Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: Hjax/sunfish
def findbest(f, times):
    print('Calibrating search speed...')
    pos = xboard.parseFEN('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
    CAL_NODES = 10000
    start = time.time()
    _ = sunfish.search(pos, CAL_NODES)
    factor = CAL_NODES/(time.time()-start)

    print('Running benchmark with %.1f nodes per second...' % factor)
    totalpoints = 0
    totaltests = 0
    for k, line in enumerate(f):
        fen, opts = parseEPD(line)
        pos = xboard.parseFEN(fen)
        color = 0 if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else 1
        # am -> avoid move; bm -> best move
        am = parseSAN(pos,color,opts['am']) if 'am' in opts else None
        bm = parseSAN(pos,color,opts['bm']) if 'bm' in opts else None
        points = 0
        print(opts['id'], end=' ', flush=True)
        for t in times:
            move, _ = sunfish.search(pos, factor*t)
            mark = renderSAN(pos, move)
            if am and move != am or bm and move == bm:
                mark += '(1)'
                points += 1
                totalpoints += 1
                mark += '(0)'
            print(mark, end=' ', flush=True)
            totaltests + 1
    print('Total Points: %d/%d', totalpoints, totaltests)
Exemplo n.º 2
def selfplay():
    """ Start a game sunfish vs. sunfish """
    wa, ba = (['C', 'N', 'E', 'R', 'T',
               'A'])[random.randint(0, 5)], (['c', 'n', 'e', 'r', 't',
                                              'a'])[random.randint(0, 5)]
    #pos = xboard.parseFEN('{}{} 33 rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1'.format(wa, ba))
    pos = xboard.parseFEN(
        'Ca 33 rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
    print(' '.join(pos.board))
    print('#' * 10)
    for d in range(100):
        move, score = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=1e3)
        pos = pos.move(move)
        # Always print the board from the same direction
        board = pos.rotate().board if pos.color else pos.board
        #board = pos.board
        print(' '.join(board))
        print("{}. {}: {}".format(d + 1, (['w', 'b'])[not pos.color],
                                  xboard.mrender(pos, move)))
        print("\n" + str(xboard.printFEN(pos)))
        if pos.second:
            print("second initiated")
            move, score = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=1e2)
            if move:
                print("move found")
                board = pos.rotate().board if pos.color else pos.board
                print(' '.join(board))
                print("{}. {}: {}".format(d + 1, (['w', 'b'])[not pos.color],
                                          xboard.mrender(pos, move)))
                print("\n" + str(xboard.printFEN(pos)))
                pos = pos.move(move)
                score = 0
                pos = sunfish.Position(pos.board, pos.color, False, pos.score,
                                       pos.wa, pos.ba, pos.ws, pos.bs, pos.wc,
                                       pos.bc, pos.ep, pos.kp)
                pos = pos.rotate()
        if score <= -30000:
            print("Game over. White wins.")
        if score >= 30000:
            print("Game over. Black wins.")
        print('#' * 10)
Exemplo n.º 3
def allmate(path):
    with open(path) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()

            pos = xboard.parseFEN(line)
            _, score = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=1e9)
            if score < sunfish.MATE_VALUE:
                print("Unable to find mate. Only got score = %d" % score)
Exemplo n.º 4
def allmate(path):
    with open(path) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()

            pos = xboard.parseFEN(line)
            _, score = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=1e9)
            if score < sunfish.MATE_VALUE:
                print("Unable to find mate. Only got score = %d" % score)
Exemplo n.º 5
def findbest(f, times):
    print('Calibrating search speed...')
    pos = xboard.parseFEN(xboard.FEN_INITIAL)
    CAL_NODES = 100000
    start = time.time()
    _ = sunfish.search(pos, CAL_NODES)
    factor = sunfish.nodes/(time.time()-start)

