Exemplo n.º 1
    def delete_detail(self, request, **kwargs):
        " Deleta um curso. "

        # ETAPA 1 - Desserialização e validação dos dados recebidos
        # ---------------------------------------------------------

        course_id = course_id_decoder(kwargs['course_id_solaredx'])
        deserialized = self.deserialize(request, request.body, 
            format=request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json'))
        deserialized = self.alter_deserialized_detail_data(
            request, deserialized)
        bundle = Bundle(data=dict_strip_unicode_keys(deserialized), 
        bundle.data['course_id'] = course_id
        validation = CleanedDataFormValidation(form_class=CourseDeleteForm)
        validation_errors = validation.is_valid(bundle)

        if validation_errors:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=self.error_response(
                bundle.request, validation_errors))        

        # ETAPA 2 - Efetuando operações no EDX
        # ------------------------------------

        return http.HttpNoContent()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=False):
     print 1
     if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
         print 2
         if not self.null:
             raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be d in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj)
         return []
     if not getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute):
         print 3
         if not self.null:
             raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't all a null value." % (bundle.obj, self.attribute))
         return []
     self.m2m_resources = []
     m2m_dehydrated = []
     # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
     # ``Manager`` there.
     # NOTE: only had to remove .all()
     print 4
     for m2m in getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute):
         print 5
         m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
         m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m)
         # youhou, dirty hack again baby!
         m2m_bundle.obj = type("DummyContainer", (object,), {'pk': m2m_bundle.obj})
         m2m_dehydrated.append(self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource))
     return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _staff_or_instructor_delete_list(self, request, **kwargs):

        # ETAPA 1 - Desserialização e validação dos dados recebidos
        # ---------------------------------------------------------

        course_id = course_id_decoder(kwargs['pk'])
        staff_or_instructor = kwargs['staff_or_instructor']
        deserialized = self.deserialize(request, request.body, 
            format=request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json'))
        deserialized = self.alter_deserialized_detail_data(
            request, deserialized)
        bundle = Bundle(data=dict_strip_unicode_keys(deserialized), 
        if 'user_resource_uri' in bundle.data:  
            user_resource_uri = bundle.data['user_resource_uri']
        bundle.data['course_id'] = course_id
        bundle.data['staff_or_instructor'] = kwargs['staff_or_instructor']

        validation = CleanedDataFormValidation(form_class=CourseDeleteUserForm)
        validation_errors = validation.is_valid(bundle)
        if validation_errors:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=self.error_response(
                bundle.request, validation_errors))

        # ETAPA 2 - Efetuando operações no EDX
        # ------------------------------------

        username = user_resource_uri.split('/')[-2:-1][0]
        course_remove_user(course_id, username, staff_or_instructor)
        return http.HttpNoContent()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        foreign_obj = None

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None
        elif callable(self.attribute):
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))

            return None

        self.fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
        fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', None)
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.max_depth
        if depth is not None:
            fk_bundle.depth = depth - 1
        return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, self.fk_resource)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def full_dehydrate(self, obj):
     Given an object instance, extract the information from it to populate
     the resource.
     bundle = Bundle(obj=obj)
     # Dehydrate each field.
     for field_name, field_object in self.fields.items():
         # A touch leaky but it makes URI resolution work.
         if isinstance(field_object, RelatedField):
             field_object.api_name = self._meta.api_name
             field_object.resource_name = self._meta.resource_name
         bundle.data[field_name] = field_object.dehydrate(bundle)
     # Run through optional overrides.
     for field_name, field_object in self.fields.items():
         method = getattr(self, "dehydrate_%s" % field_name, None)
         if method:
             bundle.data[field_name] = method(bundle)
     bundle = self.dehydrate(bundle)
     return bundle
Exemplo n.º 6
    def post_list(self, request, **kwargs):        

        # ETAPA 1 - Desserialização e validação dos dados recebidos
        # ---------------------------------------------------------

        deserialized = self.deserialize(request, request.body, 
            format=request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json'))
        deserialized = self.alter_deserialized_detail_data(
            request, deserialized)
        bundle = Bundle(data=dict_strip_unicode_keys(deserialized), 
        validation = CleanedDataFormValidation(form_class=CourseCreateForm)
        validation_errors = validation.is_valid(bundle)

        if validation_errors:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=self.error_response(
                bundle.request, validation_errors))        

        # ETAPA 2 - Efetuando operações no EDX
        # ------------------------------------


        # Adicionando ``resource_uri``
        bundle.data['resource_uri'] = reverse('api_dispatch_detail', 
            kwargs={ 'api_name': CourseResource._meta.api_name,
            'resource_name': CourseResource._meta.resource_name, 
            'course_id_solaredx': course_id_encoder(bundle.data['course_id'])})

        return self.create_response(request, bundle, 
Exemplo n.º 7
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=True):
        foreign_obj = None

        if callable(self.attribute):
            previous_obj = bundle.obj
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)
        elif isinstance(self.attribute, six.string_types):
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in self._attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                if callable(self.attribute):
                    raise ApiFieldError("The related resource for resource %s could not be found." % (previous_obj))
                    raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))
            return None

        fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
        fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
        fk_bundle.fields = getattr(bundle, 'fields', None)
        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', None)
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.max_depth
        if depth is not None:
            fk_bundle.depth = depth - 1
        return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, fk_resource, for_list=for_list)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def save(self):
        """ Implements the save method so this form can be used in regular django views.

            It does the same validation that it usually does for the API, but instead of
            creating a JSON response, it just creates the object and then returns it.
        assert hasattr(self, 'request')
        assert self.type == 'create' or self.type == 'update'

        # Use the form's cleaned_data to create a bundle
        bundle = Bundle()
        bundle.data = self.cleaned_data
        if hasattr(self, 'request'):
            bundle.request = self.request
        if hasattr(self, 'instance'):
            bundle.obj = self.instance

        # Use the resource's methods to save the bundle
        self.resource.request = self.request
        if self.type == 'create':
            bundle = self.resource.obj_create(bundle)
        elif self.type == 'update':
            assert self.request != None
            assert bundle.obj != None
            bundle = self.resource.obj_update(bundle, self.request)

        # Return the object
        return bundle.obj
Exemplo n.º 9
    def hydrate_lang(self, bundle):
        translated_bundle = Bundle()
        translation_resource = I4pProjectTranslationEditResource()

        for language_code, language_data in bundle.data["lang"].iteritems():
            if language_code not in dict(LANGUAGES):
            translated_bundle.data = language_data
            translated_bundle.obj = bundle.obj.translate(language_code)

        return bundle
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_is_valid(self):
        valid = Validation()
        bundle = Bundle()
        self.assertEqual(valid.is_valid(bundle), {})

        bundle = Bundle(data={
            'title': 'Foo.',
            'slug': 'bar',
            'content': '',
            'is_active': True,
        self.assertEqual(valid.is_valid(bundle), {})
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_update_password_with_weak_passwords_returns_error_if_strong_option_on(
        self.domain_obj.strong_mobile_passwords = True

        bundle = Bundle()
        bundle.obj = self.user
        bundle.data = {"password": '******'}

        errors = CommCareUserResource._update(bundle)

        expected_error_message = 'Password is not strong enough. Try making your password more complex.'
        self.assertIn(expected_error_message, errors)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be used in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj)

            return []

        the_m2ms = None
        previous_obj = bundle.obj
        attr = self.attribute

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            the_m2ms = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = the_m2ms
                    the_m2ms = getattr(the_m2ms, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    the_m2ms = None

                if not the_m2ms:

        elif callable(self.attribute):
            the_m2ms = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not the_m2ms:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))

            return []

        self.m2m_resources = []
        m2m_dehydrated = []

