Exemplo n.º 1
    def contact_forces(self):
        """Returns contact forces on each wheel."""

        self.conForceNoncontri = self._kane.auxiliary_eqs.applyfunc(
                            lambda w: factor_terms(signsimp(w))).subs(self._kdd)

        return self.conForceNoncontri
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_DiracDelta():
    assert DiracDelta(1) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(5.1) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(-pi) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(5, 7) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(i) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(j) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(k) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(nan) == nan
    assert DiracDelta(0).func is DiracDelta
    assert DiracDelta(x).func is DiracDelta
    # FIXME: this is generally undefined @ x=0
    #         But then limit(Delta(c)*Heaviside(x),x,-oo)
    #         need's to be implemented.
    #assert 0*DiracDelta(x) == 0

    assert adjoint(DiracDelta(x)) == DiracDelta(x)
    assert adjoint(DiracDelta(x - y)) == DiracDelta(x - y)
    assert conjugate(DiracDelta(x)) == DiracDelta(x)
    assert conjugate(DiracDelta(x - y)) == DiracDelta(x - y)
    assert transpose(DiracDelta(x)) == DiracDelta(x)
    assert transpose(DiracDelta(x - y)) == DiracDelta(x - y)

    assert DiracDelta(x).diff(x) == DiracDelta(x, 1)
    assert DiracDelta(x, 1).diff(x) == DiracDelta(x, 2)

    assert DiracDelta(x).is_simple(x) is True
    assert DiracDelta(3*x).is_simple(x) is True
    assert DiracDelta(x**2).is_simple(x) is False
    assert DiracDelta(sqrt(x)).is_simple(x) is False
    assert DiracDelta(x).is_simple(y) is False

    assert DiracDelta(x*y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == DiracDelta(x)/abs(y)
    assert DiracDelta(x*y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=y) == DiracDelta(y)/abs(x)
    assert DiracDelta(x**2*y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == DiracDelta(x**2*y)
    assert DiracDelta(y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == DiracDelta(y)
    assert DiracDelta((x - 1)*(x - 2)*(x - 3)).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == (
        DiracDelta(x - 3)/2 + DiracDelta(x - 2) + DiracDelta(x - 1)/2)

    assert DiracDelta(2*x) != DiracDelta(x)  # scaling property
    assert DiracDelta(x) == DiracDelta(-x)  # even function
    assert DiracDelta(-x, 2) == DiracDelta(x, 2)
    assert DiracDelta(-x, 1) == -DiracDelta(x, 1)  # odd deriv is odd
    assert DiracDelta(-oo*x) == DiracDelta(oo*x)
    assert DiracDelta(x - y) != DiracDelta(y - x)
    assert signsimp(DiracDelta(x - y) - DiracDelta(y - x)) == 0

    with raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning):
        assert DiracDelta(x*y).simplify(x) == DiracDelta(x)/abs(y)
        assert DiracDelta(x*y).simplify(y) == DiracDelta(y)/abs(x)
        assert DiracDelta(x**2*y).simplify(x) == DiracDelta(x**2*y)
        assert DiracDelta(y).simplify(x) == DiracDelta(y)
        assert DiracDelta((x - 1)*(x - 2)*(x - 3)).simplify(x) == (
            DiracDelta(x - 3)/2 + DiracDelta(x - 2) + DiracDelta(x - 1)/2)

    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: DiracDelta(x).fdiff(2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: DiracDelta(x, -1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: DiracDelta(I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: DiracDelta(2 + 3*I))
def test_DiracDelta():
    assert DiracDelta(1) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(5.1) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(-pi) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(5, 7) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(i) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(j) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(k) == 0
    assert DiracDelta(nan) == nan
    assert DiracDelta(0).func is DiracDelta
    assert DiracDelta(x).func is DiracDelta
    # FIXME: this is generally undefined @ x=0
    #         But then limit(Delta(c)*Heaviside(x),x,-oo)
    #         need's to be implemented.
    #assert 0*DiracDelta(x) == 0

    assert adjoint(DiracDelta(x)) == DiracDelta(x)
    assert adjoint(DiracDelta(x - y)) == DiracDelta(x - y)
    assert conjugate(DiracDelta(x)) == DiracDelta(x)
    assert conjugate(DiracDelta(x - y)) == DiracDelta(x - y)
    assert transpose(DiracDelta(x)) == DiracDelta(x)
    assert transpose(DiracDelta(x - y)) == DiracDelta(x - y)

    assert DiracDelta(x).diff(x) == DiracDelta(x, 1)
    assert DiracDelta(x, 1).diff(x) == DiracDelta(x, 2)