    print('Running benchmark with %.1f nodes per second...' % factor)
    print('Printing best move after seconds', times)
    totalpoints = 0
    totaltests = 0
    for line in f:
        fen, opts = parseEPD(line, opt_dict=True)
        if type(opts) != dict or ('am' not in opts and 'bm' not in opts):
            print("Line didn't have am/bm in opts", line, opts)
        pos = xboard.parseFEN(fen)
        color = xboard.WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else xboard.BLACK
        # am -> avoid move; bm -> best move
        am = parseSAN(pos,color,opts['am']) if 'am' in opts else None
        bm = parseSAN(pos,color,opts['bm']) if 'bm' in opts else None
        print('Looking for am/bm', opts.get('am'), opts.get('bm'))
        points = 0
        print(opts.get('id','unnamed'), end=' ', flush=True)
        for t in times:
            move, _ = sunfish.search(pos, factor*t)
            mark = renderSAN(pos,color,move)
            if am and move != am or bm and move == bm:
                mark += '(1)'
                points += 1
                mark += '(0)'
            print(mark, end=' ', flush=True)
            totaltests += 1
        totalpoints += points
    print('Total Points: %d/%d', totalpoints, totaltests)
Exemplo n.º 6
def selfplay():
    """ Start a game sunfish vs. sunfish """
    wa, ba = (['C', 'N', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'A'])[random.randint(0, 5)], (['c', 'n', 'e', 'r', 't', 'a'])[random.randint(0, 5)]
    #pos = xboard.parseFEN('{}{} 33 rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1'.format(wa, ba))
    pos = xboard.parseFEN('Ca 33 rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
    print(' '.join(pos.board))
    print('#' * 10)
    for d in range(100):
        move, score = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=1e3)
        pos = pos.move(move)
        # Always print the board from the same direction
        board = pos.rotate().board if pos.color else pos.board
        #board = pos.board
        print(' '.join(board))
        print("{}. {}: {}".format(d+1, (['w', 'b'])[not pos.color], xboard.mrender(pos, move)))
        print("\n" + str(xboard.printFEN(pos)))
        if pos.second:
            print("second initiated")
            move, score = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=1e2)
            if move:
                print("move found")
                board = pos.rotate().board if pos.color else pos.board
                print(' '.join(board))
                print("{}. {}: {}".format(d+1, (['w', 'b'])[not pos.color], xboard.mrender(pos, move)))
                print("\n" + str(xboard.printFEN(pos)))
                pos = pos.move(move)
                score = 0
                pos = sunfish.Position(
                        pos.board, pos.color, False, pos.score,
                        pos.wa, pos.ba, pos.ws, pos.bs,
                        pos.wc, pos.bc, pos.ep, pos.kp)
                pos = pos.rotate()
        if score <= -30000:
            print("Game over. White wins.")
        if score >= 30000:
            print("Game over. Black wins.")
        print('#' * 10)
Exemplo n.º 7
def selfplay(maxn=200):
    """ Start a game sunfish vs. sunfish """
    pos = xboard.parseFEN(xboard.FEN_INITIAL)
    for d in range(200):
        # Always print the board from the same direction
        board = pos.board if d % 2 == 0 else pos.rotate().board
        print(' '.join(board))
        m, _ = sunfish.search(pos, maxn)
        if m is None:
            print("Game over")
        print("\nmove", xboard.mrender(d%2, pos, m))
        pos = pos.move(m)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def jugarPc(self):
        """Juega la maquina"""
        mover, _ = sunfish.search(self.posicion, self.secs)
        self.posicion = self.posicion.move(mover)
        if self.secs == 1:
            desde = sunfish.render(mover[0])
            hasta = sunfish.render(mover[1])
            desde = sunfish.brender(mover[0])
            hasta = sunfish.brender(mover[1])

        self.realizarMovimiento(desde, hasta)
Exemplo n.º 9
def selfplay():
    """ Start a game sunfish vs. sunfish """
    pos = xboard.parseFEN('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
    for d in range(200):
        # Always print the board from the same direction
        board = pos.board if d % 2 == 0 else pos.rotate().board
        print(' '.join(board))

        m, _ = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=200)
        if m is None:
            print("Game over")
        print("\nmove", xboard.mrender(d%2, pos, m))
        pos = pos.move(m)
Exemplo n.º 10
def findbest(path, times):
    print('Calibrating search speed...')
    pos = xboard.parseFEN(
        'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
    CAL_NODES = 10000
    start = time.time()
    _ = sunfish.search(pos, CAL_NODES)
    factor = CAL_NODES / (time.time() - start)