        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', None)
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.max_depth
        # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
        #       ``Manager`` there.
        for m2m in the_m2ms.all():
            m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
            m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m, request=bundle.request)
            if depth is not None:
                m2m_bundle.depth = depth - 1
            m2m_dehydrated.append(self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource))

        return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 13
    def process(self):
        # Apply envelopes only to HttpResponse returning JSON
        is_eligible = False

        if self.response is None and self.content is None:
            is_eligible = False
            logger.warning('Envelope initialized without response or raw content')
        elif self.content and isinstance(self.content, dict):
            if not(set(['meta', 'data']) < set(self.content.keys())):
                is_eligible = True
                logger.warning('Attempting to envelope response that is already enveloped')

            if is_eligible:
        elif self.response:
            content_type = self.response._headers.get('content-type', None)
            if content_type is not None and 'json' in content_type[1]:
                original_response_content = json.loads(self.response.content)

                if 'meta' not in original_response_content or 'data' not in original_response_content:
                    is_eligible = True
                    logger.warning('Attempting to envelope response that is already enveloped')

                if is_eligible:
                    # Load data depending on whether its a list of object or a single object
                    if 'meta' in original_response_content and 'objects' in original_response_content:
                        self.response_data['meta']['pagination'] = original_response_content['meta']
            logger.warning('Response or data can not be enveloped')

        if is_eligible:
            # Load form errors if present
            if self.validation is not None and isinstance(self.validation, FormValidation):
                bundle = Bundle()
                bundle.data = self.response_data['data']
                form_errors = self.validation.is_valid(bundle)
                if form_errors:
                    self.add_errors('form', form_errors)

            self.is_modified = True
            logger.warning('Response or data can not be enveloped')

        self.is_processed = True
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_dehydrate(self):
        note = Note()
        bundle_1 = Bundle(obj=note)
        field_1 = ManyToManyField(SubjectResource, 'subjects')
        field_1.instance_name = 'm2m'

            # self.assertRaises isn't cooperating here. Do it the hard way.
        except ApiFieldError:

        field_2 = ManyToManyField(SubjectResource, 'subjects', null=True)
        field_2.instance_name = 'm2m'
        self.assertEqual(field_2.dehydrate(bundle_1), [])

        field_3 = ManyToManyField(SubjectResource, 'subjects')
        field_3.instance_name = 'm2m'
        bundle_3 = Bundle(obj=self.note_1)
                         ['/api/v1/subjects/1/', '/api/v1/subjects/2/'])

        field_4 = ManyToManyField(SubjectResource, 'subjects', full=True)
        field_4.instance_name = 'm2m'
        bundle_4 = Bundle(obj=self.note_1)
        subject_bundle_list = field_4.dehydrate(bundle_4)
        self.assertEqual(len(subject_bundle_list), 2)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(subject_bundle_list[0], Bundle), True)
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[0].data['name'], u'News')
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[0].data['url'], u'/news/')
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[0].obj.name, u'News')
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[0].obj.url, u'/news/')
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(subject_bundle_list[1], Bundle), True)
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[1].data['name'], u'Photos')
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[1].data['url'], u'/photos/')
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[1].obj.name, u'Photos')
        self.assertEqual(subject_bundle_list[1].obj.url, u'/photos/')

        field_5 = ManyToManyField(SubjectResource, 'subjects')
        field_5.instance_name = 'm2m'
        bundle_5 = Bundle(obj=self.note_2)
                         ['/api/v1/subjects/1/', '/api/v1/subjects/3/'])

        field_6 = ManyToManyField(SubjectResource, 'subjects')
        field_6.instance_name = 'm2m'
        bundle_6 = Bundle(obj=self.note_3)
        self.assertEqual(field_6.dehydrate(bundle_6), [])
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_update_user_data_returns_error_if_profile_conflict(self):
        bundle = Bundle()
        bundle.obj = self.user
        bundle.data = {
            'user_data': {
                PROFILE_SLUG: self.profile.id,
                'conflicting_field': 'no'

        errors = CommCareUserResource._update(bundle)

            'metadata properties conflict with profile: conflicting_field',
Exemplo n.º 16
def base_context_processor(request):
    """This is a hook which adds the returned dictionary to the context for
    every view in the project.  It is used to allow the site name to be
    added to the base_template in every view.
    Namespace any items added here with 'base_' in order to avoid conflict.
    gconfig = models.GlobalConfig.get()
    messages = models.Message.objects.filter(route="").filter(
        Q(status="unread", expires="read") | ~Q(expires="read")
    from iondb.rundb.api import MessageResource

    resource = MessageResource()
    msg_list = [resource.full_dehydrate(Bundle(message)) for message in messages]
    serialized_messages = resource.serialize(None, msg_list, "application/json")
    base_js_extra = settings.JS_EXTRA

    if request.user:
        users = [request.user.username]
        if request.user.is_staff:
        user_messages = models.Message.objects.filter(route__in=users).filter(
            Q(status="unread", expires="read") | ~Q(expires="read")
        user_msglist = [
            resource.full_dehydrate(Bundle(message)) for message in user_messages
        user_serialized_messages = resource.serialize(
            None, user_msglist, "application/json"

    unread_news = 0
    if settings.FEATURE_FLAGS.NEWS:
        if request.user.is_authenticated() and gconfig.check_news_posts:
            unread_news = models.NewsPost.objects.filter(

    return {
        "base_site_name": gconfig.site_name,
        "global_messages": serialized_messages,
        "user_messages": user_serialized_messages,
        "base_js_extra": base_js_extra,
        "unread_news": unread_news,
        "DEBUG": settings.DEBUG,
        "version": settings.VERSION,
        "featureflags": settings.FEATURE_FLAGS,
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_hydrate(self):
        note = Note.objects.get(pk=1)
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)
        # With no value, default or nullable, we should get an ``ApiFieldError``.
        field_1 = ApiField()
        field_1.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertRaises(ApiFieldError, field_1.hydrate, bundle)
        # The default.
        field_2 = ApiField(default='foo')
        field_2.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertEqual(field_2.hydrate(bundle), 'foo')
        # The callable default.
        def foo():
            return 'bar'
        field_3 = ApiField(default=foo)
        field_3.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertEqual(field_3.hydrate(bundle), 'bar')
        # The nullable case.
        field_4 = ApiField(null=True)
        field_4.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertEqual(field_4.hydrate(bundle), None)
        # The readonly case.
        field_5 = ApiField(readonly=True)
        field_5.instance_name = 'api'
        bundle.data['api'] = 'abcdef'
        self.assertEqual(field_5.hydrate(bundle), None)
        # A real, live attribute!
        field_6 = ApiField(attribute='title')
        field_6.instance_name = 'api'
        bundle.data['api'] = note.title
        self.assertEqual(field_6.hydrate(bundle), u'First Post!')