    assert DiracDelta(x).is_simple(x) is True
    assert DiracDelta(3*x).is_simple(x) is True
    assert DiracDelta(x**2).is_simple(x) is False
    assert DiracDelta(sqrt(x)).is_simple(x) is False
    assert DiracDelta(x).is_simple(y) is False

    assert DiracDelta(x*y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == DiracDelta(x)/abs(y)
    assert DiracDelta(x*y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=y) == DiracDelta(y)/abs(x)
    assert DiracDelta(x**2*y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == DiracDelta(x**2*y)
    assert DiracDelta(y).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == DiracDelta(y)
    assert DiracDelta((x - 1)*(x - 2)*(x - 3)).expand(diracdelta=True, wrt=x) == (
        DiracDelta(x - 3)/2 + DiracDelta(x - 2) + DiracDelta(x - 1)/2)

    assert DiracDelta(2*x) != DiracDelta(x)  # scaling property
    assert DiracDelta(x) == DiracDelta(-x)  # even function
    assert DiracDelta(-x, 2) == DiracDelta(x, 2)
    assert DiracDelta(-x, 1) == -DiracDelta(x, 1)  # odd deriv is odd
    assert DiracDelta(-oo*x) == DiracDelta(oo*x)
    assert DiracDelta(x - y) != DiracDelta(y - x)
    assert signsimp(DiracDelta(x - y) - DiracDelta(y - x)) == 0

    with raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning):
        assert DiracDelta(x*y).simplify(x) == DiracDelta(x)/abs(y)
        assert DiracDelta(x*y).simplify(y) == DiracDelta(y)/abs(x)
        assert DiracDelta(x**2*y).simplify(x) == DiracDelta(x**2*y)
        assert DiracDelta(y).simplify(x) == DiracDelta(y)
        assert DiracDelta((x - 1)*(x - 2)*(x - 3)).simplify(x) == (
            DiracDelta(x - 3)/2 + DiracDelta(x - 2) + DiracDelta(x - 1)/2)

    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: DiracDelta(x).fdiff(2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: DiracDelta(x, -1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: DiracDelta(I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: DiracDelta(2 + 3*I))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_issue_10285():
    assert FiniteSet(-x - 1).intersect(Interval.Ropen(1, 2)) == FiniteSet(x).intersect(Interval.Lopen(-3, -2))
    eq = -x - 2 * (-x - y)
    s = signsimp(eq)
    ivl = Interval.open(0, 1)
    assert FiniteSet(eq).intersect(ivl) == FiniteSet(s).intersect(ivl)
    assert FiniteSet(-eq).intersect(ivl) == FiniteSet(s).intersect(Interval.open(-1, 0))
    eq -= 1
    ivl = Interval.Lopen(1, oo)
    assert FiniteSet(eq).intersect(ivl) == FiniteSet(s).intersect(Interval.Lopen(2, oo))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_issue_10285():
    assert FiniteSet(-x - 1).intersect(Interval.Ropen(1, 2)) == \
        FiniteSet(x).intersect(Interval.Lopen(-3, -2))
    eq = -x - 2 * (-x - y)
    s = signsimp(eq)
    ivl = Interval.open(0, 1)
    assert FiniteSet(eq).intersect(ivl) == FiniteSet(s).intersect(ivl)
    assert FiniteSet(-eq).intersect(ivl) == \
        FiniteSet(s).intersect(Interval.open(-1, 0))
    eq -= 1
    ivl = Interval.Lopen(1, oo)
    assert FiniteSet(eq).intersect(ivl) == \
        FiniteSet(s).intersect(Interval.Lopen(2, oo))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_signsimp():
    e = x*(-x + 1) + x*(x - 1)
    assert signsimp(Eq(e, 0)) is S.true
    assert Abs(x - 1) == Abs(1 - x)
    assert signsimp(y - x) == y - x
    assert signsimp(y - x, evaluate=False) == Mul(-1, x - y, evaluate=False)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_issue_17524():
    a = symbols("a", real=True)
    e = (-1 - a**2) * sqrt(1 + a**2)
    assert signsimp(powsimp(e)) == signsimp(e) == -(a**2 + 1)**(S(3) / 2)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self, equations, variables=None, method_options=None):
        method_options = extract_method_options(method_options,
                                                {'simplify': True})

        if equations.is_stochastic:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve stochastic '
                                                'equations with this state '
        if variables is None:
            variables = {}

        # Get a representation of the ODE system in the form of
        # dX/dt = M*X + B
        varnames, matrix, constants = get_linear_system(equations, variables)

        # No differential equations, nothing to do (this occurs sometimes in the
        # test suite where the whole model is nothing more than something like
        # 'v : 1')
        if matrix.shape == (0, 0):
            return ''