    print('Running benchmark with %.1f nodes per second...' % factor)
    print('-' * 60)
    totalpoints = 0
    totaltests = 0
    with open(path) as f:
        for k, line in enumerate(f):
            fen, opts = parseEPD(line)
            pos = xboard.parseFEN(fen)
            color = 0 if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else 1
            # am -> avoid move; bm -> best move
            am = parseSAN(pos, color, opts['am']) if 'am' in opts else None
            bm = parseSAN(pos, color, opts['bm']) if 'bm' in opts else None
            points = 0
            print(opts['id'], end=' ', flush=True)
            for t in times:
                move, _ = sunfish.search(pos, factor * t)
                mark = renderSAN(pos, move)
                if am and move != am or bm and move == bm:
                    mark += '(1)'
                    points += 1
                    totalpoints += 1
                    mark += '(0)'
                print(mark, end=' ', flush=True)
                totaltests + 1
    print('-' * 60)
    print('Total Points: %d/%d', totalpoints, totaltests)
Exemplo n.º 11
def selfplay():
	""" Start a game sunfish vs. sunfish """
	pos = parseFEN('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
	for d in range(200):
		# Always print the board from the same direction
		if d % 2 == 0: pos = pos.rotate()
		print('\n'.join(pos.board[i:i+10] for i in range(100,0,-10)))
		if d % 2 == 0: pos = pos.rotate()

		m, _ = search(pos)
		if m is None:
			print("Game over")
		print("\nmove %s%s" % tuple(map(render,m)))
		pos = pos.move(m)
Exemplo n.º 12
def selfplay(maxn=200):
    """ Start a game sunfish vs. sunfish """
    pos = xboard.parseFEN(
        'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
    for d in range(200):
        # Always print the board from the same direction
        board = pos.board if d % 2 == 0 else pos.rotate().board
        print(' '.join(board))

        m, _ = sunfish.search(pos, maxn)
        if m is None:
            print("Game over")
        print("\nmove", xboard.mrender(d % 2, pos, m))
        pos = pos.move(m)
Exemplo n.º 13
def xboard():
	""" Play as a black engine in the CECP/XBoard protocol """
	pos = parseFEN('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
	while True:
		smove = input()
		if smove == 'quit':
		elif smove == 'protover 2':
			print('feature myname="Sunfish" usermove=1 done=1')
		elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
			smove = smove[9:]
			m = parse(smove[0:2]), parse(smove[2:4])
			pos = pos.move(m)
			# Respond
			m, _ = search(pos)
			print("move %s%s" % (render(119-m[0]), render(119-m[1])))
			pos = pos.move(m)
			print("Didn't understand command '%s'" % smove)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def move(self, gn_current):

        assert(gn_current.board().turn == 1)

        # Apply last_move
        crdn = str(gn_current.move)
        move = (sunfish.parse(crdn[0:2]), sunfish.parse(crdn[2:4]))
        self._pos = self._pos.move(move)

        #t0 = time.time()
        move, score = sunfish.search(self._pos, maxn=self._maxn)
        #print time.time() - t0, move, score
        self._pos = self._pos.move(move)

        crdn = sunfish.render(119-move[0]) + sunfish.render(119 - move[1])
        move = create_move(gn_current.board(), crdn)
        gn_new = chess.pgn.GameNode()
        gn_new.parent = gn_current
        gn_new.move = move

        return gn_new
Exemplo n.º 15
    def handle_event(self, command):
        if not command.is_prepared() or not self.backlog_processed:

        self.verbose('Got Command: {}', command.DB_TAG)

        action = None

        if MoveCommand.DB_TAG in command.DB_TAG:
            move = command.move
            move_str = command.move_str
            if move in self.game.genMoves():
                self.game = self.game.move(move)

                move, score = search(self.game)
                if score <= -MATE_VALUE:
                    action = ReplyAction('You Win!', self.reply_to)
                elif score >= MATE_VALUE:
                    action = ReplyAction('You Lost :(', self.reply_to)
                    bot_move = render(119 - move[0]) + render(119 - move[1])
                    self.game = self.game.move(move)

                    action = PrintBoardAction(self.game.board, move_str,
                                              bot_move, self.reply_to)
                action = ReplyAction('That move is invalid.', command.uid)

        elif NewGameCommand.DB_TAG in command.DB_TAG:
            self.reply_to = command.uid
            action = PrintBoardAction(self.game.board, None, None,

        if action:
            yield from self.send_action(action)
Exemplo n.º 16
	def handle_event(self, command):
		if not command.is_prepared() or not self.backlog_processed:

		self.verbose('Got Command: {}', command.DB_TAG)

		action = None

		if MoveCommand.DB_TAG in command.DB_TAG:
			move = command.move
			move_str = command.move_str
			if move in self.game.genMoves():
				self.game = self.game.move(move)
				move, score = search(self.game)
				if score <= -MATE_VALUE:
					action = ReplyAction('You Win!', self.reply_to)
				elif score >= MATE_VALUE:
					action = ReplyAction('You Lost :(', self.reply_to)
					bot_move = render(119-move[0]) + render(119-move[1])
					self.game = self.game.move(move)

