Exemplo n.º 1
class SwapMote(object):
    SWAP mote class
    def cmdRegister(self, regId, value):
        Send command to register and return expected response
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        @return Expected SWAP status packet sent from mote after reception of this command
        # Expected response from mote
        infPacket = SwapStatusPacket(self.address, regId, value)
        # Command to be sent to the mote
        cmdPacket = SwapCommandPacket(self.address,
        # Send command
        # Return expected response
        return infPacket

    def qryRegister(self, regId):
        Send query to register
        @param regId: Register ID
        # Query packet to be sent
        qryPacket = SwapQueryPacket(self.address,
        # Send query

    def staRegister(self, regId):
        Send SWAP status packet about the current value of the register passed as argument
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        # Get register
        reg = self.getRegister(regId)
        # Status packet to be sent
        infPacket = SwapStatusPacket(self.address,
        # Send SWAP status packet

    def cmdRegisterWack(self, regId, value):
        Send SWAP command to remote register and wait for confirmation
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        @return True if ACK is received from mote. Return False otherwise
        return self.server.setMoteRegister(self, regId, value)

    def qryRegisterWack(self, regId):
        Send SWAP query to remote register and wait for response
        @param regId: Register ID
        @return register value received
        return self.server.queryMoteRegister(self, regId)

    def save_command(self, regid, value):
        Save SWAP command and transmit it later, when the mote enter Rx mode again
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        @return True if the command has been received by the target device
                False if the command was not received by the target device
                None if the command has been saved for later transmission
        # Still in Rx ON state?
        if self.state == SwapState.RXON or not self.pwrdownmode:
            return self.cmdRegisterWack(regid, value)
            self.queued_commands.append((regid, value))

        return None

    def save_address_command(self, address):
        Save address command for later transmission
        @param address: New mote address
        @return True if the command has been received by the target device
                False if the command was not received by the target device
                None if the command has been saved for later transmission
        val = SwapValue(address, length=1)
        return self.save_command(SwapRegId.ID_DEVICE_ADDR, val)

    def save_txinterval_command(self, interval):
        Save Tx Interval command for later transmission
        @param interval: New Tx Interval
        @return True if the command has been received by the target device
                False if the command was not received by the target device
                None if the command has been saved for later transmission
        val = SwapValue(interval, length=2)
        return self.save_command(SwapRegId.ID_TX_INTERVAL, val)

    def nbof_saved_commands(self):
        Return amount of saved commands for this node
        @return amount of saved commands
        return len(self.queued_commands)

    def get_saved_command(self):
        Get last saved command from queue
        @return last saved command from queue
        return self.queued_commands.popleft()

    def setAddress(self, address):
        Set mote address
        @param address: New mote address
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(address, length=1)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_DEVICE_ADDR, val)
        if res:
            self.address = address
        return res

    def setNetworkId(self, netId):
        Set mote's network id. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param netId: New Network ID
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(netId, length=2)
        return self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_NETWORK_ID, val)

    def setFreqChannel(self, channel):
        Set mote's frequency channel. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param channel: New frequency channel
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(channel, length=1)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_FREQ_CHANNEL, val)

    def setSecurity(self, secu):
        Set mote's security option. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param secu: Security option
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(secu, length=1)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_SECU_OPTION, val)
        if res:
            self.security = secu
        return res

    def setTxInterval(self, interval):
        Set periodic Tx interval. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param interval: New Tx interval
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(interval, length=2)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_TX_INTERVAL, val)
        if res:
            self.txinterval = interval
        return res

    def restart(self):
        Ask mote to restart
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(SwapState.RESTART, length=1)
        return self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_SYSTEM_STATE, val)

    def leaveSync(self):
        Ask mote to leave SYNC mode (RXON state)
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(SwapState.RXOFF, length=1)
        return self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_SYSTEM_STATE, val)

    def updateTimeStamp(self):
        Update time stamp
        self.timestamp = time.time()

    def getRegister(self, regId):
        Get register given its ID
        @param regId: Register ID
        @return SwapRegister object
        # Regular registers
        for reg in self.regular_registers:
            if reg.id == regId:
                return reg
        # Configuration registers
        for reg in self.config_registers:
            if reg.id == regId:
                return reg

        return None

    def getParameter(self, name):
        Get parameter given its name
        @param name: name of the parameter belonging to this mote
        @return: SwapParam object
        # Regular registers
        for reg in self.regular_registers:
            for param in reg.parameters:
                if param.name == name:
                    return param
        # Configuration registers
        for reg in self.config_registers:
            for param in reg.parameters:
                if param.name == name:
                    return param

        return None

    def update_state(self, state):
        Update device state
        @param state New state
        self.state = state