        # Make sure it uses attribute when there's no data
        field_7 = ApiField(attribute='title')
        field_7.instance_name = 'notinbundle'
        self.assertEqual(field_7.hydrate(bundle), u'First Post!')

        # Make sure it falls back to instance name if there is no attribute
        field_8 = ApiField()
        field_8.instance_name = 'title'
        self.assertEqual(field_7.hydrate(bundle), u'First Post!')
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_hydrate(self):
        note = Note.objects.get(pk=1)
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)

        # With no value, default or nullable, we should get an ``ApiFieldError``.
        field_1 = ApiField()
        field_1.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertRaises(ApiFieldError, field_1.hydrate, bundle)

        # The default.
        field_2 = ApiField(default='foo')
        field_2.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertEqual(field_2.hydrate(bundle), 'foo')

        # The callable default.
        def foo():
            return 'bar'

        field_3 = ApiField(default=foo)
        field_3.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertEqual(field_3.hydrate(bundle), 'bar')

        # The nullable case.
        field_4 = ApiField(null=True)
        field_4.instance_name = 'api'
        self.assertEqual(field_4.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # The readonly case.
        field_5 = ApiField(readonly=True)
        field_5.instance_name = 'api'
        bundle.data['api'] = 'abcdef'
        self.assertEqual(field_5.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # A real, live attribute!
        field_6 = ApiField(attribute='title')
        field_6.instance_name = 'api'
        bundle.data['api'] = note.title
        self.assertEqual(field_6.hydrate(bundle), u'First Post!')

        # Make sure it uses attribute when there's no data
        field_7 = ApiField(attribute='title')
        field_7.instance_name = 'notinbundle'
        self.assertEqual(field_7.hydrate(bundle), u'First Post!')

        # Make sure it falls back to instance name if there is no attribute
        field_8 = ApiField()
        field_8.instance_name = 'title'
        self.assertEqual(field_7.hydrate(bundle), u'First Post!')
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_is_valid(self):
        valid = FormValidation(form_class=NoteForm)
        bundle = Bundle()
            valid.is_valid(bundle), {
                'is_active': [u'This field is required.'],
                'slug': [u'This field is required.'],
                [u'Having no content makes for a very boring note.'],
                'title': [u'This field is required.'],

        bundle = Bundle(
                'title': 'Foo.',
                'content': '',
                'is_active': True,
            valid.is_valid(bundle), {
                [u'Ensure this value has at most 50 characters (it has 60).'],
                [u'Having no content makes for a very boring note.'],

        bundle = Bundle(data={
            'title': 'Foo.',
            'slug': 'bar',
            'content': '',
            'is_active': True,
        self.assertEqual(valid.is_valid(bundle), {
            '__all__': [u'Having no content makes for a very boring note.'],

        bundle = Bundle(
                'title': 'Foo.',
                'slug': 'bar',
                'content': 'This! Is! CONTENT!',
                'is_active': True,
        self.assertEqual(valid.is_valid(bundle), {})
        # NOTE: Bundle data is left untouched!
        self.assertEqual(bundle.data['title'], 'Foo.')
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: utils.py Projeto: bsu/GWM2
def generate_api_key(request, userid):
    api_key = None
        api_key = ApiKey.objects.get(user=userid)
        api_key.key = api_key.generate_key()
    except ApiKey.DoesNotExist:
        api_key = ApiKey.objects.create(user=userid)

    # return created key info
    if api_key is not None:
        bun = Bundle()
        bun.data['userid'] = userid
        bun.data['api_key'] = api_key.key
        ur = api.resources.UserResource()
        return HttpResponse(status=201, content=ur.serialize(request, bun, ur.determine_format(request)))
Exemplo n.º 21
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, **kwargs):
            This modified field, allow to include resource_uri of related
            resources without doing another database query.

            Using select_related() in resource.meta.queryset also avoids
            doing extra queries for each object, can be used instead
            of this class
        if not self.full:
            pk = getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute + "_id", None)
            if not pk:
                if not self.null:
                    raise ApiFieldError(
                        """The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s'
                        and doesn't allow a null value.""" %
                        (bundle.obj, self.attribute))
                return None
            # just create a temporal object with only PK
            temporal_class = type('TemporalModel', (object,), {'pk': pk})
            temporal_obj = temporal_class()

            # from this point, is almost the same stuff that tastypie does.
            self.fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(temporal_obj)
            fk_bundle = Bundle(
                obj=temporal_obj, request=bundle.request)
            return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, self.fk_resource)

        return super(OptimizedToOneField, self).dehydrate(bundle, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_required_fields(self):
        bundle = Bundle(data={})

        errors = self.validator.is_valid(bundle, None)

        self.assertIn('data', errors)
        self.assertIn('required', errors['data'][0])
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_ci_change_cmdbhistory_registration(self):
        request = HttpRequest()
        request.path = self.post_data_cmdb_change['ci']
        request.user = self.user
        request.META['SERVER_NAME'] = 'testserver'
        request.META['SERVER_PORT'] = 80

        cmdb_bundle = Bundle(data=self.post_data_cmdb_change, request=request)
        cmdb_resource = CIChangeCMDBHistoryResource()

        cmdb_change = None
            cmdb_change = CIChangeCMDBHistory.objects.get(
                ci_id=self.ci.id, old_value=self.cmdb_old_value,
        except CIChangeCMDBHistory.DoesNotExist:
        self.assertNotEqual(cmdb_change, None)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=True):
        foreign_obj = None
        if callable(self.attribute):
            previous_obj = bundle.obj
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)
        elif isinstance(self.attribute, six.string_types):
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in self._attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                if callable(self.attribute):
                    raise ApiFieldError(u"The related resource for resource %s could not be found." % (previous_obj))
                    raise ApiFieldError(u"The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))
            return None

        fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)