					action = PrintBoardAction(self.game.board, move_str, bot_move, self.reply_to)
				action = ReplyAction('That move is invalid.', command.uid)

		elif NewGameCommand.DB_TAG in command.DB_TAG:
			self.reply_to = command.uid
			action = PrintBoardAction(self.game.board, None, None, self.reply_to)

		if action:
			yield from self.send_action(action)
Exemplo n.º 17
def main():
    pos = parseFEN(FEN_INITIAL)
    forced = False
    color = WHITE
    time, otim = 1, 1

    stack = []
    while True:
        if stack:
            smove = stack.pop()
            smove = input()

        if smove == 'quit':

        elif smove == 'protover 2':
            print('feature done=0')
            print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
            print('feature usermove=1')
            print('feature setboard=1')
            print('feature ping=1')
            print('feature sigint=0')
            print('feature variants="normal"')
            print('feature done=1')

        elif smove == 'new':
            stack.append('setboard ' + FEN_INITIAL)

        elif smove.startswith('setboard'):
            _, fen = smove.split(' ', 1)
            pos = parseFEN(fen)
            color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else BLACK

        elif smove == 'force':
            forced = True

        elif smove == 'go':
            forced = False

            # Let's follow the clock of our opponent
            nodes = 2e4
            if time > 0 and otim > 0: nodes *= time / otim
            m, s = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=nodes)
            # We don't play well once we have detected our death
            if s <= -sunfish.MATE_VALUE:
                print('# %d %+d %d %d %s' %
                      (0, s, 0, sunfish.nodes, pv(color, pos)))
                print('move', mrender(color, pos, m))
                print('score before %d after %+d' % (pos.score, pos.value(m)))
                pos = pos.move(m)
                color = 1 - color

        elif smove.startswith('ping'):
            _, N = smove.split()
            print('pong', N)

        elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
            _, smove = smove.split()
            m = mparse(color, smove)
            pos = pos.move(m)
            color = 1 - color
            if not forced:

        elif smove.startswith('time'):
            time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('otim'):
            otim = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif any(
                smove.startswith(x) for x in ('xboard', 'post', 'random',
                                              'hard', 'accepted', 'level')):

            print("Error (unkown command):", smove)
Exemplo n.º 18
def main():
	pos = parseFEN('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
	forced = False
	color = WHITE
	msecLeft = 1

	mps = 0
	minutes = 0
	seconds = 0
	inc = 0
	moveNr = 0

	neverExceedLimit = 0
	noNewMoveLimit = 0
	noNewIterationLimit = 0

	stack = []

	nodes = 0

	while True:
		if stack:
			smove = stack.pop()
		else: smove = input()

		if smove == 'quit':

		elif smove == 'protover 2':
			print('feature done=0')
			print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
			print('feature usermove=1')
			print('feature setboard=1')
			print('feature ping=1')
			print('feature sigint=0')
			print('feature variants="normal"')
			print('feature done=1')

		elif smove == 'new':
			stack.append('setboard rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
			forced = False

		elif smove.startswith('setboard'):
			_, fen = smove.split(' ', 1)
			pos = parseFEN(fen)
			color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else BLACK

		elif smove == 'force':
			forced = True

		elif smove == 'go':
			forced = False
			print("# Search Start")
			m, s = sunfish.search(pos, nodes, neverExceedLimit, noNewMoveLimit, noNewIterationLimit)
			# We don't play well once we have detected our death
			if s <= -sunfish.MATE_VALUE:
				print('%d %+d %d %d %s' % (0, s, 0, sunfish.N, pv(color,pos)))
				print('move', mrender(color, pos, m))
				print('score before %d after %+d' % (pos.score, pos.value(m)))
				pos = pos.move(m)
				color = 1-color

		elif smove.startswith('ping'):
			_, N = smove.split()
			print('pong', N)

		elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
			_, smove = smove.split()
			m = mparse(color, smove)
			print("# usermove %s" % (mrender(color, pos, m)))
			pos = pos.move(m)
			color = 1-color
			if not forced:
				print('# moving')
			moveNr += 1

		elif smove.startswith('time'):
			msecLeft = int(smove.split()[1])

			movesToGo = mps - (moveNr/2)

