Exemplo n.º 1
def x_pk_mul(one_x, one_pk):
    result = [None] * len(one_pk)
    for i in range(len(one_pk)):
        #         call ntt
        product = convolutions.convolution_ntt(one_x.all_coeffs(),
                                               prime=16389 * 2**11 + 1)
        result[i] = Poly(product, x, modulus=Q, symmetric=True)
    return np.asarray(result)
Exemplo n.º 2
def G_mul(g, s):
    result = []
    for i in range(N):
        result.append(Poly([0], x, modulus=Q, symmetric=True))
    for i in range(len(g)):
        for k in range(len(s)):
            product = convolutions.convolution_ntt(g[i][k].all_coeffs(),
                                                   prime=16389 * 2**11 + 1)
            result[i] = result[i] + Poly(product, x, modulus=Q, symmetric=True)
    return np.asarray(result)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_convolution():
    # fft
    a = [1, S(5)/3, sqrt(3), S(7)/5]
    b = [9, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2]
    c = [3, 5, 3, 7, 8]
    d = [1422, 6572, 3213, 5552]

    assert convolution(a, b) == convolution_fft(a, b)
    assert convolution(a, b, dps=9) == convolution_fft(a, b, dps=9)
    assert convolution(a, d, dps=7) == convolution_fft(d, a, dps=7)
    assert convolution(a, d[1:], dps=3) == convolution_fft(d[1:], a, dps=3)

    # prime moduli of the form (m*2**k + 1), sequence length
    # should be a divisor of 2**k
    p = 7*17*2**23 + 1
    q = 19*2**10 + 1

    # ntt
    assert convolution(d, b, prime=q) == convolution_ntt(b, d, prime=q)
    assert convolution(c, b, prime=p) == convolution_ntt(b, c, prime=p)
    assert convolution(d, c, prime=p) == convolution_ntt(c, d, prime=p)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, dps=5, prime=q))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, dps=6, prime=q))

    # fwht
    assert convolution(a, b, dyadic=True) == convolution_fwht(a, b)
    assert convolution(a, b, dyadic=False) == convolution(a, b)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, dps=2, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, prime=p, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(a, b, dps=2, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, c, prime=p, dyadic=True))

    # subset
    assert convolution(a, b, subset=True) == convolution_subset(a, b) == \
            convolution(a, b, subset=True, dyadic=False) == \
                convolution(a, b, subset=True)
    assert convolution(a, b, subset=False) == convolution(a, b)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(a, b, subset=True, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(c, d, subset=True, dps=6))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(a, c, subset=True, prime=q))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_convolution():
    # fft
    a = [1, Rational(5, 3), sqrt(3), Rational(7, 5)]
    b = [9, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2]
    c = [3, 5, 3, 7, 8]
    d = [1422, 6572, 3213, 5552]

    assert convolution(a, b) == convolution_fft(a, b)
    assert convolution(a, b, dps=9) == convolution_fft(a, b, dps=9)
    assert convolution(a, d, dps=7) == convolution_fft(d, a, dps=7)
    assert convolution(a, d[1:], dps=3) == convolution_fft(d[1:], a, dps=3)

    # prime moduli of the form (m*2**k + 1), sequence length
    # should be a divisor of 2**k
    p = 7*17*2**23 + 1
    q = 19*2**10 + 1

    # ntt
    assert convolution(d, b, prime=q) == convolution_ntt(b, d, prime=q)
    assert convolution(c, b, prime=p) == convolution_ntt(b, c, prime=p)
    assert convolution(d, c, prime=p) == convolution_ntt(c, d, prime=p)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, dps=5, prime=q))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, dps=6, prime=q))

    # fwht
    assert convolution(a, b, dyadic=True) == convolution_fwht(a, b)
    assert convolution(a, b, dyadic=False) == convolution(a, b)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, dps=2, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, d, prime=p, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(a, b, dps=2, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(b, c, prime=p, dyadic=True))

    # subset
    assert convolution(a, b, subset=True) == convolution_subset(a, b) == \
            convolution(a, b, subset=True, dyadic=False) == \
                convolution(a, b, subset=True)
    assert convolution(a, b, subset=False) == convolution(a, b)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(a, b, subset=True, dyadic=True))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(c, d, subset=True, dps=6))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution(a, c, subset=True, prime=q))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_convolution_ntt():
    # prime moduli of the form (m*2**k + 1), sequence length
    # should be a divisor of 2**k
    p = 7*17*2**23 + 1
    q = 19*2**10 + 1
    r = 2*500000003 + 1 # only for sequences of length 1 or 2
    s = 2*3*5*7 # composite modulus

