Exemplo n.º 1
 def stepSizeSteepestDescent(f,x0,g0):
     Description : Calculates the minimized step size for the steepest descent algorithm using Newton's 1D method
                1. f   : symbolic symbolic representation of the function f
                2. x0  : list of independant variables for the function
                3. g0  : gradient value at point x0 as a numpy matrix
                gradient vector as numpy matrix
     phi,alpha = symbols('phi alpha')
     Q = hessian(f,X)
     if (poly(f).is_quadratic):
         return float(g0*g0.transpose()/matrix2numpy(g0*Q*g0.transpose()))
         xStar = x0 - squeeze(asarray(alpha*g0))
         def alphaValue(phi,a0): return phi.subs([(alpha,a0)])
         a0 = 0.
         phi = fValue(f,xStar)
         while (True):
             a = a0
             a0 = a0 - alphaValue(diff(phi,alpha),a0)/alphaValue(diff(diff(phi,alpha),alpha),a0)
             if (abs(a-a0)<epsilon): return a0
Exemplo n.º 2
def calcpv(pvrange,pvinx1, pvinx2, sipx, sipy, tpvx, tpvy):
    """Calculate the PV coefficient expression as a function of CD matrix
    parameters and SIP coefficients

    pvrange (list) : indices to the PV keywords
    pvinx1 (int): first index, 1 or 2
    pvinx2 (int): second index
    tpvx (Sympy expr) : equation for x-distortion in TPV convention
    tpvy (Sympy expr) : equation for y-distortion in TPV convention
    sipx (Sympy expr) : equation for x-distortion in SIP convention
    sipy (Sympy expr) : equation for y-distortion in SIP convention

    Expression of CD matrix elements and SIP polynomial coefficients
    x, y = symbols("x y")
    if (pvinx1 == 1):
        expr1 = tpvx
        expr2 = sipx
    elif (pvinx1 == 2):
        expr1 = tpvy
        expr2 = sipy
        raise Valuerror, 'incorrect first index to PV keywords'
    if (pvinx2 not in pvrange):
        raise ValueError, 'incorrect second index to PV keywords'
    exec("pvar = 'pv%d_%d'"%(pvinx1, pvinx2))
    xord = yord = 0
    if expr1.coeff(pvar).has(x): xord = poly(expr1.coeff(pvar)).degree(x)
    if expr1.coeff(pvar).has(y): yord = poly(expr1.coeff(pvar)).degree(y)

Exemplo n.º 3
    def expectation(self, expr, var, evaluate=True, **kwargs):
        """ Expectation of expression over distribution """
        # TODO: support discrete sets with non integer stepsizes

        if evaluate:
                p = poly(expr, var)

                t = Dummy('t', real=True)

                mgf = self.moment_generating_function(t)
                deg = p.degree()
                taylor = poly(series(mgf, t, 0, deg + 1).removeO(), t)
                result = 0
                for k in range(deg+1):
                    result += p.coeff_monomial(var ** k) * taylor.coeff_monomial(t ** k) * factorial(k)

                return result

            except PolynomialError:
                return summation(expr * self.pdf(var),
                                 (var, self.set.inf, self.set.sup), **kwargs)

            return Sum(expr * self.pdf(var),
                         (var, self.set.inf, self.set.sup), **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate_poly(hyper, params):
    Create a symbolic polynomial for the moments.

    k, d = hyper['k'], hyper['d']
    #atoms = { 
    #            (h,) : symbols('h_%d'%h)
    #            for h in xrange(1, k+1)
    #        }
    #atoms[(k,)] = 1. - sum( symbols('h_%d'%h) for h in xrange(1, k) )

    atoms = {}
    for h in xrange(1,k+1):
                (h,x1) : symbols('x_%d%d'%(h,x1))
                    for x1 in xrange(1,d+1)
        #atoms[(h,d)] = 1. - sum(symbols('x_%d%d'%(h,x1)) for x1 in xrange(1,d))

    m = {}
    for x1 in xrange(1,d+1):
        m[(x1,)] = poly( sum( atoms[(h,x1)] for h in xrange(1,k+1) ) )
        for x2 in xrange(1,d+1):
            m[(x1,x2)] = poly( sum( atoms[(h,x1)] * atoms[(h,x2)] for h in xrange(1,k+1) ) )
            for x3 in xrange(1,d+1):
                m[(x1,x2,x3)] = poly( sum( atoms[(h,x1)] * atoms[(h,x2)] * atoms[(h,x3)] for h in xrange(1,k+1) ) )

    return m
Exemplo n.º 5
def cs3_0(expr):
    if as_cs:
        out0 = '\n[整理] ' + str(normal0(expr))
        expr0 = str(numer(cancel(sigma(expr))))
        expr2 = numer(cancel(sigma(expr)))
        out0 = '\n[整理] ' + str(normal1(expr))
        expr0 = str(numer(cancel(expr)))
        expr2 = numer(cancel(expr))
    s_bc, s_ca, s_ab = (b - c) ** 2, (c - a) ** 2, (a - b) ** 2
    deg0 = judge1(expr0)
    fnum = dict1(deg0).__len__()
    varlistf = sympy.symbols('v:{}:a'.format(fnum))
    s_a, s_b, s_c = 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(0, fnum):
        s_a += varlistf[i] * dict1(deg0)[i]
        s_b += varlistf[i] * sympy.simplify(ex_0('{0}'.format(dict1(deg0)[i])))
        s_c += varlistf[i] * sympy.simplify(ex_1('{0}'.format(dict1(deg0)[i])))
    ineq = s_a * s_bc + s_b * s_ca + s_c * s_ab
    ineq0 = expand(s_a * s_bc + s_b * s_ca + s_c * s_ab)
    func0 = sympy.poly(ineq0 - expr2, a, b, c)
    equlist0 = []
    for i in range(0, dict0(deg0).__len__()):
    ans = solve(equlist0, varlistf)
    result0 = ineq.subs(ans)
    result2_a, result2_b, result2_c = s_a.subs(ans), s_b.subs(ans), s_c.subs(ans)
    result0 = str(result0)
    varlistf0 = [str(varlistf[i]) for i in range(0, fnum)]
    varlistf1, i = [], 0
    result2 = s_a.subs(ans)
    for j in range(0, fnum):
        if varlistf0[j] in result0:
    fnum0 = varlistf1.__len__()
    if fnum0 == 0:
        out0 += '\n[结果] ' + 'Σ (' + str(result2) + ') * (b - c) ** 2'
        out0 += '\n[通式] ' + 'Σ (' + str(result2) + ') * (b - c) ** 2'
        varlistf2 = [[] for _ in range(0, fnum0)]
        for k in range(0, fnum0):
            varlistf2[k] = sympy.symbols(varlistf1[k])
        varlistf3 = [varlistf2[i] for i in range(0, fnum0)]
        out0 += '\n[参数] ' + str(varlistf2)
        if judge1(expr0) == 4:
            add_a = sympy.poly(result2_a, a, b, c)
            equlist_4_1 = [add_a.coeff_monomial(c ** 2) - add_a.coeff_monomial(a ** 2)]
            equlist_4_2 = [add_a.coeff_monomial(a ** 2) - add_a.coeff_monomial(b ** 2)]
            add0_4 = solve(equlist_4_1 + equlist_4_2, varlistf3)
            result2 = numer(factor(add_a.subs(add0_4)))
            out0 += '\n[默认] ' + 'Σ (' + str(result2) + ') * (b - c) ** 2'
        if judge1(expr0) >= 5:
            add_a = sympy.poly(result2_a, a, b, c)
            add0_5 = {varlistf2[i]: 0 for i in range(0, fnum0)}
            result2 = numer(factor(add_a.subs(add0_5)))
            out0 += '\n[默认] ' + 'Σ (' + str(result2) + ') * (b - c) ** 2'
    return [out0, str(result2)]
Exemplo n.º 6
def LP_from_stdin(stdin, do_prompt=True):
    :returns: (constraints_matrix, objective_func)
    if do_prompt and stdin.istty():
        prompt = stdout.write
        # Do not write prompts for non-interactive sessions.
        prompt = lambda text: None