        # Device in Rx state?
        if state == SwapState.RXON:
            nb_cmds = self.nbof_saved_commands()
            # Any queued command?
            if nb_cmds > 0:
                for i in range(nb_cmds):
                    # Read command from queue
                    (regid, value) = self.get_saved_command()
                    # Transmit command
                    #self.cmdRegisterWack(regid, value)
                    self.cmdRegister(regid, value)

    def dumps(self, include_units=False):
        Serialize mote data to a JSON formatted string
        @param include_units: if True, include list of units for each endpoint
        within the serialized output
        data = {}
        data["pcode"] = self.product_code
        data["manufacturer"] = self.definition.manufacturer
        data["name"] = self.definition.product
        data["address"] = self.address
        data["txinterval"] = self.txinterval

        regs = []
            for reg in self.regular_registers:
        except SwapException:

        data["registers"] = regs

        return data

    def __init__(self,
        Class constructor
        @param server: SWAP server object
        @param product_code: Product Code
        @param address: Mote address

        # Queue of commands
        self.queued_commands = deque()

        if server is None:
            raise SwapException(
                "SwapMote constructor needs a valid SwapServer object")
        ## Swap server object
        self.server = server
        ## Product code
        self.product_code = product_code
        ## Product ID
        self.product_id = 0
        ## Manufacturer ID
        self.manufacturer_id = 0
        ## Definition settings
        self.config = None

        # Get manufacturer and product id from product code
        if product_code is not None:
            for i in range(4):
                self.manufacturer_id = self.manufacturer_id | (product_code[i] << 8 * (3-i))
                self.product_id = self.product_id | (product_code[i + 4] << 8 * (3-i))
            self.manufacturer_id = long(product_code[0:8], 16)
            self.product_id = long(product_code[8:], 16)
            raise SwapException("Incorrect product code received")

        # Definition file
        ## Definition settings
            self.definition = XmlDevice(self)

        ## Device address
        self.address = address
        ## Security option
        self.security = security
        ## Current mote's security nonce
        self.nonce = nonce
        ## State of the mote
        self.state = SwapState.RXOFF
        ## List of regular registers provided by this mote
        self.regular_registers = None
        ## List of config registers provided by this mote
        self.config_registers = None
        if self.definition is not None:
            # List of regular registers
            self.regular_registers = self.definition.getRegList()
            # List of config registers
            self.config_registers = self.definition.getRegList(config=True)
        ## Time stamp of the last update received from mote
        self.timestamp = time.time()
        ## Powerdown mode
        self.pwrdownmode = self.definition.pwrdownmode
        ## Interval between periodic transmissions
        self.txinterval = self.definition.txinterval
        ## Using extended address schema or not
        self.extended_addr = extended_addr
Exemplo n.º 2
class SwapMote(object):
    SWAP mote class
    def cmdRegister(self, regId, value):
        Send command to register and return expected response
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        @return Expected SWAP status packet sent from mote after reception of this command
        # Expected response from mote
        infPacket = SwapStatusPacket(self.address, regId, value)
        # Command to be sent to the mote
        cmdPacket = SwapCommandPacket(self.address, regId, value, self.nonce, extended_addr=self.extended_addr)
        # Send command
        # Return expected response
        return infPacket;

    def qryRegister(self, regId):
        Send query to register
        @param regId: Register ID
        # Query packet to be sent
        qryPacket = SwapQueryPacket(self.address, regId, extended_addr=self.extended_addr)
        # Send query

    def staRegister(self, regId):
        Send SWAP status packet about the current value of the register passed as argument
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        # Get register
        reg = self.getRegister(regId)
        # Status packet to be sent
        infPacket = SwapStatusPacket(self.address, regId, reg.value, extended_addr=self.extended_addr)
        # Send SWAP status packet

    def cmdRegisterWack(self, regId, value):
        Send SWAP command to remote register and wait for confirmation
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        @return True if ACK is received from mote. Return False otherwise
        return self.server.setMoteRegister(self, regId, value)

    def qryRegisterWack(self, regId):
        Send SWAP query to remote register and wait for response
        @param regId: Register ID
        @return register value received
        return self.server.queryMoteRegister(self, regId)

    def save_command(self, regid, value):
        Save SWAP command and transmit it later, when the mote enter Rx mode again
        @param regId: Register ID
        @param value: New value
        @return True if the command has been received by the target device
                False if the command was not received by the target device
                None if the command has been saved for later transmission
        # Still in Rx ON state?
        if self.state == SwapState.RXON or not self.pwrdownmode:
            return self.cmdRegisterWack(regid, value)
            self.queued_commands.append((regid, value))
        return None

    def save_address_command(self, address):
        Save address command for later transmission
        @param address: New mote address
        @return True if the command has been received by the target device
                False if the command was not received by the target device
                None if the command has been saved for later transmission
        val = SwapValue(address, length=1)       
        return self.save_command(SwapRegId.ID_DEVICE_ADDR, val)

