Exemplo n.º 1
 def repeat(self):
     repeater = Rep(1)
     repeater.ctx = talon
     if self.job:
         self.job = cron.after(self.repeat_delay, self.repeat)
Exemplo n.º 2
def repeat(m):
    repeat_count = parse_words_as_integer(m._words[1:])

    if repeat_count != None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 3
def repeat(m):
    repeat_count = m_to_number(m)

    if repeat_count != None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 4
def repeat(m):
    # repeater = Rep(int(ordinals[str(m)]))
    o = m.ordinals
    if isinstance(o, list):
        o = o[0]
    repeater = Rep(int(ordinals[o]))
    repeater.ctx = talon
    return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 5
def repeat(m):
    repeat_count = parse_words_as_integer(m._words[1:])

    if repeat_count is not None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 6
def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.m_to_number(m)

    if repeat_count != None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 7
def repeat(m):

    words = m._words

    repeat_count = text_to_number(words[1:])
    print("Repeat! {} {}".format([str(w) for w in words], repeat_count))
    if not repeat_count:
        repeat_count = 1
    repeater = Rep(repeat_count)
    repeater.ctx = m.ctx
    return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 8
def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.extract_num_from_m(m)

    if repeat_count is not None:
        if repeat_count >= 2:
            repeat_count -= 1
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 9
def repeat(m):

    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    words = m._words

    repeat_count = text_to_number(words[1:])
    print("Repeat! {} {}".format([str(w) for w in words], repeat_count))
    if not repeat_count:
        repeat_count = 1
    repeater = Rep(repeat_count)
    repeater.ctx = talon
    result = repeater(None)
    print(f"Result: {result}")
    return result
Exemplo n.º 10
def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    starts_with_wink = m._words[0] == 'wink'
    if starts_with_wink and len(m._words) == 1:
        repeat_count = 1
        repeat_count = utils.extract_num_from_m(m)

    if repeat_count is not None:
        # for integrated repeats, need to subtract the first execution
        # "enter five times" will execute enter once and only then repeat, so need to subtract
        if not starts_with_wink and repeat_count >= 2:
            repeat_count -= 1

        repeater = Rep(repeat_count)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 11
from talon.voice import Context, Rep, RepPhrase, talon
from .. import utils

ctx = Context("repeater")

def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.m_to_number(m)

    if repeat_count != None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

    "repple | wink":
    # "creek": RepPhrase(1),
    # "soup": Rep(2),
    # "trace": Rep(3),
    # "quarr": Rep(4),
    # "fypes": Rep(5),
    "(repeat | repple)" + utils.numerals:
Exemplo n.º 12
def repeat(m):
    o = m["repeater.ordinals"][0]
    repeater = Rep(int(ordinals[o]))
    repeater.ctx = talon
    return repeater(None)
Exemplo n.º 13
# originally from https://github.com/JonathanNickerson/talon_voice_user_scripts
# and https://github.com/pimentel/talon_user/blob/master/repeat.py

from talon.voice import Context, Rep, RepPhrase, talon
from .. import utils

ctx = Context("repeater")

def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.extract_num_from_m(m)

    if repeat_count is not None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

    "(wink | repple)": Rep(1),
    "creek": RepPhrase(1),
    "soup": Rep(2),
    "trace": Rep(3),
    "quarr": Rep(4),
    "fypes": Rep(5),
    "(repeat | repple)" + utils.numerals: repeat,
Exemplo n.º 14
from talon.voice import Context, Rep, RepPhrase, talon
from .. import utils

ctx = Context("repeater")

def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.extract_num_from_m(m)

    if repeat_count is not None:
        if repeat_count >= 2:
            repeat_count -= 1
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

    "wink": Rep(1),
    "creek": RepPhrase(1),
    "soup": Rep(1),
    "trace": Rep(2),
    "quarr": Rep(3),
    "fypes": Rep(4),
    "(repeat | repple)" + utils.numerals: repeat,
Exemplo n.º 15
# originally from https://github.com/JonathanNickerson/talon_voice_user_scripts
# and https://github.com/pimentel/talon_user/blob/master/repeat.py

from talon.voice import Context, Rep, RepPhrase, talon
from user.utils import m_to_number, numerals

ctx = Context('repeater')

def repeat(m):
    repeat_count = m_to_number(m)

    if repeat_count != None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

    'twice': Rep(1),
    'thrice': Rep(2),
    "(rep|repeat)" + numerals: repeat,
Exemplo n.º 16
from .. import utils

ctx = Context("repeater")

def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.extract_num_from_m(m)

    if repeat_count is not None:
        if repeat_count >= 2:
            repeat_count -= 1
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