        # Make sure that the matrix M is constant, i.e. it only contains
        # external variables or constant variables
        t = Symbol('t', real=True, positive=True)

        # Check for time dependence
        dt_value = variables['dt'].get_value()[0] if 'dt' in variables else None

        # This will raise an error if we meet the symbol "t" anywhere
        # except as an argument of a locally constant function
        for entry in itertools.chain(matrix, constants):
            if not is_constant_over_dt(entry, variables, dt_value):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    ('Expression "{}" is not guaranteed to be constant over a '
                     'time step').format(sympy_to_str(entry)))

        symbols = [Symbol(variable, real=True) for variable in varnames]
        solution = sp.solve_linear_system(matrix.row_join(constants), *symbols)
        if solution is None or set(symbols) != set(solution.keys()):
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve the given '
                                                'equations with this '
        b = sp.ImmutableMatrix([solution[symbol] for symbol in symbols])

        # Solve the system
        dt = Symbol('dt', real=True, positive=True)
            A = (matrix * dt).exp()
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve the given '
                                                'equations with this '
        if method_options['simplify']:
            A = A.applyfunc(lambda x:
        C = sp.ImmutableMatrix(A * b) - b
        _S = sp.MatrixSymbol('_S', len(varnames), 1)
        updates = A * _S + C
        updates = updates.as_explicit()

        # The solution contains _S[0, 0], _S[1, 0] etc. for the state variables,
        # replace them with the state variable names 
        abstract_code = []
        for idx, (variable, update) in enumerate(zip(varnames, updates)):
            rhs = update
            if rhs.has(I, re, im):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException('The solution to the linear system '
                                                    'contains complex values '
                                                    'which is currently not implemented.')
            for row_idx, varname in enumerate(varnames):
                rhs = rhs.subs(_S[row_idx, 0], varname)

            # Do not overwrite the real state variables yet, the update step
            # of other state variables might still need the original values
            abstract_code.append('_' + variable + ' = ' + sympy_to_str(rhs))

        # Update the state variables
        for variable in varnames:
            abstract_code.append('{variable} = _{variable}'.format(variable=variable))
        return '\n'.join(abstract_code)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, equations, variables=None, method_options=None):
        method_options = extract_method_options(method_options,
                                                {'simplify': True})

        if equations.is_stochastic:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException("Cannot solve stochastic "
                                                "equations with this state "
        if variables is None:
            variables = {}

        # Get a representation of the ODE system in the form of
        # dX/dt = M*X + B
        varnames, matrix, constants = get_linear_system(equations, variables)

        # No differential equations, nothing to do (this occurs sometimes in the
        # test suite where the whole model is nothing more than something like
        # 'v : 1')
        if matrix.shape == (0, 0):
            return ''

        # Make sure that the matrix M is constant, i.e. it only contains
        # external variables or constant variables

        # Check for time dependence
        dt_value = variables['dt'].get_value(
        )[0] if 'dt' in variables else None

        # This will raise an error if we meet the symbol "t" anywhere
        # except as an argument of a locally constant function
        for entry in itertools.chain(matrix, constants):
            if not is_constant_over_dt(entry, variables, dt_value):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    f"Expression '{sympy_to_str(entry)}' is not guaranteed to be "
                    f"constant over a time step.")

        symbols = [Symbol(variable, real=True) for variable in varnames]
        solution = sp.solve_linear_system(matrix.row_join(constants), *symbols)
        if solution is None or set(symbols) != set(solution.keys()):
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException("Cannot solve the given "
                                                "equations with this "
        b = sp.ImmutableMatrix([solution[symbol] for symbol in symbols])

        # Solve the system
        dt = Symbol('dt', real=True, positive=True)
            A = (matrix * dt).exp()
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException("Cannot solve the given "
                                                "equations with this "
        if method_options['simplify']:
            A = A.applyfunc(
                lambda x: sp.factor_terms(sp.cancel(sp.signsimp(x))))
        C = sp.ImmutableMatrix(A * b) - b
        _S = sp.MatrixSymbol('_S', len(varnames), 1)
        updates = A * _S + C
        updates = updates.as_explicit()

        # The solution contains _S[0, 0], _S[1, 0] etc. for the state variables,
        # replace them with the state variable names
        abstract_code = []
        for idx, (variable, update) in enumerate(zip(varnames, updates)):
            rhs = update
            if rhs.has(I, re, im):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    "The solution to the linear system "
                    "contains complex values "
                    "which is currently not implemented.")
            for row_idx, varname in enumerate(varnames):
                rhs = rhs.subs(_S[row_idx, 0], varname)

            # Do not overwrite the real state variables yet, the update step
            # of other state variables might still need the original values
            abstract_code.append(f"_{variable} = {sympy_to_str(rhs)}")

