                    flag_current_limit_low_exceeded = True
                    log.info("Current limit low exceeded")

                if joint_current_sa > current_limit_high:
                    flag_joint = False
                    log.warning("Current limit high overshoot")

                if flag_current_limit_low_exceeded and\
                    joint_current_sa < current_limit_low:
                    flag_joint = False
                    log.warning("Current lower than current limit low")

                if timer_limit.is_time_out() and not \
                    flag_joint = False
                    log.info("Timer limit finished and "+\
                        "current limit low not exceeded")

                # out of test loop if temperature is higher than min temperature
                if joint_temperature >= joint_temperature_min:
                    flag_loop = False
                    log.info("Temperature higher than Min temperature")
                    log.info("Test finished")

                logger.log(("Time", timer.dcm_time() / 1000.),
                           ("Current", joint_current),
                           ("CurrentSA", joint_current_sa),
                           ("CurrentLimitHigh", current_limit_high),
                           ("CurrentLimitLow", current_limit_low),
                           ("MaxAllowedCurrent", joint_max_current),
                           ("Temperature", joint_temperature),
                           ("TemperatureMin", joint_temperature_min),
                           ("Command", joint_position_actuator.value),
                           ("Position", joint_position_sensor.value))

                if plot:
                    plot_server.add_point("Current", loop_time, joint_current)
                    plot_server.add_point("CurrentSA", loop_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("CurrentLimitHigh", loop_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("CurrentLimitLow", loop_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("MaxAllowedCurrent", loop_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("Temperature", loop_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("TemperatureMin", loop_time,

            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                flag_loop = False  # out of test loop
                log.info("KeyboardInterrupt from user")

        log.info("OUT OF TEST LOOP")

        result_file_path = "/".join([
            result_base_folder, joint_position_actuator.subdevice_type,
            joint_position_actuator.short_name + "_" + str(flag_joint)
        ]) + ".csv"

        joint_position_actuator.maximum = [[[
            joint_initial_maximum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]
        joint_position_actuator.minimum = [[[
            joint_initial_minimum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]


        assert flag_joint
        assert flag_current_limit_low_exceeded
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    """Main function"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Log datas from ALMemory")

    parser.add_argument(dest="robot_ip", help="Robot IP or name")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    general = qha_tools.read_section("slip.cfg", "general")

    robot_ip = args.robot_ip
    result_folder = general["resultsFolder"][0]

    # Create result folder if not existing
    except OSError:

    dcm = ALProxy("DCM", robot_ip, 9559)
    mem = ALProxy("ALMemory", robot_ip, 9559)

    # Get Body ID
    body_id = mem.getData("Device/DeviceList/ChestBoard/BodyId")

    # Kill motion (if not already done)
        mot = ALProxy("ALMotion", robot_ip, 9559)
    except RuntimeError:

    print "[I] ALMotion is now killed"

    # Ask the operator to write his name
    name = raw_input("Please enter your name and press Enter : ")

    while name == "":
        name = raw_input("Please enter your name and press Enter : ")

    nb_of_trials = int(general["numberOfTrials"][0])

    stiffness_on = qha_tools.read_section("slip.cfg",

    stiffness_off = qha_tools.read_section("slip.cfg", "stiffnessOff")

    rest_pos = qha_tools.read_section("slip.cfg", "restPosition")

    force_list = []

    for i in range(nb_of_trials):
        # Set Stiffness on
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_on)

        # Go to rest position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)

        # Set Stiffness off
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off)

        if (nb_of_trials - i - 1) <= 1:
            trial_string = "trial"
            trial_string = "trials"

        force = raw_input("Please push the robot, write the force (in Newton) "
                          "and press Enter. (" + str(nb_of_trials - i - 1) +
                          " " + trial_string + " left) : ")

        while not is_number(force):
            force = raw_input("Please push the robot, write the force"
                              "(in Newton) and press Enter. (" +
                              str(nb_of_trials - i - 1) + " " + trial_string +
                              " left) : ")


    print("Thank you !")

    # At the end of the test, put the robot in initial position
    # Set Stiffness on
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_on)

    # Go to rest position
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)

    # Set Stiffness off
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off)

    # Write results file
    file_path = result_folder + "/" + body_id + ".dat"
    my_file = open(file_path, 'a')

    string_to_print = name + " " + " ".join(force_list) + "\n"

Exemplo n.º 11
 def fin():
     Stop control and put the robot in rest position at the end of session"
     subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def fin():
     """Method automatically executed at the end of the test."""
     dcm.set(["Hardness", "Merge", [[1.0, dcm.getTime(0)]]])
     subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)
     dcm.set(["Hardness", "Merge", [[0.1, dcm.getTime(0)]]])
     dcm.set(["Hardness", "Merge", [[0., dcm.getTime(1000)]]])
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_pod_damage(dcm, mem, wake_up_pos, kill_motion, stiff_robot,
    Test robot moving in the pod to check damages
    # Objects creation
    robot_on_charging_station = subdevice.ChargingStationSensor(dcm, mem)
    kneepitch_temperature = subdevice.JointTemperature(
        dcm, mem, "KneePitch")
    hippitch_temperature = subdevice.JointTemperature(
        dcm, mem, "HipPitch")
    hiproll_temperature = subdevice.JointTemperature(
        dcm, mem, "HipRoll")