        # Up to this point we've copied the code from tastypie 0.13.1.  Now
        # we add caching.
        cache_key = fk_resource.generate_cache_key('related', pk=foreign_obj.pk, for_list=for_list, )
        dehydrated = fk_resource._meta.cache.get(cache_key)
        if dehydrated is None:
            fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
            dehydrated = self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, fk_resource, for_list=for_list)
            fk_resource._meta.cache.set(cache_key, dehydrated)
        return dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 25
    def delete_related_detail(self, request, **kwargs):
        bundle = Bundle(request=request)
        dataset_id = kwargs.get('dataset_id')
        story_id = kwargs.pop('story_id', None)
        asset_id = kwargs.pop('asset_id', None)

        if asset_id:
                asset = Asset.objects.get(asset_id=asset_id) 
                if not asset.has_perm(bundle.request.user, 'change'):
                    raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpUnauthorized("You are not authorized to change the asset matching the provided asset ID"))
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpNotFound("An asset matching the provided asset ID could not be found"))
        elif story_id:
                story = Story.objects.get(story_id=story_id) 
                if not story.has_perm(bundle.request.user, 'change'):
                    raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpUnauthorized("You are not authorized to change the story matching the provided story ID"))
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpNotFound("A story matching the provided story ID could not be found"))

        self.obj_get(bundle, dataset_id=dataset_id)

        if asset_id:
        elif story_id:

        return http.HttpNoContent()
Exemplo n.º 26
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, **kwargs):
        If field is configured to only return the resource URI (full=False),
        a temporal object will be created with only the PK available,
        this key will be filled with the value saved at self.attribute_id

        In case, field's self.full is set to True, original dehydrate process
        will be used.

        if not self.full:
            pk = getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute + "_id", None)
            if not pk:
                if not self.null:
                    raise ApiFieldError(
                        """The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s'
                        and doesn't allow a null value.""" %
                        (bundle.obj, self.attribute))
                return None
            # just create a temporal object with only PK
            temporal_obj = type('TemporalModel', (object,), {'pk': pk})()

            # from this point, is almost the same stuff that tastypie does.
            self.fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(temporal_obj)
            fk_bundle = Bundle(
                obj=temporal_obj, request=bundle.request)
            return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, self.fk_resource)

        return super(OptimizedToOneField, self).dehydrate(bundle, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def build_bundle(self, obj=None, data=None, request=None):
        Given either an object, a data dictionary or both, builds a ``Bundle``
        for use throughout the ``dehydrate/hydrate`` cycle.

        If no object is provided, an empty object from
        ``Resource._meta.object_class`` is created so that attempts to access
        ``bundle.obj`` do not fail.

        In order to maintain consistency between Django and MongoDB documents,
        it turns the obj's '_id' value into a pk, and adds it as a property
        on the obj.
        if obj is None:
            obj = self._meta.object_class()

            obj = self._meta.object_class(obj)
            if '_id' in obj:
                if isinstance(obj.get('_id'), ObjectId):
                    obj.pk = obj['_id'].__str__()
                    obj.pk = obj['_id']

        if data:

        return Bundle(obj=obj, data=data, request=request)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def build_related_resource(self, value):
     Used to ``hydrate`` the data provided. If just a URL is provided,
     the related resource is attempted to be loaded. If a
     dictionary-like structure is provided, a fresh resource is
     self.fk_resource = self.to_class()
     if isinstance(value, basestring):
         # We got a URI. Load the object and assign it.
             obj = self.fk_resource.get_via_uri(value)
             return self.fk_resource.full_dehydrate(obj)
         except ObjectDoesNotExist:
             raise ApiFieldError("Could not find the provided object via resource URI '%s'." % value)
     elif hasattr(value, 'items'):
         # Try to hydrate the data provided.
         value = dict_strip_unicode_keys(value)
         self.fk_bundle = Bundle(data=value)
             return self.fk_resource.obj_update(self.fk_bundle, **value)
         except NotFound:
                 # Attempt lookup by primary key
                 lookup_kwargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in value.iteritems() if getattr(self.fk_resource, k).unique)
                 if not lookup_kwargs:
                     raise NotFound
                 return self.fk_resource.obj_update(self.fk_bundle, **lookup_kwargs)
             except NotFound:
                 return self.fk_resource.full_hydrate(self.fk_bundle)
         except MultipleObjectsReturned:
             return self.fk_resource.full_hydrate(self.fk_bundle)
         raise ApiFieldError("The '%s' field has was given data that was not a URI and not a dictionary-alike: %s." % (self.instance_name, value))
 def setUp(self):
     super(ResourceSerializationTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.resource = NoteResource()
     base_bundle = Bundle()
     self.obj_list = [self.resource.full_dehydrate(self.resource.build_bundle(obj=obj)) for obj in self.resource.obj_get_list(base_bundle)]
     self.another_resource = AnotherNoteResource()
     self.another_obj_list = [self.another_resource.full_dehydrate(self.resource.build_bundle(obj=obj)) for obj in self.another_resource.obj_get_list(base_bundle)]
Exemplo n.º 30
 def dehydrate_objects(self, objects):
     Dehydrates each object using the full_dehydrate and then
     returns the data for each object. This is useful for compound
     results that return sub objects data.
     return [self.full_dehydrate(Bundle(obj=o)).data for o in objects]
Exemplo n.º 31
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=True):
        foreign_obj = None

        if callable(self.attribute):
            previous_obj = bundle.obj
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)
        elif isinstance(self.attribute, six.string_types):
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in self._attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                if callable(self.attribute):
                    raise ApiFieldError("The related resource for resource %s could not be found." % (previous_obj))
                    raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))
            return None

        fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
        fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
        return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, fk_resource, for_list=for_list)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_dehydrate_with_callable(self):
        note = Note()
        bundle_1 = Bundle(obj=self.note_2)
        field_1 = ToManyField(SubjectResource, attribute=lambda bundle: Subject.objects.filter(notes=bundle.obj, name__startswith='Personal'))
        field_1.instance_name = 'm2m'

        self.assertEqual(field_1.dehydrate(bundle_1), ['/api/v1/subjects/3/'])
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_dehydrate(self):
        note = Note.objects.get(pk=1)
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)

        # With no attribute or default, we should get ``None``.
        field_1 = ApiField()
        self.assertEqual(field_1.dehydrate(bundle), None)

        # Still no attribute, so we should pick up the default
        field_2 = ApiField(default=True)
        self.assertEqual(field_2.dehydrate(bundle), True)

        # Wrong attribute should yield default.
        field_3 = ApiField(attribute='foo', default=True)
        self.assertEqual(field_3.dehydrate(bundle), True)

        # Wrong attribute should yield null.
        field_4 = ApiField(attribute='foo', null=True)
        self.assertEqual(field_4.dehydrate(bundle), None)

        # Correct attribute.
        field_5 = ApiField(attribute='title', default=True)
        self.assertEqual(field_5.dehydrate(bundle), u'First Post!')

        # Correct callable attribute.
        field_6 = ApiField(attribute='what_time_is_it', default=True)
                         datetime.datetime(2010, 4, 1, 0, 48))
Exemplo n.º 34
    def get_via_uri(self, uri, request=None):
        This pulls apart the salient bits of the URI and populates the
        resource via a ``obj_get``.

        Optionally accepts a ``request``.