    prompt("Enter objective function (e.g. x + y - 3z): ")
    objective = sympy.poly(
    prompt("Enter constraints, one per line, terminate with empty line\n")
        "Constraints are of the form 'x + y - 3z <= 100', only "
        "less than constraints are allowed"
    prompt("NOTE: all variables are assumed to be non-negative\n")
    constraints = []
    while True:
        constraint_raw = stdin.readline()
        if not constraint_raw:
        constraint = parse_expr_and_transform(constraint_raw)

        assert isinstance(
            constraint, LessThan), "Only LessThan constraints are allowed"

        constraint_poly = sympy.poly(
            (constraint.args[0] - constraint.args[1]).simplify()

        assert constraint_poly.is_linear, \
                "Only linear constraints are allowed"


    # Convert constraints and objective func to the matrix form.
    used_vars = sorted(
        set(sum([c.gens for c in constraints], ()) + objective.gens)

    # NOTE: constants do not affect the value of the objective function.
    objective_row = [
        get_coeff_from_poly(objective, var) for var in used_vars

    constraints_matrix = [
            get_coeff_from_poly(c, var) for var in used_vars
        ] + [-get_constant_from_poly(c)] for c in constraints

    return (np.array(constraints_matrix), np.array(objective_row), map(str, used_vars))
Exemplo n.º 7
def plot_residuals(ts, p_poly, q_poly, d_poly, p_ARIMA_coeffs, q_ARIMA_coeffs, pacf_max=100, ):
    fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1)

    ts = ts.astype(float)

    if p_poly is not None:
        est_p_poly: poly = poly(p_poly.subs(dict(zip(p_symbols, p_ARIMA_coeffs))), B)
        est_p_poly = None
    if q_poly is not None:
        est_q_poly: poly = poly(q_poly.subs(dict(zip(q_symbols, q_ARIMA_coeffs))), B)
        est_q_poly = None

    print("est_p_poly:", est_p_poly)
    print("est_q_poly:", est_q_poly)

    # remember: use non-differenced series
    model_err = spp.calculateSeasonalARIMA_error(ts, est_p_poly, d_poly, est_q_poly)

    # step: differencing error, to test if if the noise term is describable by a MA(1) process

    model_err_sec = model_err[:-1] - model_err[1:]

    ax1.plot(model_err_sec, label='consec. differenced residuals')

    rks3 = compute_rks3(model_err_sec)
    res_95 = compute_safe_conf_95(rks3)
    ax2.plot(rks3, label='corellogram')
    ax2.vlines(np.arange(0, len(rks3)), 0, rks3, color="tab:red")
    ax2.plot(res_95, label='est. upper 95% conf. interval, ')
    ax2.plot(-res_95, label='est. lower 95% conf. interval,')

    # remember: pacf calculation can be unstable. Lag_max is a function of convergence: the faster it converges,
    #  the smaller the pacf_max possible.
    ts_pacf = stt.pacf(rks3, nlags=pacf_max)
    ts_pacf_95 = np.sqrt(1 / len(rks3))

    ax3.plot(ts_pacf, label='pacf')
    ax3.plot([ts_pacf_95] * pacf_max, label='est. upper 95% conf. interval')
    ax3.plot([-ts_pacf_95] * pacf_max, label='est. lower 95% conf. interval')
    ax3.vlines(np.arange(0, len(ts_pacf)), 0, ts_pacf, color="tab:red")


    ax2.set_ylabel('Estimated corr. coeff.')


    return fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3)
Exemplo n.º 8
def SyHa(P, Q, j, v):
    P = poly(P)
    Q = poly(Q)

    p = P.degree(v)
    q = Q.degree(v)
    # assert P.gens == Q.gens
    coef = partial(coefs, p + q - j, v)
    return Matrix([coef(P * v**k) for k in range(q - j - 1, -1, -1)] +
                  [coef(Q * v**k) for k in range(0, p - j, 1)])
Exemplo n.º 9
def iter_proj(proj_set, x):
    p_out = []
    for aux in proj1(proj_set, x):

    for aux in proj2(proj_set, x):

    print('p_out: ', p_out)
    return p_out
Exemplo n.º 10
def useLC(remainders, quotients, count, gcd, lc, dom, m):

    return EEA(remainders,
               lcPoly=poly(lc, x, domain=dom),
               oneP=poly(1, x, domain=dom))
Exemplo n.º 11
def poly_from_sympy(xpr, symbol='s'):
    """ Convert Sympy transfer function polynomial to Scipy LTI """
    s = sy.Symbol(symbol)
    num, den = sy.simplify(xpr).as_numer_denom()  # expressions
    p_num_den = sy.poly(num, s), sy.poly(den, s)  # polynomials
    c_num_den = [sy.expand(p).all_coeffs() for p in p_num_den]  # coefficients

    # convert to floats
    l_num, l_den = [sy.lambdify((), c)() for c in c_num_den]
    return l_num, l_den
Exemplo n.º 12
def EuclidsAlgorithm(a, b, m, dom):

    #the following statements set the polynomials in their domain and prepares them for further use
    a = poly(a)
    b = poly(b)
    a = a.as_poly(domain=dom)
    b = b.as_poly(domain=dom)
    ab = largesmall(a, b)
    a = ab[0]
    b = ab[1]
    #divide to obtain quotient q and remainder r
    q, r = div(a, b, domain=dom)

    #create empty arrays to accumulate quotients and remainders
    remainders = [ab[0], ab[1]]
    quotients = [[0], [0]]

    #loop collects remainders and quotients untill divide by 0 error, count used to determinne gcd

    x = True
    count = 2
    while x:
            count += 1
            q, r = div(remainders[count - 2],
                       remainders[count - 1],

            x = False

    #the last value in remainders will always be 0, thus the gcd is the penultimate element in the list
    temp = remainders[count - 2]
    gcd = temp

    #obtain leading coefficient->lc for use in obtaining monic equation Aa+Bb=gcd, made into its own sympy polynomial for div
    # to make the gcd a monic polynomial we divide it by its leading coefficient, luckily sympy has a function for that
    # we then take gcd as a polynomial argument to use for printing later

    lc = gcd.all_coeffs()[0]
    lc = sympify(float(lc))

    gcd = monic(gcd)
    gcd = Polynomial(gcd.all_coeffs()[::-1])

    #printData prints Recursive division, GCD, and rearanngement of equations so the user can see how the inverse euclid
    #algorithm s obtained
    printData(remainders, quotients, count, gcd)