    # Test parameters
    parameters = qha_tools.read_section("test_pod.cfg", "DynamicTestParameters")

    motion = subdevice.WheelsMotion(dcm, mem, 0.15)
        ["WheelFR", "WheelFL", "WheelB"],

    cycling_flag = 0
    cycling_step = 0

    # Going to initial position
    subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, wake_up_pos, wait=True)

    # Flag initialization
    flag = True

    # Use plot class
    plot_log = Plot(dcm, mem, parameters["easy_plot_csv_name"][0])

    timer = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, int(parameters["test_time"][0]) * 1000)

    # Use detection during movement class
    log_during_movement = DetectionDuringMovement(
        dcm, mem, timer,

    if robot_on_charging_station.value == 0:
        print "Put the robot on the robot.\nVerify detection.\n"
        flag = False

    while timer.is_time_not_out() and flag == True:
        # Verify if robot moves
        if cycling_step == 3:

        if cycling_flag == 0:
            if kneepitch_temperature.value < \
                print "KneePitch cycling"
                cycling_step = 0
                kneepitch_cycling(dcm, mem,
                cycling_step += 1
            cycling_flag = 1

        elif cycling_flag == 1:
            if hippitch_temperature.value < \
                print "HipPitch cycling"
                cycling_step = 0
                    dcm, mem,
                cycling_step += 1
            cycling_flag = 2
            if hiproll_temperature.value < \
                print "HipRoll cycling"
                cycling_step = 0
                    dcm, mem,
                cycling_step += 1
            cycling_flag = 0


    assert flag
    def test_joint_temperature_protection(self, dcm, mem, parameters, joint,
                                          result_base_folder, rest_pos,
                                          stiffness_off, plot_server, plot):
        # logger initialization
        log = logging.getLogger('MOTOR_LIMITATION_PERF_HW_002')

        # flags initialization
        flag_joint = True
        flag_loop = True
        flag_max_current_exceeded = False
        flag_max_temperature_exceeded = False
        flag_low_limit = False
        flag_info = False
        flag_info2 = False
        flag_info3 = False
        flag_info4 = False

        # erasing real time curves
        if plot:

        # Objects creation
        test_params = parameters
        joint_position_actuator = joint.position.actuator
        joint_position_sensor = joint.position.sensor
        joint_temperature_sensor = joint.temperature
        joint_hardness_actuator = joint.hardness
        joint_current_sensor = joint.current
        slav = qha_tools.SlidingAverage(test_params["sa_nb_points"])
        logger = qha_tools.Logger()

        log.info("Testing : " + str(joint.short_name))

        # Knowing the board, we can know if the motor is a MCC or DC Brushless
        joint_board = joint_position_actuator.device

        # Creating device object to acceed to its error
        joint_board_object = device.Device(dcm, mem, joint_board)

        # Going to initial position
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, rest_pos, wait=True)
        # unstiffing all the other joints to avoid leg motors overheat
        subdevice.multiple_set(dcm, mem, stiffness_off, wait=False)

        # stiffing the joint we want to test
        joint.hardness.qqvalue = 1.0

        # keeping initial joint min and max
        joint_initial_maximum = joint_position_actuator.maximum
        joint_initial_minimum = joint_position_actuator.minimum

        # setting current limitations
        joint_current_max = joint_current_sensor.maximum

        # setting temperature limitatons
        joint_temperature_min = joint_temperature_sensor.minimum
        joint_temperature_max = joint_temperature_sensor.maximum
        delta_temperature = joint_temperature_max - joint_temperature_min

        # setting new min and max out of the mechanical stop
        if joint_initial_maximum >= 0.0:
            joint_new_maximum = \
                joint_initial_maximum + \
            joint_new_maximum = \
                joint_initial_maximum - \

        if joint_initial_minimum <= 0.0:
            joint_new_minimum = \
                joint_initial_minimum - \
            joint_new_minimum = \
                joint_initial_minimum + \

        joint_position_actuator.maximum = [[[
            joint_new_maximum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]
        joint_position_actuator.minimum = [[[
            joint_new_minimum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]

        # set timer limit
        timer_limit = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, test_params["test_time_limit"])

        # for Brushless motors, max test time is 60 seconds
        brushless_motors = ("KneePitch", "HipPitch", "HipRoll")
        if joint_position_actuator.short_name in brushless_motors:
            timer = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, 60000)
            timer = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, test_params["test_time"])

        # set position actuator out of the joint mechanical stop
        # going out of physical mechanical stop in 5 seconds
        if joint_position_actuator.short_name in \
            ("HipPitch", "RShoulderRoll", "HipRoll"):
            joint_position_actuator.qvalue = (joint_new_minimum, 5000)
            joint_position_actuator.qvalue = (joint_new_maximum, 5000)

        flag_first_iteration = True
        timer_current_decrease = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, 100)
        while flag_loop is True and timer.is_time_not_out():
                joint_temperature = joint_temperature_sensor.value
                joint_current = joint_current_sensor.value
                joint_position_command = joint_position_actuator.value
                joint_position = joint_position_sensor.value
                joint_hardness_value = joint_hardness_actuator.value
                joint_current_sa = slav.calc()
                firmware_error = joint_board_object.error
                dcm_time = timer.dcm_time() / 1000.