        If you need custom behavior based on other portions of the URI,
        simply override this method.
        prefix = get_script_prefix()
        chomped_uri = uri

        if prefix and chomped_uri.startswith(prefix):
            chomped_uri = chomped_uri[len(prefix) - 1:]

            view, args, kwargs = resolve(chomped_uri)
            resource_name = kwargs['resource_name']
            resource_class = self.resource_mapping[resource_name]
        except (Resolver404, KeyError):
            raise NotFound("The URL provided '%s' was not a link to a valid resource." % uri)

        parent_resource = resource_class(api_name=self._meta.api_name)
        kwargs = parent_resource.remove_api_resource_names(kwargs)
        bundle = Bundle(request=request)
        return parent_resource.obj_get(bundle, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=False):
        foreign_obj = None

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None
        elif callable(self.attribute):
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value."
                                    % (previous_obj, attr))

            return None

        if has_related_request(bundle):
            self.fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
            fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
            return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, self.fk_resource)
            return super(JailToOneField, self).dehydrate(bundle)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def obj_create(self, bundle, request, **kwargs):
        with statsd.timer('auth.browserid.verify'):
            profile, msg = browserid_authenticate(
                is_native=bundle.data.get('is_native', False))
        if profile is None:
            log.info('No profile')
            raise http_error(http.HttpUnauthorized, 'No profile.')

        request.user, request.amo_user = profile.user, profile
        request.groups = profile.groups.all()

        # TODO: move this to the signal.
        bundle.data = {
            'error': None,
            'token': self.get_token(request.user.email),
            'settings': {
                'display_name': request.amo_user.display_name,
                'email': request.user.email,
        return bundle
Exemplo n.º 37
def update(request):
    """provide a simple interface to allow Torrent Suite to be updated"""

    if request.method == "POST":
        updateLocked = run_update()
        data = json.dumps({"lockBlocked": updateLocked})
        return http.HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json")
    elif request.method == "GET":
        about, meta_version = findVersions()
        config = GlobalConfig.get()
        from iondb.rundb.api import GlobalConfigResource
        resource = GlobalConfigResource()
        bundle = Bundle(config)
        serialized_config = resource.serialize(None,
        return render_to_response(
                "about": about,
                "meta": meta_version,
                "global_config": serialized_config
            RequestContext(request, {}),
Exemplo n.º 38
 def dehydrate(self, bundle):
     if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
         if not self.null:
             raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be used in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj)
         return []
     if not getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute):
         if not self.null:
             raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (bundle.obj, self.attribute))
         return []
     self.m2m_resources = []
     m2m_dehydrated = []
     # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
     #       ``Manager`` there.
     for m2m in getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute).all():
         m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
         m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m)
         m2m_dehydrated.append(self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource))
     return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 39
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=True):
        if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError(
                    "The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not "
                    "be used in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj, )
            return []
        the_m2ms = None
        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            the_m2ms = getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute)
        elif callable(self.attribute):
            the_m2ms = self.attribute(bundle)
        if not the_m2ms:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError(
                    "The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't "
                    "allow a null value." % (bundle.obj, self.attribute), )
            return []
        self.m2m_resources = []
        m2m_dehydrated = []
        for m2m in the_m2ms.filter(*self.filter_args_func(),
            m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
            m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m, request=bundle.request)
                self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource, for_list), )

        return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 40
    def import_layer(self, request, **kwargs):
        Imports a layer
        self.method_check(request, allowed=['post'])

        b = Bundle()
        b.request = request

            obj = self.obj_get(b, pk=kwargs.get('pk'))
        except UploadLayer.DoesNotExist:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpNotFound())

        configuration_options = request.POST.get('configurationOptions')

        if 'application/json' in request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''):
            configuration_options = json.loads(request.body)

        if isinstance(configuration_options,
                      list) and len(configuration_options) == 1:
            configuration_options = configuration_options[0]

        if isinstance(configuration_options, dict):
            self.clean_configuration_options(request, obj,
            obj.configuration_options = configuration_options

        if not configuration_options:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(
                response=http.HttpBadRequest('Configuration options missing.'))

        request_cookies = request.COOKIES
        uploaded_file = obj.upload.uploadfile_set.first()
        import_result = import_object.delay(

        # query the db again for this object since it may have been updated during the import
        obj = self.obj_get(b, pk=kwargs.get('pk'))
        obj.task_id = import_result.id

        return self.create_response(request, {'task': obj.task_id})
Exemplo n.º 41
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' does not have a primary \
                    key and can not be used in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj)

            return []

        the_m2ms = None
        previous_obj = bundle.obj
        attr = self.attribute

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            the_m2ms = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = the_m2ms
                    the_m2ms = getattr(the_m2ms, attr, None)
                    the_m2ms = self.apply_m2m_filters(bundle.request,
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    the_m2ms = None

                if not the_m2ms:

                    the_m2ms = self.apply_sorting(bundle.request,
                except InvalidSortError:

        elif callable(self.attribute):
            the_m2ms = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not the_m2ms:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute \
                                    '%s' and doesn't allow a null value."
                                    % (previous_obj, attr))

            return []

        self.m2m_resources = []
        m2m_dehydrated = []

        # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
        #       ``Manager`` there.
        for m2m in the_m2ms.select_related():
            m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
            m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m, request=bundle.request)

        return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 42
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=True):
        if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError(
                    "The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be used in a ToMany context."
                    % bundle.obj)

            return []

        the_m2ms = None
        previous_obj = bundle.obj
        attr = self.attribute

        if isinstance(self.attribute, six.string_types):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            the_m2ms = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = the_m2ms
                    the_m2ms = getattr(the_m2ms, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    the_m2ms = None

                if not the_m2ms:

        elif callable(self.attribute):
            the_m2ms = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not the_m2ms:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError(
                    "The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value."
                    % (previous_obj, attr))

            return []

        self.m2m_resources = []
        m2m_dehydrated = []

        # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
        # ``Manager`` there.
        the_m2ms_list = the_m2ms.all()
        if self.filter:
            the_m2ms_list = the_m2ms_list.filter(**filter)
        if self.limit:
            the_m2ms_list = the_m2ms_list[0:self.limit]

        for m2m in the_m2ms_list:
            m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
            m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m, request=bundle.request)

        return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 43
 def test_to_native(self):
     resource = AppResource().full_dehydrate(Bundle(obj=self.app))
     native = self.field.to_native(self.membership)
     for key, value in native.iteritems():
         if key == 'resource_uri':
             eq_(value, self.app.get_api_url(pk=self.app.pk))
             eq_(value, resource.data[key])
Exemplo n.º 44
    def delete_detail(self, request, **kwargs):
        from freenasUI.freeadmin.navtree import navtree
        bundle = Bundle(request=request)
        bundle.obj = self.obj_get(bundle=bundle, **self.remove_api_resource_names(kwargs))
        if bundle.obj._meta.model._admin.delete_form:
            deserialized = self.deserialize(
                request.body or '{}',
                format=request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json'),