    #use lc is used to circumvent sympy bug which doesnt allow for polynomials of degree 0 unless in function arguments
    useLC(remainders, quotients, count, gcd, lc, dom, m)
Exemplo n.º 13
def simplify_n_monic(tt):

    num, den = sp.fraction(sp.simplify(tt))

    num = sp.poly(num, s)
    den = sp.poly(den, s)

    lcnum = sp.LC(num)
    lcden = sp.LC(den)

    return (sp.simplify(lcnum / lcden) * (sp.monic(num) / sp.monic(den)))
Exemplo n.º 14
def generatePoly (n):
    symbols = []
    for i in range(n+1):
      symbols.append(sp.symbols(f"a_{i}", positive = True, real = True))
    s = sp.symbols('s')
    result = sp.poly(0, s)
    for x in range(n+1):
        result = result.add(sp.poly(symbols[x]*s**x,s))
    return result, symbols
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_simple_basis():
    Test the creation of a quotient basis
    x,y = sp.symbols('x,y')
    f1 = sp.poly( x**2 + y - 1, domain = 'C' )
    f2 = sp.poly( 2*x**2 + x*y + 2*y**2 + 1, domain = 'C' )
    I = [f1,f2]
    syms = [x,y]
    g_basis = sp.polys.groebner(I, *syms, order='grlex')
    q_basis = get_quotient_basis(I, *syms)
    assert len(q_basis) == 4
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_Cox_refine(self):
        """ Use 1-homogeneous partition and refine computation.
        import sympy as sym
        # Define tols
        tol = 1e-4
        tracktol = 1e-8
        finaltol = 1e-8
        singtol = 0.

        tracktolr = 1e-14
        finaltolr = 1e-14
        singtol = 0.

        x, y, z = sym.symbols('x, y, z')
        pol = pypolsys.utils.fromSympy([
            sym.poly(x**2 + y + z - 1, (x, y, z)),
            sym.poly(x + y**2 + z - 1, (x, y, z)),
            sym.poly(x + y + z**2 - 1, (x, y, z))
        # Pass it to POLSYS_PLP
        # Create homogeneous partition
        part = pypolsys.utils.make_h_part(3)
        # Pass it to POLSYS_PLP
        # Solve with loose tolerances
        bplp = pypolsys.polsys.solve(tracktol, finaltol, finaltol)
        # Get the roots, array of size (N+1) x bplp
        r0 = pypolsys.polsys.myroots
        # Get status of the solving process
        # Create References solution.
        ref = np.zeros((3, 5))
        sol = [(1., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0.), (0., 0, 1.),
               (-1. + np.sqrt(2.), -1. + np.sqrt(2.), -1. + np.sqrt(2.)),
               (-1. - np.sqrt(2.), -1. - np.sqrt(2.), -1. - np.sqrt(2.))]
        for i, s in enumerate(sol):
            ref[:, i] = s

        # Compute error with loose bounds
        err0 = sort_ref_found(ref, r0)
        # Refine one-half of the solutions
        path1 = np.array([1, 3, 5, 8])
        pypolsys.polsys.refine(path1, tracktolr, finaltolr, finaltol)
        path2 = np.array([2, 4, 6, 7])
        pypolsys.polsys.refine(path2, tracktolr, finaltolr, finaltol)
        # Get refine solution
        rr = pypolsys.polsys.myroots
        # Compute error with tight bounds
        errr = sort_ref_found(ref, rr)
        # Check error is lower than before
        self.assertTrue(errr * 100 < err0)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_normality(n=4):
    x = sympy.Symbol("x")
    p = sympy.poly(x)

    iterator = orthopy.c1.chebyshev2.Eval(p, "normal")
    for k, val in enumerate(itertools.islice(iterator, n)):
        if k == 0:
            val = sympy.poly(val, x)
        # sympy integration isn't only slow, but also wrong,
        # <https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/19427>
        # assert _integrate(val ** 2, x) == 1
        assert _integrate_poly(val**2) == 1
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_simple_basis():
    Test the creation of a quotient basis
    x, y = sp.symbols('x,y')
    f1 = sp.poly(x**2 + y - 1, domain='C')
    f2 = sp.poly(2 * x**2 + x * y + 2 * y**2 + 1, domain='C')
    I = [f1, f2]
    syms = [x, y]
    g_basis = sp.polys.groebner(I, *syms, order='grlex')
    q_basis = get_quotient_basis(I, *syms)
    assert len(q_basis) == 4
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_normality(d, standardization, n=4):
    X = [sympy.symbols(f"x{k}") for k in range(d)]
    p = [sympy.poly(x, X) for x in X]
    evaluator = orthopy.enr2.Eval(p, standardization)

    vals = next(evaluator)
    val = sympy.poly(vals[0], X)
    assert _integrate_poly(val**2, standardization) == 1

    for k in range(n + 1):
        vals = next(evaluator)
        for val in vals:
            assert _integrate_poly(val**2, standardization) == 1
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_horner_dense(self):
        """ Test horner, dense and standard approach on a simple test case,
        without solution at infnity.

        import sympy as sym
        tol = 1e-4  # due to reference solution
        tracktol = 1e-8
        finaltol = 1e-14
        singtol = 0.
        # Example from https://nextjournal.com/saschatimme/homotopy-continuation-crash-course
        x, y = sym.symbols('x, y')
        monoms = pypolsys.utils.fromSympy(
            [sym.poly(x**2 + 2 * y, (x, y)),
             sym.poly(y**2 - 2, (x, y))])
        # 1-Homogeneous
        part = pypolsys.utils.make_h_part(2)
        # Solve and Store results
        b1 = pypolsys.polsys.solve(tracktol, finaltol, singtol)
        r1 = pypolsys.polsys.myroots.copy()

        # Use dense
        dmonoms = pypolsys.utils.toDense(*monoms)
        # Solve and Store results
        b1dense = pypolsys.polsys.solve(tracktol, finaltol, singtol, False)
        r1dense = pypolsys.polsys.myroots.copy()

        # Use dense AND Horner
        # Need to associate
        # Solve and Store results
        b1denseH = pypolsys.polsys.solve(tracktol, finaltol, singtol, True)
        r1denseH = pypolsys.polsys.myroots.copy()

        # Ref solution
        ref = np.array([[-2.51712e-32 - 1.68179j, 1.41421 - 3.69779e-32j],
                        [1.68179 + 1.54074e-33j, -1.41421 - 1.54074e-33j],
                        [2.51712e-32 + 1.68179j, 1.41421 - 3.69779e-32j],
                        [-1.68179 - 1.54074e-33j, -1.41421 - 1.54074e-33j]]).T
        # Need to sort both solutions in the same way
        err0 = sort_ref_found(ref, r1)  # standard
        err1 = sort_ref_found(ref, r1dense)  # dense
        err2 = sort_ref_found(ref, r1denseH)  # dense + horner
        self.assertTrue(err0 < tol)
        self.assertTrue(err1 < tol)
        self.assertTrue(err2 < tol)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_basis(self):
        x, y = sp.symbols('x y')
        b = Basis.from_degree(2, 3, hom=True)

