def op_command(ip, command, username, password, port=22): """ Purpose: For the -c flag, this function is called. It will connect to a device, run the single specified command, and return the output. Paramiko is used instead of ncclient so we can pipe the command output just like on the CLI. Parameters: ip - String containing the IP of the remote device, used for logging purposes. host_name - The device host-name for output purposes. commands - String containing the command to be sent to the device. username - Username used to log into the device password - Password is needed because we are using paramiko for this. """ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) device = ' -> Command: %s\n' % (command) command = command.strip() + ' | no-more\n' output = '' try: ssh.connect(ip, port=port, username=username, password=password) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command=command, timeout=900) stdin.close() # read normal output while not output += stdout.close() # read errors while not output += stderr.close() output = '%s\n%s' % (device, output) return output except paramiko.AuthenticationException: output = '*' * 45 + '\n\nBad username or password for device: %s\n' % ip return output
def inetd_sockets(max_socks): """ """ sock = fromfd(stdin.fileno()) stdin.close() stdout.close() stderr.close() return sock
def return_response(self): """ Return request result back to SwiftHLM Proxy Middleware (STATUS) or to Asynchronous Distributor (MIGRATION or RECAL) """ self.logger.debug('Return response to Dispatcher') self.logger.debug("Response: %s", json.dumps(self.response_out)) stdout.write(json.dumps(self.response_out)) stdout.flush() stdout.close() self.logger.debug('Exiting Handler')
def write(data, filename=None): """Write data to file if filename is given, to stdout otherwise""" if filename is not None: output = open(filename, "w") else: from sys import stdout as output output.write(result) if filename is not None: output.close()
def main(): line = stdin.readline() while (len(line) != 0): queries = [int(x) for x in line.split()] for v in queries: stdout.write(str(ans(v))) stdout.write("\n") line = stdin.readline() stdout.close() stdin.close()
def main(*test_args): args = parse_args() stats = StatsGithub(args.repo['owner'], args.repo['name'], args.branch, since=args.since, until=args.until, token=args.token) parameters = [ f"{'Repository:':<32}\n", f"{'- host':<32} {args.repo['host']}\n", f"{'- owner':<32} {args.repo['owner']}\n", f"{'- name':<32} {args.repo['name']}\n", f"{'- branch':<32} {args.branch}\n" ] if args.since or args.until: parameters.append(f"{'Period:':<32}\n") if args.since: parameters.append( f"{'- since:':<32} {args.since.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}\n") if args.until: parameters.append( f"{'- until:':<32} {args.until.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}\n") stdout.writelines(parameters) try: opened, closed, oldest = stats.issues() stdout.writelines([ f"{'Issues:':<32}\n", f"{'- opened':<32} {opened}\n", f"{'- closed':<32} {closed}\n", f"{'- oldest':<32} {oldest}\n" ]) opened, closed, oldest = stats.pull_requests() stdout.writelines([ f"{'Pull requests:':<32}\n", f"{'- opened':<32} {opened}\n", f"{'- closed':<32} {closed}\n", f"{'- oldest':<32} {oldest}\n" ]) contributions = stats.contributions() lines = [f"{'Contributors:':<32}\n"] if contributions: for username, commits in contributions: lines.append(f"{'- ' + username:<32} {commits:<8}\n") stdout.writelines(lines) stdout.close() except RateLimitExceededException: err = "Количество неавторизованных запросов к GitHub API исчерпано. " if not args.token: err += "Для увеличения лимита авторизуйтесь с помощью токена." stderr.write(err)
def main(): global stdin, stdout cond = type(stdin) == str and type(stdin) == str if cond: # use file instead of standard stdin = open(stdin, "rt") stdout = open(stdout, "wt") if METHO == 1: # method func1() else: func2() stdin.close() stdout.close()
def main(): T = int(stdin.readline()) case = 1 while T > 0: arr = [int(x) for x in stdin.readline().split()] arr = sorted(arr) stdout.write("Case " + str(case) + ": " + str(arr[1]) + "\n") case += 1 T -= 1 stdout.close()
def main(): T = int(stdin.readline()) while T > 0: word = stdin.readline().strip() if len(word) == 5: stdout.write("3\n") else: if ('o' in word and 'n' in word) or ('o' in word and 'e' in word) or ('n' in word and 'e' in word): stdout.write("1\n") else: stdout.write("2\n") T -= 1 stdout.close()