            Form = __import__(
            Form = getattr(Form, bundle.obj._meta.model._admin.delete_form)

            form = Form(data=deserialized, instance=bundle.obj)
            if not form.is_valid():
                raise ImmediateHttpResponse(
                    response=self.error_response(request, form.errors)

        # Grab the form to call delete on same as in freeadmin
        m = bundle.obj._meta.model
        mf = None
        if not isinstance(navtree._modelforms[m], dict):
            mf = navtree._modelforms[m]
            if mf is None:
                    mf = navtree._modelforms[m][m._admin.edit_modelform]
                except Exception:
                    mf = list(navtree._modelforms[m].values())[-1]
                mf = navtree._modelforms[m][mf]

        if mf:
            form = mf(instance=bundle.obj)
            return http.HttpNoContent()
            return super().delete_detail(request, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 45
 def test_hydrate(self):
     note = Note()
     bundle = Bundle(obj=note)
     # With no value or nullable, we should get an ``ApiFieldError``.
     field_1 = ForeignKey(UserResource, 'author')
     self.assertRaises(ApiFieldError, field_1.hydrate, bundle)
     note = Note.objects.get(pk=1)
     bundle = Bundle(obj=note)
     # The nullable case.
     field_2 = ForeignKey(UserResource, 'author', null=True)
     field_2.instance_name = 'fk'
     bundle.data['fk'] = None
     self.assertEqual(field_2.hydrate(bundle), None)
     # Wrong resource URI.
     field_3 = ForeignKey(UserResource, 'author')
     field_3.instance_name = 'fk'
     bundle.data['fk'] = '/api/v1/users/abc/'
     self.assertRaises(NotFound, field_3.hydrate, bundle)
     # A real, live attribute!
     field_4 = ForeignKey(UserResource, 'author')
     field_4.instance_name = 'fk'
     bundle.data['fk'] = '/api/v1/users/1/'
     fk_bundle = field_4.hydrate(bundle)
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['username'], u'johndoe')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['email'], u'*****@*****.**')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u'johndoe')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u'*****@*****.**')
     field_5 = ForeignKey(UserResource, 'author')
     field_5.instance_name = 'fk'
     bundle.data['fk'] = {
         'username': u'mistersmith',
         'email': u'*****@*****.**',
         'password': u'foobar',
     fk_bundle = field_5.hydrate(bundle)
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['username'], u'mistersmith')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['email'], u'*****@*****.**')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u'mistersmith')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u'*****@*****.**')
     # Regression - Make sure Unicode keys get converted to regular strings
     #              so that we can **kwargs them.
     field_6 = ForeignKey(UserResource, 'author')
     field_6.instance_name = 'fk'
     bundle.data['fk'] = {
         u'username': u'mistersmith',
         u'email': u'*****@*****.**',
         u'password': u'foobar',
     fk_bundle = field_6.hydrate(bundle)
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['username'], u'mistersmith')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['email'], u'*****@*****.**')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u'mistersmith')
     self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u'*****@*****.**')
Exemplo n.º 46
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
            foreign_obj = getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            foreign_obj = None

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (bundle.obj, self.attribute))

            return None

        self.fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
        fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
        # add by zzgvh
        if getattr(bundle, 'related_info', False):
            fk_bundle.related_info = bundle_related_data_info_factory(parent_bundle=bundle)
        # end add
        return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, self.fk_resource)
Exemplo n.º 47
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        if self.attribute is not None:
            obj = getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute)
            final_fields = _get_fields(obj)
            schema = obj.schema()

            # Run through the list and dehydrate each item
            obj_data = {}
            for key, item in obj.iteritems():
                obj_bundle = Bundle(item)
                for field_name, field_object in final_fields.iteritems():
                    obj_bundle.data[field_name] = field_object.dehydrate(obj_bundle)
                obj_data[key] = obj_bundle.data

            return self.convert(obj_data)

        if self.has_default():
            return self.convert(self.default)
            return None
Exemplo n.º 48
    def import_layer(self, request, **kwargs):
        Imports a layer
        self.method_check(request, allowed=['post'])

        b = Bundle()
        b.request = request

            obj = self.obj_get(b, pk=kwargs.get('pk'))
        except UploadLayer.DoesNotExist:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpNotFound())

        configuration_options = request.POST.get('configurationOptions')

        if 'application/json' in request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''):
            configuration_options = json.loads(request.body)

        if isinstance(configuration_options, list) and len(configuration_options) == 1:
            configuration_options = configuration_options[0]

        if isinstance(configuration_options, dict):
            self.clean_configuration_options(request, obj, configuration_options)
            obj.configuration_options = configuration_options

        if not configuration_options:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpBadRequest('Configuration options missing.'))

        request_cookies = request.COOKIES
        uploaded_file = obj.upload.uploadfile_set.first()
        import_result = import_object.delay(uploaded_file.id, configuration_options=configuration_options, request_cookies=request_cookies, request_user=request.user)

        # query the db again for this object since it may have been updated during the import
        obj = self.obj_get(b, pk=kwargs.get('pk'))
        obj.task_id = import_result.id

        return self.create_response(request, {'task': obj.task_id})
Exemplo n.º 49
    def test_hydrate(self):
        note = Note.objects.get(pk=1)
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)

        # With no value, default or nullable, we should get an ``ApiFieldError``.
        field_1 = ApiField()
        field_1.instance_name = "api"
        self.assertRaises(ApiFieldError, field_1.hydrate, bundle)

        # The default.
        field_2 = ApiField(default="foo")
        field_2.instance_name = "api"
        self.assertEqual(field_2.hydrate(bundle), "foo")

        # The callable default.
        def foo():
            return "bar"

        field_3 = ApiField(default=foo)
        field_3.instance_name = "api"
        self.assertEqual(field_3.hydrate(bundle), "bar")

        # The nullable case.
        field_4 = ApiField(null=True)
        field_4.instance_name = "api"
        self.assertEqual(field_4.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # The readonly case.
        field_5 = ApiField(readonly=True)
        field_5.instance_name = "api"
        bundle.data["api"] = "abcdef"
        self.assertEqual(field_5.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # A real, live attribute!
        field_6 = ApiField(attribute="title")
        field_6.instance_name = "api"
        bundle.data["api"] = note.title
        self.assertEqual(field_6.hydrate(bundle), u"First Post!")
Exemplo n.º 50
 def dehydrate(self, bundle):
     if not bundle.obj or not hasattr(bundle.obj, 'pk'):
         if not self.null:
             raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be d in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj)
         return []
     if not getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute):
         if not self.null:
             raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't all a null value." % (bundle.obj, self.attribute))
         return []
     self.m2m_resources = []
     m2m_dehydrated = []
     # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
     #       ``Manager`` there.
     # NOTE: only had to remove .all()
     for index, m2m in enumerate(getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute)):
         m2m.pk = index
         m2m.parent = bundle.obj
         m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
         m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m)
         m2m_bundle.request = bundle.request
         m2m_dehydrated.append(self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource))
     return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 51
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be used in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj)

            return []

        the_m2ms = None

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
                the_m2ms = getattr(bundle.obj, self.attribute)
        elif callable(self.attribute):
            the_m2ms = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not the_m2ms:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (bundle.obj, self.attribute))

            return []

        self.m2m_resources = []
        m2m_dehydrated = []

        # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
        #       ``Manager`` there.
        for m2m in the_m2ms.all():
            m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
            m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m, request=bundle.request)
            # add by zzgvh
            if getattr(bundle, 'related_info', False):
                m2m_bundle.related_info = bundle_related_data_info_factory(parent_bundle=bundle)
                # end add
            m2m_dehydrated.append(self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource))

        return m2m_dehydrated
Exemplo n.º 52
    def import_layer(self, request, **kwargs):
        Imports a layer
        self.method_check(request, allowed=["post"])

        b = Bundle()
        b.request = request

            obj = self.obj_get(b, pk=kwargs.get("pk"))
        except UploadLayer.DoesNotExist:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpNotFound())

        configuration_options = request.POST.get("configurationOptions")

        if "application/json" in request.META.get("CONTENT_TYPE", ""):
            configuration_options = json.loads(request.body)

        if isinstance(configuration_options, dict):
            obj.configuration_options = configuration_options
            configuration_options = [configuration_options]

        if not configuration_options:
            raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpBadRequest("Configuration options missing."))

        uploaded_file = obj.upload.uploadfile_set.first()
        import_result = import_object.delay(uploaded_file.id, configuration_options=configuration_options)

        # query the db again for this object since it may have been updated during the import
        obj = self.obj_get(b, pk=kwargs.get("pk"))
        obj.task_id = import_result.id

        return self.create_response(request, {"task": obj.task_id})
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_hydrate(self):
        note = Note.objects.get(pk=1)
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)

        # With no value or nullable, we should get an ``ApiFieldError``.
        field_1 = ForeignKey(UserResource, "author")
        self.assertRaises(ApiFieldError, field_1.hydrate, bundle)

        # The nullable case.
        field_2 = ForeignKey(UserResource, "author", null=True)
        field_2.instance_name = "fk"
        bundle.data["fk"] = None
        self.assertEqual(field_2.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # Wrong resource URI.
        field_3 = ForeignKey(UserResource, "author")
        field_3.instance_name = "fk"
        bundle.data["fk"] = "/api/v1/users/abc/"
        self.assertRaises(NotFound, field_3.hydrate, bundle)

        # A real, live attribute!
        field_4 = ForeignKey(UserResource, "author")
        field_4.instance_name = "fk"
        bundle.data["fk"] = "/api/v1/users/1/"
        fk_bundle = field_4.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data["username"], u"johndoe")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data["email"], u"*****@*****.**")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u"johndoe")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u"*****@*****.**")

        field_5 = ForeignKey(UserResource, "author")
        field_5.instance_name = "fk"
        bundle.data["fk"] = {"username": u"mistersmith", "email": u"*****@*****.**", "password": u"foobar"}
        fk_bundle = field_5.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data["username"], u"mistersmith")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data["email"], u"*****@*****.**")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u"mistersmith")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u"*****@*****.**")

        # Regression - Make sure Unicode keys get converted to regular strings
        #              so that we can **kwargs them.
        field_6 = ForeignKey(UserResource, "author")
        field_6.instance_name = "fk"
        bundle.data["fk"] = {u"username": u"mistersmith", u"email": u"*****@*****.**", u"password": u"foobar"}
        fk_bundle = field_6.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data["username"], u"mistersmith")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data["email"], u"*****@*****.**")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u"mistersmith")
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u"*****@*****.**")
Exemplo n.º 54
    def test_vocabulary_validation(self):
        vv = VocabularyValidation()
        request = RequestFactory()
        request.course = self.sample_course

        mock_bundle = Bundle()
        mock_bundle.data['display_name'] = 'Shapes'
        mock_bundle.request = request

        errors = vv.is_valid(mock_bundle)
        self.assertTrue('error_message' in errors)
            'A Shapes concept exists' in errors['error_message'][0])

        mock_bundle = Bundle()
        mock_bundle.data['display_name'] = 'Patterns'
        mock_bundle.data['object_id'] = self.sample_course.id
        mock_bundle.request = request
        errors = vv.is_valid(mock_bundle)
        self.assertFalse('error_message' in errors)
Exemplo n.º 55
    def test_hydrate(self):
        note = Note()
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)

        # With no value or nullable, we should get an ``ApiFieldError``.
        field_1 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author')
        self.assertRaises(ApiFieldError, field_1.hydrate, bundle)

        note = Note.objects.get(pk=1)
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)

        # The nullable case.
        field_2 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author', null=True)
        field_2.instance_name = 'fk'
        bundle.data['fk'] = None
        self.assertEqual(field_2.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # Wrong resource URI.
        field_3 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author')
        field_3.instance_name = 'fk'
        bundle.data['fk'] = '/api/v1/users/abc/'
        self.assertRaises(NotFound, field_3.hydrate, bundle)

        # A real, live attribute!
        field_4 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author')
        field_4.instance_name = 'fk'
        bundle.data['fk'] = '/api/v1/users/1/'
        fk_bundle = field_4.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['username'], u'johndoe')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['email'], u'*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u'johndoe')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u'*****@*****.**')

        field_5 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author')
        field_5.instance_name = 'fk'
        bundle.data['fk'] = {
            'username': u'mistersmith',
            'email': u'*****@*****.**',
            'password': u'foobar',
        fk_bundle = field_5.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['username'], u'mistersmith')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['email'], u'*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u'mistersmith')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u'*****@*****.**')

        # Regression - Make sure Unicode keys get converted to regular strings
        #              so that we can **kwargs them.
        field_6 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author')
        field_6.instance_name = 'fk'
        bundle.data['fk'] = {
            u'username': u'mistersmith',
            u'email': u'*****@*****.**',
            u'password': u'foobar',
        fk_bundle = field_6.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['username'], u'mistersmith')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.data['email'], u'*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u'mistersmith')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u'*****@*****.**')

        # Attribute & null regression test.
        # First, simulate data missing from the bundle & ``null=True``.
        # Use a Note with NO author, so that the lookup for the related
        # author fails.
        note = Note.objects.create(
            title='Biplanes for all!',
            content='Somewhere, east of Manhattan, will lie the mythical land of planes with more one wing...'
        bundle = Bundle(obj=note)
        field_7 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'notinbundle', null=True)
        field_7.instance_name = 'notinbundle'
        self.assertEqual(field_7.hydrate(bundle), None)
        # Then do something in the bundle also with ``null=True``.
        field_8 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author', null=True)
        field_8.instance_name = 'author'
        fk_bundle = field_8.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(field_8.hydrate(bundle), None)
        # Then use an unsaved object in the bundle also with ``null=True``.
        new_note = Note(
            title='Biplanes for all!',
            content='Somewhere, east of Manhattan, will lie the mythical land of planes with more one wing...'
        new_bundle = Bundle(obj=new_note)
        field_9 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author', null=True)
        field_9.instance_name = 'author'
        self.assertEqual(field_9.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # The blank case.
        field_10 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'fk', blank=True)
        field_10.instance_name = 'fk'
        self.assertEqual(field_10.hydrate(bundle), None)

        bundle.data['author'] = '/api/v1/users/1/'
        field_11 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author', blank=True)
        field_11.instance_name = 'author'
        fk_bundle = field_11.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, 'johndoe')