        # Should not return error
        b.check_can_represent(sp.poly(x**2 * y**4))

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # Degree too high

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # Not homogeneous
            b.check_can_represent(sp.poly(x**2 * y**3))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _find_Psi(self, AR, MA, p, q,
                  m):  # generate column-vector Psi from AR and MA polynomials

        phi = -np.flip(sym.poly(AR, B).all_coeffs())
        the = -np.flip(sym.poly(MA, B).all_coeffs())
        phi = np.concatenate((phi, np.zeros(m - p)))
        the = np.concatenate((the, np.zeros(m - q)))

        psi = []
        for j in range(m + 1):
            psi_j = (the[j] - phi[1:j + 1] @ np.flip(psi[:j])) / phi[0]

        return np.array([psi]).T
Exemplo n.º 23
def sc1_5(expr):
    print('[整理] ', normal0(expr))
    expr0 = str(numer(cancel(sigma(expr))))
    expr2 = numer(cancel(sigma(expr)))
    s_bc, s_ca, s_ab = (a - b) * (a - c), (b - c) * (b - a), (c - a) * (c - b)
    fnum = dict1(expr0).__len__()
    varlistf = sympy.symbols('v:{}:a'.format(fnum))
    s_a, s_b, s_c = 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(0, fnum):
        s_a += varlistf[i] * dict1(expr0)[i]
        s_b += varlistf[i] * sympy.simplify(ex_0('{0}'.format(
        s_c += varlistf[i] * sympy.simplify(ex_1('{0}'.format(
    ineq = s_a * s_bc + s_b * s_ca + s_c * s_ab
    ineq0 = expand(s_a * s_bc + s_b * s_ca + s_c * s_ab)
    func0 = sympy.poly(ineq0 - expr2, a, b, c)
    equlist0 = []
    for i in range(0, dict0(expr0).__len__()):
    ans = solve(equlist0, varlistf)
    result0 = ineq.subs(ans)
    result2_a, result2_b, result2_c = s_a.subs(ans), s_b.subs(ans), s_c.subs(
    result0 = str(result0)
    varlistf0 = [str(varlistf[i]) for i in range(0, fnum)]
    varlistf1, i = [], 0
    result2 = s_a.subs(ans)
    print('[通式] ', 'Σ (', result2, ') * ( a - b ) * ( a - c )')
    for j in range(0, fnum):
        if varlistf0[j] in result0:
    fnum0 = varlistf1.__len__()
    varlistf2 = [[] for i in range(0, fnum0)]
    for k in range(0, fnum0):
        varlistf2[k] = sympy.symbols(varlistf1[k])
    varlistf3 = [varlistf2[i] for i in range(0, fnum0)]
    print('[参数] ', varlistf2)
    if judge1(expr0) == 4:
        add_a = sympy.poly(result2_a, a, b, c)
        equlist_4_1 = [add_a.coeff_monomial(c**2) - add_a.coeff_monomial(a**2)]
        equlist_4_2 = [add_a.coeff_monomial(a**2) - add_a.coeff_monomial(b**2)]
        add0_4 = solve(equlist_4_1 + equlist_4_2, varlistf3)
        result2 = numer(factor(add_a.subs(add0_4)))
        print('[默认] ', 'Σ (', result2, ') * ( a - b ) * ( a - c )')
    if judge1(expr0) >= 5:
        add_a = sympy.poly(result2_a, a, b, c)
        add0_5 = {varlistf2[i]: 1 for i in range(0, fnum0)}
        result2 = numer(factor(add_a.subs(add0_5)))
        print('[默认] ', 'Σ (', result2, ') * ( a - b ) * ( a - c )')
Exemplo n.º 24
def fsagrowthtopolystrings(filename):
    f = open(filename, "r")
    lines = f.readlines()
    assert ('as previous' in lines[-1] and 'as previous' in lines[-2])
    liness = lines[3:-2]
    line = ''
    for l in liness:
        line = line + (l.rstrip('\n'))
    numbegin = line.index('(')
    numend = line.index(')')
    denombegin = 1 + numend + (line[1 + numend:]).index('(')
    denomend = 1 + numend + (line[1 + numend:]).index(')')
    return sympy.poly(line[1 + numbegin:numend]).all_coeffs(), sympy.poly(
        line[1 + denombegin:denomend]).all_coeffs()
Exemplo n.º 25
def pqr2_6_1(expr):
    if as_pqr:
        ineq0 = numer(cancel(sigma(expr)))
        ineq0 = numer(cancel(expr))
    a, b, c = sympy.symbols('a, b, c')
    p, q, r = sympy.symbols('p, q, r')
    list1, list2, equlist0 = [], dict0(judge1(expr)), []
    list0 = dict2(judge1(expr))[-1]
    fnum0, fnum1, result0, resultpqr = list0.__len__(), list2.__len__(), 0, 0
    varlistf = sympy.symbols('c:{}:a'.format(fnum0))
    for i in range(0, fnum0):
            p: (a + b + c),
            q: a * b + b * c + c * a,
            r: a * b * c
        result0 += list1[i] * varlistf[i]
        resultpqr += list0[i] * varlistf[i]
    result1 = sympy.poly(sympy.simplify(result0) - ineq0, a, b, c)
    for i in range(0, fnum1):
    ans = solve(equlist0, varlistf)
    result2 = factor(resultpqr.subs(ans))
    return result2
Exemplo n.º 26
def pqr2_6_2(expr):
    if as_pqr:
        ineq0 = numer(cancel(sigma(expr)))
        ineq0 = numer(cancel(expr))
    a, b, c = sympy.symbols('a, b, c')
    p, q, r = sympy.symbols('p, q, r')
    deg0 = judge1(expr)
    poly0 = sympy.poly(ineq0, a, b, c)
    polydict0 = poly0.as_dict()
    all0 = list(zip(list(polydict0.keys()), list(polydict0.values())))
    length0 = all0.__len__()
    listcy = [[] for _ in range(0, deg0 + 1)]
    listcy0 = [0 * a for _ in range(0, deg0 + 1)]
    for cy in range(1, deg0 + 1):
        for len in range(0, length0):
            if sum(all0[len][0]) == cy:
                listcy[cy].append((a**all0[len][0][0] * b**all0[len][0][1] *
                                   c**all0[len][0][2]) * all0[len][1])
        count0 = listcy[cy].__len__()
        for i in range(0, count0):
            listcy0[cy] += listcy[cy][i]
        listcy0[cy] = sympy.simplify(listcy0[cy])
    for len in range(0, length0):
        if sum(all0[len][0]) == 0:
            listcy0[0] = all0[len][1]
    result3 = listcy0[0]
    for i in range(1, deg0 + 1):
        if as_pqr:
            result3 += pqr2_6_1(str(listcy0[i])) / 3
            result3 += pqr2_6_1(str(listcy0[i]))
    return result3
Exemplo n.º 27
def sympy_polynomial_to_function(expr, symbs,
    poly = sp.poly(sp.collect(sp.expand(expr), symbs), *symbs)
    input_names = map(attrgetter('name'), poly.gens)
    num_names = len(input_names)

    def term_string((powers, coeff)):
        indices = filter(lambda i: powers[i] != 0,
        if indices:
            terms = map(lambda i: '(%s ** %s)' % (input_names[i],
            return '%s * %s' % (float(coeff), ' * '.join(terms))
            return '%s' % float(coeff)

    poly_str = ' + '.join(map(term_string, poly.terms()))
    function_str = 'def %s(%s):\n    return %s' % (
        func_name, ', '.join(input_names), poly_str)