        "wink": Rep(1),
        "creek": RepPhrase(1),
        "soup": Rep(1),
        "trace": Rep(2),
        "(quarr | quart)": Rep(3),
        "( fypes | refive )": Rep(4),
        "(repeat | repple)" + utils.numerals: repeat,
Exemplo n.º 17
# originally from https://github.com/JonathanNickerson/talon_voice_user_scripts
# and https://github.com/pimentel/talon_user/blob/master/repeat.py

from talon.voice import Context, Rep, RepPhrase, talon
from .. import utils

ctx = Context("repeater")

def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.extract_num_from_m(m)

    if repeat_count is not None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

    "wink": Rep(1),
    "soup": Rep(2),
    "trace": Rep(3),
    "(fard | fart)": Rep(4),
    "ficus": Rep(5),
    "(repeat | repple)" + utils.numerals: repeat,
Exemplo n.º 18
    # new-line-below
    'spronk': 'o',

    # find
    'marco': '/',
    # find-current
    'marthis': '*',
    # find-dictation
    'crew <dgndictation>': find_next_word,
    # find-next
    'marneck': 'n',
    # find-next
    'marprev': 'N',

    # repeat
    'rep': Rep(1),

    # center
    'zen': 'zz',

    # execute to the right
    'slap': [':w\n', lambda m: time.sleep(0.50),
             Key('cmd-right up enter')],

    # cut line
    'chomp': 'cc',

    # buffer-quit
    'barf': ':q\n',
    # buffer-write
    'sage': ':w\n',
Exemplo n.º 19
    'autopickup': Key('ctrl-a'),
    'item knowledge': '\\',

#    'twice': Rep(1),
#    'thrice': Rep(2),
#    'times four': Rep(3),
#    'times five': Rep(4),
#    'times six': Rep(5),
#    'ten': Rep(9),

    '(str | strength)': 's',
    '(int | intel | intelligence)': 'i',
    '(dex | dexterity)': 'd',

keymap.update({str(k): Rep(k - 1) for k in range(2, 11)})

stepping = False
def stepthread():
    global stepping
    while stepping:

def slowstep(j):
    global stepping
    stepping = True

def stopstep(j):
Exemplo n.º 20
#         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
#         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
def repeat(m):
    repeat_count = parse_words_as_integer(m._words[1:])

    if repeat_count is not None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

def repeat_delay(n, delay=0.09):
    for i in range(n):
        repeater = Rep(i - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon

    'wink': Rep(1),
    'creek': RepPhrase(1),
    'soup': Rep(1),
    'trace': Rep(2),
    'quarr': Rep(3),
    # 'fypes': lambda m: repeat_delay(4),
    'fypes': Rep(4),
    # 'repeat (0 | oh | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9)+': repeat,
Exemplo n.º 21

# TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
#         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
#         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
def repeat(m):
    repeat_count = parse_words_as_integer(m._words[1:])

    if repeat_count != None and repeat_count >= 2:
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

    '(repeat | repple) (0 | oh | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9)+':
Exemplo n.º 22
def repeat_delay(n, delay=0.09):
    for i in range(n):
        repeater = Rep(i - 1)
        repeater.ctx = talon
Exemplo n.º 23
# use this if you want `action trace` to result in action being executed 3 times
offset = -1
# use this if you want `action` pause `trace` to result in action being executed 4 times
# offset = 0

def repeat(m):
    # TODO: This could be made more intelligent:
    #         * Apply a timeout after which the command will not repeat previous actions
    #         * Prevent stacking of repetitions upon previous repetitions
    repeat_count = utils.extract_num_from_m(m)

    if repeat_count is not None:
        if repeat_count >= 2:
            repeat_count -= 1
        repeater = Rep(repeat_count)
        repeater.ctx = talon
        return repeater(None)

    "wink": Rep(1),
    "creek": RepPhrase(1),
    "soup": Rep(2 + offset),
    "trace": Rep(3 + offset),
    "quarr": Rep(4 + offset),
    "fypes": Rep(5 + offset),
    "(repeat | repple)" + utils.numerals: repeat,