    def save_txinterval_command(self, interval):
        Save Tx Interval command for later transmission
        @param interval: New Tx Interval
        @return True if the command has been received by the target device
                False if the command was not received by the target device
                None if the command has been saved for later transmission
        val = SwapValue(interval, length=2)       
        return self.save_command(SwapRegId.ID_TX_INTERVAL, val)

    def nbof_saved_commands(self):
        Return amount of saved commands for this node
        @return amount of saved commands
        return len(self.queued_commands)
    def get_saved_command(self):
        Get last saved command from queue
        @return last saved command from queue
        return self.queued_commands.popleft()
    def setAddress(self, address):
        Set mote address
        @param address: New mote address
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(address, length=1)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_DEVICE_ADDR, val)
        if res:
            self.address = address
        return res

    def setNetworkId(self, netId):
        Set mote's network id. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param netId: New Network ID
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(netId, length=2)
        return self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_NETWORK_ID, val)

    def setFreqChannel(self, channel):
        Set mote's frequency channel. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param channel: New frequency channel
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(channel, length=1)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_FREQ_CHANNEL, val)

    def setSecurity(self, secu):
        Set mote's security option. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param secu: Security option
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(secu, length=1)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_SECU_OPTION, val)
        if res:
            self.security = secu
        return res

    def setTxInterval(self, interval):
        Set periodic Tx interval. Return true if ACK received from mote
        @param interval: New Tx interval
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(interval, length=2)
        res = self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_TX_INTERVAL, val)
        if res:
            self.txinterval = interval
        return res
    def restart(self):
        Ask mote to restart
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(SwapState.RESTART, length=1)
        return self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_SYSTEM_STATE, val)

    def leaveSync(self):
        Ask mote to leave SYNC mode (RXON state)
        @return True if this command is confirmed from the mote. Return False otherwise
        val = SwapValue(SwapState.RXOFF, length=1)
        return self.cmdRegisterWack(SwapRegId.ID_SYSTEM_STATE, val)

    def updateTimeStamp(self):
        Update time stamp
        self.timestamp = time.time()
    def getRegister(self, regId):
        Get register given its ID
        @param regId: Register ID
        @return SwapRegister object
        # Regular registers
        for reg in self.regular_registers:
            if reg.id == regId:
                return reg            
        # Configuration registers
        for reg in self.config_registers:
            if reg.id == regId:
                return reg

        return None

    def getParameter(self, name):
        Get parameter given its name
        @param name: name of the parameter belonging to this mote
        @return: SwapParam object
        # Regular registers
        for reg in self.regular_registers:
            for param in reg.parameters:
                if param.name == name:
                    return param
        # Configuration registers
        for reg in self.config_registers:
            for param in reg.parameters:
                if param.name == name:
                    return param
        return None

    def update_state(self, state):
        Update device state
        @param state New state
        self.state = state
        # Device in Rx state?
        if state == SwapState.RXON:
            nb_cmds = self.nbof_saved_commands()
            # Any queued command?
            if nb_cmds > 0:
                for i in range(nb_cmds):
                    # Read command from queue
                    (regid, value) = self.get_saved_command()
                    # Transmit command
                    #self.cmdRegisterWack(regid, value)
                    self.cmdRegister(regid, value)
    def dumps(self, include_units=False):
        Serialize mote data to a JSON formatted string
        @param include_units: if True, include list of units for each endpoint
        within the serialized output
        data = {}
        data["pcode"] = self.product_code
        data["manufacturer"] = self.definition.manufacturer 
        data["name"] = self.definition.product
        data["address"] = self.address
        data["txinterval"] = self.txinterval
        regs = []
            for reg in self.regular_registers:
        except SwapException:
        data["registers"] = regs
        return data
    def __init__(self, server=None, product_code=None, address=0xFF, security=0, nonce=0, extended_addr=False):
        Class constructor
        @param server: SWAP server object
        @param product_code: Product Code
        @param address: Mote address
        # Queue of commands
        self.queued_commands = deque()
        if server is None:
            raise SwapException("SwapMote constructor needs a valid SwapServer object")
        ## Swap server object
        self.server = server
        ## Product code
        self.product_code = product_code
        ## Product ID
        self.product_id = 0
        ## Manufacturer ID
        self.manufacturer_id = 0
        ## Definition settings
        self.config = None