    if return_string:
        return function_str

    exec_env = {}
    exec function_str in exec_env
    return exec_env[func_name]
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_cubic2():
    import sympy as sym
    x, t, c, L, dx = sym.symbols('x t c L dx')
    T = lambda t: 1 + sym.Rational(1, 2) * t  # Temporal term
    # Set u as a 3rd-degree polynomial in space
    X = lambda x: sum(a[i] * x**i for i in range(4))
    a = sym.symbols('a_0 a_1 a_2 a_3')
    u = lambda x, t: X(x) * T(t)
    # Force discrete boundary condition to be zero by adding
    # a correction term the analytical suggestion x*(L-x)*T
    # u_x = x*(L-x)*T(t) - 1/6*u_xxx*dx**2
    R = sym.diff(u(x, t), x) - (
        x * (L - x) - sym.Rational(1, 6) * sym.diff(u(x, t), x, x, x) * dx**2)
    # R is a polynomial: force all coefficients to vanish.
    # Turn R to Poly to extract coefficients:
    R = sym.poly(R, x)
    coeff = R.all_coeffs()
    s = sym.solve(coeff, a[1:])  # a[0] is not present in R
    # s is dictionary with a[i] as keys
    # Fix a[0] as 1
    s[a[0]] = 1
    X = lambda x: sym.simplify(sum(s[a[i]] * x**i for i in range(4)))
    u = lambda x, t: X(x) * T(t)
    print 'u:', u(x, t)
    # Find source term
    f = sym.diff(u(x, t), t, t) - c**2 * sym.diff(u(x, t), x, x)
    f = sym.simplify(f)
    print 'f:', f

    u_exact = sym.lambdify([x, t, L, dx], u(x, t), 'numpy')
    V_exact = sym.lambdify([x, t, L, dx], sym.diff(u(x, t), t), 'numpy')
    f_exact = sym.lambdify([x, t, L, dx, c], f)

    # Replace symbolic variables by numeric ones
    L = 2.0
    Nx = 3
    C = 0.75
    c = 0.5
    dt = C * (L / Nx) / c
    dx = dt * c / C

    I = lambda x: u_exact(x, 0, L, dx)
    V = lambda x: V_exact(x, 0, L, dx)
    f = lambda x, t: f_exact(x, t, L, dx, c)

    # user_action function asserts correct solution
    def assert_no_error(u, x, t, n):
        u_e = u_exact(x, t[n], L, dx)
        diff = abs(u - u_e).max()
        nt.assert_almost_equal(diff, 0, places=13)

    u, x, t, cpu = solver(I=I,
                          T=4 * dt,
            def luhn_verify(number_to_verify):
                # Verifies that the card number of the account the user wishes to transfer money to passes the
                # Luhn algorithm.
                # number_to_verify: receiving account number, passed from outer function do_transfer()
                digit_list = []
                control_number = 0

                for digit in number_to_verify:

                for index in range(len(digit_list)):
                    if (index + 1) % 2 != 0 and index < 15:
                        digit_list[index] *= 2
                    if digit_list[index] > 9 and index < 15:
                        digit_list[index] -= 9

                for index in range(len(digit_list)):
                    if index < 15:
                        control_number += digit_list[index]

                x = sympy.symbols("x")
                checksum = sympy.solve(sympy.poly(control_number + x, modulus=10))[0]
                if checksum < 0:
                    checksum += 10
                if digit_list[-1] == checksum:
                    return True  # Returns True if the Luhn algorithm was passed.
                    return False  # Returns False if the Luhn algorithm was not passed.
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_get_sos_le_van_barel_1(self):
     polynomial = poly(
         '2*w**2 - 2*z*w + 8*z**2 - 2*y*z + y**2 - 2*y**2*w + y**4 - 4*x*y*z - 4*x**2*z + x**2*y**2 + 2*x**4'
     status, sos = get_sos(polynomial)
     self.assertEqual(status, 'Exact SOS decomposition found.')
     self.assertEqual(expand(sos.as_expr()), expand(polynomial).as_expr())
Exemplo n.º 31
 def gorner(self, f, x_value):
     x = Symbol('x')
     coof = poly(f).coeffs()
     ans = 0
     for k in coof:
         ans = k + ans * x_value
     return ans
Exemplo n.º 32
def sample_points(f, range_x=(-1.,1.), resolution=100):
    f = sp.poly(f.as_expr())
    pts = []
    for x in np.linspace(*(range_x + (resolution,))):
        for y in sp.polys.real_roots(f(x)):
            pts.append((float(x), float(y)))
    return np.array(pts)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def _is_linear(self, expr):
         # Check to see whether expression represents linear dynamics
         return sympy.poly(expr.rhs, *self.input_and_states).is_linear
     except PolynomialError:
         # Return false if not a polynomial
         return False
Exemplo n.º 34
    def integrate_h_profile(
        n_pts: int = 301,
        x_max: float = None,
        do_truncate: bool = True,
        do_use_newton: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        Generate topographic profile by numerically integrating gradient.

        Uses simple quadrature.

                optional sample rate along each curve
                optional x-axis limit
                optionally omit that last couple of points?
                optionally use Newton-Raphson method to find gradient values
                (default is to find these values algebraically)
        x_max_: float = (float(Lc.subs(self.parameters))
                         if x_max is None else x_max)
        self.h_x_array: np.ndarray = np.linspace(0, x_max_, n_pts)
        px0_poly_eqn: Poly = poly(
            self.gmeq.poly_px_xiv0_eqn.subs(self.parameters), px)
        if do_truncate:
            h_x_array = self.h_x_array[:-2]
            gradient_array: np.ndarray = np.array([
                ) for x_ in h_x_array
            h_z_array: np.ndarray = cumtrapz(gradient_array,
            h_z_interp: Callable = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(h_x_array,
            self.h_z_array: np.ndarray = h_z_interp(self.h_x_array)
            h_x_array = self.h_x_array
            # for x_ in h_x_array:
            #     print(x_,self.gradient_value(x_,parameters=self.parameters))
            gradient_array = np.array([
                ) for x_ in h_x_array
            self.h_z_array = cumtrapz(gradient_array, h_x_array, initial=0)
Exemplo n.º 35
 def _findRoots(self, convertToEne, fun, **args):
     if self.resultFileHandler:
     if self.hasCoeffs:
         allRoots = []
         for eKey in self.alphas:
             alphas = self.alphas[eKey]
             betas = self.betas[eKey]
             k = sy.symbols('k')
             matLst = []
             for m in range(self.numChannels):
                 for n in range(self.numChannels):
                     lm = self.kCal.l(m)
                     ln = self.kCal.l(n)
                     val = 0.0
                     for ci in range(self.numCoeffs):
                         A = alphas[ci][m,n]
                         B = betas[ci][m,n]
                         val += (1.0/2.0)*(1.0/self.kCal.massMult)**(ci) * (QSToSympy(A)*k**(ln-lm+2*ci) - sy.I*QSToSympy(B)*k**(ln+lm+1+2*ci) )
                     #matLst[len(matLst)-1].append(val) #v1
             mat = sy_matrix(matLst)
             roots = fun(mat, k, **args)
             if convertToEne:
                 mappedRoots = map(lambda val: self.kCal.e(val,True), roots)
                 mappedRoots = map(lambda val: complex(val), roots)
     if self.resultFileHandler:
     return allRoots
Exemplo n.º 36
def ast3_0(expr):
    if as_ast:
        exprast = str(normal0(str(expr)))
        exprast = str(normal1(str(expr)))
    expr0, expr1 = [i for i in exprast], ''
    for i in range(0, expr0.__len__()):
        if expr0[i] == 'b':
            expr0[i] = '(a+s)'
        if expr0[i] == 'c':
            if ast:
                expr0[i] = '(a+t)'
                expr0[i] = '(a+s+t)'
    for i in range(0, expr0.__len__()):
        expr1 += expr0[i]
    expr1 = sympy.poly(sympy.simplify(expand(expr1)), a)
    deg0 = expr1.total_degree()
    expr2, expr3 = '', []
    for n in range(0, deg0):
        expr_temp = factor(expr1.coeff_monomial(a**(deg0 - n)))
        expr2 += str(expr_temp * a**(deg0 - n)) + ' + '
    constant0 = str(factor(expr1.coeff_monomial(a**0)))
    expr2 += constant0
    return [expr2, expr3]
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_orthogonality(d, n):
    X = [sympy.Symbol(f"x{k}") for k in range(d)]
    p = [sympy.poly(x, X) for x in X]
    evaluator = orthopy.cn.Eval(p)
    tree = numpy.concatenate([next(evaluator) for _ in range(n + 1)])
    for f0, f1 in itertools.combinations(tree, 2):
        assert _integrate_poly(f0 * f1) == 0
Exemplo n.º 38
def _get_data(dim, n, point_fun, symbolic):
    # points
    idxs = numpy.array(get_all_exponents(dim + 1, n)[-1])
    points = point_fun(idxs)