                # Max current adaptation if joint temperature higher than Min
                # No lower current for DC Brushless motors
                if joint_board not in \
                    ("HipBoard", "ThighBoard", "BackPlatformBoard"):
                    if joint_temperature > joint_temperature_min:
                        delta_max = joint_temperature_max - joint_temperature
                        max_allowed_current = (
                            (delta_max) / (delta_temperature)) *\
                        max_allowed_current = joint_current_max
                    max_allowed_current = joint_current_max

                # max allowed current can not be lower than 0.
                if max_allowed_current < 0.0:
                    max_allowed_current = 0.0

                # defining old max current as first calculated max current if
                # it is the first loop iteration
                if flag_first_iteration is True:
                    old_mac = max_allowed_current
                    flag_first_iteration = False

                # defining current regulation limits
                current_limit_high = max_allowed_current * \
                (1.0 + test_params["limit_factor_sup"])
                current_limit_low = max_allowed_current *\
                (1.0 - test_params["limit_factor_inf"])

                # setting flag to True if 90 percent of max current is exceeded
                if joint_current_sa > 0.9 * max_allowed_current and not\
                    flag_max_current_exceeded = True
                    log.info("90 percent of max allowed currend reached")

                if max_allowed_current != old_mac:
                    timer_current_decrease = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, 100)

                # averaged current has not to exceed limit high
                if joint_current_sa > current_limit_high and \
                    timer_current_decrease.is_time_out() and not flag_info4:
                    flag_joint = False
                    flag_info4 = True
                    log.warning("current high limit exceeded")

                # once max current is exceeded, current hasn't to be lower than
                # limit low
                if flag_max_current_exceeded and \
                    joint_current_sa < current_limit_low and not \
                    flag_max_temperature_exceeded and not flag_low_limit:
                    flag_joint = False
                    flag_low_limit = True
                    log.info("current has been lower than low limit")

                # after time limit, current has to have exceeded max current
                # if it has not, it is written on time in log file
                if timer_limit.is_time_out() and not\
                 flag_max_current_exceeded and flag_info is False:
                    flag_joint = False
                    flag_info = True
                    log.info("current has not exceeded 90 percent of max "+\
                        "allowed current")

                # hardware protection
                if joint_temperature >= joint_temperature_max + 1:
                    flag_loop = False
                    log.warning("temperature too high (max+1 degree)")

                # if joint temperature higher than a limit value,
                # joint current must be null after 100ms.
                if flag_max_temperature_exceeded is False and \
                    joint_temperature >= joint_temperature_max:
                    flag_max_temperature_exceeded = True
                    timer_max = qha_tools.Timer(dcm, 100)
                    log.info("max temperature exceeded a first time")

                if flag_max_temperature_exceeded and\
                timer_max.is_time_out() and joint_current != 0 and not\
                    flag_joint = False
                    flag_info2 = True
                    log.critical("max temperature exceeded and current "+\
                        "is not null")

                if flag_max_temperature_exceeded and joint_current == 0.0 and\
                not flag_info3:
                    flag_info3 = True
                    log.info("current null reached")

                old_mac = max_allowed_current

                    ("Time", dcm_time), ("Hardness", joint_hardness_value),
                    ("Current", joint_current),
                    ("CurrentSA", joint_current_sa),
                    ("MaxAllowedCurrent", max_allowed_current),
                    ("CurrentLimitHigh", current_limit_high),
                    ("CurrentLimitLow", current_limit_low),
                    ("Temperature", joint_temperature),
                    ("TemperatureMin", joint_temperature_min),
                    ("TemperatureMax", joint_temperature_max),
                    ("Command", joint_position_command),
                    ("Position", joint_position), ("FWError", firmware_error))

                # for real time plot
                if plot:
                    plot_server.add_point("Hardness", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("CurrentSA", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("MaxAllowedCurrent", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("CurrentLimitHigh", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("CurrentLimitLow", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("Temperature", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("TemperatureMin", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("TemperatureMax", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("Command", dcm_time,
                    plot_server.add_point("Position", dcm_time, joint_position)

            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                flag_loop = False
                log.info("KeyboardInterrupt from user")

        # writing logger results into a csv file
        result_file_path = "/".join([
            result_base_folder, joint_position_actuator.subdevice_type,
            joint_position_actuator.short_name + "_" + str(flag_joint)
        ]) + ".csv"

        # seting min and max joint software limits to their original values
        joint_position_actuator.maximum = [[[
            joint_initial_maximum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]
        joint_position_actuator.minimum = [[[
            joint_initial_minimum, dcm.getTime(0)
        ]], "Merge"]

        assert flag_joint