def main(): global ELEMS, ACUMS, ANS, N, KEYS setrecursionlimit(50000) line = stdin.readline() while len(line) != 0: ELEMS = [0 for i in range(20)] ACUMS = [0 for i in range(20)] ANS = list() KEYS = {} N = 0 elems = [int(x) for x in line.split()] t = elems[0] N = elems[1] if N == 0: break for i in range(0, N): ELEMS[i] = elems[i + 2] for i in range(N - 1, -1, -1): if i + 1 == N: ACUMS[i] = ELEMS[i] else: ACUMS[i] = ELEMS[i] + ACUMS[i + 1] writer.write("Sums of " + str(t) + ":\n") solve(0, "", t) if len(ANS) > 0: for s in ANS: writer.write(s + "\n") else: writer.write("NONE\n") ANS = list() KEYS = {} line = stdin.readline() stdin.close() writer.close()
def main(): line = stdin.readline() while (len(line) != 0): n, w, d, wscoins = [int(x) for x in line.split()] # n * (n + 1) / 2 summ = w * ((n - 1) * (n) / 2) # Esto deberia ser cierto si esta la basket en el N # Pero curiosamente en el input no es asi, esta malo.. if summ == wscoins: stdout.write(str(n) + "\n") else: lo = 1 hi = n found = False while lo + 1 != hi: mid = (lo + hi) >> 1 tmp = summ - (mid * w) + mid * (w - d) if tmp < wscoins: hi = mid elif tmp > wscoins: lo = mid else: stdout.write(str(mid) + "\n") found = True break # Ojo en Busqueda binaria siempre probar con lo al final # Porque lo al final no se computa if not found: # Pruebe con el mismo lo, ya que que si lo + 1 == hi falta probar el mismo lo tmp = summ - (lo * w) + lo * (w - d) if tmp == wscoins: stdout.write(str(lo) + "\n") else: # Si no, es n el resultado final stdout.write(str(n) + "\n") line = stdin.readline() stdout.close() stdin.close()
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except SystemExit: raise except: print_exc() exit(1) finally: try: stdout.flush() finally: try: stdout.close() finally: try: stderr.flush() finally: stderr.close()
def main(): global G, S, P, C, TOTAL_COMPONENTS, PREORDER sys.setrecursionlimit(50000) line = stdin.readline() while (len(line) != 0): N, M = [int(x) for x in line.split()] TOTAL_COMPONENTS = 0 for i in range(1, N + 1): G[i] = list() PREORDER[i] = -1 for i in range(M): line = stdin.readline().split() if line[0] == "1": u = int(line[1]) v = int(line[2]) G[u].append(v) else: k = int(line[0]) for i in range(1, k): u = int(line[i]) v = int(line[i + 1]) G[u].append(v) G[v].append(u) for i in range(1, N + 1): if PREORDER[i] == -1: gabow(i) # If there are more than 1 components then clearly the graph is not strongly connected if TOTAL_COMPONENTS != 1: stdout.write("NO\n") else: stdout.write("YES\n") line = stdin.readline() stdout.close()
def main(): line = stdin.readline() while (len(line) != 0): R, C = [int(x) for x in line.split()] A = [0 for i in range((R * C))] offset = 0 rowIdx = 0 for i in range(R): line = stdin.readline().split() for e in line: x = int(e) if x == R * C: rowIdx = (i + 1) A[offset] = float('inf') else: A[offset] = x offset += 1 count = 0 for i in range(len(A)): # Empty square if A[i] == float('inf'): continue for j in range(i + 1, len(A)): # Notice nothing is greater than inf so it wont do anything harmful if A[i] > A[j]: count += 1 tot = count + rowIdx if tot % 2 == 0: stdout.write("Y\n") else: stdout.write("N\n") line = stdin.readline() stdout.close() stdin.close()
def evol_search(query, **kwargs): import prody from os.path import join, split pfam_results = prody.searchPfam(query, **kwargs) if pfam_results is None: return outname = kwargs.get('outname', None) delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', '\t') if outname: folder, outname = split(outname) filepath = join(prody.utilities.makePath(folder), outname) out = open(filepath, 'wb') else: from sys import stdout as out title = delimiter.join(['acc', 'id', 'type', 'e-value']) + '\n' out.write(title) for key in pfam_results: val = pfam_results[key] evalue = '' for i, location in enumerate(val.get('locations', [])): temp = location.get('evalue', None) if temp: if i == 0: evalue = float(temp) else: if float(temp) < evalue: evalue = float(temp) output = delimiter.join([ val.get('accession', ' '), val.get('id', ' '), val.get('type', ' '), str(evalue) ]) + '\n' out.write(output) if outname:'Search results written in {0}.'.format(filepath)) out.close()
def main(): text = stdin.readline().strip() case = 1 while text != "#": language = "UNKNOWN" if text == "HELLO": language = "ENGLISH" elif text == "HOLA": language = "SPANISH" elif text == "HALLO": language = "GERMAN" elif text == "BONJOUR": language = "FRENCH" elif text == "CIAO": language = "ITALIAN" elif text == "ZDRAVSTVUJTE": language = "RUSSIAN" stdout.write("Case " + str(case) + ": " + language + "\n") case += 1 text = stdin.readline().strip() stdout.close()