    # weights
    weights = numpy.empty(len(points))
    kk = 0
    for idx in idxs:
        # Define the polynomial which to integrate over the simplex.
        t = sympy.DeferredVector("t")
        g = prod(
            sympy.poly((t[i] - point_fun(k)) / (point_fun(m) - point_fun(k)))
            for i, m in enumerate(idx) for k in range(m))
        if isinstance(g, int):
            exp = [0] * (dim + 1)
            coeffs = g
            # make sure the exponents are all of the correct length
            exp = [list(m) + [0] * (dim - len(m) + 1) for m in g.monoms()]
            coeffs = g.coeffs()
        weights[kk] = sum(c * integrate_bary(m, symbolic)
                          for c, m in zip(coeffs, exp))
        kk += 1

    return weights, points
def special_chromatic_polynomial(adj, N, tutte_polynomial,
    This is the chromatic polynomial, derived from the Tutte polynomial
    The chromatic polynomial for a connected graphs evaluates T(x,y)
    at C(k) = T(x=1-k,y=0)*(-1)**N*(1-k)*N
    tutte_adjust = [(coeff, xd - 1) for xd, yd, coeff 
                    in tutte_polynomial if yd == 1]

    from sympy.abc import x
    p = 0
    for (coeff, power) in tutte_adjust:
        p += coeff * x ** power
    C = (-1) ** (N - 1) * x * p.subs(x, 1 - x)
    C = sympy.poly(C)

    coeff_list = []
    for degree in range(0, N + 1):
        coeff = C.nth(degree)
        if coeff:
            key = (degree, int(coeff))

    return tuple(coeff_list)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def mildorf_titu_andreescu(self):
     polynomial = poly(
         'a**4*c**2 + b**4*a**2 + c**4*b**2 - a**3*b**2*c - b**3*c**2*a - c**3*a**2*b'
     status, sos = get_sos(polynomial)
     self.assertEqual(status, 'Exact SOS decomposition found.')
     self.assertEqual(expand(sos.as_expr()), expand(polynomial).as_expr())
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_orthogonality(d, n, standardization):
    X = [sympy.symbols(f"x{k}") for k in range(d)]
    p = [sympy.poly(x, X) for x in X]
    evaluator = orthopy.enr2.Eval(p, standardization)
    vals = numpy.concatenate([next(evaluator) for _ in range(n + 1)])
    for f0, f1 in itertools.combinations(vals, 2):
        assert _integrate_poly(f0 * f1, standardization) == 0
Exemplo n.º 42
def homogenize(f,x,y,z):
    Returns the polynomial in homogenous coordinates.
    p = sympy.poly(f,[x,y])
    d = max(map(sum,p.monoms()))
    F = sympy.expand( z**d * f.subs([(x,x/z),(y,y/z)]) )
    return F, d
Exemplo n.º 43
	def constraints_tx_iter():
		para = list(zip(txs, [0.0] * order))
		c_global = constraints_global
		while len(para) > 1:
			tx = txs[-len(para)]
			yield tx, [poly(c.subs(para), tx).all_coeffs() for c in c_global]
Exemplo n.º 44
Arquivo: crv.py Projeto: Lenqth/sympy
 def expectation(self, expr, var, evaluate=True, **kwargs):
     """ Expectation of expression over distribution """
     if evaluate:
             p = poly(expr, var)
             t = Dummy('t', real=True)
             mgf = self._moment_generating_function(t)
             if mgf is None:
                 return integrate(expr * self.pdf(var), (var, self.set), **kwargs)
             deg = p.degree()
             taylor = poly(series(mgf, t, 0, deg + 1).removeO(), t)
             result = 0
             for k in range(deg+1):
                 result += p.coeff_monomial(var ** k) * taylor.coeff_monomial(t ** k) * factorial(k)
             return result
         except PolynomialError:
             return integrate(expr * self.pdf(var), (var, self.set), **kwargs)
         return Integral(expr * self.pdf(var), (var, self.set), **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_cubic2():
    import sympy as sym
    x, t, c, L, dx = sym.symbols('x t c L dx')
    T = lambda t: 1 + sym.Rational(1,2)*t  # Temporal term
    # Set u as a 3rd-degree polynomial in space
    X = lambda x: sum(a[i]*x**i for i in range(4))
    a = sym.symbols('a_0 a_1 a_2 a_3')
    u = lambda x, t: X(x)*T(t)
    # Force discrete boundary condition to be zero by adding
    # a correction term the analytical suggestion x*(L-x)*T
    # u_x = x*(L-x)*T(t) - 1/6*u_xxx*dx**2
    R = sym.diff(u(x,t), x) - (
        x*(L-x) - sym.Rational(1,6)*sym.diff(u(x,t), x, x, x)*dx**2)
    # R is a polynomial: force all coefficients to vanish.
    # Turn R to Poly to extract coefficients:
    R = sym.poly(R, x)
    coeff = R.all_coeffs()
    s = sym.solve(coeff, a[1:])  # a[0] is not present in R
    # s is dictionary with a[i] as keys
    # Fix a[0] as 1
    s[a[0]] = 1
    X = lambda x: sym.simplify(sum(s[a[i]]*x**i for i in range(4)))
    u = lambda x, t: X(x)*T(t)
    print 'u:', u(x,t)
    # Find source term
    f = sym.diff(u(x,t), t, t) - c**2*sym.diff(u(x,t), x, x)
    f = sym.simplify(f)
    print 'f:', f

    u_exact = sym.lambdify([x,t,L,dx], u(x,t), 'numpy')
    V_exact = sym.lambdify([x,t,L,dx], sym.diff(u(x,t), t), 'numpy')
    f_exact = sym.lambdify([x,t,L,dx,c], f)

    # Replace symbolic variables by numeric ones
    L = 2.0
    Nx = 3
    C = 0.75
    c = 0.5
    dt = C*(L/Nx)/c
    dx = dt*c/C

    I = lambda x: u_exact(x, 0, L, dx)
    V = lambda x: V_exact(x, 0, L, dx)
    f = lambda x, t: f_exact(x, t, L, dx, c)