        # The readonly case.
        field_12 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author', readonly=True)
        field_12.instance_name = 'author'
        self.assertEqual(field_12.hydrate(bundle), None)

        # A related object.
        field_13 = ToOneField(UserResource, 'author')
        field_13.instance_name = 'fk'
        bundle.related_obj = User.objects.get(pk=1)
        bundle.related_name = 'author'
        fk_bundle = field_13.hydrate(bundle)
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.username, u'johndoe')
        self.assertEqual(fk_bundle.obj.email, u'*****@*****.**')
Exemplo n.º 56
    def image_upload(self, request, **kwargs):
        Special handler function to create a project based on search criteria from images

        json_data = simplejson.loads(request.body)
        deployments = {}
        #pull the query parameters out
        for i in range(0, len(json_data['objects']),1):           
            deployment = json_data['objects'][i]['deployment']             
            deployment_id = deployment.split('/')[len(deployment.split('/'))-2]
            #dp = None
            #if deployment_id in deployments.keys():
            #    dp = deployments[deployment_id]
            #    dp = Deployment.objects.filter(id=int(deployment_id))

            #create the Image
            image_bundle = Bundle()
            image_bundle.request = request

            image_name = json_data['objects'][i]['image_name']
            date_time = json_data['objects'][i]['date_time']
            position = json_data['objects'][i]['position']
            depth = json_data['objects'][i]['depth']
            depth_uncertainty = json_data['objects'][i]['depth_uncertainty']
            dpc = None
            if (depth_uncertainty is not None and depth_uncertainty != 'null'):    
                dpc = float(depth_uncertainty)           
            image_bundle.data = dict(deployment=deployment, image_name=image_name, 
                                     date_time=date_time, position=position, depth=depth, 
            new_image = self.obj_create(image_bundle)   
            #create Measurement
            temperature = json_data['objects'][i]['temperature']
            temperature_unit = json_data['objects'][i]['temperature_unit']
            salinity = json_data['objects'][i]['salinity']
            salinity_unit = json_data['objects'][i]['salinity_unit']
            pitch = json_data['objects'][i]['pitch']
            pitch_unit = json_data['objects'][i]['pitch_unit']
            roll = json_data['objects'][i]['roll']
            roll_unit = json_data['objects'][i]['roll_unit']
            yaw = json_data['objects'][i]['yaw']
            yaw_unit = json_data['objects'][i]['yaw_unit']
            altitude = json_data['objects'][i]['altitude']
            altitude_unit = json_data['objects'][i]['altitude_unit']

            measurement_bundle = Bundle()
            measurement_bundle.request = request
            measurement_bundle.data = dict(image='/api/dev/image/'+str(new_image.obj.id)+'/',

            new_measurement = MeasurementsResource().obj_create(measurement_bundle)   
            #create camera
            angle = json_data['objects'][i]['angle']
            name = json_data['objects'][i]['name']

            camera_bundle = Bundle()
            camera_bundle.request = request
            camera_bundle.data = dict(image='/api/dev/image/'+str(new_image.obj.id)+'/',

            new_camera = CameraResource().obj_create(camera_bundle) 

        response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/json')        
        return response

        return self.create_response(request, "Not all fields were provided.", response_class=HttpBadRequest)
Exemplo n.º 57
Arquivo: api.py Projeto: catami/catami
    def image_upload(self, request, **kwargs):
        Special handler function to create a project based on search criteria from images

        json_data = simplejson.loads(request.body)

        deployments = []
        logger.debug("starting web based metadata ingest %s" % json_data["objects"][0]["deployment"])

        # pull the query parameters out
        for i in range(0, len(json_data["objects"]), 1):
            deployment = json_data["objects"][i]["deployment"]
            deployment_id = deployment.split("/")[len(deployment.split("/")) - 2]
            # dp = None
            # if deployment_id in deployments.keys():
            #    dp = deployments[deployment_id]
            # else:
            #    dp = Deployment.objects.filter(id=int(deployment_id))

            # create the Image
            image_bundle = Bundle()
            image_bundle.request = request

            image_name = json_data["objects"][i]["image_name"]
            date_time = json_data["objects"][i]["date_time"]
            position = json_data["objects"][i]["position"]
            depth = json_data["objects"][i]["depth"]
            depth_uncertainty = json_data["objects"][i]["depth_uncertainty"]
            dpc = None
            if depth_uncertainty is not None and depth_uncertainty != "null":
                dpc = float(depth_uncertainty)
            image_bundle.data = dict(
            new_image = self.obj_create(image_bundle)

            # create Measurement
            temperature = json_data["objects"][i]["temperature"]
            temperature_unit = json_data["objects"][i]["temperature_unit"]
            salinity = json_data["objects"][i]["salinity"]
            salinity_unit = json_data["objects"][i]["salinity_unit"]
            pitch = json_data["objects"][i]["pitch"]
            pitch_unit = json_data["objects"][i]["pitch_unit"]
            roll = json_data["objects"][i]["roll"]
            roll_unit = json_data["objects"][i]["roll_unit"]
            yaw = json_data["objects"][i]["yaw"]
            yaw_unit = json_data["objects"][i]["yaw_unit"]
            altitude = json_data["objects"][i]["altitude"]
            altitude_unit = json_data["objects"][i]["altitude_unit"]

            measurement_bundle = Bundle()
            measurement_bundle.request = request
            measurement_bundle.data = dict(
                image="/api/dev/image/" + str(new_image.obj.id) + "/",

            new_measurement = MeasurementsResource().obj_create(measurement_bundle)

            # create camera
            angle = json_data["objects"][i]["angle"]
            name = json_data["objects"][i]["name"]

            camera_bundle = Bundle()
            camera_bundle.request = request
            camera_bundle.data = dict(
                image="/api/dev/image/" + str(new_image.obj.id) + "/", name=name, angle=int(angle)

            new_camera = CameraResource().obj_create(camera_bundle)

            deployment_response = {"image_name": image_name, "image_uri": "/api/dev/image/" + str(new_image.obj.id)}


        logger.debug("finished web based metadata ingest %s" % json_data["objects"][0]["deployment"])

        response = HttpResponse(content_type="application/json")
        response.content = json.dumps(deployments)

        return response

        return self.create_response(request, "Not all fields were provided.", response_class=HttpBadRequest)