def evol_search(query, **kwargs): import prody from os.path import join, split pfam_results = prody.searchPfam(query, **kwargs) if pfam_results is None: return outname = kwargs.get('outname', None) delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', '\t') if outname: folder, outname = split(outname) filepath = join(prody.utilities.makePath(folder), outname) out = open(filepath, 'wb') else: from sys import stdout as out title = delimiter.join(['acc', 'id', 'type', 'e-value']) + '\n' out.write(title) for key in pfam_results: val = pfam_results[key] evalue = '' for i, location in enumerate(val.get('locations', [])): temp = location.get('evalue', None) if temp: if i==0: evalue = float(temp) else: if float(temp) < evalue: evalue = float(temp) output = delimiter.join([val.get('accession', ' '), val.get('id', ' '), val.get('type', ' '), str(evalue)]) + '\n' out.write(output) if outname:'Search results written in {0}.'.format(filepath)) out.close()
def evol_search(query, **kwargs): import prody from os.path import join, split pfam_results = prody.searchPfam(query, **kwargs) if pfam_results is None: return outname = kwargs.get("outname", None) delimiter = kwargs.get("delimiter", "\t") if outname: folder, outname = split(outname) filepath = join(prody.utilities.makePath(folder), outname) out = open(filepath, "wb") else: from sys import stdout as out title = delimiter.join(["acc", "id", "type", "e-value"]) + "\n" out.write(title) for key in pfam_results: val = pfam_results[key] evalue = "" for i, location in enumerate(val.get("locations", [])): temp = location.get("evalue", None) if temp: if i == 0: evalue = float(temp) else: if float(temp) < evalue: evalue = float(temp) output = ( delimiter.join([val.get("accession", " "), val.get("id", " "), val.get("type", " "), str(evalue)]) + "\n" ) out.write(output) if outname:"Search results written in {0}.".format(filepath)) out.close()
from sys import argv, stdout, stdin, stderr import theano import time from import debugprint, collect_inputs, comptime_run mode = theano.compile.mode.get_default_mode() mode = mode.excluding('gpu') def time_computation(inputs, outputs, numeric_inputs, niter): f = theano.function(inputs, outputs, mode=mode) starttime = time.time() debugprint("Computing") for n in xrange(niter): outputs = f(*numeric_inputs) endtime = time.time() duration = endtime - starttime return duration / niter if __name__ == '__main__': known_shapes, niter, fgraphs = collect_inputs(argv, stdin) results = comptime_run(known_shapes, niter, fgraphs, time_computation) stdout.write(str(results)) stdout.close()
num_to_name = {p[0]: p[1] for p in people} for p in people: output_lines.append("NODE\t%s\t%s" % (p[1], ','.join(p[2:]))) # parse contacts if args.contacts.lower().endswith('.gz'): lines = gopen(args.contacts).read().decode().splitlines() else: lines = open(args.contacts).readlines() for l in lines: if l[0] == '\t': continue s, e, u, v = [x.strip() for x in l.split('\t')[1:5]] output_lines.append("EDGE\t%s\t%s\t%s,%s\tu" % (num_to_name[u], num_to_name[v], s, e)) # write to output if args.output.lower().endswith('.gz'): f = gopen(args.output, 'wb', 9) f.write('\n'.join(output_lines).encode()) f.write(b'\n') f.close() else: if args.output.lower() == 'stdout': from sys import stdout as f else: f = open(args.output, 'w') f.write('\n'.join(output_lines)) f.write('\n') f.close()
stdin = open('', 'r') #stdout = open('A-small.out', 'w') stdout = open('A-large.out', 'w') T = int(stdin.readline().strip()) for t in range(0, T): (A, N) = [int(x) for x in stdin.readline().strip().split()] m = [int(x) for x in stdin.readline().strip().split()] ans = N op = 0 m.sort() while A > 1 and len(m) > 0: while A <= m[0]: A += A - 1 op += 1 A += m[0] m[0:1] = [] ans = min(ans, op + len(m)) stdout.write('Case #{0}: {1}\n'.format(t+1, ans)) stdin.close() stdout.close()
def enablePrint() -> None: global stdout stdout.close() stdout = __stdout__
help="Output File (FASTA format)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.input == 'stdin': from sys import stdin as infile else: infile = open(args.input) if args.output == 'stdout': from sys import stdout as outfile else: outfile = open(args.output, 'w') # create mask regions mask = False for line in infile: chrom, pos, depth = line.strip().split('\t') chrom = chrom.strip() pos = int(pos) depth = int(depth) if depth < args.min_depth: if not mask: # starting a mask region mask = True outfile.write('%s\t%d\t' % (chrom, pos)) else: if mask: # ending a mask region mask = False outfile.write('%d\n' % (pos - 1)) if mask: # close trailing mask region mask = False outfile.write('%d\n' % pos) outfile.close()