    # user_action function asserts correct solution
    def assert_no_error(u, x, t, n):
        u_e = u_exact(x, t[n], L, dx)
        diff = abs(u - u_e).max()
        nt.assert_almost_equal(diff, 0, places=13)

    u, x, t, cpu = solver(
        I=I, V=V, f=f, c=c, L=L,
        dt=dt, C=C, T=4*dt, user_action=assert_no_error)
Exemplo n.º 46
def compute_plane_gradient(p1, p2, p3):
    # Equation of type: a x + b y + c z + d = 0.
    # Return gradient as 2D point: (-a / c, -b / c)
    # p1, p2, p3 are Point3D objects.
    plane_equation = Plane(p1, p2, p3).equation()

    plane_equation_poly = poly(str(plane_equation), gens=sp.symbols(['x', 'y', 'z']))
    a = plane_equation_poly.diff('x')
    b = plane_equation_poly.diff('y')
    c = plane_equation_poly.diff('z')

    return (- a / c, - b / c)
Exemplo n.º 47
 def _get_coeffs(self):
     self.coeffs = []
     x = sympy.symbols('x')
     for i in range(len(self.xy) - 1):
         polynomial = self.m[i] * (self.xy[i + 1][0] - x) ** 3 / (6 * self.dx[i])
         polynomial += self.m[i + 1] * (x - self.xy[i][0]) ** 3 / (6 * self.dx[i])
         polynomial += (self.xy[i][1] - self.m[i] * self.dx[i] ** 2 / 6) * (self.xy[i + 1][0] - x) / self.dx[i]
         polynomial += (self.xy[i + 1][1] - self.m[i + 1] * self.dx[i] ** 2 / 6) * (x - self.xy[i][0]) / self.dx[i]
         if polynomial == 0:
             self.coeffs.append([0, 0, 0, 0])
Exemplo n.º 48
def solve(p, l, r, plus):
    q = get_q(l, plus)
    f = p.subs(b, q)
    v = poly(f - r).intervals()
    s = []
    if v:
        s = [i[0][0] for i in v if i[0][0] > 0 and i[0][0] == i[0][1]]
    return s
Exemplo n.º 49
def by_evaluation(*pols, **args):
    Creates a polynomial by evaluating each of pols with the arguments in **kwargs

    @param *pols polynomial list - list of polynomials to evaluate
    @param **kwargs symbol map - map of variable to value
    @return polynomial - is \sum (pol_i - pol_i(x))^2
    ret = 0.
    for pol in pols:
        ret += (pol - pol.evalf(subs=args))**2
    return sp.poly(ret)
Exemplo n.º 50
def generate_poly(hyper, syms):
    Create a symbolic polynomial for the moments.
    k, d = hyper['k'], hyper['d']

    atoms = {}
    for h in xrange(1,k+1):
                (h,x1) : symbols(sym(h,x1))
                    for x1 in xrange(1,d+1)

    m = {}
    for x1 in xrange(1,d+1):
        m[(x1,)] = poly( sum( atoms[(h,x1)] for h in xrange(1,k+1) ), *syms, domain='RR')
        for x2 in xrange(x1,d+1):
            m[(x1,x2)] = poly( sum( atoms[(h,x1)] * atoms[(h,x2)] for h in xrange(1,k+1) ), *syms, domain='RR')
#            for x3 in xrange(x2,d+1):
#                 m[(x1,x2,x3)] = poly( sum( atoms[(h,x1)] * atoms[(h,x2)] * atoms[(h,x3)] for h in xrange(1,k+1) ), *syms, domain='RR')

    return m
Exemplo n.º 51
def test_cubic():
    Test the simple quadratic (x-a)^2.
    a = 2.

    x = symbols('x')
    pol = poly( (x - a)**6 )
    x_opt = a

    sol = polyopt.optimize_polynomial(pol)
    x_sol = sol[x]

    assert np.allclose( x_opt, x_sol, 1e-1 )
Exemplo n.º 52
    def get_reaction_orders(hazards, species):
        reaction_orders = []
        # parse each hazard equation to determine the order of the reaction
        for reaction_id, hazard in enumerate(hazards):
            # we need to 'pythonify' the power sign in the hazard string
            py_hazard = string.replace(hazard, '^', '**')

            # expand the equation to it's canonical form
            py_hazard = str(sympy.expand(py_hazard))

            # is degree of poly == reaction order?
            temp_poly = sympy.poly(py_hazard, sympy.symbols(species.keys()))
            poly_degree = sympy.polys.polytools.Poly.total_degree(temp_poly)
        return reaction_orders
Exemplo n.º 53
def make_transition_matrix(scaling, order):
    """Given the scaling function and the order this function
       generates the transition matrix Ps<-basis, where s is
       the standard basis.
    x = sp.symbols('x')
    transition_matrix = np.zeros([order, order], dtype=np.float64)
    for j in range(order):
            pol = sp.poly(scaling(order, j, x))
            tmp = np.zeros(order, dtype=np.float64)
            pol_arr = np.flip(np.array(pol.all_coeffs(), dtype=np.float64), 0)
            for i in range(pol_arr.size):
                tmp[i] = pol_arr[i]
            transition_matrix[:, j] = tmp
            transition_matrix[0, 0] = 1.0
    return transition_matrix
def _poly_factorable_over_field(p, domain):
    # Factor the char poly over the integers
    pz = sympy.factor(p, domain=domain)

    # Change expression like (a+b)**n -> (a+b)
    def reduce_power(fp):
            return fp.base
            return fp

    # Loop over the factors
    for term in pz.as_ordered_factors():
        term_poly = sympy.poly(reduce_power(term))
        # Check if the base factors are not linear
        # indicates can't be factored over choosen domain
        if term_poly.degree() > 1:
            return False
    return True
def parabolic_curvature(x, y, D):
    """ Another model of capillarian bend is described here """
    # Those are generic lens describing parameters
    # and may be used to describe the curve
    y0 = y['y0']
    y1 = y['y1']
    ym = y['ym']
    y2 = y['y2']
    yf = y['yf']
    h1 = abs(x)
    Din     = D['Din']
    Dout    = D['Dout']
    Dmax    = D['Dmax']
    h2 = h1 * Dout/Din
    hm = h1 * (0.5 * Dmax) / (0.5 * Din)

    # TODO lambdas might look better?
    # Define a specific parabola with y(40) = 1
    def funn(pos):
        return 1. - (pos/85.5 - 1.) **2

    # Normalize to the type 'A' lens entrance
    # and account for amplitude :: x/Din
    def fuxx(pos):
        return (1. * h1 / Din) * funn(pos) / funn(40)

    # Make it sympy.poly(x)
    if h1 <> 0:
        parapoly = poly(fuxx(XX))
        coeffs = parapoly.all_coeffs()
        coeffs = [0., 0., 0.]

    # Reverse coefficients so they start with the lowest power
    out = coeffs + [0., 0., 0.]

    # Convert to floats
    out = [float(val) for val in out]

    return out
def sizeControl(xac,canard,main,tail,configuration="both",ratio=0):
    """Returns area of either canard, tail, or coefficients of the equation ret= both, c, t
       Input: Canard, Wing, Tail location and aerodynamic properties
       Ouput: Canard, Tail surface Area"""
    eq  = (xac - Sxcg)/main.chord - main.cm/main.cl \
         + canard.cl/main.cl*ScA*canard.dist_np/(main.surface*main.chord)*(canard.VelFrac)**2 \
         +   tail.cl/main.cl*StA*  tail.dist_np/(main.surface*main.chord)*(  tail.VelFrac)**2
    if configuration=="both":
        eqP = sympy.poly(eq)
        return eq,eqP.coeffs()
    elif configuration=="c":
        return sympy.solve(eq.subs(ScA,ratio*StA))
    elif configuration=="t":
        return sympy.solve(eq.subs(StA,ratio*ScA))
        raise ValueError("Configuration Unknown")
Exemplo n.º 57
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: sidaw/mompy
    def numeric_instance(self, ys, maxdeg = None):
        assign the matrix_monos ys and return an np matrix
        @params - ys: a list of numbers corresponding to self.matrix_monos
        @params - maxdeg: cutoff the matrix at this degree
        assert len(ys)==len(self.matrix_monos), 'the lengths of the moment sequence is wrong'
        G = self.get_LMI_coefficients()
        num_inst = np.zeros(len(self.row_monos)**2)
        for i,val in enumerate(ys):
            num_inst += -val*np.array(matrix(G[i])).flatten()
        num_row_monos = len(self.row_monos)
        mat = num_inst.reshape(num_row_monos,num_row_monos)