        # Get manufacturer and product id from product code
        if product_code is not None:
            for i in range(4):
                self.manufacturer_id = self.manufacturer_id | (product_code[i] << 8 * (3-i))
                self.product_id = self.product_id | (product_code[i + 4] << 8 * (3-i))
            self.manufacturer_id = long(product_code[0:8], 16)
            self.product_id = long(product_code[8:], 16)
            raise SwapException("Incorrect product code received")
        # Definition file
        ## Definition settings
            self.definition = XmlDevice(self)
        ## Device address
        self.address = address
        ## Security option
        self.security = security
        ## Current mote's security nonce
        self.nonce = nonce
        ## State of the mote
        self.state = SwapState.RXOFF
        ## List of regular registers provided by this mote
        self.regular_registers = None
        ## List of config registers provided by this mote
        self.config_registers = None
        if self.definition is not None:
            # List of regular registers
            self.regular_registers = self.definition.getRegList()
            # List of config registers
            self.config_registers = self.definition.getRegList(config=True)
        ## Time stamp of the last update received from mote
        self.timestamp = time.time()
        ## Powerdown mode
        self.pwrdownmode = self.definition.pwrdownmode
        ## Interval between periodic transmissions
        self.txinterval = self.definition.txinterval
        ## Using extended address schema or not
        self.extended_addr = extended_addr
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
        Class constructor
        @param server: SWAP server object
        @param product_code: Product Code
        @param address: Mote address

        # Queue of commands
        self.queued_commands = deque()

        if server is None:
            raise SwapException(
                "SwapMote constructor needs a valid SwapServer object")
        ## Swap server object
        self.server = server
        ## Product code
        self.product_code = product_code
        ## Product ID
        self.product_id = 0
        ## Manufacturer ID
        self.manufacturer_id = 0
        ## Definition settings
        self.config = None

        # Get manufacturer and product id from product code
        if product_code is not None:
            for i in range(4):
                self.manufacturer_id = self.manufacturer_id | (product_code[i] << 8 * (3-i))
                self.product_id = self.product_id | (product_code[i + 4] << 8 * (3-i))
            self.manufacturer_id = long(product_code[0:8], 16)
            self.product_id = long(product_code[8:], 16)
            raise SwapException("Incorrect product code received")

        # Definition file
        ## Definition settings
            self.definition = XmlDevice(self)

        ## Device address
        self.address = address
        ## Security option
        self.security = security
        ## Current mote's security nonce
        self.nonce = nonce
        ## State of the mote
        self.state = SwapState.RXOFF
        ## List of regular registers provided by this mote
        self.regular_registers = None
        ## List of config registers provided by this mote
        self.config_registers = None
        if self.definition is not None:
            # List of regular registers
            self.regular_registers = self.definition.getRegList()
            # List of config registers
            self.config_registers = self.definition.getRegList(config=True)
        ## Time stamp of the last update received from mote
        self.timestamp = time.time()
        ## Powerdown mode
        self.pwrdownmode = self.definition.pwrdownmode
        ## Interval between periodic transmissions
        self.txinterval = self.definition.txinterval
        ## Using extended address schema or not
        self.extended_addr = extended_addr
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, server=None, product_code=None, address=0xFF, security=0, nonce=0, extended_addr=False):
        Class constructor
        @param server: SWAP server object
        @param product_code: Product Code
        @param address: Mote address
        # Queue of commands
        self.queued_commands = deque()
        if server is None:
            raise SwapException("SwapMote constructor needs a valid SwapServer object")
        ## Swap server object
        self.server = server
        ## Product code
        self.product_code = product_code
        ## Product ID
        self.product_id = 0
        ## Manufacturer ID
        self.manufacturer_id = 0
        ## Definition settings
        self.config = None

        # Get manufacturer and product id from product code
        if product_code is not None:
            for i in range(4):
                self.manufacturer_id = self.manufacturer_id | (product_code[i] << 8 * (3-i))
                self.product_id = self.product_id | (product_code[i + 4] << 8 * (3-i))
            self.manufacturer_id = long(product_code[0:8], 16)
            self.product_id = long(product_code[8:], 16)
            raise SwapException("Incorrect product code received")
        # Definition file
        ## Definition settings
            self.definition = XmlDevice(self)
        ## Device address
        self.address = address
        ## Security option
        self.security = security
        ## Current mote's security nonce
        self.nonce = nonce
        ## State of the mote
        self.state = SwapState.RXOFF
        ## List of regular registers provided by this mote
        self.regular_registers = None
        ## List of config registers provided by this mote
        self.config_registers = None
        if self.definition is not None:
            # List of regular registers
            self.regular_registers = self.definition.getRegList()
            # List of config registers
            self.config_registers = self.definition.getRegList(config=True)
        ## Time stamp of the last update received from mote
        self.timestamp = time.time()
        ## Powerdown mode
        self.pwrdownmode = self.definition.pwrdownmode
        ## Interval between periodic transmissions
        self.txinterval = self.definition.txinterval
        ## Using extended address schema or not
        self.extended_addr = extended_addr