    assert all(convolution_ntt([], x, prime=y) == [] for x in ([], [1]) for y in (p, q, r))
    assert convolution_ntt([2], [3], r) == [6]
    assert convolution_ntt([2, 3], [4], r) == [8, 12]

    assert convolution_ntt([32121, 42144, 4214, 4241], [32132, 3232, 87242], p) == [33867619,
                                    459741727, 79180879, 831885249, 381344700, 369993322]
    assert convolution_ntt([121913, 3171831, 31888131, 12], [17882, 21292, 29921, 312], q) == \
                                                [8158, 3065, 3682, 7090, 1239, 2232, 3744]

    assert convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [2, 6, 7, 8, 9], p) == \
                    convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [2, 6, 7, 8, 9], q)
    assert convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [21, 76, 17, 78, 69], p) == \
                    convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [21, 76, 17, 78, 69], q)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: convolution_ntt([2, 3], [4, 5], r))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: convolution_ntt([x, y], [y, x], q))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution_ntt(x, y, p))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_convolution_ntt():
    # prime moduli of the form (m*2**k + 1), sequence length
    # should be a divisor of 2**k
    p = 7*17*2**23 + 1
    q = 19*2**10 + 1
    r = 2*500000003 + 1 # only for sequences of length 1 or 2
    # s = 2*3*5*7 # composite modulus

    assert all(convolution_ntt([], x, prime=y) == [] for x in ([], [1]) for y in (p, q, r))
    assert convolution_ntt([2], [3], r) == [6]
    assert convolution_ntt([2, 3], [4], r) == [8, 12]

    assert convolution_ntt([32121, 42144, 4214, 4241], [32132, 3232, 87242], p) == [33867619,
                                    459741727, 79180879, 831885249, 381344700, 369993322]
    assert convolution_ntt([121913, 3171831, 31888131, 12], [17882, 21292, 29921, 312], q) == \
                                                [8158, 3065, 3682, 7090, 1239, 2232, 3744]

    assert convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [2, 6, 7, 8, 9], p) == \
                    convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [2, 6, 7, 8, 9], q)
    assert convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [21, 76, 17, 78, 69], p) == \
                    convolution_ntt([12, 19, 21, 98, 67], [21, 76, 17, 78, 69], q)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: convolution_ntt([2, 3], [4, 5], r))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: convolution_ntt([x, y], [y, x], q))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: convolution_ntt(x, y, p))
Exemplo n.º 7
def RSign(message, pk_list, position, sk, G, time_restart):
    s = random_special_S(DEGREE)

    row = [None] * key_list_size
    for i in range(key_list_size):
        if i == position:
        row[i] = random_special_poly(DEGREE)
    x_list = np.asarray(row)

    t = G_mul(G, s)
    for ii in range(len(t)):
        foo, t[ii] = div(t[ii], modulus_poly)

    summation = 0
    for i in range(len(x_list)):
        if i == position:
        summation = summation + x_pk_mul(x_list[i], pk_list[i])

    t = t + summation

    #     reduction
    for i in range(len(t)):
        foo, t[i] = div(t[i], modulus_poly)
        t[i] = Poly(t[i].all_coeffs(), x, modulus=Q, symmetric=True)

    t_hash = []
    for i in range(len(t)):
    t_hash = np.asarray(t_hash)
    t_hash = str(t_hash).encode()

    #     hashing
    #     it seems that simply hashing the list t is not going to work, try to create a list of coeffs
    sha = SHA256.new()
    # converting pk_list(a ndarray to a string)
    hashed_product = int(sha.hexdigest(), 16)
    ternaray_string = ternary(hashed_product)
    x_poly = ternary_poly(ternaray_string, DEGREE)

    #     subtracting
    my_x = x_poly
    for ii in range(len(x_list)):
        if ii == position:
        this_poly = Poly(x_list[ii].all_coeffs(), x, modulus=3, symmetric=True)
        my_x = my_x - this_poly
    my_x = find_my_x(my_x)
    my_x = Poly(my_x.all_coeffs(), x, modulus=Q, symmetric=True)
    x_list[position] = my_x

    z = [None] * (M + 1)
    z = np.asarray(z)
    for i in range(len(z)):
        x_coef = convolutions.convolution_ntt(my_x.all_coeffs(),
                                              prime=16389 * 2**11 + 1)
        z[i] = Poly(x_coef, x, modulus=Q, symmetric=True) - s[i]
        foo, z[i] = div(z[i], modulus_poly)
        z[i] = Poly(z[i].all_coeffs(), x, modulus=Q, symmetric=True)
        if z_check_row(z[i]) == 0:
            time_restart[0] += 1
            return RSign(message, pk_list, position, sk, G, time_restart)

    return (z, x_list)