        if maxdeg is not None:
            deglist = [sp.poly(rm, self.vars).total_degree() for rm in self.row_monos]
            cutoffind = sum([int(d<=maxdeg) for d in deglist])
            mat = mat[0:cutoffind, 0:cutoffind]

        return mat
def sizeStab(xac,canard,main,tail,stabMargin=0.1,configuration="both",ratio=0):
    """Returns area of either canard, tail, or coefficients of the equation ret= both, c, t
       Input: Canard, Wing, Tail location and aerodynamic properties
       Ouput: Canard, Tail surface Area"""
    eq = xac/main.chord - stabMargin - Sxcg/main.chord \
        + ScA*canard.dist_np/(main.surface*main.chord)*(canard.VelFrac)**2 *canard.clalpha/main.clalpha*(1+canard.wash)\
        + StA*tail.dist_np  /(main.surface*main.chord)*(tail.VelFrac)**2   *tail.clalpha  /main.clalpha*(1+tail.wash)
    if configuration=="both":
        eqP = sympy.poly(eq)
        return eq,eqP.coeffs()
    elif configuration=="c":
        return sympy.solve(eq.subs({StA:ratio*ScA}))
    elif configuration=="t":
        return sympy.solve(eq.subs({ScA:ratio*StA}))
        raise ValueError("Configuration Unknown")
Exemplo n.º 59
    def build_random_polynomial(self):
        # Construct list of random coefficients and exponents.
        coef_exps_list = []
        for index in range(POLY_TERMS):
            coef = np.random.randint(POLY_MIN_COEF, POLY_MAX_COEF, 1).tolist()
            exps = np.random.randint(0, POLY_MAX_DEGREE, self.n).tolist()
            coef_exps_list.append(tuple(coef + exps))

        # Construct polynomial variables as x_1, x_2, ..., x_n.
        poly_vars = sp.symbols(['x_' + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.n)])

        # Construct the terms of the polynomial.
        poly_terms = []
        for coef_exps in coef_exps_list:
            coef = coef_exps[0]
            poly_term = []
            for index, exponent in enumerate(coef_exps[1:]):
                poly_term.append(str(poly_vars[index]) + '**' + str(exponent))

            poly_terms.append(str(coef) + ' * ' + ' * '.join(poly_term))

        return poly(' + '.join(poly_terms), gens=poly_vars)
Exemplo n.º 60
def polygon(F,X,Y,I):
    Computes a set of parameters and polynomials in one-to-one correspondence
    with the segments fo the Newton polygon of F. If ``I=2`` the 
    correspondence is only with the segments with negative slope.

    The segment `\Delta` corresponding to the list `(q,m,l,\Phi)` is on the
    line `qj+mi=l` in the `(i,j)`-plane and .. math:

        \Phi = \sum_{(i,j) \in \Delta} a_{ij}Z^{(i-i_0)/q}

    where `i_0` is the smallest value of `i` such that there is a point
    `(i,j) \in \Delta`. Note that `\Phi \in \mathbb{L}[Z]`.

    -- ``F``: a polynomial in `\mathbb{L}[X,Y]`
    -- ``X,Y``: the variable defining ``F``
    -- ``I``: a parameter 

    -- ``(list)``: a list of tuples `(q,m,l,\Phi)` where `q,m,l` are
       integers with `(q,m) = 1`, `q>0`, and `\Phi \in \mathbb{L}[Z]`.
    # compute the coefficients and support of F
    P = sympy.poly(F,X,Y)
    a = _coefficient(P)
    support = a.keys()

    # compute the lower convex hull of F.
    # since sympy.convex_hull doesn't include points on edges, we need
    # to compare back to the support. the convex hull will contain all
    # points. Those on the boundary are considered "outside" by sympy.
    hull = sympy.convex_hull(*support)
    if type(hull) == sympy.Segment:
        hull_with_bdry = support       # colinear support is a newton polygon
        hull_with_bdry = [p for p in support 
                          if not hull.encloses(sympy.Point(p))]
    newton = []

    # find the start and end points (0,J) and (I,0). Include points
    # along the i-axis if I==1. Otherwise, only include points with
    # negative slope if I==2
    JJ = min([j for (i,j) in hull if i == 0])
    if I == 2: II = min([i for (i,j) in hull if j == 0])
    else:      II = max([i for (i,j) in hull if j == 0])
    testslope = -float(JJ)/II

    # determine largest slope with (0,JJ). If this is greater than the
    # test slope then there exist points above the line connecting
    # (0,JJ) with (II,0) this fact is used to deal with certain
    # borderline cases
    include_borderline_colinear = (type(hull) == sympy.Segment)
    for (i,j) in hull_with_bdry:
        # when the point is on the j-axis, the onle one we want is the
        # point (0,JJ)
        if i == 0:
            if j == JJ: slope = -sympy.oo
            else:       slope = sympy.oo
        else:           slope = float(j-JJ)/i     

        if slope > testslope: 
            include_borderline_colinear = True

    # loop through all points on the boundary and determine if it's in the
    # newton polygon using a testslope method
    for (i,j) in hull_with_bdry:
        # when the point is on the j-axis, the onle one we want is the
        # point (0,JJ)
        if i == 0:
            if j == JJ: slope = -sympy.oo
            else:       slope = sympy.oo
        else:           slope = float(j-JJ)/i     
        # if the slope is less than the test slope or if we're in the
        # case where we include points along the j=0 line then add the
        # point to the newton polygon
        if (slope < testslope) or (I==1 and j==0): 
        elif (slope == testslope) and include_borderline_colinear:
            # borderline case is when there is only one segment from
            # (0,JJ) to (II,0). When this is the case, include all
            # points whose slope matches testslope

    newton.sort(key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True) # sort second in j-th coord
    newton.sort(key=itemgetter(0))              # sort first in i-th coord

    # now that we have the newton polygon we compute the parameters
    # (q,m,l,Phi) for each side Delta on the polygon.
    params = []
    eps = 1e-14
    N = len(newton)
    n = 0
    while n < N-1:
        # determine slope of current line
        side = [newton[n],newton[n+1]]
        sideslope = sympy.Rational(side[1][1]-side[0][1],side[1][0]-side[0][0])

        # check against all following points for colinearity by
        # comparing slopes. append all colinear points to side
        k = 1
        for pt in newton[n+2:]:
            slope = float(pt[1]-side[0][1]) / (pt[0]-side[0][0])
            if abs(slope - sideslope) < eps:
                k += 1
                # when we reach the end of the newton polygon we need
                # to shift the value of k a little bit so that the
                # last side is correctly captured if k == N-n-1: k -=
                # 1
        n += k

        # compute q,m,l such that qj + mi = l and Phi
        q   = sideslope.q
        m   = -sideslope.p
        l   = q*side[0][1] + m*side[0][0]
        i0  = min(side, key=itemgetter(0))[0]
        Phi = sum(a[(i,j)]*_Z**sympy.Rational(i-i0,q) for (i,j) in side)
        Phi = sympy.Poly(Phi,_Z)


    return params