        # Update the state variables
        for variable in varnames:
            abstract_code.append(f"{variable} = _{variable}")
        return '\n'.join(abstract_code)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_signsimp():
    e = x*(-x + 1) + x*(x - 1)
    assert signsimp(Eq(e, 0)) is S.true
    assert Abs(x - 1) == Abs(1 - x)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_issue_18991():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 2, 2)
    assert signsimp(-A * A - A) == -A * A - A
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __call__(self, equations, variables=None, simplify=True):
        if equations.is_stochastic:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve stochastic '
                                                'equations with this state '
        if variables is None:
            variables = {}

        # Get a representation of the ODE system in the form of
        # dX/dt = M*X + B
        varnames, matrix, constants = get_linear_system(equations, variables)

        # No differential equations, nothing to do (this occurs sometimes in the
        # test suite where the whole model is nothing more than something like
        # 'v : 1')
        if matrix.shape == (0, 0):
            return ''

        # Make sure that the matrix M is constant, i.e. it only contains
        # external variables or constant variables
        t = Symbol('t', real=True, positive=True)

        # Check for time dependence
        if 'dt' in variables:
            dt_value = variables['dt'].get_value()[0]

            # This will raise an error if we meet the symbol "t" anywhere
            # except as an argument of a locally constant function
            t = Symbol('t', real=True, positive=True)
            for entry in itertools.chain(matrix, constants):
                _check_for_locally_constant(entry, variables, dt_value, t)

        symbols = [Symbol(variable, real=True) for variable in varnames]
        solution = sp.solve_linear_system(matrix.row_join(constants), *symbols)
        if solution is None or set(symbols) != set(solution.keys()):
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve the given '
                                                'equations with this '
        b = sp.ImmutableMatrix([solution[symbol]
                                for symbol in symbols]).transpose()

        # Solve the system
        dt = Symbol('dt', real=True, positive=True)
            A = (matrix * dt).exp()
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve the given '
                                                'equations with this '
        if simplify:
            A = A.applyfunc(
                lambda x: sp.factor_terms(sp.cancel(sp.signsimp(x))))
        C = sp.ImmutableMatrix([A.dot(b)]) - b
        _S = sp.MatrixSymbol('_S', len(varnames), 1)
        updates = A * _S + C.transpose()
        updates = updates.as_explicit()

        # The solution contains _S[0, 0], _S[1, 0] etc. for the state variables,
        # replace them with the state variable names
        abstract_code = []
        for idx, (variable, update) in enumerate(zip(varnames, updates)):
            rhs = update
            for row_idx, varname in enumerate(varnames):
                rhs = rhs.subs(_S[row_idx, 0], varname)

            # Do not overwrite the real state variables yet, the update step
            # of other state variables might still need the original values
            abstract_code.append('_' + variable + ' = ' + sympy_to_str(rhs))

        # Update the state variables
        for variable in varnames:
                '{variable} = _{variable}'.format(variable=variable))
        return '\n'.join(abstract_code)
Exemplo n.º 13
#u5--rear wheel ang. vel., u6--front wheel ang. vel.

(fr, frstar)= kane.kanes_equations(forceList, bodyList)
kdd = kane.kindiffdict()

path1 = '/home/stefenyin'
path2 = '/home/stefenstudy'

if os.path.exists(path1):
    path = path1
    path = path2

con_forces_noncontri = kane.auxiliary_eqs.applyfunc(
        lambda w: factor_terms(signsimp(w))).subs(kdd)

CF = con_forces_noncontri
print('building a file and writing the equations into it')

path = path + '/bicycle/bi_equations_writing/con_force_nonslip_non_para_input.txt'

    f = open(path,'w')
    del f
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_signsimp():
    e = x*(-x + 1) + x*(x - 1)
    assert signsimp(Eq(e, 0)) == True
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_signsimp():
    e = x * (-x + 1) + x * (x - 1)
    assert signsimp(Eq(e, 0)) is S.true
    assert Abs(x - 1) == Abs(1 - x)
    assert signsimp(y - x) == y - x
    assert signsimp(y - x, evaluate=False) == Mul(-1, x - y, evaluate=False)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_signsimp():
    e = x*(-x + 1) + x*(x - 1)
    assert signsimp(Eq(e, 0)) == True
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_signsimp():
    e = x * (-x + 1) + x * (x - 1)
    assert signsimp(Eq(e, 0)) is S.true
    assert Abs(x - 1) == Abs(1 - x)
Exemplo n.º 18
def simp(exp):
    """Sign and trig simplify an expression. This can take a *long*
    time, especially when trying to render the expression in a notebook!
    return sym.signsimp(sym.trigsimp(exp))