			if mps == 0: movesToGo = 30
				while (movesToGo <= 0): movesToGo += mps

			msecLeft -= 16

			neverExceedLimit = int(float(10*msecLeft) / float(movesToGo + 9))
			noNewMoveLimit = int(float(1.5*msecLeft) / float(movesToGo + 0.5))
			noNewIterationLimit = int(float(0.5*msecLeft) / float(movesToGo))
			print("# %d, %d, %d" % (neverExceedLimit, noNewMoveLimit, noNewIterationLimit))

		elif smove.startswith('level'):
			line = smove.split()
			mps = int(line[1])
			minutes = line[2]
			inc = line[3]
			if re.search(':', minutes) != None:
				line = re.split(':', minutes)
				minutes = line[0]
				seconds = line[1]

		elif smove.startswith('analyze'):
			m, s = sunfish.search(pos, 1000000000)

		elif any(smove.startswith(x) for x in ('xboard','post','random','hard','accepted','rejected','otim')):

			print("Error (unknown command):", smove)
Exemplo n.º 19
def main():
    pos = parseFEN(FEN_INITIAL)
    forced = False
    color = WHITE
    time, otim = 1, 1

    stack = []
    while True:
        if stack:
            smove = stack.pop()
            smove = input()

        if smove == "quit":

        elif smove == "protover 2":
            print("feature done=0")
            print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
            print("feature usermove=1")
            print("feature setboard=1")
            print("feature ping=1")
            print("feature sigint=0")
            print('feature variants="normal"')
            print("feature done=1")

        elif smove == "new":
            stack.append("setboard " + FEN_INITIAL)

        elif smove.startswith("setboard"):
            _, fen = smove.split(" ", 1)
            pos = parseFEN(fen)
            color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == "w" else BLACK

        elif smove == "force":
            forced = True

        elif smove == "go":
            forced = False

            # Let's follow the clock of our opponent
            nodes = 2e4
            if time > 0 and otim > 0:
                nodes *= time / otim
            m, s = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=nodes)
            # We don't play well once we have detected our death
            if s <= -sunfish.MATE_VALUE:
                print("# %d %+d %d %d %s" % (0, s, 0, sunfish.nodes, pv(color, pos)))
                print("move", mrender(color, pos, m))
                print("score before %d after %+d" % (pos.score, pos.value(m)))
                pos = pos.move(m)
                color = 1 - color

        elif smove.startswith("ping"):
            _, N = smove.split()
            print("pong", N)

        elif smove.startswith("usermove"):
            _, smove = smove.split()
            m = mparse(color, smove)
            pos = pos.move(m)
            color = 1 - color
            if not forced:

        elif smove.startswith("time"):
            time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith("otim"):
            otim = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif any(smove.startswith(x) for x in ("xboard", "post", "random", "hard", "accepted", "level")):

            print("Error (unkown command):", smove)
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():
    pos = parseFEN(FEN_INITIAL)
    forced = False
    color = WHITE
    time, otim = 1, 1

    stack = []
    while True:
        if stack:
            smove = stack.pop()
        else: smove = input()

        if smove == 'quit':

        elif smove == 'protover 2':
            print('feature done=0')
            print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
            print('feature usermove=1')
            print('feature setboard=1')
            print('feature ping=1')
            print('feature sigint=0')
            print('feature variants="normal"')
            print('feature done=1')

        elif smove == 'new':
            stack.append('setboard ' + FEN_INITIAL)

        elif smove.startswith('setboard'):
            _, fen = smove.split(' ', 1)
            pos = parseFEN(fen)
            color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else BLACK

        elif smove == 'force':
            forced = True

        elif smove == 'go':
            forced = False

            # Let's follow the clock of our opponent
            nodes = 2e4
            if time > 0 and otim > 0: nodes *= time/otim
            m, s = sunfish.search(pos, maxn=nodes)
            # We don't play well once we have detected our death
            if s <= -sunfish.MATE_VALUE:
                print('# %d %+d %d %d %s' % (0, s, 0, sunfish.nodes, pv(color,pos)))
                print('move', mrender(color, pos, m))
                print('score before %d after %+d' % (pos.score, pos.value(m)))
                pos = pos.move(m)
                color = 1-color

        elif smove.startswith('ping'):
            _, N = smove.split()
            print('pong', N)

        elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
            _, smove = smove.split()
            m = mparse(color, smove)
            pos = pos.move(m)
            color = 1-color
            if not forced:

        elif smove.startswith('time'):
            time = int(smove.split()[1])
        elif smove.startswith('otim'):
            otim = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif any(smove.startswith(x) for x in ('xboard','post','random','hard','accepted','level')):

            print("Error (unkown command):", smove)